Hello and thank you for stopping by! Here you can find all of my Soquili and inquire about plots specific to them! I have them organized by family, simply because I feel that's the easiest way to fit them all into one page at this time! There may be two unrelated Soquili in one post though, but it will be made obvious in the post! I might do something different later, but for now you can consult the ToC below to find a specific Soquili! I'm really open for any sort of plots, if you feel my character would fit in well with one of yours, don't hesitate to ask!
♞xxxTable of Contentsxx
[Post 1] Introduction and ToC [Post 2] Edel and Family [Post 3] Amachi Family [Post 4] Lt. Samual and Family [Post 5] Eleftheria and Aponi [Post 6] [Post 7] [Post 8] [Post 9] [Post 10] [Post 11] [Post 12] [Post 13] [Post 14] [Post 15]
Nickname: Sometimes affectionately called Eddy Breed: Dragonfly - Mutant Flutter Family: 7 children; Danae, Aquila, Orion, Lior, Alba, Eos and Astrophel Preference: Heterosexual Relationship Status: Mated to Al'ar
Likes: Unique Encounters, Oddities, and Sweet fruits Dislikes: Anger, Frustration, and the World Brief Personality: Noble; Edel can be very double-sided when it comes to her personality. She enjoys her peace and isn't one to make lasting friendships because of this. She put's off a very big 'all about me vibe' when you first get to know her, mostly in an attempt to get you to leave her alone. However, with the experience of having children she has been getting better at this. She gets along very well with young foals and hopes to have more children of her own someday. Once you get around her safeguard, she becomes a very loyal friend.
Nickname: Danae is simple enough. Breed: ½ Uni | ½ Mutant Flutter | 2nd Gen. Family: Parents; Edel and Arithyl | Siblings; Aquila, Orion, Lior, Alba, Eos and Astrophel Preference: Heterosexual Relationship Status: Mated to Eillafae vel Sol
Likes: Daydreaming, Helping others, Fun, and Soaking in water. Dislikes: Smelly things, Rain, and Humid days. Brief Personality: Chivalrous; Danae likes to think of himself as the boss in his own life. He doesn't take orders from anyone and isn't easily scared. He likes to think of himself as a missing Prince, since he never met his father. He's a big day dreamer, and loves to have happy conversations with just about everyone he bumps into. Of course, that doesn't mean he's a total pushover. He knows when someone is being rude to him, and he doesn't take kindly to that kind of behavior.
Unlike his mother, Danae is actually blind from a run-in with a rather nasty Kalona called Demon. In an attempt to save another soquili's life he lost his eyesight to dark magic.
Nickname: Lior is short enough, thanks! Breed: ½ Mutant Flutter | ½ Mutant (Kalona?) | 2nd Gen. Family: Parents; Edel and Sciophobia | Siblings; Danae, Aquila, Orion, Alba, Eos and Astrophel Preference: Heterosexual Relationship Status: Mated to Quirrel
Likes: Stars, Traveling, Adventure, Herself, Her brother (protective of Orion), Lovely objects/soquili/anything, and Flying Dislikes: Water, Anything ugly/untasteful, Anywhere she can't see stars, Hot climates/days, and Jerks Brief Personality: Glorious; Lior was taught well by her mother, she is a respectable mare for the most part. Although she doesn't care much for gangly or unattractive Soquili and can sometimes be a bit short with them.As far as life with her brother goes it's almost as if Orion and Lior have switched parts in your typical brother/sister duo. Orion tends to space out a lot, and can be easily distracted, living in his own world. Where as Lior is all about reality, and often sticks close to her brother to watch out for him.
Nickname: Alba or Ally Breed: ½ Mutant Flutter | ½ Wind | 2nd Gen. Family: Parents; Edel and Al'ar | Siblings; Danae, Aquila, Orion, Lior, Alba, Eos and Astrophel Siblings from her father; Adelis, Ciro, Talfryn, Helia, Aotona, Athena Preference: Bisexual Relationship Status: Single
Nickname: Mel or simply Melody Breed: Poke'Soq - Chingling | Grounded Family: Lots of Kids; Minuet, Rondel, Cabriole, Baroque, Farruca, Rhapsody, Mezzo, Fermata, Echo, Allegro, and Opus Too many Grandkids to keep up with...! Preference: Bisexual Relationship Status: Mated to Mecho Amachi
Likes: Bells, Music, Caves, and anything Mysterious Dislikes: Silence, Dark things, the color orange, and bugs with more than eight legs Brief Personality: Melody Fortè likes to think of herself as a Mystery solver, and willing to take on any challenge that presents itself to her. Once she picks a side, she'll fight for it till the end, unless something comes a long that can seriously, honestly convince her other wise. For the most part she's playful and easy to be around, though she can often completely blank out of a conversation if she's distracted or finds it boring. She is certainly not the type to sit still and only her love of Mecho and her family ties her to the Yectebehua Herd.