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Dusky Skies, Lantern Mazes [Dusk in the Hollow x Labyrinth]

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Saint Vis

Timid Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 6:33 pm
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Saint Vis | Latonia de la Courtel
PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 6:40 pm
Labyrinth moved through the lands, she had been spending most of her time within the Fayths up until the night before last. She had to take her leave for her lantern's mission. Whistle understood. Though, truthfully she felt most at home with Whistle and her herd. A part of her was drawn to help some of the members of both sides of the factions that seemed to divide the family.

Perhaps it was just her neutral ways. But now that she had begun to be friendly with someone again in her life, she felt herself become bored with the mundane waiting. Her eyes shimmered and shifted as she glanced above her during the dusk. The early stars always caught the attention of the lantern-blessed. Lost in thought, if you will, and hoping to soon be back where she figures the closest thing to 'home' is.

Saint Vis

Timid Prophet



Sparkly Star

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 7:03 pm
Making his way through a looming forest, Dusk In The Hollow mused on the fact that he had no herd to speak of, no real home. A homeland, true, but one that fell behind his hooves many leagues ago. From the start had wandered with no real goal in mind, at least, none beyond putting distance between him and his siblings. Some were more troublesome than others, but all of them were left behind as he set out on his own.

Let them hunt or forage or foray where they would, often things were better when they were solitary. For his part, Dusk felt that he would be better off to put distance between them for now. Whatever would unfold before his hooves was of far more importance. Regardless, there was time enough for the wind of fate to whisper between his ears and encourage him on whichever path it chose.

Fate had a way of winding, preferring a meandering and looping journey to a straight line. As a consequence, Dusk had been trailing along through the forest for some time before he had the fortune to run across an accessible lake. Parched and clicking his jaw in delight at the presence of water, the shades of purple stallion strode forward until he was up to his knees in the water, sinking his skull below the cool surface until the water reached halfway up his face. Cracking jaws wide he began to drink, ears flicking this way and that as he quenched his thirst.

Dusk Wordcount: 254  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 7:25 pm
About to give up on her mission in front of the specific lake she stood in front of. Perhaps no one in the forest needed her help, being close enough to Whistle that she could return easily for the night if she felt she needed to. Labyrinth hadn't felt at home since she left her homelands to find Keyes.. But the herd she frequented felt close enough to her.

As she moved to pick up her lantern she heard hooves brushing on the worn paths around the shore of the lake. As the figure came into view she actually looked astonished at him. She had seen many different sorts of Soquili. Some still dripping of blood from permanent wounds, some walkers with gems that give some of them the ability to feel again.. But skull faces were still quite new to the young mare.

As he came closer she steadied herself, lifting her head and allowing her braid to dance over her shoulder. Opening her mouth to greet the being with her usual introduction-- when he just blew right past her and got into the deep part of the lake and opened his skull jaws wide. She was an oddity in her own; her body shifting colours to show the time of day in her maze for one. But that was something new. "Hello?" She'd let out on habit.

Saint Vis

Timid Prophet



Sparkly Star

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 8:14 pm
It took several heartbeats, but eventual his thirst was assuaged enough that he could lift his head from the lake depths, drawing several deep breaths of air into his lungs. Water streaming down the pale bone bridge of his muzzle and dripping from his jaws, he turned his head at the sound of a somewhat-timid greeting.

Standing in the shadows of the old oaks, at the edge of the lake glade, was a dark-coated mare. Though Dusk had taken no notice of her on his arrival -distracted by the water- he clearly had plowed right past her. That was, embarrassing; clearly he had been more parched than he'd realized.

Giving a rough exhale -the breath whistling softly as it exited his skull in a fine mist- he bowed his head and attempted to convey his contrition. It was difficult, lacking a great many expressive featured. In his journey he had learned that more often than not, those he encountered had trouble reading him.

When they managed to do more than catch sight and flee in outright terror. But, enough about those he had left behind. They were back there for a number of reasons, and it had no bearing on the now.

"I sincerely apologize." He offered in his soft voice, his pronunciation careful to counter how each word whispered and echoed inside his skull. "I admit that I took no notice at all of you upon my arrival, I am very sorry for such poor manners. It seems I was a bit more preoccupied than even I had realized. I meant no offense or trespass.

Dusk Wordcount: 266  
PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 6:33 pm
For Rin at first, it was like watching a shark or maybe an crocodile go in for a drink of water. She contemplated for a moment of silence if sharks drank water, or did they drink air? She squinted her glowing eyes before she realised that the odd Soquili had noticed he had complete tunnel vision just moments before as he blew past her. Her eyes lighting up more as she opened them to make it look like she hadn't been glaring at him and only contemplating a deep thought.

Something about his canine movements made Labyrinth uncharacteristically giggle softly under her breath. As he whistled, her ears twisted and went taught against her crown of her head. The sound and visual action of the water made Rin intrigued. She really enjoyed the sound, it was very gentle. Perhaps this helped paint the picture of who the Soquili was before her.

Her lantern whispered confusion in her ear; it seemed he was stumped too. Perhaps this Soquili had no fork in the road...

As he spoke to her she was a little astonished; she didn't expect him to be able to do so. And yet here she was talking to a lantern in her head. His voice started a vibration in her throat. She shook her head gently, the glowing glass beads clacking gently against one another as she did. She hoped he understood she didn't need an apology.

"I don't own land." Her voice was a soft melancholy sort of tone; it had a girly quality to it that sometimes sharply squeaked a note. It held an accent of a different land as well. "No need to be apologetic, I'm surprised you paid attention to me afterwards.. I don't think I'll have much use for you. You seem to be on the right path." She said softly, in an almost sing-song sort of way as she moved to pick up her lantern again.

Saint Vis

Timid Prophet



Sparkly Star

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 6:42 pm
Considering the strange mare as she continued to observe him with her stunningly glowing eyes, Dusk slowly backed out of the water. Once again on dry land, water streaming from his coat, he idly snapped his tasseled tail to shake away the excess water. Keeping his neck arched and his head slightly low so he didn't visibly tower over her, his ears swiveled forward in interest at the delicate sound of muffled laughter.

"Ah, no? Please also excuse my assumption then." He offered with another bob of his head. "I seem to only be mis-stepping here."

Feeling like he was being dismissed, he was nevertheless bewildered by her words as they sank in. "Ah, no use for me? Because I am not lost?"

He couldn't help but tilt his head in question, tail swishing from side to side. "That's certainly, different?"

Dusk Wordcount: 141  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 9:17 pm
No matter if the male towered over her she didn't seem to flinch in anyway. A soft glance came over her face as he first began to talk to her. "I don't think you're miss-stepping." but then she heard the words come out wrong from her mouth and she closed her eyes when she realised the severity of her words. She had been caught off guard by this large stallion. His bewildered tone of his voice made her deeply regret letting herself go so long without rest.

"I.. Oh gosh." She felt like she could go and bury her head in the water; and still end up drowning in embarrassment before she'd drown from the water. "I'm so sorry, I don't get to sleep very often." She shook her head. "Pardon me, I've made a fool of myself now. I.. I meant you wouldn't have much use of me. Since you are not lost." Labyrinth showed a side of herself she had never shown to another; a flustered young mare. It was a different shade of purple to see her in; as Labyrinth usually was forlorn and off in her own realities while allowing the lantern to use her as a sort of beacon of neutrality.

"I feel like a fool. C..Could I do something to perhaps remedy what I just said to you? Or could we forget I even said it?"

Saint Vis

Timid Prophet



Sparkly Star

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 12:23 pm
Her gentle words made him want to smile, though considering things he always seemed to be doing so and there wasn't quite a way to express an emphasis on that fact. Still, it made him duck his head slightly, shyly, and give a bashful huff. "Ah, you are very kind to say so."

Her words about not having use for him didn't make much sense, but it seemed as soon as he parroted them back to her she heard exactly what had been said and reacted with her own shade of embarrassed shyness. Then again, if she didn't sleep, it certainly made sense that she might misspeak thus.

"Well, if it was not intended, then I am not offended." He offered hopefully, flicking his ear as he cautiously straightened up again.

It didn't seem like she was dismissing him like an underfoot colt. More like whatever her calling in life was, it applied to those who were lost, and she seemed to think he was rather found. Which, all things considered was a flattering thing. He wasn't sure how accurate it was, but that was beside the point.

"I'm all for forgetting it, and need no amends be made." He offered readily enough, adopting a playful tone. "Though you might do me the favor of taking a nap, if it is all the same to you? I think it might benefit any you cross paths with, at least in the near future."

He clicked his jaws in a soft chuff. "No offense meant, of course."

Dusk Wordcount: 255  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:10 am
Watching him become bashful made her smile lightly, a draw back of her mouth against her cheeks made the maze pattern stretch and almost darken. It was a play, possibly the extension of the maze pattern made the light fade from the maze physically or it was a trick of her fur. It was potentially more of the former than the later but she wouldn't explain upon further questioning right after just meeting.

As he stood up straight she leaned back a little to look up at him. When he said he wasn't offended she sighed a breath of fresh air. At the suggestion of a nap she'd let herself giggle out loud. "Perhaps the best suggestion I've ever had in my life." As he added a soft response of meaning no offence she shook her head.

"Now that we've both made good first impressions.. Shall we start over?" She tilted her head and her glass beads danced and clinked together as they did they brightened at the touch of their neighbour. She then dipped and took a bow to the large half unicorn. "Rin." Then she let her face respond with confusion. "Sorry. Labyrinth.. Rin is my birth name." She gave herself an off-glance to her chest and listened to her Lantern answer her with a chuckle of his own. This new being had definitely confused the poor mare. She was flustered and this never happened.

Saint Vis

Timid Prophet



Sparkly Star

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 4:46 pm
Idleness, being something he was not accustomed to, did not sit well with Dusk In The Hollow. As such, he shifted now and again, readjusting his weight and balance. As something of a self-soothing gesture, he idly lifted and placed each of his hooves as he squared his stance and arched his neck, canting his head to get a better look at his companion.

The conversation, his first in quite some time, if he were to be honest about such things, seemed to be going well to Dusk's understanding. And a pleasant conversation with a beautiful mare was a better benchmark for such things than a satisfactory one with another male... So perhaps he was better at socializing than he realized. Even the silence that stretched between them now and again was a comfortable one, the two of them trading commentary and quiet in equal measures. A comfortable lull rather than an insurmountable chasm.

It was one thing to have a pleasant conversation with a beautiful lady, it was another thing to make that lady smile and laugh. But it seemed he had been successful, for the maze marked mare was giggling softly. In spite of the fact that they just met, Dusk puffed up with pride at the dainty sound of her amusement and clicked his jaws, pleased.

"If so, let us hope that you take the suggestion at your earliest convenience," The indigo-coated stallion offered with an encouraging tilt of his head. "So that it does not go to waste."

Her offer to start over was a welcome one, and he gave a nod and a flick of his tail in approval. "Labyrinth, I feel that is the most agreeable option, to be sure. I take it that you prefer the nickname to your full name? So then, in the spirit of beginning anew, it is a pleasure to meet you Rin. My name is Dusk In The Hollow, however, I find it agreeable to be referred to as Dusk, rather than the full length of my name. Please feel free, and I will call you Rin."

He hesitated for a moment and then offered. "I'm afraid I am not familiar with this place so other than wandering through here in need of water. I am not accustomed to the area or able to be of particular assistance in regards to local customs... While I understand you do not claim territory, I don't suppose you know any local customs or information about boundary lines or the herds that dwell nearby? Anything that might keep me out of trouble later? I would appreciate any advice you might be able to provide. I feel I have already misstepped enough today."

Dusk Wordcount: 450  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:08 am
As she watched the stallion canter and shift she felt the need to move around as well climb up her hooves and into her withers. She felt an understanding, perhaps a kinship, with the skull-faced stallion. Labyrinth hadn't had much of a conversation like this in quite a long time. Her ears knocked forward as she heard a click from his jaw. He made nice sounds, instrumental in a way. It was note-worthy that she liked to listen to him.

His show of pride made her smile again and she mused it by softly tilting her head showing her intrigue in his movements. "I will definitely take the suggestion serious." She straightened her head and gave him a firm nod in agreement. "My colleague often forgets I require sleep.." Her eyes glanced towards the lantern as if it scoffed at her.

"Either is fine by me, my given name is easier to say." Labyrinth stated and then blinked as he presented her with his full name. "Oh." Was what she simply said for a second. "Dusk sounds much easier, your name is very handsome and fits you well." Rin smoothly spoke to him, as if she may or may not be completely aware of what she just said to a stallion she just met. Her ethereal glance shifted over him lightly but then returned to his skull face as he spoke to her again.

At his request she turned her head here and there. Gauging where she was and if she knew of the area he had questioned about. "I often just find myself in areas after travelling day and night with request of my help. However, I can tell you we are rather close to a herd I am tied to in many ways called The Fayth. As long as you don't interfere much in their war and ways they are rather kind. Well.. Depending on which side of the coin you talk to." Trying to not be vague for Dusk. Moving to look up at him when he said he had misstepped enough and she smirked at him. "To start a new means you have to forget about the misstep you claim." She insisted and then nodded lightly. "Would you like me as a travel companion, just in case you get lost and find yourself in trouble, Dusk?"

Saint Vis

Timid Prophet

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