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Caleb Devereux ~ Accepted (Grad) *Updated

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Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 12:31 pm

xxxxCALEBxxxJOSEPHxxxDEVEREUX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
User Image
          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Cale

              AGE Eighteen

              BIRTHDAY September 22, 2026.

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 12 Inch, Yew Wood, Dragon Heartstring Core with a Unyielding Flexibility

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English & French (fluent), Latin (proficient)

              FACECLAIM Hyakuya Yuuichirou (Anime) [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts

              HOUSE Slytherin

              CLASS OF 2045

              HONORS Vice Captain (4th to 6th year) Captain (7th year)

              CLUBS Quidditch Team Reserve Beater (1st & 2nd year) Beater (3rd to 7th year)

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS
                  Magical Creatures

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ T
                  Charms ~ E
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ D
                  Potions ~ E
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Alchemy ~ A
                  Arithmancy ~ A
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ P
                  Cursebreaking ~ E
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ A
                  Wandless ~ A
                  Wizard Law ~ D

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ E
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Potions ~ A
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Alchemy ~ A
                  Cursebreaking ~ O
                  Wandless ~ E

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Unemployed

              DREAM JOB Ministry Job

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ HOSTILE I’m not going to hide that I have a short fuse. There’s no point. I’m easily frustrated. Quick Tempered, I tend to always go looking for a fight. Violence is my go to answer for everything. Though, I tend to hide that from parents, teachers, and anyone else of authority. I’m not the best at showing my feelings. The only feeling I’m really good at is anger and irritation. If I’m not physically fighting I’m certainly verbally arguing with someone. At times I can be a bit harsh by saying things that in my opinion are the truth.
              ■ OPINIONATED Like I said, I have my own opinions. I’m not afraid to say any and all opinions I might have no matter what they might be. Even if what I have to say wouldn’t be classified as very nice by some, I’ll generally say it anyways. I’m honest with what annoys me and what I think. Some might say I come off as arrogant. A lot of my comments tend to involve blood purity. I have a strong dislike of those lesser then myself and I’m not afraid to admit it. I might not have the best tact when it comes to admitting it but it isn’t my problem if others can’t take what I have to say.
              ■ PERCEPTIVE Despite always getting into fights, I’m good at figuring people out. I know when something I said bothers someone I just don’t really care. I can figure out what people like or don’t like, what people are good or not so good at. All it takes is being able to pay attention to those around you. I may not care but I can still do my ‘homework’. Though not one to show it off like some, I can be actually quite clever. I am quite observant, noticing details that some might not.
              ■ DEDICATED I’m loyal first and foremost to my family and then to those who gain my trust. Sure I’m not the biggest fan of my siblings but they do matter to some degree. My family name is important it isn’t something I can just walk away from. Though, people I trust are few and far between. Even so, if I do trust someone, they will find themselves with an ally. I’m also dedicated to get the things I do right. I’m not a perfectionist but I won’t stop till I get it right.
              ■ DECEITFUL Now I may be honest with my opinions but I’m also good at playing innocent. When I get into fights with my younger brother Quinn I tend to make it appear like I’ve done nothing wrong. Half the time my parents never find out about the fights I get myself into. I prefer to keep myself out of trouble. One day I hope to become heir over my brother Julius. If I have to find dirt on him to get it I will. If it gets me what I want so be it.

                  Fooling my Parents
                  Sour Candy

                  My Siblings... Especially Julius
                  Not being the family heir
                  Those of inferior birth... Especially Mudbloods

                  Starting fights
                  Reading People

                  Loyalty (Although I'll probably deny it)

                  Short fuse = Fights being started
                  I'm close minded

                  Amounting to Nothing

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD My parents are Gabriel and Fiona they are purebloods of course. I’m their second born son. My brother Julius is a number of years older than me. He’s meant to be the family heir. I wish it could be me. It should be me the way I see it. Though, no one else sees it that way. My brother likes to be a right fine git sometimes. He complains but he does it far too casual for my liking. That’s usually when I get annoyed and trying starting something (fights usually) but he never bites. My younger brother Quinn is a way better target. Though, he’s too big of a pushover. I also have a sister, Monique she’s mum’s pride and joy so I can’t start anything with her.

              The rest of my family is completely useless. With my cousin Richard landing himself in Gryffindor I imagine his sister won’t be much better. Julius got Slytherin and I suspect no less of me when I get to school. Though, I suspect that Julius is befriending anyone regardless of their blood status. Sickening really, that’s the first thing I’d be asking when I met someone. I don’t expect him to do so. Course I suspect father and mother will pick someone for him to marry same as me. So long as the girl’s pureblood I really don’t care. Our parents certainly didn’t care.

              We’ll see what happens when I get to Hogwarts.

              SCHOOL YEARS

              You 'old family' children always say the same thing
              And put it rather rudely as well
              Didn't your parents teach you any manners?
              Perhaps you'll learn some in

              First Year, I was sorted into Slytherin. My classmates mostly aren't worth my time. Though, a second year student named Tsubaki Yuko proved to be interesting. She gave me a piece of her mind the night of the sorting. Guess she didn't like my direct questioning. Aside from that I joined Quidditch as reserve Beater. While also skipping a few classes throughout the year.

              Second Year my parents decided I was not to take advanced flying since I couldn’t be bothered to attend all my classes the previous year. I was mad about it, so I took my frustrations out on a Hufflepuff mudblood named Bartholomew. The kid naturally started to avoid me but that didn't stop me. One day my brother Julius caught me beating on the kid and intervened. He didn't get off though since I was the one pinned to a wall. Our punishment for that was detention with the mandrakes... I hate mandrakes...

              Third Year, no thanks to my parents I had to double up on Advanced Flying classes. And I had so many electives they made me take. Either way I had a busy school schedule that was meant to keep me out of trouble, or so they say. It also happened to be my younger brother Quentin’s year. He landed in Ravenclaw which got him out of my hair the moment summer hit.

              Fourth to Seventh year was uneventful. The only thing of interest I’d say was Callista making me vice captain of the Quidditch team fourth year. It was a surprise. Taking over the team seventh year, I made Cian my vice captain. Unfortunately, we didn’t come out with a win. It was also my sister Monique’s first year for which she landed in Gryffindor. Now that was a shock.

              POST GRADUATION - - -

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              • Gabriel Devereux (father) • Fiona Devereux (mother)
              • Julius & Quinn Devereux (brothers) • Monique Devereux (sister)
              Adrien Devereux, Desmond Connelly (uncles)
              Poppy Devereux, Davina Connelly née Devereux (aunts)
              Richard & Aurora Devereux, Priscilla & Charlotte Richardson-Connelly, Stella Connelly (cousins)

              ROMANTIC INTEREST • None
              BEST FRIEND • None
              FRIENDS • Tsubaki Yuko (possibly)
              • Jeremiah Travers
              • Class of 2045

              ENEMIES • Julius Devereux (sort of)
              PETS • None

xxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

UPDATED 05/03/2019

■ Age & Year of graduation
■ OWL's & NEWT's Added
■ Bio Updated

PENDED BY - Weasley 6/12/17
ACCEPTED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [09/01/2017
PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 12:34 pm

xxxx Character Format xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

User ImageUser Image
Caleb Devereux
Fourth Year Slytherin
Middle Son - Beater

                                                  Location : - - -

                                                  - - -

                                                  Status : - - -
                                                  Company : - - -

                                                  OOC : - - -

                                                  You 'old family' children always say the same thing
                                                  And put it rather rudely as well
                                                  Didn't your parents teach you any manners?
                                                  Perhaps you'll learn some in

[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90MxRK0P1u0][imgleft="350"]https://s26.postimg.cc/oy0ce87rt/Caleb_Year_4.jpg[/imgleft][/url][url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=25144275][imgright]https://s26.postimg.cc/ma4rj651l/Slytherin_Crest.jpg[/imgright][/url][align=center][size=18][color=#8DB600][b]Caleb Devereux[/b][/color][/size]
[size=14][color=#66CD00]Fourth Year Slytherin [/color]
[color=#D4AF37]Middle Son - Beater[/color][/size][/align]

[list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][color=#D4AF37][b]Location :[/b][/color] - - -

[align=justify]- - -
[color=#66CD00][b]Status :[/b][/color] - - -
[color=#66CD00][b]Company :[/b][/color] - - -

[color=#D4AF37][b]OOC :[/b][/color] - - -

[align=right][size=10]You 'old family' children always say the same thing
And put it rather rudely as well
Didn't your parents teach you any manners?
Perhaps you'll learn some in


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100
PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 12:35 pm

List of Knowledge

Core Classes

First Year
[x] Names of Planets
[x] Movements of Planets
[x] Names of Stars (Including Sun)
[x] Names of Constellations

Second Year
[x] Mercury
[x] Venus
[x] Earth
[x] Earth's Moon

Third Year
[x] Mars
[x] Jupiter
[x] Great Red Spot
[x] Jupiter's Moons

Fourth Year
[x] Saturn
[x] Saturn's Rings
[x] Titan
[x] Uranus

Fifth Year
[ ] Neptune
[ ] Triton
[ ] Comets
[ ] Meteorites
[ ] Asteroids

Sixth Year
[ ] Black Holes
[ ] Supernovas

First Year
[x] Wingardium Leviosa
[x] Reparo
[x] Incendio
[x] Spongify

Second Year
[x] Scourgify
[x] Aresto Momentum
[x] Flame-Freezing Charm
[x] Diffindo

Third Year
[x] Cheering Charm
[x] Carpe Retractum
[x] Colour Change Charm
[x] Glacius

Fourth Year
[x] Accio
[x] Depulso
[x] Engorgio
[x] Reducio

Fifth Year
[ ] Silencio
[ ] Dancing Feet
[ ] Reducto
[ ] Repleo

Sixth Year
[ ] Aguamenti
[ ] Bedazzling Hex
[ ] Avis
[ ] Nonverbal Spells

Defence Against the Dark Arts
First Year
[x] Knockback Jinx
[x] Lumos/Nox
[x] Ghosts
[x] Doxies

Second Year
[x] Rictusempra
[x] Expelliarmus
[x] Fumos
[x] Fire Crabs

Third Year
[x] Finite/Incantatem
[x] Boggarts/Riddikulus
[x] Grindylows
[x] Hinkypunks

Fourth Year
[x] Hex-deflection/Salvio Hexia
[x] Aqua Eructo Charm
[x] Stupefy
[x] Petrificus Totalus

Fifth Year
[ ] Protego
[ ] Oppugno
[ ] Inferi
[ ] Werewolves

Sixth Year
[ ] The Unforgivable Curses
[ ] Dementors
[ ] Patronus
[ ] Nonverbal Spells

First Year
[x] Broom Commands
[x] Mounting
[x] Developing a Broom Bond

First Year
[x] Spiky Bush
[x] Bouncing Bulb
[x] Devil's Snare

Second Year
[x] Abyssian Shrivelfig
[x] Mandrake
[x] Fire Seed Bush

Third Year
[x] Puffapods
[x] Moly
[x] Mimbulus Mimbletonia

Fourth Year
[x] Bubotuber
[x] Gillyweed
[x] Dittany

Fifth Year
[ ] Fanged Geranium
[ ] Screechsnap
[ ] Whomping Willow

Sixth Year
[ ] Venomous Tentacula
[ ] Snargaluff

History of Magic
First Year
[x] History of Hogwarts
[x] The Chamber of Secrets
[x] Statute of Secrecy

Second Year
[x] Ollivander Family
[x] The Deathly Hallows
[x] Beedle the Bard

Third Year
[x] Muggle Witch Burnings
[x] Nicolas Flamel
[x] Newt Scamander
[x] Goblin Rebellions

Fourth Year
[x] Ancient Egypt and Greece
[x] Herpo the Foul
[x] Grindelwald
[x] Tom Riddle/Voldemort

Fifth Year
[ ] Albus Dumbledore
[ ] Harry Potter
[ ] Order of the Phoenix

Sixth Year
[ ] First Wizarding War
[ ] Second Wizarding War

First Year
[x] Forgetfulness Potion
[x] Boil-Cure Potion
[x] Wiggenweld Potion

Second Year
[x] Hair-Raising Potion
[x] Girding Potion
[x] Swelling Solution

Third Year
[x] Shrinking Solution
[x] Antidotes
[x] Undetectable Poisons

Fourth Year
[x] Wit-Sharpening Potion
[x] Herbicide Potion
[x] Wide-Eye Potion
[x] Sleeping Draught

Fifth Year
[ ] Everlasting Elixirs
[ ] Draught of Peace
[ ] Strengthening Solution
[ ] Love Potion Antidote

Sixth Year
[ ] Amortentia
[ ] Elixir to Induce Euphoria
[ ] Felix Felicis
[ ] Polyjuice Potion

First Year
[x] Match to Needle
[x] Snail to Teapot
[x] Mouse to Snuffboxes
[x] Teacup to Rat

Second Year
[x] Beetle Buttons
[x] Avifors
[x] Fera Verto
[x] Rabbit Slippers

Third Year
[x] Teapot to Tortoise
[x] Chair to Cat
[x] Hedgehog to Pincushion
[x] Lapifors

Fourth Year
[x] Switching Spells
[x] Draconifors
[x] Guinea Fowl to Guinea Pig

Fifth Year
[ ] Evanesco
[ ] Inanimatus Conjurus
[ ] Geminio

Sixth Year
[ ] Owl to Opera Glasses
[ ] Basic Self Transfiguration
[ ] Human or Animal

Elective Classes

Advanced Flying
Second Year
[x] Quidditch Basics
[x] Broom Barrel Rolls
[x] Standing on your broom

Third Year
((Everyone must learn each position))
[x] Beater Practice
[x] Seeker Practice
[x] Keeper Practice
[x] Chaser Practice

Third Year
[x] Philosopher’s Stone
[x] Corrumpo Spell
[x] Inveratus Spell
[x] Baleful Brew

Fourth Year
[x] Nicholas Flamel
[x] Albus Dumbledore
[x] Delbou Spell
[x] Mystic Potion
[x] Scutum Spell

Fifth Year
[ ] Desires of an Alchemist
[ ] Famous Alchemists
[ ] Expono Spell
[ ] Patronus Potion
[ ] Aqua Vitae Potion

Sixth Year
[ ] Dormir Spell
[ ] Frango Frigis Spell
[ ] Dream Catch Potion
[ ] Quintessence

Apparition *Taking in Seventh year*
Sixth Year
[ ] Basics of Apparition
[ ] Dangers of Apparition
[ ] Three D's
[ ] Apparition into hoops
[ ] Apparition test

Third Year
[x] Origination
[x] The Two Systems
[x] Agrippan Method
[x] Number usage

Fourth Year
[x] Character Number meaning and finding it
[x] Heart Number meaning and finding it
[x] Social Number meaning and finding it

Fifth Year
[ ] How to make Predictions
[ ] Arithmancy on your name
[ ] Arithmancy on one item
[ ] Using numbers for Predictions

Sixth Year
[ ] Compatibility using Arithmancy
[ ] Practice using Arithmancy

Care of Magical Creatures
Third Year
[x] Bowtruckle Lecture
[x] Bowtruckle Interaction
[x] Pixie Lecture
[x] Pixie Interaction

Fourth Year
[x] Nogtail Lecture
[x] Nogtail Interaction
[x] Puffskein Lecture
[x] Puffskein Interaction

Fifth Year
[ ] Hippogriff Lecture
[ ] Hippogriff Interaction
[ ] Niffler Lecture
[ ] Niffler Interaction

Sixth Year
[ ] Merpeople Lecture
[ ] Merpeople Interaction
[ ] Phoenix Lecture
[ ] Phoenix Interaction

Third Year
[x] Curse-Shield Charm (Protego Defixium)
[x] Deprehensio Mutatio
[x] Scelestus Timor Deprehensio

Fourth Year
[x] Aveho Defixio
[x] Deprehensio
[x] Adflicto Affligo
[x] Defaeco Animus
[x] Magis Clausus

Fifth Year
[ ] Sinking Hex (Subsido)
[ ] Shield Detection Charm (Contengo Deprehensio)
[ ] Occuro Acerbus Pestis
[ ] Aduro Occuro

Sixth Year
[ ] Impedo Inficio Infeci Infectum
[ ] Infensus Deprehensio
[ ] Occuro Scelestus Injuria

Study of Ancient Runes
Third Year
[x] Runic Languages
[x] Introduction to Elder Futhark
[x] Elder Futhark Runes
[x] Elder Futhark Runic Names

Fourth Year
[x] Introduction to Anglo-Saxon Futhorc
[x] Anglo-Saxon Futhorc Runes
[x] Anglo-Saxon Futhorc Runic Names
[x] Runic Numbers

Fifth Year
[ ] Introduction to Younger Futhark Runes
[ ] Long Branch Younger Futhark
[ ] Short Twig Younger Futhark
[ ] Staveless Runes

Sixth Year
[ ] Runic Magic
[ ] Runic Divination
[ ] Victory Runes
[ ] Runic spells
[ ] Runic Staves

Wandless Magic Practice Class
Third Year
[x] Achieving Emotional Balance
[x] Determining the truth: Strength or Finesse
[x] Dueling Beginner Level (with wands)

Fourth Year
[x] Will, its relevance to Wandless Magic
[x] Assessment of Will
[x] Dueling Intermediate Level (with wands)

Fifth Year
[ ] First Group of Spells
[ ] Second Group of Spells
[ ] Dueling Advanced Level (Wandless)

Sixth Year
[ ] Third Group of Spells
[ ] Fourth Group of Spells
[ ] Combination of Forms: Wand & Wandless
[ ] Duels

Wizard Law
Third Year
[x] Historical figures in law
[x] Statute of Secrecy
[x] Illegal magical spells/objects

Fourth Year
[x] Law as applied to school
[x] The Trace and other Laws on Minors
[x] Time Turners and Seers-Effects on Law
[x] Laws concerning Magical Beasts

Fifth Year
[ ] Muggle and Wizarding Courts
[ ] Wizards Persecution in Muggle Courts
[ ] Wizard Persecuting at Muggle Courts
[ ] Wizards Persecuting Muggles

Sixth Year
[ ] Muggles in Wizarding Courtrooms
[ ] Unforgivable Curses Discussion
[ ] Wizard Duels - Legality
[ ] Supremacy and Crimes against Muggles
PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 12:37 pm

Caleb's history throughout Hogwarts

Year 1:

No surprise I was sorted into Slytherin. My classmates mostly aren't worth my time. Although I trust the students in my house to be of higher being. I managed to make a number of enemies in my year. A second year student named Tsubaki Yuko proved to be interesting. She gave me a piece of her mind the night of the sorting. Guess she didn't like my direct questioning. She further annoyed me with that given the sorting hat's comment. I can't stand that hat.

As far as classes went I basically skipped a bunch. My parents probably won't be happy to hear that but it was mostly the useless classes anyway. Besides I had Quidditch to worry about not that I was anything more then a reserve. I'll make Beater for the team eventually.

Year 2:

So my parents decided to punish me this year but not letting me take advanced flying. I was mad about it, why shouldn't I be? Anyways, I decided to take my frustrations out on a Hufflepuff mudblood named Bartholomew. The kid naturally started to avoid me but that didn't stop me. One day my brother caught me beating on the kid and intervened. He didn't get off though since I was the one pinned to a wall. Can't believe I let that happen. Anyways the punishment for that was detention with the mandrakes... I hate mandrakes...

Year 3:

No thanks to my parents I had to double up on Advanced Flying classes. And I had so many electives they made me take. Either way I had a busy school schedule that was meant to keep me out of trouble, or so they say. Magical Creatures was the roughest. Some of the creatures were just so pointless and stupid. That Ravenclaw League girl had to tell me off getting me detention and a very long paper on Bowtruckles. Fantastic...

Summer arrived and Quentin was officially out of my hair thanks to his sorting. Yeah, he started at school this year. Fun for him landing in Ravenclaw. I could care less though I never really liked the young brat to begin with.

Year 4:

My year was rather uneventful aside from the fact that Callista made me vice captain of the Quidditch team. It was a shocking surprise but I did my best to help the team with my new position. Though Gryffindor beat all of us out for it with Hufflepuff coming in as a close second. It was the worst thing that could have happened this year by far.

Year 5:

Uneventful year... I focused on Quidditch and my OWLs this year. Can't say my exams went overly well but they are over now so that's that.

Year 6:

Another year of Quidditch and not much else. At least my schedule was lighter.


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100
PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 12:38 pm

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