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Yumitoko II

Eloquent Genius

14,575 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 2:18 am

OwO What's This?
((This is where you ask your questions.))

Opening date: Now
Closing Date 2nd October - midnight BST (It's my birthday on the 2nd hehe!)

  • Intro <--- you are here
  • Rules
  • What's on offer & bribe payments
  • Will do / won't do (& likes and dislikes)
  • FAQ
  • Progress Tracking
  • You've won! So what happens next?!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 11:40 am

I'm a very slow artist and 2018 hasn't been a very kind year to me. I may not be able to keep up the same pace as I used to but I would still like to give back to the community by letting you have the opportunity to go for what you really really want before I chill and take it a little easier. So, before entering these bribes please consider the long wait times, this is not quota work but something I paid for the opportunity to do.

If you are an impatient person, then I'm afraid that this may not be for you. I don't find impatience very motivating so please consider how patient of a person you are. Unless I die, you will get your artwork no matter what, good things take time though. Overall: The more complex your concept the longer you will be waiting and the more complex concepts I take on, the longer everyone's bribes will be.

Generic Bribe Rules
  1. If a colourist is not listed with an open bribe slot, do not make offers
  2. Offer what you have on hand and are willing to spend
  3. Bribe offers sent anywhere other than to the colourist will be ignored. If they specify an alternate account to send your offer to, make sure you do so!
  4. Send your full bribe information (what you are requesting and your offer)
  5. Do not send a PM and ask the colourist for an estimate, these are bribes. Use custom prices as a baseline and go from there
  6. If you are asking for a custom, include a form/description.
  7. If you currently have an active Bribe, you may not participate in any other Bribe until the first is complete.
  8. No individual may win the same colourist's bribe twice in a row
  9. It is strictly forbidden to offer real-life cash/goods for bribes - both by Soquili's rules and Gaia's own ToS.

My Bribe Rules

  1. Post your bribe forms here and send your offers to my mule (MoufuYurei).
  2. Do not offer more than you have / willing to pay. (We will both be sad if you do. D': )
  3. Please check below to see what I'm willing to do and what I am not. (In addition, I've added a list of likes/ dislikes. )
  4. If it's not on the form, it's not happening. So remember to put everything on the form. (Check and check it again!)
  5. Colourist choice is colourist choice. Any customs posted as Full-CC or Semi-CC will be treated as such. You cannot ask for changes beyond what you give me to work with. By giving me any kind of CC work you're putting your faith in me as an artist. I will warn you that things might be experimental.
  6. Stay hopeful and be nice to each other. (Positivity and hope, good!) emotion_yatta
  7. No complaining about your lack of funds. (Negativity, bad!) emotion_facepalm
  8. If I have any questions to ask you about your bribe concepts I'll message you.
  9. I'm a very excitable person so I may show interest in a lot of concepts, that does not mean I will automatically pick up your concept if I do show interest (because I love so many concepts and slots are limited, choices are hard sweatdrop ). So please keep in mind that I have not taken on your bribe until I specifically say,"I accept your bribe. Please send my mule a trade within 48 hours."
  10. Please include at least one concept capped at moderate level or below (custom or breeding is fine).
  11. Like with Customs, you can cap your own breedings to be lower levels if you choose. So if you have two extreme soquili but are okay with lower edit levels, do let me know using the appropriate modifier.

    Individual posts:
  12. 5 bribes can be entered with an additional familiar form as an option 6th.
  13. One herd helper entry per person. (In the event of group entries, joint herd helpers will count against the people who are paying for it.)

    Group posts:
    Still debating on whether to allow group bribes or not. If there enough interest, I may allow it. Do let me know here in this thread if you are interested.

Yumitoko II

Eloquent Genius

14,575 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Super Tipsy 200

Yumitoko II

Eloquent Genius

14,575 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Super Tipsy 200
PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 11:42 am

Peekaboooooo! :V

What's on offer?
20 bribe slots :)
(Please look at the post below to see what I will and will not do.)

Side note: Due to time restrictions I will only take on a limited amount of heavy and extreme slots. The majority of the concepts I am looking for will be moderate or below. To be honest with you all, I would pick up more heavy things if I could because they can be fun but there would be no way for me to complete it in the time frame the shop has given me and I don't want to get into trouble for it either so... please send your best offers if you want a chance at those limited spots and bear with me.

Pricing Guidelines
Honestly, it's upto your best judgement, only serious offers and obviously no lowballing please.
I have a limited amount of slots and a time limit to do them in so I will be looking at the best offers.

I prefer gold over items though I have a wish list on my mule of things I dream of getting some day. If you happen to have anything from there in your inventory that you're willing to part with then go ahead. If you want some kind of vague guide, you can find it below.

If your concept is cool 😎 or you offer me something cool 😍, different and fun that I'd love to do, I could take it for less pay than something that I don't like as much. Use common sense though. I'd expect things like identical twins with only hue shifts to have a smaller offering than fraternal twins or hue shifted twins with different edits, but use your best judgement!

It's up to you when it comes to what you consider minor pay, moderate pay or whatever but just use common sense:
emotion_awesome Minor offer for unedited to minor,
emotion_c8 Moderate offer for moderate pets,
emotion_dowant and so on... emotion_0A0
PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 11:47 am

(Check back later )
What I can do:
The soquili of your wildest dreams emotion_kirakira
The soquili of your nighmares emotion_dowant


  • All edit levels: - Unedited, Moderate, Heavy , Extreme (4-9 heavy edits max)
  • All legal breeds: - This includes purewalkers, mutants, etc. (Check my likes and dislikes for breeds I'm quite partial to~ <3 )
  • CC & Semi-CC / Semi-custom: - Complete colourist's choice or semi-customs based of colour palettes, like / dislike lists, mood /image boards, themes, couple / poly group mockbreeding, long lost relatives of soquili you own, rogue breeding mockbreeding, etc.
  • Twins: - Identical & Paternal
    (Options to consider: hue shift only / minor changes e.g expressions, scaring, piercings,etc / larger differences (up to 10% difference) e.g hair and accessories,
    different poses)
  • Herd Helpers: - All the same pose, all the same sex, hue shifted markings
  • Pet converts:
    with proof of permission and ownership
  • Re-customs: - Full custom or Semi-CC style options available
  • Mock children: - of couples or poly relationships of 3+ soquili
  • Cursing: - Turn a fullsized hooved soquili into a cursed skinwalker! This can be done on existing pets as they currently are, new pets or you can recustom an existing pet!


Standard (what you can get)-
  • Maximum number of baskets (3 baskets for a Standard breeding, 5 baskets for an Elder breeding)
  • Sexes: You even can choose the sex of the children if you like!
  • Stages: 3 stage breedings & Express options (live birth, gacha and adult only) available.
  • Spirit Couples of different body types, (e.g an usdia and a regular full sized soquili) can choose the option of having mixed batches or non-mixed batches.
    mixed batches:
    let the RNG decide for each kid whether they will be the same body type as parent 1 or parent 2.
    non-mixed batches:
    let the RNG decide if they will be the same body type as parent 1 or parent 2, for all children.

    Optional add-ons: (I'm allowing you to only choose one so please be decisive in your choices.)
    Poly partnerships and influences: (I'm only offering this option to lifemates.)
  • I cannot breed 3 soquili together in official breedings but the Influence of a 3rd partner can show up via accessory edits. Include proof of partnership with your information please, lifemate permissions double as referencing permission so this will suffice.
    Twists: (This is on offer to all couples.)
  • Twists for the current season (when I open, probably autumn)
    Additional mock twins: - counts as a separate bribe slot out of your total number of slots
    I'm willing to twin a mock child from the breeding but if you pick this option you don't get to choose which child gets to be twinned. (Yay surprises!) I'm unlikely to choose this option because it does take up an extra slot, it's got to be something that will blow my mind for me to want to do an additional mock twin.

  • What I can't do:

    Anything against the custom & re-custom rules - you can check them here
    Referencing soquili or pets without permission- please go to the referencing permissions thread to make your agreements and don't forget to link them with your form!
    Illegal pets (e.g skinwalker x angeni mixes, etc) / illegal cursing (Cursing pawed / clawed pets, usdia, seathi, mers, etc)


  • More than the maximum amount of children (unless you manage to obtain an extra slot for mock children from the breeding)
  • Let you choose features or design the outcome of breeding
  • Anything against the rules

  • --------------------------------------------
    Tempt me~ wink

    (Lucky for you that's what I like, that's what I like~)
    If any of these apply to your entry, then it might catch my eye.

    • Body Types and breeds
    • Orignal Template (Hooved Regulars)
    • Usdia and Seathi
    • Drafts

    • Naturals (Soquili with features, markings and colours that are natural to horses, natural beauuutyyyyy!!!)
    • Wildlife themed soquili (birds, fish, sharks, whales, badgers, cows, zebras, donkeys, giraffes, etc.)
    • Spots and stripes
    • Soft colours, gradients, opalescent colourings

    • Minor to moderate edits
    • Metallic jewellery chains, strings of pearls, string, ribbon, scarves, blindfolds, cloth fabric, simple accessories, etc.
    • Short-medium manes
    • Subtle fuzz or extra fur (but man it takes a lot of time... -sweats- )
    • Long unicorn tails or little nubbin cerynei tails
    • Custom horns: Simple horns / spikes for suti & mutants, unicorn horns, kirin horns, etc

      Aesthetics and themes
    • Body mods, makeup and paint: Tattoos , War paint, piercings, brands, scars, etc...
    • Pokémon & Pokéfusions
    • Crystals and minerals (as accessories or as a feature e.g. protruding from the skin or horns, etc)
    • Elemental effects, magic effects, smoke, particle effects, glitch, glow & bioluminescence (earth, wind / air, fire, magma, water, ice, etc)
    • Nature and Flora: Vines, flowers, etc
    • Historical themes and ancient civilisations (Vikings, Celts, Anglo-saxons, Mayans, Middle Ages, Edo Period, 16th century, etc)
    • Bald soquili (especially with fins or horns)
    • Gender bending / varying gender presentations: Femme boys, Masc girls, etc

      Custom types:
    • Full CC
    • Semi-customs based on mood boards, colour pallets, music
    • Recustoms (of really old soquili)
    • Mock children (especially semi-custom mock children. ;D)
    • Herd helpers (especially mockchildren herd helpers or herd helpers for existing herds / cultures, however, new herds may spark my interest too!)

      Breeding types:
    • Adult only (Express breedings)
    • Complex soquili paired with simple unedited soquili
    • Pretty much everything... LL couples, Old old couples lifemated couples, spontaneous flings, lifemated spirit couples, matchy-matchy soquili...

    These are not automatic deal breakers but the concept or offer is probably going to have to be fantastic.
    • Custom feral forms
    • Foal stages
    • Critters
    • Custom paws
    • Custom leg / head/ neck Poses
    • Fully clothed ponies (I like to adjust clothing to be form fitting or omit some elements that don't quite fit a horse. )
    • Pants / Skirts / shoes / sandals (this is on my list of things that I won't do)
    • Pets based on butterflies and Moths (colourings, themes, critters, etc...pretty much anything realistic... phobia)
    • Flutters
    • Pixies
    • Cluttered Soquili (edits or markings..I like having somewhere to rest my eyes.)
    • Big wings in lots of random poses with no sense of direction or purpose (I like them not to be all in crazy random poses because it just looks like they are freaking out and it can be a bit weird imo)
    • Long long long noodle hair
    • Custom scales (kirin or suti)
    • Organs hanging out (Yumi is bad at pony anatomy but could try...still... be prepared for something experimental)
    • Item / accessory splicing or splicing in general

    Honestly speaking, due to the time constraints I am presented with, I will probably only take on a couple of things based on heavy+ edits. These will take a long time so some understanding would be appreciated. The best offers in terms of both concept and pricing will probably win. The rest will be moderate edits and below, so if you really really want try to come away with something, make sure you have a couple of concepts with a variety of edit levels on hand for me to parooze and you may be lucky! 👀

    Yumitoko II

    Eloquent Genius

    14,575 Points
    • Generous 100
    • Tycoon 200
    • Super Tipsy 200

    Yumitoko II

    Eloquent Genius

    14,575 Points
    • Generous 100
    • Tycoon 200
    • Super Tipsy 200
    PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 9:51 am

    FAQ - stolen from Mind and Deej x'D

    Preface to Q&A-
    Please don't be afraid to ask questions! There is a saying, don't ask, don't get, this applies here too! I'm not telepathic so I can't answer questions before you have asked them. There might be something you want or something you need to know but I won't know if you don't ask. I'll consider your individual requests and weigh them up if you ask for something up front e.g. mock twins, requests regarding individual customs or the possibility of opening group bribes. Before you ask, I only ask that you read this FAQ and other people's questions.

    Q: I've got a question, where do I ask?
    A: Ask your questions here in this thread the reason being is that you might have he same question as someone else and it may also help them as well.
    I won't be able to see your question if you shout it out into the void so make sure to post it here and quote me.

    Please don't send any questions to my main account via PM, DM me on discord, ask questions in #general or @me on discord. I won't answer any of them there even if I'm presently in the chat. So if you want your questions answered, please respect my request and ask your questions here, thank you.

    If you would like to ask a question privately, send a message to my mule ( "MoufuYurei" ) and please do specify that you would like to keep it private. I may be a little slower to respond but I will get to them.

    Q: Just to make sure I'm reading clearly. Bribe forms are to be posted where?
    A: Please post your forms here (link).

    Q: Do you accept Items?
    A: Yup! As long as its able to be sent in a single trade, I have no issue with items, though I prefer pure! I do have a wishlist on my mule, so if you have any of those items go for it!

    Q: Omg I'm so poor I can't afford anything super expensive!
    A: It'll be a while yet before these open so don't worry too much. You'll be able to save up a little bit and offer what you think my time and skill is worth. Gaia's online currency will probably be the tiebreaker but I'm looking for some rad concepts to catch my attention.

    Q: If I win something from the bribes, and someone entered me in a breeding, do I disqualify their bribe?
    A: Nope! I'm counting it by the person entering. You can end up in a couple breedings.

    Q: If I have won a custom or a breeding this month through normal slots, can I still enter for the bribes and vice versa?
    A:Yes, you may enter. Bribes are completely independent of the regular monthly limits of normal custom and breeding slots.

    Q: WHOO HERDHELPER. I'm gonna have four boys and two girls
    A: I love herd helpers too! Yahooooo!!!! (Herd helpers for days!!!!)
    Though I would like to point out some information I mentioned above. Herd helpers have to be the same sex (same basic template). It's like identical twins but on steroids, so you can get all males or all females but no mixing the bases.

    Q: I want to change or amend my offer, what should I do?
    A: You may change your mind when it comes to what you want to offer me for your bribe so shoot my mule ( "MoufuYurei" ) a PM with your new offer at any time and just let me know that this is your new offer! It's as simple as that. biggrin

    Q: Proxies?
    A: Nah, thanks. Unless your bribe it is a gift to someone else, please enter on your own behalf.

    Q: Help! I don't know the edit level of my concept!
    I can only help so much but sometimes I tend to under estimate the complexities of some things until I do them, I'm going to try and not do that this time haha. If you think it's somewhere between two edit levels but you're not sure, I'd like you to know that I will count it as the higher edit level because sometimes I can be a bit outlandish.
    e.g minor / mod ---> mod
    heavy/extreme ---> extreme

    Q:Can staff enter your bribes?
    Yes, they can.
    PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:08 am

    Progress Tracking
    (( -breathing intensifies- ))

    I will give you a Trello Tracking Ticket* for you to bookmark and monitor( for the purposes of progress tracking). When I make significant progress, I will update my progress there with notes if I need and WIPs for non-CC & Non-breeding pets. Chances are, I'll upload WIPs there before they make it to you, sometimes I may even forget to send WIPs or who I sent them to so please check there first.

    What is a Trello Tracking Ticket?
    It's a link to a website called Trello.com where you can view an individual Trello card dedicated to your bribe.

    You can ask for me to make a private Trello board** for you to check on if you'd rather keep something a surprise (e.g. a gift) or would rather not have your username or details of what you are getting made public. Please ask for this ahead of time when you send in your offer.

    Is your bribe progress at a standstill? No progress recently?
    Don't worry, it's not forgotten, if I have accepted your offer, it's official, I will complete some bribes before others in the order of what's most fun and inspiring to work on at the time. Have hope, they'll come eventually.

    * Iif it's a bigger project like a breeding or a herd helpers you may get an entire Trello board dedicated to your bribe instead.
    ** This would require you to sign up to the site so I can add you to the board.

    Yumitoko II

    Eloquent Genius

    14,575 Points
    • Generous 100
    • Tycoon 200
    • Super Tipsy 200

    Yumitoko II

    Eloquent Genius

    14,575 Points
    • Generous 100
    • Tycoon 200
    • Super Tipsy 200
    PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 12:07 am

    You've won! So what happens next?!
    These are the next details of what to expect when I have accepted your offer.

    I will give you a Trello Tracking Ticket!
    You wait

    I may also ask you questions about your bribe and spam you with WIPs unless it's a CC or Semi-CC custom. 👀

    WIP policy and certing
    I will provide you with WIPs through the host Imgur. I will show you a finalised form but I would appreciate it until you wait for them to be dropped before you send them for certing as there may be QC issues that I spot before I upload to the official host. When you are given the official soquili image host link, then you may post for certing as I am sure I have checked it over a million times,

    Livestream policy
    - By entering you agree to all of my livestream rules, you can check them at www.twitch.tv/yumiboxer
    - It's part of my workflow and the sense of being watched gives me motivation to keep going. Colouring is actually a very lonely and quiet experience when not streaming so I like the social aspect that streaming brings.
    - Please don't screenshot my livestream, it's my experimental space and some things from the livestream will not make it into the final pet. Even if you want to share with a friend, please don't do that. This has caused upset before.
    - However,I will allow people to use the clip function of twitch to share their favourite parts of the stream.
    - The only thing I won't stream is gifts or if someone really really wants a mystery. These may take longer. Actually no, these will take longer. Sorry.
    -I'm not obligated to show anything on my stream or give WIPs of breedings.
    PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 11:53 am

    I'm not opening bribes just yet but people have started asking me questions so I'll leave this thread open for questions now but please be aware I am still working on my quota breedings first and this thread is also a work in progress. When bribes open everything will be set up properly.Thank you.

    Yumitoko II

    Eloquent Genius

    14,575 Points
    • Generous 100
    • Tycoon 200
    • Super Tipsy 200

    Yumitoko II

    Eloquent Genius

    14,575 Points
    • Generous 100
    • Tycoon 200
    • Super Tipsy 200
    PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 11:34 pm

    Updated FAQ with permission from the person who asked the question.
    PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 9:28 am

    Regarding customs, how do you feel about PokeFusion forms?
    (If okay, would a CC form with just a pogey list be acceptable? No actual set outcome in mind, just seeing what kind of brain baby you make, or would you prefer something more descriptive?)


    Feral Krampus

    Yumitoko II

    Eloquent Genius

    14,575 Points
    • Generous 100
    • Tycoon 200
    • Super Tipsy 200
    PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:38 am

    Regarding customs, how do you feel about PokeFusion forms?
    (If okay, would a CC form with just a pogey list be acceptable? No actual set outcome in mind, just seeing what kind of brain baby you make, or would you prefer something more descriptive?)
    I'm A-okay with that. Just include your fave reference images and the names of the Pokemon you are interested in, any extra notes if applicable and that's all you need! biggrin
    PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:53 am

    This might be a stupid question but I’ve never really been involved with bribes before. We’re given 5 slots to post for ourselves. Does that mean though that it’s only 5 slots total per person or, say if someone enters like a breeding, would the breeding partner have it count against their slot or is it essentially an extra slot? I’m not sure if that’s the best wording for my question...

    Kaya Wolf Moon

    Mystical Wolf

    10,125 Points
    • The Wolf Within 100
    • Rebel Spark 50
    • Frozen Sleuth 100

    Yumitoko II

    Eloquent Genius

    14,575 Points
    • Generous 100
    • Tycoon 200
    • Super Tipsy 200
    PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 2:59 pm

    Kaya Wolf Moon
    This might be a stupid question but I’ve never really been involved with bribes before. We’re given 5 slots to post for ourselves. Does that mean though that it’s only 5 slots total per person or, say if someone enters like a breeding, would the breeding partner have it count against their slot or is it essentially an extra slot? I’m not sure if that’s the best wording for my question...
    It's 5 per person. So if someone else enters a pairing with one of your soquili in it, it does not count against you if they pay and enter for it. If you were both to pool your funds to get the breeding, I would count it against you both but group bribes are not an option unless enough people wanted them to be. I hope that answers your question. If I have misunderstood something along the way, please let me know.
    PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 3:16 pm

    I didn't see anything mentioned in the rules

    Do you want offers in gold or platinum?


    Magical Kitten

    Yumitoko II

    Eloquent Genius

    14,575 Points
    • Generous 100
    • Tycoon 200
    • Super Tipsy 200
    PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 3:45 pm

    I didn't see anything mentioned in the rules

    Do you want offers in gold or platinum?
    Either currency is fine because trades convert it into the currency that receiving person prefers however I would like the worth to be listed in gold.

    I will have to write more about this soon, thank you! <3
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