Hello everyone! Welcome to the new Owner's List Error Reporting Thread! This thread is meant to help us better and more efficiently keep the Owner's List up to date. Please keep in mind the rules and guidelines below as you work on your request.
Getting Started! Adding and updating Soquili: if your adult Soquili's most updated information is not on the Owner's List, and your Soquili was certed (or had their cert updated) more than one month ago, please see the forms below. You're welcome to make a request about it.
If you spot a mistake or have a question to ask, there are forms for that below, as well!
Rules: 1. All Gaia and Soquili ToS & Rules apply. (Check drama at the door.) 2. Forms: Fill out forms correctly, please! This saves me time and you time. 3. Timelines: if a newly dropped Soquili has been waiting longer than a month to be added to the OL, post them using the form below. Please wait three months after posting in this thread to inquire regarding the status of your request. 4. Batches: Please post multiple requests in one batch in one post. Feel free to mix & match types of requests. 5. URLs: OFFICIAL SHOP LINKS ONLY, please! (No Imgur, PB, tinyURL, etc.) If you need help finding a cert, please use this thread. 6. Contact: If you have any questions or concerns, please PM xo maho.
General Policy Notes
Requests are generally handled in the order in which they are posted. Requests will be struck-through as completed; posts will be spoilered when completely finished. In times of an influx of new arrivals, the arrivals will be handled before error reports and requests for efficiency's sake. This is especially true during events. Please post inquiries in this thread. If you're anxious about asking a question in public, you may PM xo maho. Posting in this thread is encouraged, however, as others may have the same question as you!
Current Status: Priority #1 is fixing existing entries; priority #2 is adding familiars.
December 22, 2022: Arrivals have been updated to the previous "within one month" standard! Thread is reopened. November 3, 2022: We have a new OL! Please see the post here! While we work on updates accordingly, this thread is temporarily closed. October 2, 2019: Rule "5. Posting for Others: At this time, this is not allowed. It is each owner's responsibility to post their own Soquili/Familiar for updating." is being removed! Please keep in mind that changes posted in this thread on behalf of another may not be made if an error is found in the request. Thank you! March 17, 2019: Arrivals backlog completed! February 11, 2019: Thread opened!
Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 12:19 pm
Forms & How to Use Them! Soquili
This post is filled with forms. Please use them and fill them out correctly! This will save time and energy for you and me. If you need guidance filling a form out, each form below has one code with guidance and one code without, so you may be guided as you fill it out. Once you have the hang of it, you're welcome to use the blank form to simply copy and paste as you go.
Reminder: Please post your ponies in batches in one post if you have multiple missing or in need of updates.
Missing Soquili If your Soquili is missing from the Owner's List and their most updated adult cert was created and dropped prior to one month ago, please use the form below.
With guidance:
[b][color=purple]MISSING SOQUILI[/color][/b] [b]Username[/b]: Please include co-owners, if applicable. [url=LINK HERE]Soquili Cert[/url] [Official soquiliera URLs only, please!] [b]Soquili Name[/b]: If your Soquili's name includes non-English characters and does not have a translation on the cert, please provide a translation. [b]Arrivals Post[/b]: Please link it if you have it. [b]Additional Information[/b]: If any information from the cert is not readily visible, such as colorist name, event from which the Soquili was received, parents' names, etc., you may provide it here. You may also provide a link to your cert request if you would like (this is not necessary, but may be helpful).
Updating Soquili If your Soquili has had changes made to its cert, please use the form below. Changes which require this form include: username changes, ownership changes, recustoms. Please note that familiar additions are not included in the Owner's List. However, if you have an older Soquili which does not have a cert without their familiar, that's fine. We understand that this is not always avoidable. Username Changes: If you recently changed your username and intend to have your certs changed, please post here only after you have received your newly updated certs. Standard wait-a-month-from-arrivals-post rules apply.
With guidance:
[b][color=orange]UPDATE MY SOQUILI[/color][/b] [b]Username[/b]: Please include co-owners, if applicable. [b]ID # of Pet[/b]: [b]Change Which Occurred[/b]: Username change, ownership change, recustom, etc. If an ownership change, please list original owner and the original name of the Soquili. [url=LINK HERE]Soquili Cert[/url] [Official soquiliera URLs only, please!] [b]Soquili Name[/b]: If your Soquili's name includes non-English characters and does not have a translation on the cert, please provide a translation. [b]Arrivals Post[/b]: Please link the arrivals for the most recently updated cert if you have it. [b]Additional Information[/b]: If any information from the cert is not readily visible, such as colorist name, event from which the Soquili was received, parents' names, etc., you may provide it here. You may also provide a link to your cert request if you would like (this is not necessary, but may be helpful).
Blank for convenience:
[b][color=orange]UPDATE MY SOQUILI[/color][/b] [b]Username[/b]: [b]ID # of Pet[/b]: [b]Change Which Occurred[/b]: [url=]Soquili Cert[/url] [b]Soquili Name[/b]: [b]Arrivals Post[/b]: [b]Additional Information[/b]:
Mistakes Name spelled incorrectly? Generation number wrong? Please use the form below! You can use this form to list as many mistakes as you'd like. Its use is intended for errors in the Owner's List itself, rather than for newly updated certs. Note: A bad URL is defined as one which does not work. If your cert has been updated but the Owner's List reflects a previous but working cert link, please use the "Update My Soquili" form above.
With guidance:
[b][color=red]OOPS AHOY![/color][/b] [b]Entry Identification[/b]: Please list the ID# OR owner name and soquili name as they appear on the list, even if incorrect. [b]What's Incorrect?[/b]: Spelling of Soquili/owner name, generation #, parent's name's spelling, bad URL, species listed, etc. [b]What Will Resolve This?[/b]: Change generation # from 5 to 6, change spelling of name from "Serenity" to "Serendipity," fix URL (please provide correct official URL), etc.
Blank for convenience:
[b][color=red]OOPS AHOY![/color][/b] [b]Entry Identification[/b]: [b]What's Incorrect?[/b]: [b]What Will Resolve This?[/b]:
Inquiries Has it been longer than three months since you posted your initial form? Have you not received a response? Please use the form below for inquiries. This form can also be used for general questions relating to the thread, rather than to a specific request.
With guidance:
[b][color=green]Question Mark...?[/color][/b] [b]Username[/b]: Please ensure the username you list here is the same as the original post about which you're inquiring (does not apply to general inquiries; just list your current username instead). [url=LINK HERE]Original Post Link[/url] (does not apply to general inquiries) [b]Question[/b]: What is the estimated wait time before my request can be completed? (Or general inquiry.)
Blank for convenience:
[b][color=green]Question Mark...?[/color][/b] [b]Username[/b]: [url=]Original Post Link[/url] [b]Question[/b]:
xo maho Crew
Dainty Dreamer
xo maho Crew
Dainty Dreamer
Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 12:46 pm
The Familiars Owner's List follows basically the same rules as the Soquili Owner's List; however, they have their own complications. Please see below for details.
Getting Started! Adding and updating Familiars: Familiars are being added to the new owners list (link: here) after a couple of other things are taken care of. For now, existing familiars certed on or before September 10, 2022, may have requests posted about them if a correction needs to be made on the existing Familiar OL (Google Sheets) linked below. Familiars without certs may be listed as long as you have proof of a cert request. Familiars only on a Soquili's cert may also be listed, as long as you provide additional information.
If you spot a mistake or have a question to ask, there are forms for that below, as well!
Link to Google Sheets Familiar Owner's List for convenience: hello!
Rules: 1. All Gaia and Soquili ToS & Rules apply. (Check drama at the door.) 2. Forms: Fill out forms correctly, please! This saves me time and you time. 3. Timelines: if a newly dropped Familiar has been waiting longer than a month to be added to the OL, post them using the form below. Please wait three months after posting in this thread to inquire regarding the status of your request. [Exceptions: Familiars certed on/before September 10, 2022, may have forms posted about them with regard to the Google Sheets list. Familiars more recent than September 10 have been/will be added to the new OL within the standard one-month period.] 4. Batches: Please post multiple requests in one batch in one post. Feel free to mix & match types of requests. 5. URLs: OFFICIAL SHOP LINKS ONLY, please! (No Imgur, PB, tinyURL, etc.) If you need help finding a cert, please use this thread. 6. Contact: If you have any questions or concerns, please PM xo maho.
General Policy Notes
Requests are generally handled in the order in which they are posted. Requests will be struck-through as completed; posts will be spoilered when completely finished. In times of an influx of new arrivals, the arrivals will be handled before error reports and requests for efficiency's sake. This is especially true during events. Please post inquiries in this thread. If you're anxious about asking a question in public, you may PM xo maho. Posting in this thread is encouraged, however, as others may have the same question as you! Uncerted Familiars will only be added to the list once a cert request has been posted for them. This is so we can be certain of the info we input in the OL.
Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 12:49 pm
Forms & How to Use Them! Familiars
This post is filled with forms. Please use them and fill them out correctly! This will save time and energy for you and me. If you need guidance filling a form out, each form below has one code with guidance and one code without, so you may be guided as you fill it out. Once you have the hang of it, you're welcome to use the blank form to simply copy and paste as you go.
Reminder: Please post your Familiars in batches in one post if you have multiple missing or in need of updates.
Missing Familiar If your Familiar is missing from the Owner's List (Google Sheets or new OL) and their most updated cert was created and dropped prior to one month ago, please use the form below.
With guidance:
[b][color=teal]MISSING FAMILIAR[/color][/b] [b]Username[/b]: Username of the owner (should be you!). [url=LINK HERE]Familiar Cert[/url] [Official soquiliera URLs only, please!] OR [url=LINK HERE]Cert Request[/url] [b]Familiar Name[/b]: If your Familiar's name includes non-English characters and does not have a translation on the cert, please provide a translation. [b]Arrivals Post[/b]: Please link it if you have it. [b]Additional Information[/b]: If any information from the cert is not readily visible, such as colorist name, gender, parents' names, etc., you may provide it here. You may also provide a link to your cert request if you would like (this is required if posting with only an uncert).
Updating Familiar If your Familiar has had changes made to its cert or been added to a Soquili cert, please use the form below. Changes which require this form include: username changes, ownership changes, recustoms, bonding with a Soquili. Please post here only after you have received your newly updated certs. Standard wait-a-month-from-arrivals-post rules apply.
With guidance:
[b][color=mediumseagreen]UPDATE MY FAMILIAR[/color][/b] [b]Username[/b]: Username of the owner (should be you!). [b]ID # of Pet[/b]: [From new OL, if applicable] [b]Change Which Occurred[/b]: Username change, ownership change, recustom, etc. If an ownership change, please list original owner and the original name of the Familiar. [url=LINK HERE]Familiar Cert[/url] [Official soquiliera URLs only, please!] [b]Familiar Name[/b]: If your Familiar's name includes non-English characters and does not have a translation on the cert, please provide a translation. [b]Arrivals Post[/b]: Please link the arrivals for the most recently updated cert if you have it. [b]Additional Information[/b]: If any information from the cert is not readily visible, such as colorist name, gender, parents' names, etc., you may provide it here. You may also provide a link to your cert request if you would like (this is not necessary, but may be helpful).
Blank for convenience: UPDATE MY FAMILIAR Username: ID # of Pet: Change Which Occurred: Familiar Cert Familiar Name: Arrivals Post: Additional Information:
Mistakes Name spelled incorrectly? Generation number wrong? Please use the form below! You can use this form to list as many mistakes as you'd like. Its use is intended for errors in the Owner's List itself, rather than for newly updated certs. Note: A bad URL is defined as one which does not work. If your cert has been updated but the Owner's List reflects a previous but working cert link, please use the "Update My Familiar" form above.
With guidance:
[b][color=red][FAMILIAR] OOPS AHOY![/color][/b] [b]Entry Identification[/b]: Please list the owner's name and Familiar name as they are spelled on the list itself. ID # is helpful if pet appears on new OL. [b]What's Incorrect?[/b]: Spelling of Familiar/owner name, generation #, parent's name's spelling, bad URL, species listed, etc. [b]What Will Resolve This?[/b]: Change generation # from 5 to 6, change spelling of name from "Serenity" to "Serendipity," fix URL (please provide correct official URL), etc.
Inquiries Has it been longer than three months since you posted your initial form? Have you not received a response? Please use the form below for inquiries. This form can also be used for general questions relating to the thread, rather than to a specific request.
With guidance:
[b][color=green][FAMILIAR] Question Mark...?[/color][/b] [b]Username[/b]: Please ensure the username you list here is the same as the original post about which you're inquiring (does not apply to general inquiries; just list your current username instead). [url=LINK HERE]Original Post Link[/url] (does not apply to general inquiries) [b]Question[/b]: What is the estimated wait time before my request can be completed? (Or general inquiry.)
Blank for convenience:
[b][color=green][FAMILIAR] Question Mark...?[/color][/b] [b]Username[/b]: [url=]Original Post Link[/url] [b]Question[/b]:
xo maho Crew
Dainty Dreamer
xo maho Crew
Dainty Dreamer
Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 12:51 pm
Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 9:45 pm
xo maho Crew
Dainty Dreamer
Beloved Shapeshifter
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 3:50 pm
OOPS AHOY! Entry Identification: Snapclaw - kaliskanny & mistalina13 What's Incorrect?: He's no longer co-owned, kaliskanny and I broke that agreement a few years ago I think. (They are the original owner.) What Will Resolve This?: Just removing my username from his listing.
This change regarding Snapclaw has occurred. Please let me know if anything looks incorrect. -Maho
OOPS AHOY! Entry Identification: Dinah Dahlia What's Incorrect?: One of xir Dad's names is spelled incorrectly. What Will Resolve This?: It should be 'Hyacinthe x Mimsy Grum' - Found in arrivals.
MISSING SOQUILI Username: mistalina13 Soquili Cert Soquili Name: Night Starborn Arrivals Post: Would've been in September 2017 but I can't go back far enough. Additional Information: - Found in arrivals
MISSING SOQUILI Username: mistalina13 Soquili Cert Soquili Name: Ailbhe "Ali Bee" Arrivals Post: Would've been in May 2017 but I can't go back far enough. Additional Information:
MISSING SOQUILI Username: mistalina13 Soquili Cert Soquili Name: Ken'Iefare Arrivals Post: Would've been in April 2017 but I can't go back far enough. Additional Information:
MISSING SOQUILI Username: Artymus Soquili Cert Soquili Name: Shaarilyn Arrivals Post: -- ((Was too far back for post history to go to, and forum search turned up diddly)) Additional Information: N/A ((That I can think of))
MISSING FAMILIAR Username: Artymus Familiar Cert Familiar Name: Poppy Arrivals Post: -- Additional Information: N/A, looks like everything is there.
((Sorry for two posts, didn't realize I didn't have the proper links))
Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 12:34 am
Hi Rein!
Please see the large spoiler below for requests that need further attention. We do not handle missing certs through this thread, so please post here for help locating official cert links.
Once you have received official cert links, you are free to make new requests in a new post.
As for the Island Project, you are welcome to post those here if they have not yet been added to the Familiar Owner's List.
Please let me know if you have any questions. ~Maho
MISSING FAMILIAR Username: Rein_Carnation Familiar Cert Familiar Name: Quellë Arrivals Post: Unkown drop link Additional Information: N/a - Please post in the General Certing Thread to request an official cert link.
MISSING FAMILIAR Username: Rein_Carnation Familiar Cert XxX Familiar Name: Kori Arrivals Post: XxX Additional Information:Bonded to Snowden - Please request an official cert link from the General Certing Thread.
[FAMILIAR] OOPS AHOY! Entry Identification: Selalusia What's Incorrect?: I don't own any seals What Will Resolve This?: Please remove
Hi Rein, you actually won this seal here back in 2013 (second link here), so this is not an error!
*** That should be all my familiars up till this year... minus the Island Project. If they are needed as well, please contact me and I'll get them posted for you ^^
Edit: Checking the Soquili list now...
OOPS AHOY! Entry Identification: Brising What's Incorrect?: His name What Will Resolve This?: Should be Brisingr
UPDATE MY SOQUILI Username: LunaRei_SilverBlood Change Which Occurred: Lifemate removed Soquili Cert Soquili Name: Lelandi Arrivals Post: Unknown - 2016 is when the co-own and life mate was ended Additional Information: Broken co-own - ownership change done
Please request a new cert to reflect these changes in the General Certing Thread. I have updated the owner in the Owner's List itself, but will need an official cert link to change the image. You're free to post again when you receive a new cert.
Please let me know if you have any questions. ~Maho
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 12:11 pm
MISSING FAMILIAR Username: mistalina13 Familiar Cert Familiar Name: Hemetre Arrivals Post: Too long ago. Additional Information: Uncert Link - http://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Roniel/Uncerts/veggiegator1.png - Already added
MISSING FAMILIAR Username: mistalina13 Familiar Cert Familiar Name: Stellar Horizon Arrivals Post: Too long ago. Additional Information: Uncert Link - http://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Kait/QC/BlackFriday/Gator.png
MISSING FAMILIAR Username: mistalina13 Familiar Cert Familiar Name: Reflection Nebula Arrivals Post: Too long ago. Additional Information: Hemetre x Stellar Horizon Uncert Link - http://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Celestial/Uncerts/Stellatre2.png
MISSING FAMILIAR Username: mistalina13 Familiar Cert Familiar Name: Virgil Arrivals Post: Too long ago. Additional Information: Bonded to Leilani (I don't have a copy of the bonded cert.) Uncert Link - http://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Pixel/Familiar Uncert/mistalina13Quetzal.png
MISSING FAMILIAR Username: mistalina13 Familiar Cert Familiar Name: Concerto Arrivals Post: Too long ago. Additional Information: Bonded to Allegro (I don't have a copy of the bonded cert.) Uncert Link - http://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/DNS/RedFerret.png
MISSING FAMILIAR Username: mistalina13 Familiar Cert Familiar Name: Kazue Arrivals Post: Too long ago. Additional Information: Bonded to Taith (I don't have a copy of the bonded cert.); Also Yuuka x Taith (Familiar) Mockbaby of Two Soq Uncert Link - http://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Celestial/Uncerts/MistaCYO2015.png
MISSING FAMILIAR Username: mistalina13 Familiar Cert Familiar Name: Zahra Arrivals Post: Too long ago. Additional Information: Bonded to Jinan (I don't have a copy of the bonded cert.) Uncert Link - http://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Strife/Uncerts/Familiars/WS2015_mistalina13.png
MISSING FAMILIAR Username: mistalina13 Familiar Cert Familiar Name: Akanksha Arrivals Post: Too long ago. Additional Information: Bonded to Nirmala (I don't have a copy of the bonded cert.) ; Also Nirmala x Ora (Familiar) Mockbaby of Two Soq Uncert Link - http://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/spelldancer/Uncerts/Mistalina_wolf.png
MISSING FAMILIAR Username: mistalina13 Familiar Cert Familiar Name: Skyfall Arrivals Post: Too long ago. Additional Information: Bonded to Windwaker (I don't think they were ever certed together.) Uncert Link - http://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Odet/Familiar/Breeding/ShiZah2.png
MISSING FAMILIAR Username: mistalina13 Familiar Cert Familiar Name: Ankur Arrivals Post: Too long ago. Additional Information: Bonded to Ora - (I don't have a copy of the bonded cert.) ; Also Nirmala x Ora (Familiar) Mockbaby of Two Soq Uncert Link - http://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Ovarian Paint/Customs/Mist.png
MISSING FAMILIAR Username: mistalina13 Familiar Cert Familiar Name: Gladiolus Arrivals Post: Too long ago. Additional Information: Bonded to Rowan (I don't have a copy of the bonded cert.) Uncert Link - http://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Odet/Familiar/CYO/mistalina13-16.png
MISSING FAMILIAR Username: mistalina13 Familiar Cert Familiar Name: Ditto Arrivals Post: Too long ago. Additional Information: Bonded to Eht'effi (I don't think they were ever certed together.) Alt Cert 2 - http://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Odet/Familiar/Certed/mistalina13_Ditto2.png Alt Cert 3 - http://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Odet/Familiar/Certed/mistalina13_DittoN.png Uncert 1 - http://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Odet/Familiar/Ditto-shaymin.png Uncert 2 - http://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Odet/Familiar/Ditto-shaymin2.png Uncert 3 - http://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Odet/Familiar/Ditto-shayminN.png