With all the new changes that have been going around I just wanted to clarify the rules about customs and stages you're allowed to start with. I know Basket/Adult has been what I usually see but I want to ask if you can request to start as Foal. Or if you were already able to request that as a starting stage. Since I didn't see it anywhere.
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 6:01 pm
Custom wise, you've always been able to get starting as a foal :3 For the gatchapon one... IDK IF PEOPLE WOULD WANT THAT. LOL.
ATh e a r t
Romantic Lunatic
AstoriaFallen Crew
Winter Wolf
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 6:06 pm
ATh e a r t
Okie! There was some confusion amongst myself and some others as to whether or not you could get that as a starting stage in customs. ^^ We just wanted to clarify since no one really seemed to know the 100% for sure answer.
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 6:17 pm
ATh e a r t
Okie! There was some confusion amongst myself and some others as to whether or not you could get that as a starting stage in customs. ^^ We just wanted to clarify since no one really seemed to know the 100% for sure answer.
I BELIEVE there's only an issue if you ONLY wanted to get a foal stage or... custom a foal stage for an existing pony. That one... I don't remember XD; (though i'm pretty sure the former is a no) (possibly both a no...)