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Gifting Season: Yumi's Jan Plushie Customs 2018! Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 [>] [»|]

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Yumitoko II

Eloquent Genius

14,575 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Super Tipsy 200
PostPosted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 3:28 am

Yumi is a crazy slow busy body but tries his best to ensure that the pets are made with love and are worth the wait. Please don't enter if you are super impatient. Thanks!
PM all questions to my mule: MoufuYurei

It's gifting season!
Yumi's January Plushie-Customs 2018
Format stolen from Ryuu, thank you Ryuu!

Start: Now
End:1st Jan GMT (here's a count down clock)

  • 2 Gift Slot*
  • 1 Newbie Slot / Newbie Gift**

Payment and Pricing

  • If you are entering paid slots, trades must be titled appropriately and sent to my mule (MoufuYurei) within 48 hours, or you risk losing your win. If you're sending the trade via a mule account, specify the username of your main account in the title of the trade. If you're not sure you'll be here near the closing time, state so in your post (do not make a new post).
  • In light of the economy changing, the minimum trade amount is 10 million gold or 1 platinum, prices are going to be different to normal customs because the pricing was never adjusted to the current economy.
  • This is a pay what you want kinda thing but the minimum spend is 10 mill gold / 1 platinum. So if you think my work is worth more than 1p go ahead, if you don't, then just pay the bare minimum.
  • Platinum to Gold Conversion table
  • Platinum FAQ

  • Speed: Barring a tragic accident, the longest you should wait is six months (including the full 6th month), anytime after the 6 month period you can poke the progress thread here.
  • Form: If it's not on the form, it's not happening. Please check your forms before submitting them.
  • References: Make sure they're up to date and accessible (that is, they do not require a login to view). Please consider hosting them somewhere stable, such as on a personal account; it's common for links to break by the time I have the opportunity to review them, and it may take weeks before I have time to see the updated links.
  • WIPs: In general, I send WIPs for sketches, lineart, markings, and flat colors. I do not send WIPs for shading color or lineart color unless specifically requested. If you ask for WIPs in your form, I'd prefer it if you didn't approach me about updates. If I had anything new to show, I would have contacted you. If you're in my workload post, I haven't forgotten you. If I have any concerns you did not receive my message, or I did not receive your reply, I would contact you again. However, feel free to contact me about anything else!
  • Stream: All customs are free to be streamed at the colorist's discretion. You're free to state you'd be interested in seeing it for your own custom, but I make no guarantees. In addition, users should not make special requests, such as "only if you quote me," "only when I'm around," and so forth. By entering you are agreeing to adhere to the colourist's livestream rules and that you have read the livestream disclaimer. Official progress will be shared via WIPs from me. Streams are just for entertainment.
  • Live Stream Disclaimer and Rules: "What you see on this stream will probably not be the final result, that includes but is not limited to sketch concepts, edits/edit level, markings, colouring, general design and file names (especially for mystery pets or events).
    Don't make your decisions or judgments based on what you see in this stream because this is only a part of the creative process and may not reflect the end result. You've been warned."

  • Check out the custom information thread for rules, pricing, and forms. Please note that although we'll do our best to help out, we're not obligated to inform you if you have broken a rule.
  • Remember to make sure you have been added to the list correctly. We will do our best to keep the list accurate and updated frequently, but mistakes do happen, especially when there's a high number of entrants. With this rule, we will no longer be rolling an additional slot for missed people (exceptions may be made depending on the circumstance, but they are just that: exceptions, and not the rule).
  • Fill out the form completely. WIP forms will not be considered.
  • Once the custom is put on the main list, we will not be going back and re-checking every form. You are able to freely edit anything that doesn't affect the list, such as adding references or changing desired colors.
  • If you need to fix anything that changes the list, be it by our request or your own, make a new post in this thread stating that you are voiding your listed entry. (Users should not simply edit the original post. It's necessary that users mention the void entry in a new post.) After that, you may repost the new form. If we ask you to repost but you only edit your original post, we will not be adding your entry to the list. If you update your form and the update is not reflected in the list (such as changing from a common form to a super rare form without reposting), your entry may be voided if rolled.
  • Those entering in twin slots will only be listed once, not once per owner. Even if the twins are owned separately, they will not be added twice.
  • For those entering for angeni, be wary of domains that can be perceived as evil. If your angeni's intended domain is questionable, such as an Angeni of Disease, please run the power's abilities and uses with our Lore adviser, Mx Cherie, before entering. If your domain power isn't confirmed to have a positive bend, your angeni will not get the domain.
  • You may proxy for one person besides yourself; simply make a separate post for them and be clear that it's a proxy. No proxies this time.

    Mutants and hyper-hybrids:
    I am only allowed to do one of these so after the first mutant or hyper hybrid is chosen, I will just remove all of the remaining forms from the list that happen to be mutants or hyper-hybrids.
    Super rare:
    I am only allowed to do one super rare pet, so after the first super-rare, I will remove forms that contain super-rare pets or pets with super rare traits, e.g angeni.

    Rules unique to these slots:
  • I will not be checking every form down to the finest details so it is up to you to catch your mistakes. Make sure your forms are properly formatted and filled out correctly. Make sure to fill out every field. You may be DQ'd from the customs if it is not done correctly.
  • The only parts of the form I'll be looking at are: username, rarity, and solo/twins. You do not have to void and repost if you choose to modify the species or edit level.
  • To expand upon the above, I will not be scrutinizing every form. It's possible that users may be rolled with ineligible entries. In such a scenario, users will not lose their slots, but may be asked to create another form within a week or modify their pet (in the case of illegal pets). If the new form is not submitted within a week, or the owner willingly gives up their slot, a new winner will be rolled.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 4:29 am

The chance to give your friends the plushie they always wanted to be converted and maybe a chance to win for yourself! :V

Limit on the number of plushies you can post:
A BIG FAT ZERO... you can post a little or a lot... as long as there is 1 plushie.

Gifting Rules

  • *To enter a friend for a gift slot you must PM a name to my mule (MoufuYurei), with the PM titled "Gift Nomination". PMs without the title will be ignored. You are only allowed to nominate one person for each category and you can't change your mind so I will just accept the first person you give me. If you are rolled for the gift slot, I will contact the winner and they can choose to accept or decline. If they choose to decline, the slot will be re-rolled.
  • **To qualify for a newbie slot you can only have up to 3 ponies or fewer (0 to 3 ponies in total), you are allowed to nominate yourself for this or have a friend you would like to gift to who has 0 to 3 ponies.
    >>>If you want to gift to a Newbie, for rules on gifting, see above. If you are choosing one person for a regular gift and another person for Newbie gift, please indicate who is who in the PM. You can also nominate the same person for both of these slots if you choose. No mules please, this is for people who actually would like to get into the shop who are actual newbies.
  • If you nominate someone and they don't have a form posted in this thread by the end of the allotted time, the slot will be re-rolled.

Who takes the cooldown?
There is a 1 month cooldown and the person receiving the pet gets the cool down. It will mean that they cannot enter for a custom for the rest of January.

What if no-one nominates me for a gift?????
Don't worry too much, just focus on who you would like to gift to. There is still potential for me to CC something if I really really really really like what I see, so even if no-one nominates you, if I do decide to CC something. There's no guarantee that I will but if the season treats me nicely and the reception towards this idea is generally good, I may just pick something up.

Yumitoko II

Eloquent Genius

14,575 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Super Tipsy 200

Yumitoko II

Eloquent Genius

14,575 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Super Tipsy 200
PostPosted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 5:51 am

Max Edit Level: HEAVY

What I like:
Mood boards & Reference images, (lots of reference images to supplement your plushie!)
Colour theory (good colour pallets)
Soft colours
Simple but beautiful soquili

What I don't like:
Anything butterfly themed
Splicing (Edits...that's what I'm here for folks...)
Clashing colours
Long descriptions
Busy Soquili (markings or edits, I like a good balance )
Full CC (gimme at least a colour pallet or a keyword to go off... because what if you really hated it? D: )

If you are unsure of edit levels, check here or shoot me a PM to my mule, MoufuYurei. Edit levels are generally counted against the guidelines but it can still be slightly different for each colourist.

(This post formatting is ugly... -sweats- )

Will do:
Unedited / Minor / Moderate / Heavy Edits
Mutants / Hyper Hybrids (one slot only)
Super rare (one slot only)
Cosplay Wildlife (e.g Pikachu)
Identical / Colourshift Twins (on the same base)
Mock breeding plushies
Light clothing & cloaks (hats, scarves, etc)
Items & Props (like books, globes, scrolls, a sword, staff, magic wand, lantern, etc)
Custom fins (for our lovely aquatics)
Custom tail for existing breeds (e.g kalona) or mutants
Custom horns and antlers
Custom bat/feather wings (up to heavy level in size)
Blood / Blood Stained Pets,
Elemental Effects
Glowy things and magic glow

Will not do:
Untemplated Walker Species
Pets that go against custom rules (e.g. Big old ding dongs on males, angeni / walker hybrids, etc)
Full CC (gimme at least a colour pallet or a keyword to go off...)
Multi-stage pets (Adult stage only),
Fraternal Twins,
Customs that are not based on a plushie,
Extreme Edits,
Splicing templates together,
Custom flutter wings,
Custom Leg poses,
Heavy Human Clothing (shoes, skirts, pants, bras, thongs, anything that is designed for a human and looks ill-fitting on a horse, etc)
Custom Kirn / Suti Scales,
Excessive gore, body horror or vomit,
PostPosted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 6:25 am


Min spend 10 mill / 1 plat.
Tips / PWYW additions are welcome if you feel like my work is worth it.

Yumitoko II

Eloquent Genius

14,575 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Super Tipsy 200

Yumitoko II

Eloquent Genius

14,575 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Super Tipsy 200
PostPosted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 6:44 am

Forms & Headers

You have to nominate someone to be able to post your plushie form.

If you have already won a custom this month but still want to gift something, you don't have to post a plushie form to be able nominate someone! Just post the header.

You have Nominated someone for a gift:
[color=#DEB887][b][size=24]I have nominated someone for a gift! [/size]
Are they a newbie?:[/b] Yes / No [/color]

You are a Newbie:
[color=#CD7F32][b][size=24]I am a Newbie[/size][/b][/color]

Main form: (use this form under your header to post your plushies)
[b]Username: [/b] (please put down your username)
[b]If I am gifted a custom plushie:[/b] (pick one of the options below)
- I would not mind having this plushie converted. (You only want one plushie to be considered.)
- I would not mind having these any of these plushies converted. (You want to post more than one plushie.)

((Post plushies here.))

Edit Level/ Solo or Twin
[b]Plushie:[/b] [img][/img]
[b]Name of Plushie:[/b] (if you have one yet)
[b]Sex:[/b] m/f
[b]Body type:[/b] (only applies to full-sized ponies: regular, draft or warhorse)
[b]Breed templates you do like:[/b](only list templates that apply to the breed you have chosen)
[b]Breed templates you don't like:[/b] (only list templates that apply to the breed you have chosen)
[b]Reference images/mood boards:[/b] (link reference images here as links, please describe what they are so I know how it applies to the pet)'
[b]Notes:[/b] (make it brief, anything longer than a brief paragraph will make my eyes gloss over and I probably won't read it.
Anything can go here like... maybe they have scars or different coloured eyes, or what is their hairstyle like, etc. Have fun with it but make sure the essential stuff is on your plushie.)[/quote]

Edit Level / Solo or Twin
[b]Plushie:[/b] [img][/img]
[b]Name of Plushie:[/b] (if you have one yet)
[b]Sex:[/b] m/f
[b]Body type:[/b] (only applies to full-sized ponies: regular, draft or warhorse)
[b]Breed templates you do like:[/b](only list templates that apply to the breed you have chosen)
[b]Breed templates you don't like:[/b] (only list templates that apply to the breed you have chosen)
[b]Reference images/mood boards:[/b] (link reference images here as links, please describe what they are so I know how it applies to the pet)'
[b]Notes:[/b] (make it brief, anything longer than a brief paragraph will make my eyes gloss over and I probably won't read it.
Anything can go here like... maybe they have scars or different coloured eyes, or what is their hairstyle like, etc. Have fun with it but make sure the essential stuff is on your plushie.)[/quote]

PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 6:01 am


Who's been naughty and who's been nice?
People with an asterisk next to their names have not posted a form/header in this thread yet.

The Open Gift List (The Gifters)
  1. AstoriaFallen
  2. Revel1984
  3. Kaya Wolf Moon
  4. Azael_Rose
  5. Divena
  6. Rinial Sisterdragon
  7. mistalina13
  8. Fatal Irony
  9. Sabin Duvert
  10. Mia Lovasz
  11. The Dawn of Twilight
  12. Gracie Loff *
  13. lysia_nyteblade
  14. .Tortured. .Pumpkin.
  15. LunaRei_SilverBlood
  16. Calixita
  17. DarkenWoodWolf
  18. Cheyriddle4
  19. TheSuperiorSpider-Trina
  20. Teh Cheryl *
  21. Moxxiie
  22. junglerunner
  23. Fea Line
  24. Aria Starstone
  25. DeeJaye
  26. FrostyPeaches
  27. AislingJuno*
  28. Upside.-.Down *
  29. Kara Asumie
  30. Kyribird
  31. Shesha Sama
  32. Nisshou H *
  33. ~Latonia de la Courtel~
  34. o-Elixir-o
  35. Revolutionary Roniel
  37. Angelique DelaMort
  38. HoneyTeaTree
  39. Natelie
  40. Huroggmeten
  41. Lunadriel
  42. Jackariah Beckett
  43. Snowbelle Thundara
  44. Kettyn
  45. Dea and #Teddy#
  46. Nyx Queen of Darkness
  47. Wasteland Wyvern
  48. Kamiki
  49. chi honda
  50. Kyjoto
  51. sesshiyasha
  52. Niyaru Delacroix
  53. -Ghastly Demise-
  54. LydaLynn
  55. Rein_Carnation
  56. odet amo
  57. Nayci
  58. elfstar89
  59. Phail Ninja
  60. Kivras

The Newbie List (The Gifters)
  1. AstoriaFallen
  2. Kaya Wolf Moon
  3. Rinial Sisterdragon
  4. mistalina13
  5. lysia_nyteblade
  6. Calixita
  7. Teh Cheryl
  8. Aria Starstone
  9. AislingJuno
  10. Kara Asumie
  11. Kyribird
  12. TheFairyRogue
  13. Lunadriel
  14. Jackariah Beckett
  15. Kettyn
  16. sesshiyasha
  17. Rein_Carnation
  18. odet amo
  19. ~Latonia de la Courtel~
  20. Fantasy_Rocks13
  21. muffled_undertone

Yumitoko II

Eloquent Genius

14,575 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Super Tipsy 200

Yumitoko II

Eloquent Genius

14,575 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Super Tipsy 200
PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 9:25 am

I guess you could call this... open? :V
What do you guys think? Do you have a fave plushie that you always wanted converting?

Do my plushies have to be certed?
Can I use old plushies?
Are my plushies from the year 200X too old to be entered?
Nope. Any plushie from the past can be entered.
How many plushies can I post?
As many as you want
Can I get a boy twin and a girl twin?
No, fraternal twins are in my will not do section.
Do I have to nominate a newbie?
Not if you don't want to.
Do I have to post the nomination header, even if I'm not entering for myself?
Yes, the nomination will not count otherwise.
Can I nominate as many friends as I want for each category based on edit level?
No, you can only choose one friend per category, regardless of edit level as long as they are eligible. (So your newbie friend has to be a newbie and things like that... x'D )
Is there gonna be a list of those who have been nominated?
No there is not. For the sake of rolling the slots, I will be only listing the gifter, not the person who was nominated. Gotta keep things mysterious~
If we pick someone already nominated does that give them a second nomination or will you let us know and have us pick someone different to nominate?
If you pick someone who has already been nominated then it will give them +1 nomination for their count of nominations. I will not be telling anyone if someone has already been nominated or not.
Can I downgrade my mutant / hyperhybrid / super-rare if the slot gets rolled?
As with normal customs, if you list it as a mutant / hyperhybrid / super-rare I am going to count it as such. When the mutant mutant / hyperhybrid / super-rare slot is rolled I will remove all of the entries from those categories and roll as normal. If you have listed multiple plushies and some of them are not in any of these categories then you shouldn't worry as those plushies will still be eligible to be rolled or CC'd.
Can I ask for CC on things?
Yes, however, if it's CC then what I do will be up to my discretion.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 10:24 am

I have nominated someone for a gift!
Are they a newbie?:
Yes (I nominated 2 the other isn't)

Username: AstoriaFallen
If I am gifted a custom plushie:
- I would not mind having these any of these plushies converted.



Moderate / Twin
Plushie: User Image
Name of Plushie: (if you have one yet)
Sex: M
Body type: Regular
Breed templates you do like: any
Breed templates you don't like: suti stinger tail thing,
Reference images/mood boards: CC


light / Solo
Plushie: User Image
Name of Plushie: (if you have one yet)
Sex: F
Breed: Wind
Body type: Regular
Breed templates you do like: Any
Breed templates you don't like: The wings that spread outwards in a slight curl, I think that's eagle?
Reference images/mood boards: (link reference images here as links, please describe what they are so I know how it applies to the pet)'
Notes: (make it brief, anything longer than a brief paragraph will make my eyes gloss over and I probably won't read it.
Anything can go here like... maybe they have scars or different coloured eyes, or what is their hairstyle like, etc. Have fun with it but make sure the essential stuff is on your plushie.)


light / Solo
Plushie: User Image
Name of Plushie: (if you have one yet)
Sex: F
Breed: Wind
Body type: Regular
Breed templates you do like: Any
Breed templates you don't like: The wings that spread outwards in a slight curl, I think that's eagle?
Reference images/mood boards: (link reference images here as links, please describe what they are so I know how it applies to the pet)'
Notes: (make it brief, anything longer than a brief paragraph will make my eyes gloss over and I probably won't read it.
Anything can go here like... maybe they have scars or different coloured eyes, or what is their hairstyle like, etc. Have fun with it but make sure the essential stuff is on your plushie.)


light / twin
Plushie: User Image
User Image
Name of Plushie: (if you have one yet)
Sex: F
Breed: Mutant (unless mutant slot is taken) then Kirin, because I love their feet <3
Body type: Regular
Breed templates you do like: Any
Breed templates you don't like: The wings that spread outwards in a slight curl, I think that's eagle?
Reference images/mood boards: cc
Notes: n/a


light-moderate / solo
Plushie: User Image
Name of Plushie: (if you have one yet)
Sex: M
Breed: Uni'lona'suti
Body type: Regular
Breed templates you do like: Any
Breed templates you don't like: any kalona tail save the spade, the stinger tail for sutis, that's it.
Reference images/mood boards: cc
Notes: n/a


Winter Wolf


Friendly Shapeshifter

16,200 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Rebel Spark 50
  • Friend of the Goat 100
PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 11:15 am

I have nominated someone for a gift!
Are they a newbie?:

Username: Revel1984
If I am gifted a custom plushie: I would not mind having these any of these plushies converted.


((Any of those below))


Heavy / Solo
Plushie: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Name of Plushie:
Sex: Female
Breed: Regular
Body type: CC
Breed templates you do like: Roman Nose, Fluffy Fetlocks, Draft
Breed templates you don't like: N/A?
Reference images/mood boards: Hair like this but a bit longer? Bandanna doesn't have to be included - CC on expression, maybe something light, or flirty.
Notes: big floofy tail!!! (if mutant slot taken, could her tail be just a big floofy tail of hair?)


Minor / Solo
Plushie: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Name of Plushie:
Sex: Male
Breed: Kelpi
Body type: Regular
Breed templates you do like: Shark, Fancy, Eel
Breed templates you don't like: Gliding fins, fierce,
Reference images/mood boards: Hair
Notes: Have fun? based on a Whale Shark


Moderate / Twins
Plushie: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Name of Plushie:
Sex: Male
Breed: Unicorn
Body type: Draft
Breed templates you do like: Regular horn
Breed templates you don't like: Curved Style horn
Reference images/mood boards: classic uni tail ('the spiral one')Hair ref - pissed eyebrows, frown mouth
Notes: One twin has the grey eye colour, one Twin has this eye colour, doesn't matter which, earrings and tail spiked cuff like on the plushie on both Soq


Minor/Moderate / Solo
Plushie: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Name of Plushie:
Sex: Female
Breed: Unicorn
Body type: Draft
Breed templates you do like: Regular horn
Breed templates you don't like: Curved Style horn
Reference images/mood boards: classic uni tail ('the spiral one') Hair edited similarly to the mane of the plushie (pls not the braided template for the tail, similar to the mane would be purdy) - Star earrings, Stars on thin silvery chains in the mane and tail Like this, (but you know, pretty)
Notes: Definitely no flutter wings, i just love the design on this lady,
Alt leg pose if possible


Heavy / Solo
Plushie: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Name of Plushie:
Sex: Male
Breed: Cerynei
Body type: Draft
Breed templates you do like: Roman Nose, Fluffy Fetlocks,
Breed templates you don't like: N/A?
Reference images/mood boards: Manless except for a forelock, fluffy hair on the body to resemble a 'short mane', fluffy cheeks, just all the fluffy you're allowed without being a mutant XD
Notes: All the fluffy


Moderate / Solo
Plushie: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Name of Plushie:
Sex: Female
Breed: Angeni
Body type: Draft
Breed templates you do like: Roman Nose, Fluffy Fetlocks,
Breed templates you don't like: N/A?
Reference images/mood boards: CC on Mane/Tail edits, but please not the long templated braid, eyes like this - something like - this in her hair maybe (cc on this, you don't have to, i just think it's pretty)
Notes: Love you long time too


Moderate / Solo
Plushie: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Name of Plushie:
Sex: Female
Breed: Regular
Body type: Draft
Breed templates you do like: Roman Nose, Fluffy Fetlocks,
Breed templates you don't like: N/A?
Reference images/mood boards: Curly Hair like this (CC on length as long as it stays moderate level smile ) - Sultry Expression


Minor / Solo
Plushie: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Name of Plushie:
Sex: Female
Breed: Regular
Body type: Regular - (leg up option please?)
Breed templates you do like: Fluffy Fetlocks,
Breed templates you don't like: N/A?
Reference images/mood boards: Spikey hair - Or this spikey hair, something similar for the tail please? but a little longer
Notes: definitely no flutter wings on this one, i just love the colours of the plushie
PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 12:52 pm

I have nominated someone for a gift!
Are they a newbie?:

Username: Azael_Rose
If I am gifted a custom plushie:
- I would not mind having these any of these plushies converted.



Moderate? / Solo
Plushie: Blinking Version
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Normal Version
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Name of Plushie: Yuletide
Sex: Female
Breed: Cerynei
Body type: Regular
Breed templates you do like: Fleetfooted (For antlers see description)
Breed templates you don't like: Sturdy footed without fetlocks, Alert Tail
Reference images/mood boards: Uncert and Blinking Uncert
Notes: Either templated Ringlet Mane or custom loose ringlets/long curls styled hair. The blinking lights would be AMAZING but if not then just glowy bright normal ones are fine. As for antlers, I'd really love something large and similar to the 9 point buck antlers - that way there's plenty of lights!


Moderate to Heavy / Solo
Plushie: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Name of Plushie: Joyeux Noelle
Sex: Female
Breed: Angeni
Body type: Regular
Breed templates you do like: Style 2 wing set with or without the ear wings.
Breed templates you don't like: Style 1 wing set
Reference images/mood boards: Bow, Snowflake Ornament Inspiration: [x], [x], [x]
Notes: Custom loose ringlet/long curls or Ringlet Mane. Ringlet (lower only) Tail or custom similar to match custom mane. If her hair is dragging on the ground that's fine by me! Holly Garland in mane and on tail (near butt). Dusting of snow all over. Glowy Xmas lights tangled in her wings. Snowflake ornaments hang from the upper wings (cc on colors, whatever looks best). Big floppy tartan bow around neck (see ref).

Markings: white dappling on fetlocks, snowdrop/snowflake on nose, rosy cheeks. Up to you if you'd like to add a hidden xmas marking under her wings; either a darker gold than her base or white semi-naturalish.



Festive Hunter


11,525 Points
  • Citizen 200
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 1:56 pm

I have nominated someone for a gift!
Are they a newbie?:

Username: Divena
If I am gifted a custom plushie:
- I would not mind having this plushie converted.


((Post plushies here.))


CC/ Solo
Plushie: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. uncert
Name of Plushie: NA
Sex: CC
Breed: CC
Body type: CC
Breed templates you do like: Long manes and tails, feathers
Breed templates you don't like: any of the short mane and tails
Reference images/mood boards: NA
Notes: I honestly just love this plushie and have always wanted a soq based off it. I leave all other details up to you, with this plush as the inspiration.


Edit Level / Solo or Twin
Plushie: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Name of Plushie: (if you have one yet)
Sex: m/f
Body type: (only applies to full-sized ponies: regular, draft or warhorse)
Breed templates you do like:(only list templates that apply to the breed you have chosen)
Breed templates you don't like: (only list templates that apply to the breed you have chosen)
Reference images/mood boards: (link reference images here as links, please describe what they are so I know how it applies to the pet)'
Notes: (make it brief, anything longer than a brief paragraph will make my eyes gloss over and I probably won't read it.
Anything can go here like... maybe they have scars or different coloured eyes, or what is their hairstyle like, etc. Have fun with it but make sure the essential stuff is on your plushie.)

PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 2:12 pm

I have nominated someone for a gift!
Are they a newbie?:

Username: Rinial Sisterdragon
If I am gifted a custom plushie:
- I would not mind having this plushie converted.



Moderate? / Twins
Plushie: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert
Name of Plushie: TBD
Sex: Male
Breed: Wind
Body type: Regular
Breed templates you do like: Leg up
Breed templates you don't like: eagle wings open.
Reference images/mood boards: for the twin this color palette: [x] Palest color for the body. Other than that, have fun with where they go. heart
Notes: flowers, bows, whatever you wanna add to the pretty to make him an extra femme male. heart a pair of goggles would be cute. Other than that, have fun!

Rinial Sisterdragon

Mythical Sex Symbol

23,100 Points
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Sabin Duvert

Winter Trash

PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 8:43 pm

I have nominated someone for a gift!
Are they a newbie?:

Username: Sabin Duvert
If I am gifted a custom plushie:

- I would not mind having these any of these plushies converted. (You want to post more than one plushie.)


((Post plushies here.))


Minor to Heavy(CC) / Solo
Plushie: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Name of Plushie: TBA
Sex: m
Breed: Kalona mix (CC other breed features
Body type: Warhorse; if possible - head-down pose
Breed templates you do like:
Breed templates you don't like: Style 2 kalona wings (the skinny/upright ones)
Reference images/mood boards:
Inspiration (Art for me by MaxKennedy)
Notes: This is meant to be a relative of Bucky
so any tack/influences/etc you want to take from him - awesome! :3
Maybe based on a demon-version of Bucky of my design


Minor to Heavy(CC) / Solo or Twin [CC!]
Plushie: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Name of Plushie: TBA
Sex: m/f - CC
Breed: Angeni (But if you like this concept and already have a super-rare slot then feel free to use another breed's wings and just do one set - Hippogriff, wind, etc)
Body type: warhorse
Breed templates you do like: any
Breed templates you don't like:
Reference images/mood boards: see below smile
Notes: (( This is a
Bucky x Steve Mockbaby! :3 )) - I would love it if you took the plushie as a jumping-off point and then treated it like a breeding as far as parental influences of tack/body color texture/etc influences! Feel free to add or change traits :3


CC Up to Heavy/ Solo
Plushie: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Name of Plushie: TBA
Sex: CC
Breed: Suti or suti-mix (could mix in kirin or kalona or kelpi features, CC)
Body type: CC
Breed templates you do like:(only list templates that apply to the breed you have chosen)
Breed templates you don't like: style 2 kalona wings
Reference images/mood boards: (link reference images here as links, please describe what they are so I know how it applies to the pet)'
Notes:I love the concept of butterfly patterns on non-butterfly wings


Moderate to Heavy(CC) / Solo
Plushie: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Name of Plushie: TBA
Sex: CC
Breed: Mutant
Body type: CC
Breed templates you do like:
Breed templates you don't like:
Reference images/mood boards:
Notes: Have fun - this is just a wild plush I got one year I love :3


Minor to Heavy(CC) / Solo
Plushie: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Name of Plushie: Forge
Sex: CC
Breed: CC - Kalona? Suti? A mix? Mutant? Have fun
Body type: CC
Breed templates you do like:(only list templates that apply to the breed you have chosen)
Breed templates you don't like: (only list templates that apply to the breed you have chosen)
Reference images/mood boards:
Notes: Have fun biggrin


Minor to Heavy(CC) / Solo
Plushie: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Name of Plushie: TBD
Sex: CC
Breed: CC - Kalona or Suti cross?
Body type: CC
Breed templates you do like:(only list templates that apply to the breed you have chosen)
Breed templates you don't like: thin,upright kalona wings (style 2?)
Reference images/mood boards: (link reference images here as links, please describe what they are so I know how it applies to the pet)'
Notes: I really dig the dreadlock mane and shadowy effects! Wings can be custom or tweaked versions of existing templates.


Moderate to Heavy(CC) / Solo
Plushie: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Name of Plushie: TBD
Sex: CC
Breed: Mutant Kalona or Suti?
Body type: warhorse
Breed templates you do like: I
Breed templates you don't like: thin,upright kalona wings (style 2?)
Reference images/mood boards: (link reference images here as links, please describe what they are so I know how it applies to the pet)'
Notes: would love custom wings and/or tail for this one
This would be a sibling (sister or brother) for Dyson Graves

PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 3:20 am

I have nominated someone for a gift!
Are they a newbie?:

Username: The Dawn of Twilight
If I am gifted a custom plushie:
- I would not mind having these any of these plushies converted. (You want to post more than one plushie.)



CC Mod/Heavy / Solo
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert
Name of Plushie:
Sex: m
Breed: Regular
Body type: Regular
Breed templates you do like: Leg-Down if possible with Leg feathers?
Breed templates you don't like: no Draft please (for this plushie).
Reference images/mood boards: None.
Notes: Would love a long tail that trails slightly on the ground. Bloody handprint on his left shoulder beneath tabard.


CC Mod/Heavy? / Solo
Plushie: User Image Uncert
Name of Plushie:
Sex: m
Breed: Hippo/Cerynei
Body type: Regular
Breed templates you do like: Leg feathering, Claws/Talons, Cerynei ears
Breed templates you don't like: Beak. Leg scales.
Reference images/mood boards: Mood Board (Setting).
Notes: Custom wings o.o ?

The Dawn of Twilight

Yumitoko II

Eloquent Genius

14,575 Points
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 3:28 am

I'd like to kindly remind people not to hint or beg about being nominated for a gift. You can enter as long as you are generous enough to choose a person for a gift nomination out of the kindness of your own heart.<3

Also, please direct all questions to my mule, MoufuYurei.
My personal inbox is quite full and the mule allows me to organize things a little better.
Thanks. biggrin

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