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Kiv's Little Spot of Plots [Updated: 8/7] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Crystal Traveler

13,425 Points
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Team Jacob 100
  • Cat Fancier 100
PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 9:59 am

Hello everyone! I've recently done some overhauling regarding some ponies' personalities and plots, so rather than try and fix eveything one by one, it's time for a revamp!

Regarding Roleplaying::
--------I hardly, if ever, RP anymore. Possibly more in the future, but no promises. I simply do not have the time or the energy to properly RP.
--------However, I am open to RP/Plotting/Backstory/Insta-mates with talks about personalities. I really, really enjoy plotting, coming up with canon scenarios, making up small stories, and so on and so forth.
--------As long as we can agree on how things will work out, all of those are an option for me!
--------This does not mean I will NEVER RP. Read on.

Regarding Plots::
--------Once you offer me a plot/Mate, I will cease looking for that specific pet. Other offers will be put in the consideration box, but nothing further.
--------This means that telling me One thing will happen in the future, then turning around and saying 'actually I found something better sorry' doesn't fly.
--------I understand sometimes things won't work out, but if you've decided that you don't want to continue with a plot, please tell me so that I'm not confused and upset when I see you accepting other offers or offering your pony to someone else. I have feelings too!

Regarding Mockbreedings::
--------I will only ever allow mocks with my ponies where I will also be receiving a baby.
--------I'm very protective of a majority of my ponies and...well, I guess I'm a bit protective and greedy?
--------You can definitely ask, but be aware that they will HAVE to be either custom-mocked Twins where I receive one, or a wishing star with babies for the both of us.

--------My PMs are ALWAYS open to everyone, so don't feel shy about PMing me.
--------If you feel too shy to post in here, then feel free to PM me!
--------I do use Skype and Discord for plotting and RP. Discord moreso than Skype.
--------The only thing I ask is for some understanding as I am a VERY shy and quiet raptor.
--------I'm approachable, I'm just nervous to talk to people I'm not used to talking to.
--------But once we've talked for a while...chances are you won't be able to be rid of me!
--------AIM: TinyRaptor I no longer use AIM.
--------Skype: Tiny.Raptor
--------Discord: TinyRaptor#7356

--------Although I have mentioned I don't RP much anymore, I do still love to do so.
--------But I am a bit of a flake with Guild threads, as I seem to get anxiety over them.
--------I prefer to do major RPing in Google Docs, and minor meet-and-greets through in-thread quoting!
--------I am always okay with transferring RP's into guild threads to count for stats though!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 10:02 am

o1. Intro
o2. Overview [You Are Here]
o3. Mares
o4. Stallions
o5. Familiars
o6. Ozzie
o7. ReilaSombra
o8. Dimitrios
o9. Loki
1o. Asha
11. Geist
12. Requin
13. Fafnyr Shadowsong
14. No RP
15. Breeding Offers/Priorities


Crystal Traveler

13,425 Points
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Team Jacob 100
  • Cat Fancier 100


Crystal Traveler

13,425 Points
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Team Jacob 100
  • Cat Fancier 100
PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 10:05 am

Open or closed, you'll find my lovely ladies here!
I have a lot of mares.
I'm drowning.

The Innocent
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[.Name.] Ozzie
[.Sexual Orientation.] Heterosexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Yes, one; See 'Spotlight'
[.I need.] A Loyal Mate, Friends.

The very figure of innocence. She thinks Kalonas and skinwalkers are cuddly teddy bears and she intends to one day make friends with both of those species. If she doesn’t know about something, she will investigate it until she understands it. She seems to not be very smart because of her speech pattern, but she is fairly intelligent. She questions just about everything and can have strong opinions. She acts extremely foalish nearly all the time, except for when maturity is called for.

No longer is she far from any of her family members; Kei shadows her every step, and her STILL overprotective father will come running should anything seem to be happening to her.

The Fearless
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[.Name.] Kitten
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Yes.
[.I need.] Mate, Friends, BABIES!!!!

Kitten is...
Basically, she doesn't think before she acts. Showing no fear for anything,
she lacks a sense of self-preservation and will very willingly walk into danger without a second thought if she decides She Wants a Thing.
She's not malicious in the least, she just has no sense of tact and can come off as mean if she says the wrong thing to the wrong soq, but it's very easy to get her to realize 'oh, oops!'
Kind of childish, she could definitely use a way to open up in that direction more.

The Masked
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[.Name.] Sombra
[.Sexual Orientation.] Heterosexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Tenatively; See 'Spotlight'
[.I need.] Love and Friendship

Sombra is quiet and is more of an observer. She's rather quiet and is not likely to start a conversation unless something makes her curious. Keeping herself from showing any outward emotion and simply seeming to not care about the world around her, she's best described as cold. It's not that she doesn't care, she doesn't -want- to care.
Sombra also has a preference for -meat-. Since being introduced to it, she will eat nothing else, really, and may only nibble on grass when there's nothing else around. However, whatever meat she eats she throws up fairly quickly because as much as she wants to be, she's not a kalona, nor is she fully kelpie enough. She is unable to fully digest the meat, but her body is finally adjusting.
Having been alone for a good three-fourths of her life hasn't helped her disposition any, and Sombra has turned into an angry recluse. Her attempts at impressing any Kalona into taking her under their wing has fallen flat, and has made her bitter, angry, and quite violent towards other soquili.
However, on occasion, Sombra will lower her guard. The mask will come off. She will be curious about others, ask questions and make nice with others. It might also come to light that Sombra does, in fact, care. She does, in fact, have emotions, and a lot of them.
Recently, in order to keep herself cut off from the family she loathes, she's changed her name from Reila to Sombra.

The Undulating
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[.Name.] Requin
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Yes
[.I need.] All of the things.

Requin is...
One day, she will be calm and quiet, open and inviting.
The next day, she may be shy, closed off from others and not willing to much of anything.
The next, violent and explosive, loud and easily irritated.
The Requin you meet one day, might not be the same Requin you meet the next. Still the same mare day to day, but hardly, if ever, the same temperament. One thing remains constant day to day; Curiosity. The tendency to stick by and beside someone or something she deems should be 'hers'. Protectiveness. Bull-headedness. And a thirst for sardines.
The tentacles on her head seem to have a mind of their own in a way, she can 'wave' with them and use them as extra limbs, holding things and even doing her mane with them, but more of then than not she's having to shake her head out of their caress.

The Musical
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[.Name.] Kyuhyun
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Tentatively.
[.I need.] Love, friendship.

Gentle, softspoken, shy and overall quite the doormat.
Kyu has wings, but she has never flown. Since she was a filly, her right wing has been crippled, and though time has passed for it to heal, she hasn't pushed herself to try.
Instead, she focuses on her singing. Making music is something she enjoys,
whether she be solo, accompanied by her familiar, or even joined by other musically-inclined soquili, Kyu has the potential to become a star...if only she would try!

The Reticent
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[.Name.] Isenfân
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Tenatively.
[.I need.] Love, Friendship, Enemies

Closed off from most social interaction, Isen prefers a quiet life to anything too exciting. That said, she seems to end up wandering far from home, getting herself into little 'adventures' that wind up being far from quiet and unexciting.
When it comes to meeting strangers, she will refuse to give up any information regarding herself or her family easily, if at all. Even if you've met her a few times, she will not open up. It will take a hundred more meetings after the first hundred to get her to finally even start opening up.

The Resolute
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[.Name.] Asha
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Yes
[.I need.] Packmates, Friendship, Mate, Fights

Softspoken and seemingly unsure of herself, Asha's soft demeanor hides a determination unmatched. Seeing things to the end, Asha has little patience for those who take her kindness for weakness, and has a tendency to explode on them, without bothering to rein in her temper at these times.
All things considered, though there are things she doesn't want to do, she will step up to the plate, hold her head high and do the best she can no matter the cost to herself.

The Self-Assured
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[.Name.] Taion "Moonfang"
[.Sexual Orientation.] Asexual, Panromantic
[.Open for ONS?.] Yes
[.I need.] Packmembers, Conflict, Relationship

Claws-For-Hire. Taion operates under the codename 'Moonfang', taking on any and all jobs that require dirty work be done. Be this to drive a wedge in a relationship, attempt to reconcile with family, or murder. Her favorite ones involve murder.
When not on a job, however, Taion rather enjoys the company of others,
finding other soquili to hang out with, chat, and have a drink. Of course,
all with underlying plots and plans, to find out who might need something done, and who will not be worth her time.

The Joyful
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[.Name.] Rylo
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Yes
[.I need.] Love and friends

Every day is a new day, and every new day means new things to be thankful for!
Rylo is a fluffy ball of never-ending optimism, Waking up every day looking forward to her next adventure. Her optimism is seemingly unmatched, and even when caught in a rainstorm without any shelter nearby, she'll simply focus on the earth being given water, and hey, she's getting a free shower!
Almost nothing can get her down, and she doesn't see a need to put anyone else down, either!

The Clever Girl
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[.Name.] Shadeclaw
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Yes
[.I need.] Love, conflict, friends

A predator through and through.
When not protecting her 'mother' Ozzie or her 'sister' Shadowmoon, Shadeclaw is found in the night, stalking and preying on anything that could make a meal.
Careful and calculating, Shadeclaw has perfected her hunting to the point where she is able to boast about having taken down a skinwalker. Whether or not it was a foal or an adult remains unanswered, and no amount of poking and prodding will get her to answer.
Family-minded, Shadeclaw will protect those she's attached to for life, and those that are in her 'pack' will find themselves with a guardian that will lay down her life for them.

The Feral
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[.Name.] Shadowmoon
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Yes
[.I need.] Love, conflict, friends

Much like her 'big sister' Shadeclaw, Shadowmoon is a predator. Unlike Shadeclaw though, she's a bit lazy and would rather have kills brought to her.
Just as family-oriented, Shadowmoon is a bit more reserved in her protections, picking one or two from the family unit to personally be protective of.
--Needs Development--

The Infantile
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[.Name.] Geist
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual, leans towards females
[.Open for ONS?.] Yes
[.I need.] Love, conflict, friends

Immature and quite needy, Geist is impulsive and hasty in her actions. If she happens to get hurt in the process, or doesn't get what she wants, she resorts to violence and anger. Geist is horribly insecure about her half-blooded status. As such, she idolizes and reveres those who are, or even just look like, a full-blooded Kalona. To the point where it's unhealthy. She bows to their every whim, does anything and everything that is asked of her. All she wants from them is recognition.

The Affectionate
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[.Name.] Cloud
[.Sexual Orientation.] Heterosexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Nope
[.I need.] Friends, Foals to adopt

Cloud is, simply, a mother. Warm and affectionate, ready to be a shoulder to lean on and always willing to offer help in times of need.
Finding out she's upset someone, in turn, upset her, and she rarely, if ever,
raises her voice to yell.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 11:40 am

Open or closed, you'll find my handsome hunks here!

The Magnanimous
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[.Name.] Dimitrios
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual, leans towards females
[.Open for ONS?.] Tenatively; see Spotlight.
[.I need.] Love, conflict, friends

Dimitrios is first and foremost a warrior.
He has become quite the politician and has become somewhat of a shadow ruler. Dimitrios is highly versed in the world of politics, able to quickly deduce hidden meanings and often see through the masks of those within (and out of) his sphere of influence. Dimitrios is fiercely loyal to his people and to those he considers his friends. He will not suffer allies who would harm his people/his friends, and will not shy from negotiating with his enemies or plotting rebellion to secure his people/friends a future. To those who are weaker than him, he is kind and forgiving beyond what he should be.

The Impish
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[.Name.] Loki
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Yes.
[.I need.] Love, conflict, friends

A troublemaker to the core, Loki loves making others think he's up to no good, when in reality...he's actually probably up to no good.
Although a majority of his actions are free from much Malice, Loki has a tendency to hold a grudge. Getting on his bad side in any way is sure to earn you some sort of grief in your life, usually courtesy of Loki. And, again, though most of the times it's overall harmless, he can and will turn to violence if he feels it's necessary.
An expert liar, he is very smart and extremely intelligent, managing to fool others by playing the naive guy. It's possible his charisma plays into this, as well.

The Black Dread
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[.Name.] Fafnyr Shadowsong
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual, leans towards females
[.Open for ONS?.] Tenatively.
[.I need.] Friends,

An extraordinarily gifted fighter, Fafnyr prowls the lands with confidence,
and he soars the skies with elegance. Hunting with a precision unmatched, he has few equals. With little to no time for what he calls 'tomfoolery', Fafnyr is often seen as 'grumpy' due to his reluctance and seeming hatred of most socialization. When he cares, he cares deeply and passionately. If he cares about you, you have a guardian for life, someone who will lay his life for you if needed.

The Unsure
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[.Name.] Kei
[.Sexual Orientation.] Very much closeted Homosexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Tenatively; see Spotlight.
[.I need.] Love, conflict, friends

Although he tries to stand up for those that need it, he's not very good at standing up for himself.
A lot of his actions are a result of 'I thought this was the best way'. His good intentions are, usually, found fallen flat and end up causing more harm than good.
He tries, though. He wants to have friends, he wants his family to be happy,
he want to be happy himself...if only things would stop going awry.

The Justified
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[.Name.] Thorim
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Yes.
[.I need.] Love, conflict, friends

Criminals and mischief makers alike, watch out! Thorim is on to you.
Looking to 'clean up' the world, Thorim seeks to right wrongs and punish those who would do wrong themselves. His claws are his weapon of choice.
With a deep, booming voice, Thorim exudes a confidence around others, all but making sure he's seen and heard. He wants others to be aware the is a) here to protect the weak and innocent and b) ready to punish those who do wrong!

The Heroic
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[.Name.] Avenger
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Yes.
[.I need.] Love, conflict, friends

Thorim's sidekick, Avenger has a similar mindset. Willing to follow behind Throim's example, 'Venger is much more implusive and ready to rush into situations that may be dangerous.
Aside from his deeds of heroism, Venger also really, really loves to be a flirt. He dreams of one day saving a damsel or gentleman and falling in love, dating, getting married, raising a family...
On the side of hero duty of course!

The Feral
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[.Name.] Anthrax
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual
[.Open for ONS?.] No.
[.I need.] Nothing, really.

Blind and temperamental, Thrax relies on his seeing-eye bird, Kuru, to guide him. The mischievous corvid has led him many times into trees, over stumps, and once into a lake.
Thrax is very touchy, ready to fly into a rage at anything close that may end up hurting him, but, thankfully and lately, he has his mate there with him to soothe his rage.

The Loyal
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[.Name.] Sadiki Iah
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual
[.Open for ONS?.] No.
[.I need.] Nothing, really.

The one that started it all.
--He is in need of a revamp--


Crystal Traveler

13,425 Points
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Team Jacob 100
  • Cat Fancier 100


Crystal Traveler

13,425 Points
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Team Jacob 100
  • Cat Fancier 100
PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 1:15 pm

Open or closed, you'll find my familiars here!
I won't go into too much detail about them, unfortunately!

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 10:52 pm

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Note: Ozzie has her own plot thread. What you see here is a tl;dr.

[.Temper.] Innocent
[.Sexual Orientation.] Heterosexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Yes, one; See Plots Below.
[.I need.] A Loyal Mate, Friends.

The very figure of innocence. She thinks Kalonas and skinwalkers are cuddly teddy bears and she intends to one day make friends with both of those species. If she doesn’t know about something, she will investigate it until she understands it. She seems to not be very smart because of her speech pattern, but she is fairly intelligent. She questions just about everything and can have strong opinions. She acts extremely foalish nearly all the time, except for when maturity is called for.

No longer is she far from any of her family members; Kei shadows her every step, and her STILL overprotective father will come running should anything seem to be happening to her.

----● Skinwalker....Oh no.
--------Post-Cursing and Pre-Charming, I'd like for Ozzie, while still in the process of fully succumbing to the corpse powder, to happen upon another Skinwalker Stallion.
--------I don't know how or why he'd put up with her in his presence, perhaps he just likes the looks of her?
--------Either way, taking advantage of her confused state, as this will be directly after her cursing, he takes her, has her kill his meals for him or something?
--------It snowballs from there, and eventually they have a...tryst.
--------However, afterwards, Ozzie will attack him. It is up to the owner if he turns and runs or attacks her back.
--------This will result in injury. I would like Ozzie to be left for dead.
--------The above is taken by Tsu! But I am a-okay with it happening twice.
--------Maybe it takes her two times of this to 'lean her lesson'.
--------But by that point she will be close to becoming charmed.
--------This is a Breeding Plot. Either through entered slots or custom mocked babbus.

----●We're Your Friends!
--------As with all...well, most all creatures, Ozzie needs friends.
--------I would like her to have friends of all breeds if possible; Kalona, Angeni, Kelpie, Flutter, Wind, Mutants, Paws, Claws, Usdia, and all sub-species.
--------I would like for her to have at least three BEST friends, with which she forms a sort of 'group' with, all of them different breeds.
--------This is Not a Breeding Plot.

--------Unfotunately for all, I am extremely picky with this mare.
--------I would prefer a Feline-pawed stallion over anything else.
--------Failing that, a Stallion with wings of some sort.
--------Monochrome with the slightest splash of color preferred. Blue tones considered above others.
--------Absolutely no dark greens, bright yellows, oranges or browns.
--------I will make exceptions.
--------Above all, he must be her protector and love her through her cursing.

--------While I have finally acquired my Dream Stallion for her, please feel free to offer still,
--------as self-plotting gets a bit lonely.

o1. Kerrigan [Done]
o2. Momiji [Done]
o3. Ulysses [MCCL Only]
o4. Needs Plot
o5. Kerrigan [??]
o6. Fafnyr Onwards


Crystal Traveler

13,425 Points
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Team Jacob 100
  • Cat Fancier 100


Crystal Traveler

13,425 Points
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Team Jacob 100
  • Cat Fancier 100
PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 10:54 pm

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[.Temper.] Masked
[.Sexual Orientation.] Heterosexual
[.Open for ONS?.] No.
[.I need.] Love, Friendship.

--------Sombra is quiet and is more of an observer.
--------She's rather quiet and is not likely to start a conversation unless something makes her curious.
--------Keeping herself from showing any outward emotion and simply seeming to not care about the world around her, she's best described as cold.
--------It's not that she doesn't care, she doesn't -want- to care.
--------Sombra also has a preference for -meat-. Since being introduced to it, she will eat nothing else, really, and may only nibble on grass when there's nothing else around.
--------However, whatever meat she eats she throws up fairly quickly because as much as she wants to be, she's not a kalona, nor is she fully kelpie enough.
--------She is unable to fully digest the meat, but her body is finally adjusting.
--------She does not have fangs, but has conditioned her jawpower into a formidable force.
--------Having been alone for a good three-fourths of her life hasn't helped her disposition any, and Sombra has turned into an angry recluse.
--------Her attempts at impressing any Kalona into taking her under their wing has fallen flat, and has made her bitter, angry, and quite violent towards other soquili.
--------However, on occasion, Sombra will lower her guard. The mask will come off.
--------Sombra will be curious about others, ask questions and make nice with others. It might also come to light that Sombra does, in fact, care.
--------She does, in fact, have emotions, and a lot of them.

----●Guardian Angel
--------'Everybody has a guardian angel somewhere...right?'
--------Sombra has heard several soquili talk about their 'guardian angel' in one form or another, and has begun to believe that EVERYONE has one...everyone, except her.
--------Such thoughts are not helping with her self-destructive behavior, and she worsens with each passing day.
--------I'd like for a soquili to find her munching on a carcass and have one of two things happen.
--------Feed the Monster.
----------------The soq in question is dark, evil.
----------------A kalona would work best here, but any matter of twisted, evil pony works just fine.
----------------They encourage her habits, tell her that she's doing alright, that they'll help her.
----------------Take her under their (Maybe metaphorical, maybe literal) wing.
--------Stop the Monster.
----------------A literal angel.
----------------Angeni, wind, whatever species you have that is good.
----------------They decide to help this lost soul, attempt to repair what has been broken.
----------------They maybe want to see her stop killing and eating meat immediately, or they want to at least help her find a way to do so where it doesn't make her weak and slightly ill.
----------------Taking Sombra under their (literal; Sombra will not believe a 'real' guardian angel has none) wing.
--------Now, I'm aware a female can and probably will work best for this, but I'm sort of hoping for a male?
--------I would love if it ended up being a mate plot in the end, BUT if it doesn't turn out that way, that is perfectly fine.
--------Either way, This is a mostly a 'Push her one side or another' since I've had Sombra teetering on the edge of Good Or Bad for YEARS.

--------Sombra's heart has now been broken three times.
--------She is incredibly hesitant to love again and will shun any bit of affection she is shown.
--------It will take a VERY long time for her to fall in love again, and she must be treated delicately.
--------Pushing her too far will result in at least a few scars to go with a concussion.
--------Someone willing to hold her hand and treat her like a queen.
--------Edits are required, as is a LOT of plotting.
--------I am not willing to wait for any pre-plotted flings.
--------Sombra will not breed until the relationship has been cemented for at least 2 months. I want her mate to be a forever mate.
--------I will be more picky with Sombra than with anybody else I own from here on.
--------I will not sugar-coat it, I have a real emotional attachment to my Sombra, and I am easily hurt if she is hurt.
--------So if you want drama that hurts her in the end, please go and look elsewhere because I cannot emotionally handle it anymore.
--------That said, See the above Guardian Plot.

o1. Used
o2. Mate
o3. Mate
o4. Mate
o5. Mate
PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 10:55 pm

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[.Temper.] Magnaimous
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Surrogacy.
[.I need.] Friends.

--------Dimitrios was first and foremost a warrior.
--------While still young, he was told that he had a half-brother, known in those lands as the Crown Prince, and in order to bolster the Prince's 'inner circle', Dimitrios was forced to leave his life as a warrior behind.
--------As a result, he has become quite the politician and has become somewhat of a shadow ruler.
--------Dimitrios is highly versed in the world of politics, able to quickly deduce hidden meanings and often see through the masks of those within (and out of) his sphere of influence.
--------Though authoritative (and not afraid to exert that authority), he values the opinions of any advisors, in matters of state and beyond.
--------Dimitrios is fiercely loyal to his people and to those he considers his friends. He will not suffer allies who would harm his people/his friends, and will not shy from negotiating with his enemies or plotting rebellion to secure his people/friends a future.
--------To those who are weaker than him, he is kind and forgiving beyond what he should be.
--------The life of a politician is not something he ever craved, however; ever the warrior at heart, Dimitrios enjoys a good fight, longs for his lost life as a warrior, and finds politics exhausting.
--------Dimitrios is passionate, outspoken, and has a dry wit.

--------Like it says on the tin; Someone needs protecting, Dimi is chosen/paid for it.
----●Family Help
--------Dimi's hopelessly in love with Nao.
--------However, their...erm...courtship will take some time.
--------Therefore, I'd a like a backplot of sorts; Dimi enters the Kawani lands from a place far away, and needs to get settled in before searching for the prize the Crown Prince has ordered him to return.
--------Along the way, he meets a mare who, for some reason or another, cannot have children.
--------Perhaps she can't find the right stallion (Lookswise maybe? and he's pretty enough for her), perhaps she has a female lovemate?
--------Whatever the case, she pleads with him to give her children.
--------For a while, he might be on the fence about it.
--------Would siring children with someone he has no emotional connection to make him as horrid as his brother?
--------He will agree for reasons to be plotted/RP'd out, but I would like for him to stay in contact with the foals and the mother(s, if lovemate)!

--------As said, He is absolutely in love with Nao.
--------But, as with all things, I am open to him falling in love elsewhere!
--------Unfortunately I am a bit picky color/schemewise
--------No greens, browns or too much orange.
--------Rose-themes or even Bone-themes welcomed.

o1. Nao


Crystal Traveler

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Crystal Traveler

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 11:07 pm

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[.Temper.] Impish
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Ayup
[.I need.] Literally everything.

--------He's sexy and he knows it.
--------Arrogant and full of himself, Loki has a silver tongue.
--------Lying and hiding his true intentions behind smiles and flattery.
--------Intelligent and quick-witted, Loki has no qualms about harming others.
--------Usually, his deceit is to get the approval of those he admires and likes.
--------He seems to only display one emotion at a time, and can quickly seem 'static'.
--------Loki has a genius level intellect and possesses a great deal of knowledge of the mystic arts.
--------He is also extremely cunning and skilled, an expert battle strategist.
--------He is also a highly skilled and charismatic manipulator.

----●Envy of Envies
--------Basically, someone for Loki to become envious of.
--------Not when it comes to relationships, but a possession.
--------He doesn't think of other soquili as possessions, so that's off the table.
--------Something shiny works.

----●Burdened with Love
--------I'd love someone to fall in love with him.
--------Either because of his surface act,
--------Or because they find out the 'true' him.
--------He will be afraid either way, as that would mean his wall could be penetrated.
--------However, he can't break the facade, now can he?
--------So, he'd have to play along.
--------Maybe kids happen, idk.

--------I am partial to other pokesoq
--------As well as pawed soq.
--------but those are superficial, except for the last plot.
--------All in all, if actual lifemating happens, it could be anyone/anything.

o2. (Paw Newbie?)
PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 11:09 pm

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[.Temper.] Resolute
[.Sexual Orientation.] Bisexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Yes.
[.I need.] Packmates, Friendship, Mate, Fights

--------Softspoken and seemingly unsure of herself, Asha's soft demeanor hides a determination unmatched. Seeing things to the end, Asha has little patience for those who take her kindness for weakness, and has a tendency to explode on them, without bothering to rein in her temper at these times.
All things considered, though there are things she doesn't want to do, she will step up to the plate, hold her head high and do the best she can no matter the cost to herself.

----●For the Pack.
--------I'd love for Asha to join some sort of paw-dominated herd, if I don't manage to try to start one up myself.
--------At first, she'll be wholly unsure of her role, preferring to hang back and not draw attention to herself.
--------Then, something happens, and Asha plunges into whatever it is headfirst, determined to save the herd/pack from whatever it is.
--------At that point, perhaps she recieves the favor of whomever the leader is?

----●It's Only a Crush.
--------Asha falls, and she falls hard.
--------A stallion catches her eye, and it's pretty much love at first sight, and Asha becomes infatuated with him.
--------The Stallion notices her finally, and accepts her flirtations.
--------However...as Asha, who has watched from afar, has created a romanticized idea of him in her mind, will soon learn that he's not who she imagined.
--------But by then, they will be in deep. a little too deep.
--------This could be a breeding plot!

----●Forever And Ever
--------Following the above plot, Asha will harden. She will try her very best to never be soft again.
--------While on patrol around the pack's territory...She'll meet a lost one. Male or Female.
--------At first, she will try to shoo them away, but they're cold, they're hungry, and they're so lost it's a miracle they weren't attacked.
--------So, she will take mercy on them. Take them in, possibly to a remote location away from the pack.
--------Time will pass, the weather gets less terrible, and the lost one can now leave.
--------Do they leave for good?
--------Or does a bond form?

--------Prefer Pawed.
--------Natural colors take precedence however.
--------Don't be afraid to offer!



Crystal Traveler

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Crystal Traveler

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 11:45 pm

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[.Temper.] Infantile
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Yes
[.I need.] All of the things.

--------Immature and quite needy, Geist is impulsive and hasty in her actions.
--------If she happens to get hurt in the process, or doesn't get what she wants, she resorts to violence and anger.
--------Geist is horribly insecure about her half-blooded status.
--------As such, she idolizes and reveres those who are, or even just look like, a full-blooded Kalona.

--------Geist idolizes a Kalona to the point where it's unhealthy.
--------She bows to their every whim, does anything and everything that is asked of her.
--------All she wants from them is recognition.
--------Either she gets it, or is stuck trying to impress that which cannot be impressed.

--------Kalona, Kalona, Kalona.
--------That is, if it's a stallion.
--------I'm not opposed to her finding a non-Kalona lovemate.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 11:46 pm

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[.Temper.] Undulating
[.Sexual Orientation.] Pansexual
[.Open for ONS?.] Yes
[.I need.] All of the things.

--------Requin is...
--------One day, she will be calm and quiet, open and inviting.
--------The next day, she may be shy, closed off from others and not willing to much of anything.
--------The next, violent and explosive, loud and easily irritated.
--------The Requin you meet one day, might not be the same Requin you meet the next.
--------Still the same mare day to day, but hardly, if ever, the same temperament.
--------One thing remains constant day to day; Curiosity.
--------The tendency to stick by and beside someone or something she deems should be 'hers'.
--------Protectiveness. Bull-headedness. And a thirst for sardines.
--------The tentacles on her head seem to have a mind of their own in a way, she can 'wave' with them and use them as extra limbs, holding things and even doing her mane with them, but more of then than not she's having to shake her head out of their caress.





Crystal Traveler

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Crystal Traveler

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 11:46 pm

-For Fafnyr-
PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 11:47 pm

-No RP rights-


Crystal Traveler

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Crystal Traveler

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 11:52 pm

Breeding Info

Edited Priority

1. Nao x Dimitrios
2. Taion 'Moonfang' x Acidic Deluge

Unedited Priority

1. Thorim x Sitala
2. ???

Lined up

1. Anthrax x Lucinda
2. Requin x Black Death
3. Kitten x Baron Samedi
4. Kyuhyun x Gaara
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