Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 12:38 pm
Welp, strap in because I have to get through a backstory before getting to the point.
So I've been on Gaia since 2004, different accounts. And during the earlier years, I was quite problematic. I admit that I was stubborn, arrogant, and a bully. There was a person who I butted heads with quite a bit and things got ugly. She had a different way about doing things and we just clashed. At the time I was running guilds, charities, contests, so we had to work together quite a bit since our stuff would overlap. This is to be expected when you're both heavily involved with Gaia. You end up joining forces with other people for community events and stuff. Anyway, things got bad. Lots of fighting, arguing, bickering, feuding on Facebook, all of our friends got involved and took sides. It was very toxic for a while. Well, it came to a head and neither side has spoken to one another for years. Most of that is to avoid conflict, however, I suspect people are still holding a grudge.
I ended up taking a hiatus for a couple of years after the feud came to a head. During that time I have grown as a person. I am no longer a bully and I try to be level headed and fair. When I came back to Gaia I noticed that she is still active and still running things here. Now while I can't force others to go apologize for actions that took place a few years ago I feel the need to own up to what I did and formerly apologize for the actions and bad decisions that I made myself towards that person. I'm just incredibly nervous to do it and I don't want it to be seen as me harassing her or anything negative. It bothers me that I've caused so much stress and pain for another person and I would like the attempt to make things right I'm just not sure how to go about doing it.
What would you guys do? How should I go about doing this? sweatdrop I'd like to send her a PM but I'm not quite sure how to go about it.
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 5:34 pm
Great that you recognize the need for reconciliation!
I have found that just simply admitting that you were in the wrong to another person can go a far way to patch up bad wounds and allow healing. Not to mention that it is a good testimony of Yahweh's involvement in our hearts.
Often - if not most of the time it is an inconvenience for us to do this. But it is in this inconveniencing that we are showing the work of the Lord in us. It is a humbling experience. Sometimes someone will reject our peace offering but it can't be forced. All we can do is extend it.
I would just go right to the issue and just say I was wrong, and that my behavior was wrong. That I apologize for it. That I wish I had handled things differently and that I often think of the bad blood and pain that was cause by me. That by extending my apology I hope that I can help you get closure and maybe repair some of the wounds that I have caused.