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When the clock strikes twelve, the school becomes Hell... 

Tags: Horror, Mystery, Story, Supernatural, Academy 

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The Lone Farm (Restricted area)

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The Emerald Sorcerer-l-

Distinct Tycoon

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 12:48 pm
Near the outskirts of the forest lies a homely looking farm protected by extremely powerful wards to keep evil at bay. Only those with pure intent are allowed into this farm which stretches on 150 acres of land. This is the humble home Leonardo Videl and his fiance Jacky and their baby daughter Annabelle. A w decent work force of farm hands help out around the farm,and there are many animals that are in care here. Many crops are being produce here etc.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 3:07 am
♼ '' I don't spare evil get in the way and you die period. ''♼

♼Leonardo ♼Videl♼ Math Teacher/Guardian


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♼ When his duty was over patrolling the grounds it was time to head on home,so he did in his family jeep. Now coming from the future driving such a car would seem archaic to him at first,but after a year of being here he found it relaxing. Sure they did not fly in the sky,but there was something laid back about it all and he enjoyed it. As the rain continued to pound down upon his jeep the man had to drive one hour away from his work. He had already called home to tell Jacky he was on his way. It was something else to have someone worry about him so much,but it was very comforting. Jacky had known about the storm in his region and she told him up and down to be safe'' Such a worry wort but I love that'' those were his thoughts as he drove home. When he arrived at the farm the storm had lesson by a greater degree than before which was a blessing in disguise.

♼ Pulling up to the house he notice a few lights on that was a good sign they still had power. As he got out of the car the rain fall here is a light drizzle now. As he walked to the farm the door open up,and Jacky was waiting for him with a relived smile. Wearing a white sleeping gown Jacky wore her hair down that ran down her back. The light coming form her back made her skin seem soft in the glow,and for Leo that meant his heart skipped a beat. It was clear he was and will always be attracted to his fiance,and her age was not a factor not at all. Her freckles and green eyes made her smile even more alluring to the man. As he made his way to the steps of their two story house she greeted him with .'' There my handsome fellah I made some delicious soup for you. Annabelle is sleeping like a rock how she is sleeping through a storm is beyond me '' ''I appreciate it and I'll see her soon'' he said wrapping her in a hug,and she did the same as they backed away to arm length they kissed. A loving kiss that made them both flush as they broke apart,and walked into the house together.

♼ As he took off his jacket he wore a plan black shirt underneath hanging his jacket on a coat rack. Sitting down at the family table the bowl of soup was hot and ready for him with the side of water.''So how has your day been nothing too chaotic?'' Jacky set next to him with a sigh the rain could be heard out side as the screen door allowed sound to flood in. ''Well everything was going alright we had a few bumps here. One of the new farm hands almost got darn trampled by quicksilver (horse)had to step in for that,but after that the rain started up.We got what we could get done this day that was a bit of a fuss'' she was showing signs of irritation. Placing a hand to ease her she didn't bring up the fact that taking care of a baby was a factor. '' I could ask for days off to help out if you wan't me to'' he offer giving her hand a light squeeze '' If you can i'd appreciate it stud ,but we have farm hands for that as well so don't you trouble yourself too much'' her emerald eyes matched his grey. Leonardo knew she was being a bit stubborn but he knew her well this woman is both hardy and hardworking. Growing up on a farm in America in the south would do that to a woman,and the fact that she juggled it all together made her some sort of superwoman/supermom.

♼ Then there was the back up money she inherited from her father who is a successful rancher himself. It is money that they would use as a last resort if things got truly bad. Having more experience then him in these matters,she held the reigns when it came to making money. It may seem unbalance here but every bit of help counted most of his check would be sent here. To help for the many bills that came with owning such a farm. When he wasn't at work he was here helping the farm run smoothly ,and for the most part that worked out well.''Is William here?'' Leo ask William is the eighteen year old farm hand who slept in the barn.That boy was trust worthy in many ways a bit odd for wanting to sleep in a barn. '' Mhm sleeping in the barn I reckon that boy is going places'' she said approvingly.They both began to talk about the upstart farm hand for a good few minutes.

♼ As time passed the soup Leo ate vanished all together,and the two were closing down the house for bed. After washing up and brushing his teeth Leonardo wen't over to the crib that Annabelle slept in.The baby girl was knocked out,but she did respond when her papa bent down to kiss her on the cheek. The baby seem to smile in her sleep as if she knew he was there. The baby slept in a different room with a baby monitor close by. In his room he saw that Jacky was waiting for him back turn to him for obvious reasons.The woman is very bottom heavy and thick just how he liked his woman. Tonight the man would make love to his fiance tonight there would be no interruptions...hopefully. *Door closes and timeskip*

♼ He lay on his side his arm draped over Jacky as they both slept exhausted. They both needed each other and they both needed this.
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Mood: Relaxed
Location: The Lone farm
Company: Jacky and Annabelle
♼ ''In the end I got a heroes ending a beautiful wife and a adorable daughter I'am grateful ''♼

Leo's Theme:Stardust Crusader

Leo/Jackie Theme Sands of time
Ability 1:Blade Of Yugudorashiru (Yggdrasil The World Tree): This sword of legend is fused with his very soul allowing him to summon the blade at will. The power alone has increased Leonardo's power by 10x making him more powerful than most Nephalem. Once summoned the blade cloaks Leonardo in a twilight aura. Though the blade has been weaken to 50% of its power,and the familiar that sleeps within lies dormant It still grants Leo the edge in battle as it allows him to project its energy in the form of powerful explosive wave slashes etc. The powerful familiar Odin sleeps within the blade,and will awaken in the most dire of times. Once this happens Leo will sync with the titan once more becoming whole again.
(I Will slowly update the increase in power starting form 50% as the story progress.)
Aspects: (Unknown at the moment power lies dormant)
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It is far more than just a simple blade however it resembles a katana although the blade(Steel part) appears to be wooden.Looks can be deceiving as this blade is strong enough to cut through arch demons,arch angels and much more.The guard of the katana is a shiny gold color. The cord wrap being a jet black and the ornament is also black. Attached to the ornament is a key chain at the end of it that resembles a golden appeal.
Drawbacks The sword is connected to his soul ,so if it was damaged heavily it would hurt in unimaginably.( It would have to be a powerful attack to harm his sword though)
Ability 2: Titan-Familiar: Valigarmanda
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Aspects:This is weakest familiar but what it lacks in power it makes up for in verity. Granting Leo the ability to conjure ice,fire and lightning the tri-disaster as some call it.The force of these elements are mid-high level at best. He can add the elemental effects to his sword to take on the properties of one of the three elements one at a time. Each element he changes also effects his aura. For fire it is a blazing red aura that gives off heat,for lightning it is yellow sparking all over the place and for ice a cold chill and mellow aura.

Limits Leo can only use one element at a time and must wait six post to be able to switch between them.

Ability 3:Titan-Familiar: Bahamut
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Aspects:The Second strongest is the dragon king bahamut which grants Leo powerful energies called dragons breath. Allowing him to shoot destructive beams of old ancient energy from his mouth,but not just his mouth. He can create orbs 3x the size of a beach balls all around him. He can control them to fire off into different directions are at a single target. Another bonus is the it grants him the ability to soar like a dragon making his mobility greater. The aura around him is a dark purple,and the effects others feel is that of a heavy pressure that exude pride and strength of the dragon king.
Limits He can only used this power for a limited time due to the amount of energy needed(five post is his max.)
b]Ability 4:Titan-Familiar: Diablos
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Aspects: His strongest familiar (for now) and newly acquired one at that. This creature came to be as he destroyed the ancient one the fragment of the mighty entity branched off,and was absorbed into him, Thus creating Diablos this being allows him to control pure darkness manipulating it ,and shaping it to his will.The power is more stronger during the night,but 25% weaker during the day. This power allows him to call upon shadow fiends to aid him in battle. He can meld into the shadows at will. Yggdrasil can be covered in the darkness ,but can never be corrupted adding it's power to the darkness for a fierce combo.Since it is a new power it has some control over him as,well altering his mood making him more darker and cold. The aura he displays is one that foretold unimaginable doom. The aura is jet black representing the nature of darkness a abyss....

Limits/drawbacks The longer he is using Diablos the more toll it takes on his body as he has not master it fully. He is basically damaging himself when he uses this power.

Drawback: He can only use one familiar at a time and must wait ten post to be able to switch to another.


The Emerald Sorcerer-l-

Distinct Tycoon

The Emerald Sorcerer-l-

Distinct Tycoon

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 5:32 pm

♼ '' I don't spare evil get in the way and you die period. ''♼

♼Leonardo ♼Videl♼ Math Teacher/Guardian


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♼ Leonardo was awoken in the early morning by the sound of his baby girl Annabelle. Jacky stirred, but Leonardo put a hand on her shoulder and whipserd''I'll get her''he told her as he kissed her on the cheek softly. A small smile spread across her sleeping face. Leo got up quickly but with the stealth of a ninja to not disturb his dearest. Walking into the room where the baby was crying, he scooped her up gently and began to rock her back and forth. When little Annabelle began to calm down Leonardo took her downstairs to heat up some formula for her. All the while he began to sing to her an old Japanese lullaby passed down from his mother and so on and so forth. As he heated up the formula he began to sing another lullaby this one in English.

♼As the formula was done heating up and making sure that it was not too hot Leonardo fed her. The baby grapes the bottle the best her little fingers could and began to feed. Annabelle looked at her father with tired eyes as she suckled on the bottle. Leonardo kissed her on the forehead telling her''Father loves you very much'' he told her lovingly. A few minutes of feeding, rocking back and forth and lullabies little Annabelle was in deep sleep once again. Taking her back upstairs and making sure she was laying down correctly, he watches her sleep making sure everything was correct. As he closed the door gently he headed back to his room many feelings flooding into his being. The strongest of all was love as he went back to bed he thought of pleasant things as he drifted off to dreamland.

♼The next sound to wake him up was not the sound of his daughter, but the sound of his alarm clock. The two adults got up with a snap of a finger it was time to start the day. They talked about the daily schedule as they both took care of their daily grooming etc. When that was taken cared of they had Annabelle all dressed up playing with her toys in her play area. '' We cooking together Stud?'' Jecky asked as she made the coffee for the day.'' Nah I'll cook for the day you take it easy'' he said cooly as he approached her from behind rubbing her shoulders.''an't you just the prince of my dreams'' she said softly. Leonardo began to get everything started for breakfast. By the time he was done, they had a feast before them. Even the young farmhand Charles was there to join them. By the time they were done eating Leonardo had time to spare an hour before it was time to drive off to work. Along with the nanny to arrive to look after little Annabelle.

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Mood: Relaxed
Location: The Lone farm
Company: Jacky,Annabelle and Charels [All npc]
♼ ''In the end I got a heroes ending a beautiful wife and a adorable daughter I'am grateful ''♼

Leo's Theme: Stardust Crusader

Leo/Jackie Theme Sands of time
Ability 1:Blade Of Yugudorashiru (Yggdrasil The World Tree): This sword of legend is fused with his very soul allowing him to summon the blade at will. The power alone has increased Leonardo's power by 10x making him more powerful than most Nephalem. Once summoned the blade cloaks Leonardo in a twilight aura. Though the blade has been weakened to 50% of its power, and the familiar that sleep within lies dormant It still grants Leo the edge in battle as it allows him to project its energy in the form of powerful explosive wave slashes etc. The powerful familiar Odin sleeps within the blade and will awaken in the direst of times. Once this happens Leo will sync with the titan once more becoming whole again.
(I Will slowly update the increase in power starting form 50% as the story progress.)
Aspects: (Unknown at the moment power lies dormant)
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It is far more than just a simple blade however it resembles a katana although the blade(Steel part) appears to be wooden. Looks can be deceiving as this blade is strong enough to cut through archdemons, archangels and much more. The guard of the katana is a shiny gold color. The cord wrap is a jet black and the ornament is also black. Attached to the ornament is a keychain at the end of it that resembles a golden appeal.
Drawbacks The sword is connected to his soul, so if it was damaged heavily it would hurt in unimaginable.( It would have to be a powerful attack to harm his sword though)
Ability 2: Titan-Familiar: Valigarmanda
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Aspects:This is weakest familiar but what it lacks in power it makes up for in verity. Granting Leo the ability to conjure ice,fire and lightning the tri-disaster as some call it.The force of these elements are mid-high level at best. He can add the elemental effects to his sword to take on the properties of one of the three elements one at a time. Each element he changes also effects his aura. For fire it is a blazing red aura that gives off heat,for lightning, it is yellow sparking all over the place and for ice a cold chill and mellow aura.

Limits Leo can only use one element at a time and must wait for six posts to be able to switch between them.

Ability 3:Titan-Familiar: Bahamut
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Aspects: The Second strongest is the dragon king Bahamut which grants Leo powerful energies called dragons breath. Allowing him to shoot destructive beams of old ancient energy from his mouth, but not just his mouth. He can create orbs 3x the size of a beach ball all around him. He can control them to fire off in different directions are at a single target. Another bonus is it grants him the ability to soar like a dragon making his mobility greater. The aura around him is a dark purple, and the effects others feel is that of a heavy pressure that exudes pride and strength of the dragon king.
Limits He can only use this power for a limited time due to the amount of energy needed(five post is his max.)
b]Ability 4:Titan-Familiar: Diablos
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Aspects: His strongest familiar (for now) and newly acquired one at that. This creature came to be as he destroyed the ancient one the fragment of the mighty entity branched off, and was absorbed into him, Thus creating Diablos this being allows him to control pure darkness manipulating it , and shaping it to his will. The power is stronger during the night, but 25% weaker during the day. This power allows him to call upon shadow fiends to aid him in battle. He can meld into the shadows at will. Yggdrasil can be covered in the darkness, but can never be corrupted by adding it's power to the darkness for a fierce combo. Since it is a new power it has some control over him as, well altering his mood making him darker and cold. The aura he displays is one that foretold unimaginable doom. The aura is jet black representing the nature of darkness an abyss...

Limits/drawbacks The longer he is using Diablos the more toll it takes on his body as he has not mastered it fully. He is basically damaging himself when he uses this power.

Drawback: He can only use one familiar at a time and must wait for ten posts to be able to switch to another.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 11:36 am
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Mood ➤: Curious l Location ➤: Farm l Company ➤: Farm Animals l Item/s ➤: N/A

Instead of being in his office, he took a morning stroll to the woods. He has been seeing some...things along the way such as the most noticeably thing was the strong iron scent of blood in some parts of the woods. The strongest was from the bridge, he knew the source of the destructive cause and he seeks to catch a glimpse of what Nemesis has become. "He really enjoyed himself last night." he said in admiration as splat of blood painted a patch of flowers, he stared at the sight like it was a work of art.

For some reason he felt his father senses kicked in as he unconsciously pulled out his phone and sent a text message to his son.
Text Message:
To: Daddy's Baby Boy [Skytherix]
Good morning Skytherix, I hope you had sweet dreams last night and gained plenty of rest for today. I absolutely hope...That if I set foot through your door...I shouldn't see a clothes on the floor...a shirtless Sky...and a girl... with white hair and green eyes lying on your bed... I mean... That would be lubricious am I right! Hahahahahahahahahahha~ I mean you would be dead before you even blink, hahahahhaahhaha.Even if your my son you would be dead by my hands before anyone else Hahahahahaha~ Wooooo~ Any who~ Get ready for the day cause we will be also be discussing some things, no sweat, just a little father to son talk... and maybe your future~<3 Anyway, remember your two mommies and daddy will always love you.

As soon as Lucius sent the loving message he heard a 'Mooooooooo!' he looked up and was astonished that he found himself in a farm of all places. It as interesting cause it didn't looked abandoned, nope it looked like to be well running farm that was has inhabitants.

When the headmaster walked closer to it, it felt like something was pushing him away but he merely pushed the feeling aside. He walked towards the entrance door with his blazer hanging on his bold shoulders as it gently flew in the wind. Perhaps he can ask owner for a spar farmer' outfit...for a future event. When he made it to the doorstep, he knocked on the door. "Is anyone home~?" he called out. He continued to know and it turned into a tone you heard from one of Beethoven's works specifically Für Elise.


"You know what I like about this place?
The memories...
Memories stay forever."

Theme - InSaNiTy


Nightmares in Daydreams

The Emerald Sorcerer-l-



Lonely Phantom

10,775 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Partygoer 500
  • Forum Sophomore 300

The Emerald Sorcerer-l-

Distinct Tycoon

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 6:53 pm

♼ '' I don't spare evil get in the way and you die period. ''♼

♼Leonardo ♼Videl♼ Math Teacher/Guardian


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♼ Leonardo felt something approach, he knew the feeling to be akin to himself but it was much more... Then came the knock on the door with an anyone home question. Jacky is close to the door but she was a bit shock not expecting the nanny for at least thirty more minutes. Before Leonardo could do anything to stop, her she opens the door. The southern hospitality was on in full now'' Well howdy stranger who might you be?'' she asked in a kind voice giving the man a friendly smile. Leonardo looked to Charles the farmhand '' Go out the back door get started on your chores this a family matter'' his voice was cool as ice and calm like a stream. Charles did as he was told with a reply of '' Yes gov'' the farmhand walked off without any protest.

♼They had that understanding and the respect was there for all to see. When he heard the back door close Leonardo stood up from the dinner table. Walking over to Jacky and glancing over at Annabelle who was chewing on one of her toys. Blissfully unaware of her surroundings only a baby could have when distracted. He was like a ninja moving with grace and without a sound. He pinched Jacky's ample bottom and she turns with her jump of surprised'' Hey now stud no time for that ya hear?'' she said with a blush looking him in the eye's a smile on her face. A small smirk crossed his face before saying''I know who this guy is why he is here no clue but let me talk to him'' he spoke in a tone that only lovers could understand. He need not say more as she nodded '' He kin of look like you hm'' she said in her thick southern accent as she walked past.

♼Walking over to little Annabelle Jacky picked her up to play with her. Looking at Lucius he was reminded that they looked alike in some ways and other ways not. After all, he was his ancestor not his grandfather the distance between them are great. Out of respect, he would call him grandfather though ''Grandfather...never thought I'd see you at my doorstep anytime soon....how is everything?'' he asked in his almost always mature and manly voice.
OCC: Sorry it took two days been studying and all it will be much easier on the weekends.
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Mood: Relaxed
Location: The Lone farm
Company: Jacky,Annabelle and Charels [All npc]
♼ ''In the end I got a heroes ending a beautiful wife and a adorable daughter I'am grateful ''♼

Leo's Theme: Stardust Crusader

Leo/Jackie Theme Sands of time
Ability 1:Blade Of Yugudorashiru (Yggdrasil The World Tree): This sword of legend is fused with his very soul allowing him to summon the blade at will. The power alone has increased Leonardo's power by 10x making him more powerful than most Nephalem. Once summoned the blade cloaks Leonardo in a twilight aura. Though the blade has been weakened to 50% of its power, and the familiar that sleep within lies dormant It still grants Leo the edge in battle as it allows him to project its energy in the form of powerful explosive wave slashes etc. The powerful familiar Odin sleeps within the blade and will awaken in the direst of times. Once this happens Leo will sync with the titan once more becoming whole again.
(I Will slowly update the increase in power starting form 50% as the story progress.)
Aspects: (Unknown at the moment power lies dormant)
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It is far more than just a simple blade however it resembles a katana although the blade(Steel part) appears to be wooden. Looks can be deceiving as this blade is strong enough to cut through archdemons, archangels and much more. The guard of the katana is a shiny gold color. The cord wrap is a jet black and the ornament is also black. Attached to the ornament is a keychain at the end of it that resembles a golden appeal.
Drawbacks The sword is connected to his soul, so if it was damaged heavily it would hurt in unimaginable.( It would have to be a powerful attack to harm his sword though)
Ability 2: Titan-Familiar: Valigarmanda
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Aspects:This is weakest familiar but what it lacks in power it makes up for in verity. Granting Leo the ability to conjure ice,fire and lightning the tri-disaster as some call it.The force of these elements are mid-high level at best. He can add the elemental effects to his sword to take on the properties of one of the three elements one at a time. Each element he changes also effects his aura. For fire it is a blazing red aura that gives off heat,for lightning, it is yellow sparking all over the place and for ice a cold chill and mellow aura.

Limits Leo can only use one element at a time and must wait for six posts to be able to switch between them.

Ability 3:Titan-Familiar: Bahamut
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Aspects: The Second strongest is the dragon king Bahamut which grants Leo powerful energies called dragons breath. Allowing him to shoot destructive beams of old ancient energy from his mouth, but not just his mouth. He can create orbs 3x the size of a beach ball all around him. He can control them to fire off in different directions are at a single target. Another bonus is it grants him the ability to soar like a dragon making his mobility greater. The aura around him is a dark purple, and the effects others feel is that of a heavy pressure that exudes pride and strength of the dragon king.
Limits He can only use this power for a limited time due to the amount of energy needed(five post is his max.)
b]Ability 4:Titan-Familiar: Diablos
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Aspects: His strongest familiar (for now) and newly acquired one at that. This creature came to be as he destroyed the ancient one the fragment of the mighty entity branched off, and was absorbed into him, Thus creating Diablos this being allows him to control pure darkness manipulating it , and shaping it to his will. The power is stronger during the night, but 25% weaker during the day. This power allows him to call upon shadow fiends to aid him in battle. He can meld into the shadows at will. Yggdrasil can be covered in the darkness, but can never be corrupted by adding it's power to the darkness for a fierce combo. Since it is a new power it has some control over him as, well altering his mood making him darker and cold. The aura he displays is one that foretold unimaginable doom. The aura is jet black representing the nature of darkness an abyss...

Limits/drawbacks The longer he is using Diablos the more toll it takes on his body as he has not mastered it fully. He is basically damaging himself when he uses this power.

Drawback: He can only use one familiar at a time and must wait for ten posts to be able to switch to another.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 5:45 pm
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Mood ➤: Curious l Location ➤: Farm l Company ➤: Leo & Farm Animals l Item/s ➤: N/A

While Lucius was waiting outside the patiently, he felt a vibration at his back pocket then pulled out his phone. He saw the reply from his son and his heart ultimately dropped, "He...love me too..." the headmaster was at the brink of tears of joy until he heard the door open. He looked...flabbergasted when he saw a blonde woman that looked more on the, thick side. Her voice made him question if he had magically crossed border from U.K to another foreign land.

Before he could say anything Leo came into the picture, and the raven watched in interest at the couple's interaction. When the woman left them alone Lucius drew his attention to Leo with a knowing look plastered over his face. "Sooo.~ I see you like to hold on to something on lonely nights." he teased with a cat like smile. He leaned against the doorway, "Well, I happened to be walking around admiring nature...you know.~ But getting to know a future relative wouldn't hurt right." he answered, "I didn't expect you guys leaving around here... didn't you heard strange noises last night~?" he asked, he was a tad a bit curious who the man doesn't settle down in Town than in the Woods. That's when he heard, 'Mooooooo.' 'Oh that's right.' he folded his arms and stared judgingly at Leo. "Tell me the truth, was it your waifu that forced you into this." he said in a hush tone so the blonde wouldn't hear it. He would think most or all of his future relatives are living in eternal luxury cause of his 'sources' and not living 'Moooooo.' in this labour. But he'll warm up to it, in time.
Lucius pouted "Huh~ You're not going to invite your grandpapa inside~?"


"You know what I like about this place?
The memories...
Memories stay forever."

Theme - InSaNiTy


Nightmares in Daydreams

The Emerald Sorcerer-l-



Lonely Phantom

10,775 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Partygoer 500
  • Forum Sophomore 300

The Emerald Sorcerer-l-

Distinct Tycoon

PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 5:14 pm

♼ '' I don't spare evil get in the way and you die period. ''♼

♼Leonardo ♼Videl♼ Math Teacher/Guardian


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♼ When Lucius gave him that knowing smile Leonardo pulled his hat down a bit blushing a bit. This guy was something else, he couldn't really tell what though. A demon with a sense of humor that is true.'' You got that right grandfather'' he said with a smirk lifting his hat back up, so he could see Leonardo's smirk. The man was not going to deny his affection toward the woman, he loves deeply. As the man spoke more Leonardo cling to every word he spoke trying to read the man. '' You really want you to know me huh? I guess I couldn't hurt to tell you'' he said honestly. For all his power, and his unique nature of being a half breed of an angel and demon. The man could not tell how truly evil this being was before him...the devil of all things. Did it go deeper? was it because his blood was not pure demonic that such a thing did not occur it is all a mystery.

♼ The noises he talked about yeah, he did hear them but choose to ignore it. If the target came to him then he would get into the trouble without fear. It didn't come here so he did not care enough to fallow it, but that power was something else it got his blood boiling for sure. ''I both heard it and felt it I blocked out the sound to not disturb my family with my own power. No use in looking for trouble, but if that power showed up at the school it would be different.'' The look on his face was serious although his hero days are far gone he still has a hero's heart. '' What about you? have you not the power to destroy the creature or thing that possed that power"' he asked curiously ''I only ask this question because the legends speak of you as a force of nature and beyond.'' History in his time has been altered never spoke of what this man truly was the truth is buried deep in a web of lies.

♼ Leonardo gave him a shrug when he asked about his living situation force to live like? Perish the thought. ''Nah nothing like that I kind of enjoy this life peacefully. After all the fights, carnage and bloodshed I've endured in my short life... I can tell you I needed this. I guess you can call it a ''escape'' but my job is never done. It offers me a different outlook on life I did everything right now it is my turn to live in peace...for how long that can last I do not know'' the words of a man who had seen much but has been humbled by life harsh hand. When Lucius asked about coming in Leonardo bowed to the man before opening the door for him to proceed in. Jacky was playing with Annabelle in her play area making faces. The baby giggled in delight at the expressions it was always comforting hearing a baby's laughter. Leo looks to Jacky with a mix expression on how to say this ''This is my grandfather'' he knew how ridiculous that sounded, but she'd have to remember the nature of his character.

♼ The man looked no much older than himself after all.''Ya know I'd be shocked if you hadn't told me you were a mix of devil and angel and all'' she said looking over at the stranger. Looking back and forth she couldn't be surprised about that not after meeting her charming fiance. '' Well fellah you just make yourself right at home '' she said with a bright smile, she caught the smile of Leo. The man was indeed smiling she was, so understanding maybe age will do that to you. Also how one was raised was also a factor Leonardo remember jacky father a man with a sense of honor, duty, and southern hospitality.''Would you like something to eat or drink grandfather?'' Leo asked.

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Mood: Relaxed
Location: The Lone farm
Company: Jacky,Annabelle and Charels [All npc]
♼ ''In the end I got a heroes ending a beautiful wife and a adorable daughter I'am grateful ''♼

Leo's Theme: Stardust Crusader

Leo/Jackie Theme Sands of time
Ability 1:Blade Of Yugudorashiru (Yggdrasil The World Tree): This sword of legend is fused with his very soul allowing him to summon the blade at will. The power alone has increased Leonardo's power by 10x making him more powerful than most Nephalem. Once summoned the blade cloaks Leonardo in a twilight aura. Though the blade has been weakened to 50% of its power, and the familiar that sleep within lies dormant It still grants Leo the edge in battle as it allows him to project its energy in the form of powerful explosive wave slashes etc. The powerful familiar Odin sleeps within the blade and will awaken in the direst of times. Once this happens Leo will sync with the titan once more becoming whole again.
(I Will slowly update the increase in power starting form 50% as the story progress.)
Aspects: (Unknown at the moment power lies dormant)
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It is far more than just a simple blade however it resembles a katana although the blade(Steel part) appears to be wooden. Looks can be deceiving as this blade is strong enough to cut through archdemons, archangels and much more. The guard of the katana is a shiny gold color. The cord wrap is a jet black and the ornament is also black. Attached to the ornament is a keychain at the end of it that resembles a golden appeal.
Drawbacks The sword is connected to his soul, so if it was damaged heavily it would hurt in unimaginable.( It would have to be a powerful attack to harm his sword though)
Ability 2: Titan-Familiar: Valigarmanda
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Aspects:This is weakest familiar but what it lacks in power it makes up for in verity. Granting Leo the ability to conjure ice,fire and lightning the tri-disaster as some call it.The force of these elements are mid-high level at best. He can add the elemental effects to his sword to take on the properties of one of the three elements one at a time. Each element he changes also effects his aura. For fire it is a blazing red aura that gives off heat,for lightning, it is yellow sparking all over the place and for ice a cold chill and mellow aura.

Limits Leo can only use one element at a time and must wait for six posts to be able to switch between them.

Ability 3:Titan-Familiar: Bahamut
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Aspects: The Second strongest is the dragon king Bahamut which grants Leo powerful energies called dragons breath. Allowing him to shoot destructive beams of old ancient energy from his mouth, but not just his mouth. He can create orbs 3x the size of a beach ball all around him. He can control them to fire off in different directions are at a single target. Another bonus is it grants him the ability to soar like a dragon making his mobility greater. The aura around him is a dark purple, and the effects others feel is that of a heavy pressure that exudes pride and strength of the dragon king.
Limits He can only use this power for a limited time due to the amount of energy needed(five post is his max.)
b]Ability 4:Titan-Familiar: Diablos
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Aspects: His strongest familiar (for now) and newly acquired one at that. This creature came to be as he destroyed the ancient one the fragment of the mighty entity branched off, and was absorbed into him, Thus creating Diablos this being allows him to control pure darkness manipulating it , and shaping it to his will. The power is stronger during the night, but 25% weaker during the day. This power allows him to call upon shadow fiends to aid him in battle. He can meld into the shadows at will. Yggdrasil can be covered in the darkness, but can never be corrupted by adding it's power to the darkness for a fierce combo. Since it is a new power it has some control over him as, well altering his mood making him darker and cold. The aura he displays is one that foretold unimaginable doom. The aura is jet black representing the nature of darkness an abyss...

Limits/drawbacks The longer he is using Diablos the more toll it takes on his body as he has not mastered it fully. He is basically damaging himself when he uses this power.

Drawback: He can only use one familiar at a time and must wait for ten posts to be able to switch to another.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:32 am
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Mood ➤: CUTE l Location ➤: Farm l Company ➤: Leo, Leo's Wife & Baby l Item/s ➤: N/A

Lucius listened to Leo's response about the strange noises last night, he arched a brow at the question; to be honest that question set him a bit on edge. He let out a nervous laugh, "You know how woman are when their pregnant. I mean I see you have found a significant and produced a child, am I correct." he recalled last night of him and Yen spending time together, he sighed. "Destroy is a strong and violent word... I would prefer taming it rather than ruthlessly kill it.~" he chimed. He looked at the male in interest when he heard that he was referred to 'a force of nature and beyond, he wondered what kind of light does the future display him. That would be another question for another day.

Lucius mouth shaped into an ‘o’ or his face looking like that emoticon at the response he get for Leo’s choice of living. Well that makes perfect sense to him; the headmaster turned his gaze and stared at around his surroundings. There was nothing there was nothing particular that would cause the family drastic harm to them, there was nothing to worry about everyday if you were going to meet with an army knocking on your door or, meet a new or old familiar face that want to ‘settle’ some things. He sighed, “I wish you and I would switch places... Peace is something I yearn for. Though my vision of peace would,” the light of his eyes flickered. “Lying in back on my ‘chair’ as I watch the wonderful scenery of the world burn under my feet…” he flashed a smile. “While playing with my new baby girl or boy and showering with my waifu with love.~” he chuckled. He suddenly lung an arm over Leo’s shoulder, “I’m just so jealous of you.~ I’m telling you now, get out of my time era.~” He laughed in a joking tone. “I’ll be doing you a favour.”

Lucius gladly made himself welcomed inside; he had a neutral response when he called him ‘grandfather’. He was okay with that, he would have called him worse to make the man feel ancient. When the woman spoke about being a mix of devil and … angel. What kind of angel exactly? Lucius stared at Leo at the back of his head and the man would feel a growing heat behind his head, almost as if laser were taking their aim. The heat disappeared when the blonde spoke again. He wore a kind smile, “Why, thank you. You certainly made a good catch with this my dear boy.~” his eyes gazed down and they instantly brighten up and pink dusted on his cheek, “She’s… She’s SO ADORWABLE~” he exclaimed in happiness at the baby that catch the man’s attention. He immediately went closer to child to get a better, and crouched to her level, “Awww.~ What’s her name~?” he cooed. “Tea with milk will be fine my active reproductive grandson of mine.~” he said while in trance with cuteness from the mini person.


"You know what I like about this place?
The memories...
Memories stay forever."

Theme - InSaNiTy


The Emerald Sorcerer-l-



Lonely Phantom

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The Emerald Sorcerer-l-

Distinct Tycoon

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:40 pm

♼ '' I don't spare evil get in the way and you die period. ''♼

♼Leonardo ♼Videl♼ Math Teacher/Guardian


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♼ Leonardo shrug in earnest at the comment about how woman are when the're pregnant he had a point''Don't remind me ...a woman can bring the strongest man to their knees if they know how'' he said with a sigh knowing how that all turn out. When Jacky was with a child her attitude was up and down it, was an adventure to put it nicely. Looking at her now Leo believed it was all worth it in the end, she turns out to be perfect mother material say nothing of her birthing hips either. Leonardo did not share his grandfather lenient behavior for whatever being caused such destruction ...that power posed a danger. The half devil/angel is having regrets now for not taking action before, but next time something went down he'd go. ''Not sure I can share that same emotion I see evil I destroy even if it is not too dangerous to be used'' his tone strong and unwavering he is like steel on that subject. As he spoke about his brand of peace Leonardo caught the flicker in his eye's and that made him wince a bit. Shrugging it off not really want to believe that this man was not what he seemed''Man..you have an odd sense of peace and humor'' he said with a light chuckle.

♼ Then he felt the shrug on his shoulder''Not sure If I wanted to go back to not now or ever you're stuck with me gramps''he said a little joke of his own patting Lucius on the back.'' I believe you'll find your happiness someday'' he said but as soon as he turns his back he could feel the heat at the back of his head. Leo did his best not to make a face or to turn around he did not want to make Jakcy uncomfortable. For how badly he wanted to he did not, but if he could make a face or a scene his expression would have been a cold stare in return. ''What?'' was his only thought before the man spoke again this time about his lover. It was true he found the love of his life it seems God had not forsaken him after all he brought her into his life. ''One in a million'' is all he said watching Lucius get all excited about seeing his daughter.

♼Jaky watched in amusement at the man as he came over to take a closer look at her child. ''My my I see you're excited well daddy always said grandparents should meet their grandchildren. Her name is Annabelle'' as she spoke in her usual cheery tone baby Annabelle had other ideas. The giggling baby was reaching for Lucius happily '' Looks like she wants ya be careful'' she giving the baby over to Lucius for him to hold. Unknown to the devil Leonardo gave a nod for her to do so a queue of sorts to say ti was fine. Leo stepped into the kitchen to get them man tea-milk. The tea-milk is going to taste fantastic it is fresh milk after all, and they're known for their milk. Baby Annabelle began to admit strang energy which Jacky being a normal human could not feel. Being a mix of a devil, angel and human her potential is high! The energy is hard to describe by anyone who is supernatural. Leonardo had known this for a while now itis why he needed to keep her safe and sound.
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Mood: Relaxed
Location: The Lone farm
Company: Jacky,Annabelle and Charels [All npc]
♼ ''In the end I got a heroes ending a beautiful wife and a adorable daughter I'am grateful ''♼

Leo's Theme: Stardust Crusader

Leo/Jackie Theme Sands of time
Ability 1:Blade Of Yugudorashiru (Yggdrasil The World Tree): This sword of legend is fused with his very soul allowing him to summon the blade at will. The power alone has increased Leonardo's power by 10x making him more powerful than most Nephalem. Once summoned the blade cloaks Leonardo in a twilight aura. Though the blade has been weakened to 50% of its power, and the familiar that sleep within lies dormant It still grants Leo the edge in battle as it allows him to project its energy in the form of powerful explosive wave slashes etc. The powerful familiar Odin sleeps within the blade and will awaken in the direst of times. Once this happens Leo will sync with the titan once more becoming whole again.
(I Will slowly update the increase in power starting form 50% as the story progress.)
Aspects: (Unknown at the moment power lies dormant)
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It is far more than just a simple blade however it resembles a katana although the blade(Steel part) appears to be wooden. Looks can be deceiving as this blade is strong enough to cut through archdemons, archangels and much more. The guard of the katana is a shiny gold color. The cord wrap is a jet black and the ornament is also black. Attached to the ornament is a keychain at the end of it that resembles a golden appeal.
Drawbacks The sword is connected to his soul, so if it was damaged heavily it would hurt in unimaginable.( It would have to be a powerful attack to harm his sword though)
Ability 2: Titan-Familiar: Valigarmanda
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Aspects:This is weakest familiar but what it lacks in power it makes up for in verity. Granting Leo the ability to conjure ice,fire and lightning the tri-disaster as some call it.The force of these elements are mid-high level at best. He can add the elemental effects to his sword to take on the properties of one of the three elements one at a time. Each element he changes also effects his aura. For fire it is a blazing red aura that gives off heat,for lightning, it is yellow sparking all over the place and for ice a cold chill and mellow aura.

Limits Leo can only use one element at a time and must wait for six posts to be able to switch between them.

Ability 3:Titan-Familiar: Bahamut
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Aspects: The Second strongest is the dragon king Bahamut which grants Leo powerful energies called dragons breath. Allowing him to shoot destructive beams of old ancient energy from his mouth, but not just his mouth. He can create orbs 3x the size of a beach ball all around him. He can control them to fire off in different directions are at a single target. Another bonus is it grants him the ability to soar like a dragon making his mobility greater. The aura around him is a dark purple, and the effects others feel is that of a heavy pressure that exudes pride and strength of the dragon king.
Limits He can only use this power for a limited time due to the amount of energy needed(five post is his max.)
b]Ability 4:Titan-Familiar: Diablos
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Aspects: His strongest familiar (for now) and newly acquired one at that. This creature came to be as he destroyed the ancient one the fragment of the mighty entity branched off, and was absorbed into him, Thus creating Diablos this being allows him to control pure darkness manipulating it , and shaping it to his will. The power is stronger during the night, but 25% weaker during the day. This power allows him to call upon shadow fiends to aid him in battle. He can meld into the shadows at will. Yggdrasil can be covered in the darkness, but can never be corrupted by adding it's power to the darkness for a fierce combo. Since it is a new power it has some control over him as, well altering his mood making him darker and cold. The aura he displays is one that foretold unimaginable doom. The aura is jet black representing the nature of darkness an abyss...

Limits/drawbacks The longer he is using Diablos the more toll it takes on his body as he has not mastered it fully. He is basically damaging himself when he uses this power.

Drawback: He can only use one familiar at a time and must wait for ten posts to be able to switch to another.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 3:11 pm
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Mood ➤: CUTE l Location ➤: Farm l Company ➤: Leo, Leo's Wife & Baby l Item/s ➤: N/A

Lucius eyes continued to sparkle and the brightness in his eyes only increased when the baby was reaching out to him, but his eyes immediately dull down when he heard the name of her great great great great(you get the idea) granddaughter's name entered his ears. "Annabelle..." He said gravely, wondering what was going through her parent's heads when they thought about the name. It's not because they went against the Videl family tradition of having the name beginning with the letter 'L'. No no no no, even his son and grandson's names don't follow the tradition, but hopefully their children does. In fact! Where was he in the future?! He would of busted out of he'll and see them personally. So why you ask he disapprove of the name? Well "Why did you name her after creepy demonic doll?" He asked bluntly.

But once the child was in his arms his worries instantly washed away as he held the baby. He analysed her features: freckles, a mixture of blonde and black hair, big pair of blue eyes, and has the cutest chubbiest cheeks that reminds him of marshmallows or when people play this game called the Chubby Bunny Challenge. He let her grab his finger and how her tiny fingers curled around his index finger. She was so... small, someone can easily pick her up and book. Her skin was too soft that maybe even a scissor blade could pierce her delicate skin. Come to think of it he remembers a lot of toys don't allow 0-3 year olds to be played with, cause babies don't know the dangers of having something caught in their throat. Then he thought about his baby that is yet to come. "Their so... fragile." He said under his breath. But there was something else about this girl, he has rarely come across to this kind of energy before... He still wondered what kind of Angel was one of Leo's parents was... was it the ones from up there or the ones that were casted away. He remembers he has a chess piece that he is going to...play and experiment with a little. A dark smile grace upon his face but was replaced to his normal one in a split second.

"But... there are oooooooh cuuuuuuutee~!" He gushed over the little one. He looked to Jacky, "Are you guys going to have another one.~ Annie will be awfully lonely.~" he tried to persuade for more babies.


"You know what I like about this place?
The memories...
Memories stay forever."

Theme - InSaNiTy


The Emerald Sorcerer-l-



Lonely Phantom

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