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[PRP] In Search of Self (Shen x Cadenza)

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Nori Ishida

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 11:41 am

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With his childhood mountain home behind him, Shen had finally set off in search of his own life, his own story, his own adventures. His starlit meeting with the ebony mare had released him of so much burden and he had found himself moving with a lightness that he had never felt before. Even as a young foal, his energies had been tied up with comforting his brother, appeasing or avoiding his mother, wondering about the existence and whereabouts of his father. He had never felt such freedom as he did now and his heart raced at the possibilities that lie before him.

He had traveled to many lands in his search for his brother, but he had always been focused on finding Huojin instead of enjoying and learning about the places he was visiting. He wished now to return to these far and exotic lands and truly explore the foreign landscapes, learn the cultures and customs of different types of Soquili, make friends, perhaps even one day find love.

It had been several days since he had left Rook. In the beginning, the rolling foothills were very familiar territory to him - where he had started his search so many years ago, and where he had recently ended it. As he had finally wound his way down out of the mountain range, he came upon a low and sprawling meadow. It was well past midday and the sun was making it's westward descent, casting a warm golden glow across the field. The sun glinted off the many golden adornments that hung from his body as he trotted gently into the meadow, a rush of excitement running through him as he left familiar lands behind him in search of a new self.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 10:21 pm

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Oblivious to the ponders of the stallion who approached her unknowing, Cadenza gave voice to the song that had been dogging her stocks. There was a certain gaiety in the mare's voice, something that combined her youth and a soul that was filled with wonderment. Cadenza had never visited a place she didn't like, nor had she ever met a stranger. Those she encountered in her travels were merely friends she had not yet made.

"Fair young mare down in the meadow,
Stall'ion bold did pass her by,
'Said: fair young mare,
Will ye bide with me?'
This then sir was her reply:

'Oh no kind sir,
I cannot bide with thee.
For I've a soul,
That wills me to be free.

Though I've wandered
These long, long years
Still no stall'ion
Shall bide with me.

For if I've run free
These long, long years -
Still just these years
Won't satisfy me.

You may have longed for
A mare such as I,
But I'll be free,
As the bright blue sky.

You may have longed for
A mare such as I,
But I'll spread my wings,
And I'll start to fly!'

That stall'ion bold,
He bade the mare to stay,
Said: 'Fair young mare,
I will not halt your pace,

Yet if you long for
A stall'ion bold,
I'll be your wings,
'Til we've both grown old.

If you long for
A stall'ion bold,
I'll be your wings...
'Til we've both grown old.'"

So enraptured was she by the song that she scarcely noticed that she'd nearly wandered right into Shen, who might as well have been the stallion from her ballad. "Oh!" she said, startled to encounter the vivid stallion whose adornments gleamed in the in the sun's warm light. "My, I didn't see you there." Though whether he'd seen her or heard her first, who could say?

Nori Ishida


Sparkly Vampire

Nori Ishida

PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 3:45 pm

The stallion slowed his pace as he thought he heard a voice. Coming to a halt, he pricked his ears and realized that it was a somebody singing a song. The voice was light and clear and quite enjoyable to listen to. He tilted his head towards the direction of the voice, and saw a mare approaching him. She was singing a song about a stallion and a mare...a promise.

He listened to the song as the mare got closer...and closer, and closer! She very nearly bumped right into Shen. He chuckled as he took a step back, giving the mare her space.

"Sorry to have startled you! That was a very nice song you were singing. You have a lovely voice." He smiled and bowed his head in greeting, showing the mare that he meant no harm.

Mr Cheri
PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 11:02 pm

The gentleman who spoke seemed amiable enough, which put Cadenza at her ease - not that she'd been frightened! "Ah, thank you. I was in the song, you see," she explained, although trying to explain the state seemed impossible. No one seemed to understand the experience of being rapt in song, of not quite noticing what was around her. It was a dangerous thing, to be sure, but not something the mare could change.

"Did I get in your way?" she asked, realizing that she was rather in the stallion's way. Planted directly in his path, Cadenza shifted her balance, trying to decide whether she ought to leave. But something about him inspired more music to flood her mind, for he had the look of an adventurer about him. Perhaps a hero? Then again... maybe not. She'd have to ask if she got the chance.

Nori Ishida


Sparkly Vampire

Nori Ishida

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 11:29 am

He smiled at the mare as she described being wrapped up in her song. He had known other musical types to become completely enraptured in their songs, as if they were one with the music. It was an inspiring thing to watch. "It was a very lovely song, indeed. Do you write many songs?"

He shook his head when she asked if she was in his way. "Not at all! I actually have just been wandering these lands, and currently have no real direction." It was true, he had been following a path he knew as he was leaving the mountains, but now that he found himself in new lands, he was truly wandering with no real destination in mind. "I've set off to explore the world a bit and meet new soquili, and it seems I already have! My name is Shen." He bowed his head slightly in greeting to the musical mare.

Mr Cheri
Open/Private Canon IC RP

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