Welcome to Project Catwalk! You are welcome to watch the
competition unfold whether you are a designer or a spectator. And no
matter the reason you came, I hope you enjoy your time here and get
involved with as much as you can.
Not only are you encouraged to audition for the main competition, but
there are tons of opportunities to join in mini contests as well. Get to
know your peers and take advantage of the other forums because the
main event can cause impatience.
On that note, I don't recommend anyone apply to be part of Project
Catwalk unless you have time to commit. The competition in its entirety
is guaranteed to run for at least two months, but can go much
longer depending on Line-Up dedication.
However, for that one designer that perseveres through the madness
and makes it until the very end, they are rewarded with
Buckle in and enjoy the ride.