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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 4:27 pm
Urgent Mission

Infiltrate and Sabotage

We have discovered that a group of criminals have made their base in the old Trainer Hill building on Route 111 of Hoenn, the facility long since closed down since the arrival of the Battle Institute. This group of villains are the ones responsible for the outbreak of Shadow Pokemon in Mauville City, apparently distributing the Shadow Pokemon out of there and sneaking them into the city via an underground man-made tunnel which exits underneath the also shutdown Game Corner. While we have every intent to confront them and see them brought to justice it is certain that they already know that Team Snagem is aware of their activities and are actively seeking them out, as such they are likely preparing to abandon Trainer Hill.

As such we are sending you ahead to slow down their retreat, such a large and sophisticated criminal enterprise certainly can't move their operations that quick and they likely wouldn't abandon their assets, though even if they did it's stil a win for us. Your job is to sneak into Trainer Hill from their own smuggling tunnel, the entrance in the Game Corner, and find out how they are moving their assets out and slow them down by any means, without being caught of course. Remember, your goal is sabotage and slow down their retreat so we may prepare our forces to storm Trainer Hill and catch them with their pants down. Do whatever you have to in order to leave them vulnerable. And remember, don't get caught and if you do make sure you silence whoever saw you.

---Infiltrate Trainer Hill and sabotage the Shadow Pokemon smuggling ring.

---The criminals operating the ring, they have no uniform and carry the following Pokemon, excluding Shadow Pokemon: Zubat, Golbat, Poochyena, Mightyena, Spheal, Sealeo, Gulpin, Swalot, Corphish, Crawdaunt, Grimer, Muk, Duskull, and Kecleon. You should encounter at least one Shadow Pokemon of any Hoenn Pokemon of second stage (Examples: Kirlia, Hariyama, etc.) or less. You must snag the Shadow Pokemon but do not have to keep it.

---The only Pokemon you will encounter are trainer owned ones unless you are unfortunate enough to stumble upon something in the tunnel. You may snag one Pokemon (the Shadow Pokemon doesn't count towards your one snag unless you keep it).

---10x Snag Coins
---1x Snag Emblem Piece
---Varies from there.

[This mission is time sensitive and will affect the current story arc so whatever you write, should you choose to do this mission, will be included in the guild's story. More than one person may do this mission.]  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 11:48 am
A certain trainer walked toward the Game Corner, set on infiltrating Trainer Hill as the mission request ordered. It had been some time since she had been on a mission like this one, so she had taken the time to train before coming. It was imperative that her Pokemon were in top shape before they left, so she'd taken a little time to spend with each of them, especially her two newest captures, one of which hadn't been her choice. Gary, her Omanyte, was a Pokemon she wasn't exactly familiar with, so she had to see what his battle style was before she could figure out how to train him. Turace, her most recent capture, was a Froslass that was the reason Amber looked the way she did now.

As she found the tunnel, she noticed it looked like someone had already been here, if the machines that had been tossed around were any indication. Hmm, this place had been shut down for years, so why were the machines like this, unless someone had gotten into a skirmish here? No matter, that just made her job a little easier. Taking a look around, she made sure nobody was nearby, Spooky floating invisible near her head as always. Since she was new to her current state, she would have to rely on the Ghost-type to warn her of danger, at least until she could get her abilities under control. That being said, she would still have to keep her wits about her, as she was about to infiltrate the dragon's den, so to speak. Taking another quick glance around, Amber slipped into the tunnel and began making her way through it, keeping an eye out for danger as she did so and knowing that Spooky would do the same.

She wasn't too far in when she got the sense she was being watched, and she whipped around, facing the direction the feeling was coming from, but there was nothing visible. She had no idea how she knew, but she could somehow sense something there. What it was, she didn't know, but she wasn't sticking around to find out. Instead, she turned and kept walking, wanting to put as much distance between herself and the area as possible. Toward the end of the tunnel, she noticed a flurry of movement, and quickly hid behind some discarded crates, poking her head out to watch. Ah, so it seemed these goons knew Snagem was in the area, and were in the process of hurriedly packing everything up and moving.

Well, this won't do, she thought, watching silently. I need to stop them, before they can get away, but to do that means battling, and none of my Pokemon are Immunized against the Shadow Virus. Hopefully, I won't have to battle too many Shadow Pokemon, and if I do, I'll have to rely on Arauth and Spooky's invisibility to use attacks. Even still, I'll still have to make sure they don't take too many Shadow attacks.

As she was thinking, Spooky nudged her gently. "Spooky, use Thief on some of those crates," she said quietly. "But make sure you're not seen, alright?" The Shuppet nodded and quickly moved out of cover to do so, making sure that he wasn't seen, and once he was done, she moved back behind the discarded crates. The ones carrying things out came back to grab the crates, not even realizing that some of them were broken at first.

Amber gave a slight smile when she noticed this, and it took a few minutes before someone picked up a crate that broke in his hands, scattering its contents all over the floor. "What the hell?" he said, looking at the mess covering the floor. "How did the crate suddenly break?" Another smuggler came to investigate, and Amber could have laughed at the look on the second man's face. "You were told to carry the crates out, not drop them!" he said.

"I didn't drop it!" the first man snapped. "All I did was pick it up, and it broke apart when I did." The second man looked at the mess, then at the first man, grumbling under his breath. "Just get it cleaned up, then start moving the rest," he said. The first man watched him go, then grumbled and started picking up the crate's contents. Amber, knowing she had to do act, nodded at Spooky. "Thunder Wave on him, then Thief on a couple of the things from the crate," she whispered.

The Shuppet was happy to oblige; Amber was basically giving him permission to pull a prank on this smuggler, and he couldn't be happier that she was actually allowing this kind of behavior. Still invisible, he executed the Thunder Wave, effectively paralyzing the man, who fell to the ground with his back to Amber and the Shuppet, before using Thief to steal a couple of the items on the floor. Once Amber had them, she put them in her bag, I wish Spooky or one of my other Pokemon knew Hypnosis, she thought. That would make this so much easier than paralyzing them all.

She gave a slight sigh, then waited until a few more minutes had passed before moving to another cover spot. This one was closer to the main building, and she knew she might be able to see a bit more from here. Sure enough, there were three more people coming back into the room, and once they were far enough from the doorway, she nodded to Spooky, who used Thunder Wave again, paralyzing all but one of the men that had appeared. This one seemed a bit more alert than the others, and as he came more into the light, she saw why. This guy looked to be a Rhyhorn hybrid, which meant the Thunder Wave had no effect on him. Amber cursed silently under her breath, watching as the hybrid turned to look at the direction the attack had come from.

"So, it would seem we have an intruder," he said, releasing a Golbat. "Come out, come out, wherever you are, little intruder! Let's play a game, shall we? Come out and I'll give you a thrashing you won't forget; keep hiding, and I'll find you and thrash you anyway!" Amber cursed silently to herself; she hadn't planned for encountering any hybrids, something she would definitely remember for the next mission. "Spooky, come back," she said, and the Shuppet obeyed, still invisible. Amber then released Turace, the ball opening silently for once, and she indicated the Rhyhorn hybrid. "Use Blizzard on the Golbat," she said. The Ice/Ghost-type nodded and quickly executed the attack, the Golbat screeching in pain as the attack hit it from all sides. "Now use Psychic!" she ordered, and Turace was happy to oblige, firing off the Psychic without hesitation.

The Golbat screeched again, and this time, it fell to the ground and didn't get up again, swirls in its eyes indicating it was knocked out. The Rhyhorn hybrid looked perplexed as he looked at his fainted Pokemon. "So that's how you want to play, then," he said, as he recalled his Golbat. "Very well, let's see how you handle this!" Having said this, he sent out his second Pokemon, and Amber's blood ran cold when she saw what it was. A Shadow Delcatty stood there, growling at Turace, who looked back with an expressionless face. Amber knew she would have her work cut out for her in this battle, and she walked out into the open, the Rhyhorn hybrid smirked slightly. "Ah, so another hybrid has joined the fun," he said. "This should be most entertaining. Delcatty, use Shadow Rush!"

The Normal-type immediately leaped forward in a blur of motion, but Turace was faster, quickly throwing out Hail without Amber's prompting. Amber knew this was because of Turace's ability, Snow Cloak, which raised her evasion in a hailstorm. Hmm, perhaps they could use this to their advantage. "Blizzard," Amber said, and Turace obeyed, the Ice-type move surrounding her and her opponent and causing the Shadow Delcatty to stop and try to figure out where Turace had gone. "Shadow Ball!" was the next command. The attack was fired off, hitting the Shadow Delcatty in the side and causing it to cry out in pain. "Don't let them hit you again!" the Rhyhorn hybrid growled. "Shadow Wave!"

Shadow Delcatty gave a cry and released a surge of energy, and Amber cursed as the attack split the Blizzard in half, allowing Turace to be seen for a split second before she used Blizzard again. The Shadow Wave had hit Turace, causing quite a bit of damage thanks to the Shadow moves being super effective against non-Shadow Pokemon, but Turace was hanging in there for now. "Will-O-Wisp!" Amber called. "Then follow it up with Hex!" A multitude of purple wisps surrounded the Shadow Delcatty, causing a Burn, and a moment later, the Normal-type cried out in pain again as the Hex caused more damage than was expected.

"How are you causing damage to my Pokemon?!" the Rhyhorn hybrid yelled. "I've trained Delcatty flawlessly, it shouldn't be taking any damage!" "You obviously don't know what Hex does, do you?" Amber called out. "It does double damage if the opponent has been inflicted with a status ailment." "Shut up!" the other hybrid yelled. "You know nothing! Delcatty will win because I say it will! Delcatty, use Shadow Wave again, aim at the hybrid!" Amber knew she couldn't let that happen, but before she could do anything, Turace used Hex again, causing the Shadow Delcatty to lose its concentration, and a portion of its health, thanks to the Burn/Hex combo, leaving it panting. Knowing this was likely her only chance, Amber prepared a Great Ball in her SNAG, then fired it at the Shadow Delcatty, which was sucked inside just before the ball hit the ground. Once, twice, three times, the ball rocked violently as the Shadow Delcatty tried valiantly to escape the confines of the Pokeball, but it seemed it wasn't quite strong enough to break free, as the Pokeball stopped shaking and dinged once after a moment, signifying a successful snag.

"Turace, Frost Breath followed by Ice Punch on the hybrid!" Amber called, and Turace floated forward to do just that. The Rhyhorn hybrid didn't know what hit him, his sensitive rock-like skin taking the brunt of the Frost Breath and leaving him shivering, before the Ice Punch hit and left him frozen in place, literally. Amber sighed softly as she recalled Turace and picked up the Pokeball containing the Shadow Delcatty, stowing both on her belt as she continued further into the building.  


Hilarious Friend

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 8:44 pm
The Mauville Game Corner bore scars of what had long ago occurred—and what clearly hadn’t.

The closure order from the Hoenn regional government pursuant to the Gambling Policies Act, still taped next to the door. Layers and layers of dust. Posters on the wall for concerts that even in this time had long since past.

There were also signs of a struggle, and one surprisingly recent at that. Technical Machines and knick-knacks that had fallen off a shelf, strewn about the floor in one area. Cracks in the wall. Multiple machines having been toppled by the impact of something.

The abrupt movement of several of the machines had revealed a hatch with a ladder down below, which on Monique’s visit was already opened. The dusty carpet was not so in the area surrounding this hidden entrance, suggesting only the dislodging of the large slot machines had revealed its existence.

Careful to take a more human form—her former appearance was the easiest available—before moving on, she slowly climbed down the ladder and to the tunnel.


GMH proposes theme park north of city
Two-phase plan envisions battle facility, amusement park

Mauville Heartlander • November 28, 2003

Greater Mauville Holdings today unveiled its plans to build a battle facility and amusement park just north of Mauville City on a parcel known as Trainer Hill, along Route 111.

GMH plans to build a multi-story battle facility in the first phase and a theme park with various attractions in the second, according to Wattson Tessen, project manager for the local development company. It is anticipated as a regional draw that could lead to further suburban development in the Winstrate Lake area.

Trainer Hill’s battle facility will be a timed challenge for contestants, who will have to fight a set number of Trainers in order…


The tunnel was cold and dim. A lighting system had been fitted but did not seem to do much; only a handful of lights worked on the long, straight passage that connected to the basement of the derelict Trainer Hill. There was less light here than in some of the lowest levels of Flower City, Monique thought to herself. A handful of objects were strewn on the floor in ways that made them glimmer: an old ID badge with an attractive maroon “GMH” logo and a label affixed in typewritten ribbon, old receipts, and other detritus. Presumably, staff used this tunnel for maintenance and moving supplies a long time ago.

After stepping on something rough, she realized she would need some light to investigate, bringing out her Marowak. Her green light illuminated their surrounding and revealed a handful of broken crates, which had left splinters of wood all over the floor. She couldn’t be sure if this was recent or—

Abruptly, Kalama moved, evidently having sensed something, and started twirling her bone more rapidly. Usually, this meant something had her attention. Monique looked up. Someone was climbing down the hatch at the other end. She got down and looked ahead.

“Is everyone out of…here?” a female voice began, only to stop after seeing the green flickering light down the end. “What’s that?” she asked, her voice evincing increasing concern.


Trainer Hill casualty of GMH financial woes
Analyst: Without theme park, insufficient attraction for families

Mauville Heartlander • September 18, 2007

The announcement yesterday that Trainer Hill would close after little more than two years in operation demonstrates the increasingly perilous financial state of Greater Mauville Holdings, according to one analyst.

The first phase opened on September 1, 2005, offering a timed battle facility. Interest was okay in early months but fell off significantly as the novelty of Trainer Hill waned. However, GMH never could get the attention of the public, which continued to patronize the Battle Institute and other facilities, given that it was unable to secure permits needed to build the amusement park.

“The park would have brought lots of people to the area in a way that Trainer Hill couldn’t,” noted Tom Crawdauntford, a professor of business at Mauville University. “Once the Desert Ruins Preservation Society won its battle in court to prevent expansion of the complex, Trainer Hill’s days were numbered.”

Hastening the closure was the increasing financial strain on GMH, which has experienced severe losses in its Sea Mauville division and environmental setbacks at New Mauville.

Crawdauntford foresees the company filing for bankruptcy protection soon due to what he calls an “unsustainable” series of losses. In that respect, Trainer Hill is an innocent casualty.

“They would have needed to retool the battle center to offer more, as without the park there was nothing there for non-Trainers to do. But that required money they don’t have right now.”


“I’m conducting an inspection,” Monique explained to the woman. “And that’s my Pokémon assisting me.”

“What kind of inspection?” the woman called back, skeptical of the reasoning.

“I’m evaluating the…condition of the tunnels.” The sheriff realized she didn’t have that much to go on. “For the Mauville Electric Power Company.”

“We don’t need no inspection,” she replied, perturbed. Her voice echoed through the long passageway. “Go away.”

“I’m here on official business, madam. I am former law enforcement. I would advise you not to obstruct my work.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

“There is no official business to be had here, and I’m about to prove to you that your puny little Pokémon is no match for ours.” She threw out a Poké Ball to reveal an unfamiliar Pokémon that looked like a floating skull. What’s this thing? she thought to herself. It looked like some sort of ghost with a scarlet eye that stayed in place while its body moved.

“Kalama the Marowak! Shadow Bone!” No sooner than Monique issued her order for an attack did the other Pokémon move quickly to execute a Shadow Sneak. It was super effective but not terribly powerful.

“That’s a Marowak!? You ain’t from here, eh…” As the woman said those words, GRAY—having realized with Castform that Monique might be unaware of what she was facing—started to feed information to her. Duskull. Ghost type. The Requiem Pokémon. Duskull can pass through any wall…

After the Shadow Sneak hit, Marowak immediately responded with a Shadow Bone—super effective on the fellow Ghost-type, which reeled for a moment.

“Shadow Sneak!” she called out again. But Duskull didn’t move. “What are you doing? Shadow Sneak!”

Monique smiled to herself. Cursed Body. Gets ‘em every time. The opponent had a three-in-ten chance of having their move disabled. She paced closer and closer to the woman, trying to pin her in.

“Shadow Bone!” Kalama tossed her bone straight at the Duskull, connecting in a shower of blue embers. It started to sway and sink to the floor. It was done for.

“Alright, girl… Let’s see if you can handle a little more heat!” She tossed a second Poké Ball, and its contents materialized with a shaking thud onto the ground. A massive beast with two rocky protrusions on its back appeared, and so too did that unpleasant zing. A Shadow.


Trainer Hill property mired in GMH bankruptcy
Decaying building cited as eyesore

Hoenn Business Record and Gazette • May 28, 2014

It once held promise as a new regional battle facility and amusement park, but today the emerald-green building off of Route 111 sits empty and decaying to the elements. Weeds spring up around the sign, and some of the windows are broken.

Trainer Hill has sat in limbo for years, an accessory to the complicated bankruptcy proceeding of Greater Mauville Holdings often forgotten amid its higher-profile failures. GMH’s creditors have squabbled over who, if anyone, should get the land, while regional police worry it could be a breeding ground for criminal activity and squatters. The property’s fate lies with teams of lawyers in offices in Rustboro and Mauville.


The SNAG started beeping. Camerupt. Fire and Ground. The Eruption Pokémon. Camerupt has a volcano inside its body. Magma of 18,000 degrees Fahrenheit courses through its body… She recoiled a bit at the sight.

“Weren’t expecting this, huh?” The Camerupt’s keeper erupted into her own smile. “Lava Plume!”

Searing heat flashed through the room before spurts of magma erupted from the floor, knocking Kalama back for a moment before it got up. The heat caused enough incidental damage to break Monique’s Illusion. Unseen by anyone, the intense heat also buckled the trapdoor to the hatch on the Trainer Hill side. Someone was soon to discover that it would not close.

“Bonemerang!” Monique called out. Kalama tossed its bone twice, and Camerupt winced in evident pain.

“Ha! You think you’re so clever…” The woman smirked. “Shadow Rave!”

Dark, chi-filled spikes materialized from the floor and attacked Kalama, who was down and very close to down for the count. An automated-sounding voice came from the SNAG.

“Camerupt. Shadow Meter. 4.”

Monique looked at her Marowak. It had been a while since anything had pounded her quite like this. She needed to change tack. Taking a breath, she recalled Kalama, gripped her only other full Poké Ball (besides that Grimer she needed to have sent back), and summoned the Shadow Castform.

The sight of another Shadow Pokémon in the room caused the woman to visibly recoil in surprise. “What the!?”

Monique realized she didn’t even know this Pokémon’s full moveset. Asking the SNAG, she got her answer. “Sunny Day/Weather Ball/Shadow Sky/Rain Dance”, it reported back in the same robotic voice.

“Castform! Rain Dance!”

Gray clouds formed on the roof of the tunnel, and drops of water began to fall down. For the first time, Monique experienced rain—inside an underground tunnel, no less. Castform began to change from a light gray to a big blue drop atop a small dark gray cloud.

The Camerupt was immediately bothered by the change in the weather. “S-Shadow Rave!” its Trainer called out in haste. It was a poor choice—the move was weaker against a fellow Shadow Pokémon. Castform shook it off with little problem.

“Weather Ball!” Monique watched as Castform controlled the rain and formed it into one large spherical drop, which connected with its target and splashed all over the woman behind it, drenching her hair. The force of the blast of water and the double super effective move sent the large beast toppling, again creating a detectable thud.

She had to move fast. She picked another Poké Ball out of her bag—this one a Great Ball—clasped it to her glove, and hurled it at Camerupt. The woman, seeing Camerupt be sucked into a ball and realizing her combatant was a Team Snagem member, started running toward the ball in an attempt to take it back.

Monique ran toward her, pouncing on the Camerupt’s owner and laying on top of her. An increasingly familiar and reassuring click echoed through the tunnel, as silent as it had been since she’d entered. The rain clouds waned, and Castform turned back to its normal form.

“Why did you do that!? You’re a scoundrel!” the woman barked at her captor.

“I would like you to know that I am a sheriff, and that what you have perpetrated is causing a lot of trouble to a lot of people, not to mention been in violation of the law. I come from somewhere where things are far worse. You’re a lucky gal.” She rotated herself, remaining on top of the woman the whole time, and grabbed the Ball containing Camerupt to put in her bag.

“What do you mean I’m lucky? I joined this crew cuz they give me steady work! Better than bummin’ around Mauville.”

“Let’s just say that I come from 49 years in the future, where there is no Hoenn, there is little civilization left. You’re lucky and you’re wasting it. Back where I’m from, weather died a long time ago.”


Monique, unsure of what else she could do, delivered a forceful blow to the back of her victim’s head, perhaps infused with a bit of Dark-type energy, and dragged her back the other way, pulling her up the hatch and leaving her to rest in a nook of the forsaken Game Corner, where she’d awaken with one of the Castform plushies from the prize shelf next to her like a calling card.

Monique dusted herself off and walked out in search of a Pokémon Center. She’d left Trainer Hill without the ability to seal itself off from anyone who wanted to enter.

New Po Town? Mauville City? Didn’t matter.  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 11:13 pm
It was back to business for the likes of Team Snagem. After a botched vacation for all intents in Galar, it was a matter of trying to get themselves settled in the new rules they had to abide by, mandated by the regions in which they saved. While the regions were grateful they were for the most part saved from the Shadow Pokémon threat for now, that salvation didn’t come without a lot of damage done in part by Snagem to accomplish their mission, rather it was deliberate or accidental. The accords, binding documentation signed by a few major regions, dictated to allow Team Snagem to keep operations, albeit now under strict monitoring to leave them accountable for any unnecessary damage that would occur in their operations on top of having them accountable for what had happened during their clash with the mad scientist, Ein.

It wasn’t typical, however, for the team. Ever since their trip to Galar, there had been many abrupt changes which had occurred, and not for the better for a great deal of members of the team. For Freth in particular, it came off rather life changing. She had a teenager Manetric hybrid who was ever slowly but surely growing more cynical at the world at large. She had a lover who was not only mentally scarred pretty badly from the war with Ein, but had a brush with death with an unknown attack from some unknown, otherworldly faction during their trip to Galar leaving him feeling that he was in fact still too ill-suited to deal with anything that may come to him. And as for Freth, a case of no good deed going unpunished: Because although she would save her significant other from the attacker, the Galarian Articuno female hybrid would submit at the very least her own consciousness into Freth and would eventually try to take her over, converting Freth from the icy blue, majestic icy Articuno, to the violet, cruel-looking psychic variant. The assassin would have been thwarted even then, but at the consequence of Freth being stripped of what few hybrid abilities she learned over the years and worse, not getting any peace anymore. At any time, Freth could be disturbed by the attacker from the depths of her own mind. Talking to her, taunting her, trying to convince Freth to kill her target for her.

Since her change she had other personal issues. For one, trying to reintroduce herself to her Pokémon. Some were easy. Kadabra, would be one of the easy ones, able to read Freth herself with his own psychic capabilities, although this also meant he could also discern the presence of the attacker. Others were a bit more difficult. Absol, for example, would be the hardest to contend with. Absol, who had predicted the ‘disaster’ that was Freth’s change, kept on guard, thinking that Freth was actually the assassin and not Freth herself. While Freth, with the help of Kadabra, eventually convinced him it was actually her, it didn’t leave him no less on guard, prompting the Absol to keep a ‘keep at arms length’ stance with Freth. It was better than nothing, as Freth was concerned. It was better than constantly nearly taking Night Slash attacks upon letting the Pokémon out of his ball.

The second issue…was more of a vanity problem…

Freth was in her room, accompanied by her Kadabra and Absol sitting on the bed, looking in the mirror looking at herself in a new wardrobe. She was trying to figure out the puzzle that was her own image as her significant other was off in the training room to make up for lost time with his Pokémon and Tristen was out investigating with the majority of the team a Shadow Pokémon outbreak in Mauville City in the Hoenn Region. Her old, usual apparel, the dark pink crop top, maroon jacket, and jeans didn’t really gel with her any more, namely because of the onyx black feathers that covered a large part of the front of her torso which went down to her waist. The new wardrobe, at least for the time being, was a strapless corset top, a darker, icy blue in color, closer to what her old feather colors were like instead wearing jeans. She decided against any sort of jacket for the time being. It seemed better at first, the onyx feathers actually complemented it instead of clashed like it did with the crop top where it looked like she had a dark abyss on her stomach. It was also fairly functional in a sense, with a lower back allowing her wings a slight bit more freedom and didn’t have to go through the headache of threading her wings through the back of a shirt and her jacket.

However, something started to bother her as she continued to stare. She flipped her tied back hair in front of her for it to go over her shoulder then put her hands on her hips. There was still an issue. With a slight grunt, she flipped her hair back behind her then realized what the issue was. Her arms. While from her shoulders to just shy of her elbows had the down of violet Galarian Articuno feathers, from the elbows, down her forearms, and her hands, were dark and bare. Her hands themselves, claw like, sharp nails and all. For a brief instance, she started to recall the premonition she had before she arrived back at the headquarters from Galar. She remembered she in the future she had these dark-talon like hands. But she also recalled she was at least somewhat comfortable with them and she didn’t know why. Or how. She vaguely recalled that the world was pretty crapsack, so understandably probably bigger pressing concerns. It was just a premonition. Nothing concrete. In fact, just merely a dream worked up by potentially stress or something that didn’t settle right in her stomach wasn’t off the table either. Though why everyone passed out at the time was still strange and completely unexplained.

She’d just shake her head then looked back at the mirror once more. Maybe she needs a jacket after all? Arm socks at least? Freth sighed out, turning around to her two Pokémon. “What do you two think?” she said turning 360 degrees fairly slowly around for her Pokémon to see her.

“Kadabra?” Kadabra spoke up. Kadabra didn’t have an eye for fashion and couldn’t really say any opinion other than ‘It looks nice’, albeit lacking confidence in that statement.

“Absol…” Absol said, leaning over and laying out on the bed to make himself more comfortable. He honestly didn’t care.

“Thanks for the help.” Freth said, rather deadpan. “Honestly, if I wanted those kinds of reactions, I’d go to Blizzard. Seriously, I’m looking for some constructive criticism.”

“I don’t know why you are actually fretting over this so much.” A voice interjected. Freth sighed, knowing what it heralded. She turned back around towards the mirror, seeing what should have been her image, but instead the one of her unwanted guest in the depths of her consciousness, Freth being able to tell more so how by not only how the image to Freth moved on its own, but the piercing, glowing, blue, vigilant eyes. Those weren’t Freth’s eyes. The assassin in the mirror was looking at herself in the suit of clothes picked out, giving a shrug soon after. “I don’t understand how people put so much stock into vanity, especially in your case where your looks are wasted on everyone here. Who are you trying to impress? Blizzard? Now that’s a joke.” The assassin, done with looking herself over, closed her wings up in front of her and crossed her arms under her wings, almost expecting an argument with Freth for this.

This assassin of no name was nothing short of a headache. Her constant unwelcome input from her on Freth’s life since being made aware of her existence made life miserable, yet she found herself in a position where Freth couldn’t do anything about it. As far as what she could figured, she couldn’t really tell anyone without any sort of repercussion, risking the real possibility that in efforts to getting the attacker out of her consciousness, the otherworldly assailant potentially would find a window to take over Freth unabated or perhaps fates even worse than that. The ways of the mind are vast and generally unknown, especially when psychics are involved. And the assassin knew it. Freth recalled briefly the assassin was in that premonition as well and the two at some point were somehow also good with each other. Remembering words of caution and endearment as opposed to callousness. Was it because of the world in question? Or perhaps it was simply the fact that she would be gone for good if Freth perished herself. It briefly made Freth question if this woman actually gravely feared death as opposed to any sense of justice that she and this faction she was with thought needed to be carried out, let alone carried out against those Freth cared about. Though honestly, being trapped in what was essentially a prison of her own making couldn’t be that much better.

“Nobody asked you.” Freth snapped back. “Besides, better than going around in whatever the hell that hazmat looking get up you were in when you decided to attack Blizzard.”

“It’s called a uniform.” the assassin replied. “Something that maybe this bunch could stand to invest in so you wouldn’t have this problem.” Freth mused over such a prospect for about a second, thinking that probably a good few in the headquarters would actually probably have a problem with that. Herself included.

Freth wasn’t in any mood to argue with the woman. Freth turned back around, seeing the concerned look from Kadabra and one of annoyance out of Absol. “She’s being annoying as she has been for the past few days. Nothing to really worry about.” Freth ended up having to stretch her wings out and flap them a good few times; a habit that she noticed that she ended up having to do as of late. For some reason, her wings felt tired a lot for some reason, even though she hasn’t really used them in any extensive capacity. The most she done was she tried to fly again recently, among other things to assess what she was still capable of, and apparently despite trying no differently to fly as she had as the Kantonian variant of Articuno, she was grounded. She didn’t understand why. The only thing that was different was that she did have a wider wing span than she had before, though not by much. Only 3 inches at most on each wing. She couldn’t imagine that making any sort of a difference. Another thing to blame this assassin for, more than likely.

The SNAG would buzz loud, alerting those not on an active mission. Freth went back to the dresser with the mirror on it and grabbed it. The assassin continued to watch Freth as she started to read the message. It was an urgent message. The investigation team that went to Mauville City ended up discovering that Shadow Pokémon were being moved in and out of a now defunct Pokémon battle facility located on Route 111, utilizing the closed down Game Corner to move Shadow Pokémon in and out of the city and Sub needed available team members to block the way off so they can raid this place and shut it down for good. This filled Freth with a bit of unease knowing what this would probably mean for her in particular.

Her fears were a bit founded as the SNAG would then make a different chime this time; she was being called by another member of the team. Seeing who it was on the screen, she sighed. She only could only hope what was about to transpire would go relatively smoothly. “This will be rich.” The assassin stated. Freth rolled her eyes and answered.

“Blizzard?” she spoke up.

“Hey Freth, you got the message?” she’d hear.

“Yea, I got it.”

“Yea, I guess Tristen ended up getting in something kind of deep out there. Though all of those Shadow Pokémon…I am not feeling all that confident in going right now.”

“You honestly shouldn’t.” Freth said. “You’re not 100% yet, and unlike Tristen and I, you never got any Shadow Pokémon nor did your Pokémon get infected at any time. I’ll go.”

“Are you sure? It’s not like everything is kosher for you either.”

“Better than you right at the moment, Blizzard.”

“You got a purified Absol that’s been full temperamental since your change and a Shadow Hakamo-o that you’ve done nothing with. That isn’t much better.”

“Absol and I can take care of it; it isn’t like that we’re fighting a whole organization like Ein’s or Lysandre’s goons. Isn’t that right, Absol?” she asked her Dark type. She looked back to Absol and the Pokémon was asleep who just had turned over almost instinctively when addressed. Kadabra stared at the Absol rather concerned then looked at Freth.

“Glad to see that your Pokémon support you through thick and thin.” The assassin chimed in.

Freth sighed hard. “We’ll be fine, Blizzard.”

“Maybe I should-“

“We’ll. Be. Fine. Blizzard.” She said, a considerable bit more stern.


“Worry about getting better, THEN we talk.” Freth then demanded.


Freth would hang up the SNAG with nary a good bye. “You know…”

“Shut up.” Freth demanded, knowing well where the statement would lead.


After getting together a party to take and items for any captures which were inevitably going to happen, Freth would have Kadabra take her off to Mauville City. She’d arrive at the offices provided to Team Snagem, collecting herself before she started off. She’d learn that she would not be alone in this mission, though she wondered why no one has showed up as of yet. Maybe team members beat her here? Or haven’t gotten here yet. Perhaps just as well. If everyone staggers in, maybe that can keep the alarm bells to these people off instead of getting them to scatter faster. She needed to find her way to the Game Corner which was taken out of business years ago and find their way in and out of the city.

She walked out of the Snagem offices and started her way down the pathway. She noticed on the way down that the streets were less crowded than usual by a considerable amount. Chances are something did happen that lead up to the mission being called out. She did notice a bunch more police presence around trying to direct people around, away from any incident area. As long as there wasn’t any one to really stop her from getting into the Game Corner, that’d be fine.

“Just get into the Game Corner and slow down the advance of people coming from Trainer Hill into Mauville City and the reverse. Why not just go into the building from the topside, sneak in, and take out the ring leader instead of wasting time in some sort of tunnel?”

“By killing him, presumably.” Freth said silently, knowing that she’d hear.

“How else? Threat of death does wonders, honestly.”

“Or make them rebel harder. And honestly? Sneak into the building where I could still be easily seen since the building is built into the side of the mountain and therefore only one main good way to get in, being the front? And it still means that they still have a primary way out of the mountain by whatever tunnel they have.” Freth said, stopping in front of a store window to look at what was supposed to be her faint reflection in the glass. The assassin was there with her arms crossed under her wings folded in front of her staring at her. “Some assassin you are. Which I guess explains your genius decision as to why you decided to try to kill Blizzard on international television. That’s…basic strategy.”

“I didn’t say there wasn’t any ingenuity work going to be involved.” She’d reply. “And for the record, unfortunately, your trip to Galar was the only best time that I could get to him since there would have been no one else around of any significance to get in my way. And I would have been right too. Face it, I was two seconds away from claiming his head.”

“You face it, you underestimated how much of a beating Blizzard could take before you were able to even try to take him out. You’re making excuses.” Freth said.

“You’re feeding delusions. I’ll give you one thing, there were risks involved, but nothing that I couldn’t really handle.”

“Says the one who’s nothing more than a spirit on a reflection to me.” Freth said.

The assassin uncrossed her arms, glaring at Freth with her glowing blue eyes. “Make no mistake, Freth, think what you will of me, but know that because you managed to catch me off guard for that brief instance, you doomed this world forever. So go on, do your little ‘mission’. Not that it matters in the end unless you fix the actual problem at hand.” The assassin would disappear before Freth, her own reflective image being where it was supposed to be, moving how it was supposed to be.

“Touched a nerve, have I?” Freth said. She sighed hard, once again having to stretch out her wings for a second and giving them a few flaps to shake out the discomfort in them for a time before putting them back behind her. She then walked off, continuing off to the Game Corner.

Arriving at the game corner, a crowd had gathered there. There were apparently all sorts of chaos; slot machines and old prizes were tossed in what was supposed to be the abandoned, closed down game corner which got the attention of the public and police at large. “Hm…not getting in that way…” Freth said. There’d be no way to slip in unnoticed with all of the eyes on the game corner. She would leave the game corner, going back down the way she came, coming to a hall. This hall was generally meant for various maintenance workers to keep the city running, clean, and all the like and more importantly, provide back entrances to the stores and any other facilities on this wing of the city to restock stores with their various goods and necessities to keep the individual stores running. More notably though, not meant for anyone of the public, other than a public restroom at the start of the hall. Freth took a glance around then started to go down the hall, past the restrooms, making herself down to the intersection, taking a left turn to start finding her way down to where the Game Corner once did business.

She found her way to a large set of double doors, looking inside through the dense, plexiglass windows then tried to push her way through the doors. The doors pushed opened without issue. Freth honestly was expecting the door to be barred off on the inside, but just in case decided to try anyways to assess any options she had. Freth made her way through the door and took a look around at the dark, dusty confines of the abandoned game corner supply room. There was a couple of large metal rods meant to bar off the door propped up close by. This was their exit into the city. But how were they getting in?

She started to navigate the maze of the abandoned slot machines, card flip games, roulette tables, and boxes of various prizes like defunct technical machines put wherever a spot could be found; her only light was the light coming in through the fiberglass windows. The further away from the door she got, the darker it got. She took a flash light out of her pack and turned it on to help light the way. Freth wondered why all of this stuff was just blatantly abandoned and not cleaned out at any time, especially when the city became more modernized. Then again, where would this stuff go? Probably just scrapped in a landfill, if nothing else.

On the far side of the room, in a corner, she noticed a door with lettering. Faded paint which spelled out ‘Maintenance’, a bit hard to read at first from a distance. She made her way to the door and opened it up. Another unlocked door. Behind the door was a down stairwell and at the bottom of the stairs, she noticed that it was apparently lit up. She made her way down the stairs, making her way to the end of them, stopping at a gate. She noticed there was no lock on the gate, leaving her to just simply open it up as if she was merely invited through. Passing through the gate, she saw what was down here. It was a long tunnel, that seemed to branch off to more tunnels, with gates dotted down these tunnels much like the one she just went through a minute ago. Difference, these gates did have a pad lock on them. Rather big and severely heavy duty. It’d take a lot to take such a lock off somehow, even by another Pokémon. Though as she looked back at the gate she went through, there did seem to be a bit of damage now that she had paid attention to it. Metal was melted a bit somehow around where the lock should be. Though considering that she was noticing fire suppression systems dotted on the roof of the tunnels, she doubted any sort of heat did that job. Possibly a Pokémon, perhaps a Poison type or a Grass type using an Acid attack. She wasn’t sure. It wouldn’t be noticed too much though if some worker was merely passing by on a job unless one was deliberately looking. Freth would notice also this tunnel had uniform painted markings on the wall. She could only assume the letters and numbers were shorthand for her current location and what the various gates and intersections lead to. “So that’s how they’re doing it…” Freth said to herself, stashing her flashlight. “…they’re using the Mauville City service tunnels to smuggle Shadow Pokémon in.”

“Need I remind you that Trainer Hill is still roughly three miles from even the upper outskirts of the city. Do you honestly imagine these tunnels stretching that far?” the assassin spoke up once again from the depths of her mind.

“Ugh, really?” Freth asked.

“Yes. Really.” She retorted. “There’s literal Pokémon centers in the middle of no where that would still need some means sewage and power to do what they need to do. I can assure you they’re not connected to any city or town utility.”

Freth could only roll her eyes. “And pray tell do you imagine where the power is even coming from for this city. Even the electricity has to come in from somewhere and when Wattson designed this city, he made it for everything, electricity especially, to travel underground as opposed to poles. And it isn’t like the city has the power plant for the entire city right smack in the middle of the city. What, you think Wattson’s gym is making it? Hell, it’s actually the biggest energy leech in all of Hoenn. The power plant is also up north, not far from Trainer Hill. Its not hard to discern that Trainer Hill isn’t part of the system either. And if these people had any sense, its not like they should risk being spotted getting in and out of the front door of Trainer Hill.”

“You must give a lot of people credit for having that kind of foresight in planning some sort of elaborate operation like that. These are just typical wanna-be trainers that are looking for the easy way out looking to give other wanna-be trainers the same at perhaps a price.” The assassin said. “It comes off like too much work for something like that.”

“And as I have been trying to get through you, nothing is that concrete. And you’ve been watching, right? How do explain the open doors in the casino?” She said. “Now shut up.”

Freth made her way down the tunnel, trying to estimate where to turn off at. With no map of the labyrinth that was these service tunnels, it would be rather difficult to find the right path, let alone the path that these trainers are taking to make their way into the city. Worse, she had to figure out the best way to slow the trainers down, if not out right block off their way out. To do that without bringing any widespread damage to the service tunnels is going to be rather difficult.

She started to use her SNAG for a map of the city. While it didn’t have a map of the service tunnels or things of the like that would be that useful, she was using it primarily to get her general position of the city so she’d have at least some sort of hint that she was going the wrong way. The whole idea was just to make sure her position kept moving closer to Trainer Hill. It was sort of quiet in these tunnels. She heard the hum of the massive amount of electricity moving through the high-yield wires that moved through the walls and junction boxes and the dull hiss of water through the large pipes above her head was all that was in these tunnels. Being down here gave her a sense of nervousness that she did not have in a long time, not since before becoming a hybrid. A large sense of unknown as to what was around here. If she still was the Kantonian variant instead of the way she was now, she’d probably have a bit more confidence in what was about her. Last thing she needed was to get ambushed herself, let alone get spotted by anyone she didn’t need to find her down here. The instincts which she kept trying to hone over these years, she started to realize, she probably took for granted now that she didn’t have those capabilities anymore.

She turned down a tunnel and started to walk down a new corridor, trying to keep note of anything out of place that might give some clue that these shadow Pokémon trainers of coming through this way. As she traveled, she took notice to something on the ground. She knelt down and found something she didn’t imagine seeing here. It looked to be tire tracks of some kind. They were sort of narrow though and had weird tread marks. Though the tunnels weren’t wide enough for anything like a car or truck. She wasn’t sure what to make of it. A Go-kart of some kind, maybe? Regardless, three miles would still take a bit to go on foot, even if it was a straight shot. Anything to get through these tunnels faster would help, admittedly. She wondered if the trainers were using some sort of vehicle or if this was something the maintenance workers were using to quickly get around the city underground.

She continued down the tunnel finding more intersections. Once again, she glanced on her SNAG to make sure she had been going generally the right direction. As she tried to determine how far she has gone, she looked away from the SNAG for a brief moment, now hearing a new noise down in these tunnels. A louder electric whine of some kind, and it was getting closer. She wasn’t sure what it was, but she knew she shouldn’t be in this spot. She quickly looked around, rushing back as fast as she could to a tunnel she passed, turning the corner and then ducked around into an indentation designed in the wall. She pressed up against the wall hard, trying to make sure that whatever it was that is coming this way was not going to see her as it passed the tunnel, if it was passing by, that is. The whine got louder, hitting its peak when it made it past the intersection, then started to get softer as it continued on. Freth peeked out then jogged back to the intersection, peeking around the corner to see what it was.

It was some sort of motorized wagon of some kind. Electric, if she had to take a guess. It was yellow and looked pretty sturdy for what it was. As if it was meant to carry a lot of extra weight. It made sense for what was down here and what needed to be serviced. However, the one driving the wagon, let alone the passenger didn’t look like any of Mauville’s workers. When the wagon turned the corner at the end, the coast was clear. Freth left the intersection then started to look down at the ground. The fresh tracks the wagon made got Freth to realize that was what they were using. She needed to get that driver and passenger. At least one of them must have knew the means of navigating the service tunnels.

Freth rushed off down back the way she came down the tunnel to follow the motorized vehicle. This would be an easier task if she was still capable of using Agility, but unfortunately, it was yet another thing she’d curse the assassin over. She made her way to the end of the tunnel, but once again the loud whine of the vehicle started to make its way down the tunnel nearby. Freth peeked around the corner real fast then hid. She waited for a moment, waiting on the driver of the vehicle to finally make it to her. The moment the vehicle made its way to the corner, Freth reached out and grabbed the driver, ripping him right out of the driver’s seat. It was fortunate for her at the very least she did still have a great deal of strength despite her change; while she couldn’t channel and focus it into a more destructive force like she had with her Frustration attack, just the raw brute strength alone was more than enough to serve her purposes here. She tossed the driver onto the tunnel floor, leaving the vehicle to veer off on its own, eventually crashing into a wall close by. The driver yelped out when he made impact with the hard, concrete floor. Freth looked back, seeing the passenger that was with him was gone. He probably got dropped off back at the maintenance entrance to the abandoned casino. It couldn’t be helped. The driver will do just fine.

Freth started to approach the driver of the wagon. It was a human she pulled off that wagon, rather skinny sort, though. It was a little weird, she had to admit. This sort of aggression she would have more reserved for the likes of some sort of grunt like what Lysandre employed in droves. This guy just basically had a jump suit of some kind, with some notches that seemed to be sewen on the jacket portion of his suit to holster Pokéballs, with at least two of them occupied by the devices. This was just an ordinary ‘Joe’ really, for all intents. A teenage one, incidentally. An older one. Probably seventeen or eighteen. Nineteen at the most, Freth figured. Old enough to know better either way.

The teenager managed to get his bearings together then started to look up towards the hybrid before him. “Wha…wha!? You-you shouldn’t be here!” the teenager exclaimed.

“Neither should you.” Freth told him. “So, what got you joyriding maintenance vehicles around in these tunnels, hm?”

“None of your business!” The teenager said, stumbling to his feet, quickly pulling out a Pokéball. As far as this teenager was concerned, he wasn’t going to be leave without a fight and honestly, he’d be right.

“I wouldn’t do that.” Freth said, taking out a Pokéball of her own.

“You’re with the police, aren’t you!?” the joyrider exclaimed. “I am not going anywhere with you! Mightyena!” The trainer tossed out the Pokéball, leaving Freth to skip back a few steps. The ball lands on the ground and in a flash of light, a rather intimidating Mightyena was revealed from the ball. Freth then realized something else. Due to her not having the instincts like she did, she wasn’t able to sense pressures as she should have. It was her only means to figure out what was a Shadow Pokémon and what wasn’t. She didn’t have any specialized devices which told her otherwise. She had Absol and the Shadow Hakamo-o with her, preferring to save the latter on the Shadow Pokémon that she believed he had. She had to wing it.

“Go, Absol!” Freth stated, responding in kind. She tossed out the ball containing the dark type and as it landed on the ground, the ball flashed, opening up and revealing the Absol to oppose the Mightyena.

“I don’t know why you don’t just go ahead and smack him around right now instead of battling him.” The assassin interjected as the Dark types squared off with each other.

“Not now…” Freth said silently.

“He’s right there.”

“Shut up.” Freth silently spoke in reply, trying hard not to make this trainer think she’s crazy.

“Just have that Absol distract the Mightyena if you’re that worried and just shake him down.”

“Mightyena, use Take Down!” the trainer shouted. The Mightyena quickly kicked off from its position, making a hard bee-line to the Absol. The Absol went wide-eyed, quickly bracing for impact. The Mightyena lunged out full speed, having its Take Down attack land its mark, causing a considerable amount of damage to the Absol.

“Wha? Ugh! Shut up, you’re distracting.” Freth would then say to the assassin.

“I don’t know what’s going on over there but, Mightyena, use Crunch!”

“Absol! Slash Attack!” As the Mightyena goes to pounce on the Absol to clamp its maw upon Absol’s body, the Absol leaped off to the side, showing that despite taking such a hit a second ago, it was still more than capable of moving about. The Absol retaliates, lunging out itself, showing off its claws and deals a deep slash upon the Mightyena. The Mightyena yelped, backing off quickly, quick to try to nurse at its newfound wound for all of a second or two.

“Mightyena! Thunder Fang!” the trainer commanded. The Mightyena trained itself back onto the Absol and went back on the attack, his maw now sparking with electricity as it started to make its rush for Absol.

“Absol! Sucker Punch!” Freth said. The Absol, ever vigilant, weaved away from the Mightyena, quickly pivoting on its forward legs, then drove its hind legs right into the side of the Mightyena. The attack, while strong, didn’t really do much. The Mightyena skidded away some on the concrete floor then went back on the attack. It was a minor inconvenience at best to the Mightyena, proven so as it managed to get back on the attack and clamp down on Absol with its electrified jaws.

As the battle went on, Freth closely watched the attacks that the trainer was calling to his Mightyena. Typical, non-shadow-based attacks. For that matter, this Mightyena’s demeanor was pretty typical for Mightyena in general. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary that she can tell. “Absol! Shake that Mightyena off of you!” Freth commanded. The Absol flailed about, managing to get the Mightyena off of its case for the time being, giving a couple swats with its front claws for good measure to make sure that he had his space. “Are you alright!?”

“Absol!” The Absol stated, irritated.

“Yea, I know. Real annoying.” She said. One thing was for certain, she did need a rather decisive strike in a hurry. If this is not a Shadow Pokémon, then she’s just wasting her time. “Absol, use Focus Energy!” she said. The Absol stood back, focusing its might, getting ready for his next attack.

“Mightyena! Get in there! Use Rock Smash!” the opposing trainer commanded.

Bearing fangs, the Mightyena kicked off the ground again, though this time with much greater force, the concrete floor giving way to the sudden might that Mightyena started to procure, every step, cracking up more of the floor. The Mightyena leaped up then came down, lunging down head first for the Absol. “Absol! Move out of the way!” Freth shouted. The Absol would leap out of the way, but once the Absol managed to avoid impact, the Mightyena slams onto the floor, concrete would fly out everywhere, pelting Absol with the debris. Absol managed to land back on its feet but it was wincing from the attack.

“Gotcha! Mightyena! Play Rough!” The Trainer then called out.

“Do you now? X-Scissor!” That was her moment. As the Mightyena started to make the dash to finish Absol off, Absol looked up towards the Mightyena. The Absol’s black horn started to glow with a neon green. Absol then quickly dashed forward and in a blink of an eye, two slashes came down upon the Mightyena. Absol stood on the ground now behind the Mightyena, its horn now losing its neon green luster. The Mightyena stumbled forward, skidding on the concrete floor for a couple of seconds before coming to a complete stop, and out cold.

“Ametuer move, pal. Trying to go for a finishing blow when it only merely looked like victory was in your sight. You tossed that win in the garbage.” Freth said.

“I don’t know why you’re humoring this.” The assassin interjected. Freth wasn’t going to say anything.

“Mightyena, return.” The trainer took out the Poké Ball belonging to his dark type, firing its red beam onto the Pokémon and recalled the fallen Mightyena.

“Don’t make this any harder. You’re not going to win this; I’m only wanting to talk.”

“We both know that’s not what’s really happening, is it!?” the trainer snapped back. Freth could hear the desperation in his voice. This guy wasn’t going to give it up that easily and he is apparently part of something rather big; at least big to him. “Alright, you think you’re so good!? Handle this!”

The trainer tossed out another PokéBall and once it landed on the ground, the ball flashed open revealing a Grovile on the battlefield. At first, Freth wanted to write this Pokémon off, but then noticed that Absol started to get on edge around this thing. Looking closer, the Grovile did have a bit of a blank expression. Its eyes glassed over. “Absol?” Freth spoke up. “Is that what I think it is?” she asked her Pokémon, figuring it would know better than she would at this point.

“Sollll…” The Absol hissed out. Oh yea, it was a Shadow Pokémon, alright.

“You have got to be kidding me. Another sucker looking for an easy way out.” Freth said.

“What!?” The trainer exclaimed.

“What’s your story? Gym challenge too hard for you? Get bullied and wanted a proverbial gun in the fight? And your solution is to get a Shadow Pokémon. You have got to be kidding me. Do you not know what you are doing by getting a diseased Pokémon out in the world? You have any idea what hell everyone went through with the outbreak here in this region!?” she asked.

“I don’t have to justify myself to you!” the Shadow Pokémon trainer exclaimed. “Besides, at this point, with there being a bunch of these Pokémon out there now, even with that scientist guy gone, it’s a fact of life now! This thing spreads with or without anyone’s help! Get used to it!”

“Arrogant little-“

“Wow. He’d best be glad I’m not out there. I’ve literally turned peoples minds into pudding with mindsets like that. They just keep getting younger.” The assassin said from the depths of Freth mind. Freth again wouldn’t reply to the assassin’s statement.

“Grovile! Leaf Blade!” The Grovile hissed out and then made the mad dash to the Absol. Glowing green blades extended from its wrists then started to swipe away at Absol. Absol ducked and weaved as it could, trying to get distance from the deranged grassy lizard, but the relentless assault would quickly find its mark, slashing away at the Absol before swatting the Dark Type away.

The Absol pulled itself back up, but unfortunately it wasn’t feeling too hot. Freth was hoping to have made this battle end quick, but the Mightyena proved to be more of a headache than she imagined. Worse, if Absol goes down now, she’d be left with only the Shadow Hakamo-o. She couldn’t call out any other of her Pokémon lest they get infect with the Shadow Virus. Freth didn’t notice any immunizers down here nor did she have one herself, not that she put that much stock into them to begin with. They did seem to be a bit too hit or miss with them for her liking.

“Absol, I know you’re hurting, but I really need you right now! X-Scissor!” Freth shouted.

The Absol’s horn glowed once again with its neon green hue and the Dark type started to make the attack into the Shadow Pokémon. With a couple of mighty swipes, the Absol strikes the Grovile then swatted it away. The Grovile however, despite taking was clearly a great deal of damage, was not at the least deterred. “Oh no…”

“Use your special move, Grovile!” The trainer spoke up.

“Special…move?” Freth could only assume that it was a shadow Pokémon attack and the trainer didn’t know the name of it and because of that, Freth didn’t have any idea as to how to prepare or what to look out for. The Grovile hissed out reaching up towards the ceiling then slammed its hands right onto the concrete floor. Shadow tendrils flew out like vines from the Grovile, rushing to the Absol. Immediately Freth realized what was happening. “Absol! Move back!” It was too late, however. The vines quickly caught up to Absol and impales the Dark type, practically lifting the Absol off the ground for three seconds with the look of extreme pain and fear on its face. “Absol!” The tendrils then disappeared, leaving Absol to flop onto the ground, out cold. The Grovile had used Shadow Rave.

“Ouch.” The assassin casually spoke up. “Well, ‘Pokémon master’, what are you going to do now?”

Freth quickly recalled Absol back to his ball. She was afraid it was going to come to this, but now she doesn’t have any other choice in the matter. “Hakamo-o! Go!” she called out. She tossed out the Pokéball and as it land, a flash came from the ball and out came the fighting dragon. Freth’s only solace in this was that the Grovile was not going to be able to land Shadow Attacks with anything resembling effectiveness against her Pokémon. Bad news was just trying to end this battle with two Shadow Pokémon going at each other’s throats, let alone have her Hakamo-o listen to her commands with consistency.

“Grovile! Use your special move again!” Once again, it was an attack it was all to willing to comply with. The Grovile slammed its hands onto the concrete and as the attack rushed for the Hakamo-o then lunged out, the attack picked up Hakamo-o, but Hakamo-o didn’t really register the attack. The damage was superficial at best. “Wha...why did that-wait.” The trainer looked at the Hakamo-o, studying its glassed over, seemingly emotionless state. “Hypocrite!” he shouted. “That’s one of those Pokémon too, isn’t it!?”

Freth wasn’t going to humor telling him; at least for now. This trainer could draw his own conclusions during this battle, but it wasn’t going to change anything. Freth had a battle to win. “Hakamo-o! Use Dragon Claw!” The Hakamo-o started to rush over toward the Grovile, its claws igniting with draconic power. This was good, it was listening for the moment.

“Grovile, move out of the way!” The trainer commanded. However the Grovile wasn’t listening. Its glassed over, emotionless gaze was now that of agitation, Freth noted to herself. Two back to back Shadow Attacks, and rather high end ones for that matter, this grass type was probably set to go into Hyper Mode at any time. Freth needed to try to end this battle fast before this Pokémon, let alone her own, gets out of control, especially now that the Grovile seemed to be ready to actually challenge the attack instead of following its trainer’s command. The Hakamo-o started to drive its claws into the Grovile, the Grovile clashing the attack with its Leaf Blade. The Hakamo-o continued to lash out, each attack continued to be parried by the likes of the Shadow Grovile, until one managed to make it through the Grovile’s defenses, digging deep and driving the Shadow Grovile into the ground.

“Grovile! Don’t do that again! Hurry, use Screech! Get him off of you!” The Grovile would listen to the command, at least for now, unleashing an ear-shattering Screech at the Hakamo-o which echoed throughout the tunnels. Freth had to clasp her hands hard on the side of her head as her Hakamo-o only winced, staggering back from the attack. “Good! Now use your Acrobatics!” The attack call made Freth’s heart sink a bit. She knew that such an attack with shattered defenses would spell doom for her Pokémon. Fortune, however, smiled in such a odd way. While she couldn’t sense it, she could probably see it. The Grovile’s demeanor completely shifted, it cawed out, almost seeming as if it was cackling. It then started rear back and then started to make a headlong rush into the Hakamo-o, and she could swear she could actually see the aura manifest from the Grovile, if albeit briefly as it rammed into the fighting Dragon with a Shadow Rush. “What are you doing!?” The trainer exclaimed.

“Ugh, its Hyper Mode!” Freth shouted. The Hakamo-o took the heavy impact, skidding back. While the attack didn’t cause that much damage, even with the Screech attack considered, this wasn’t good because now she was starting to notice the Hakamo-o starting to get ready to go on tilt in response, and she hadn’t even called the first Shadow Attack yet, not that it’d do any good. “Hakamo-o! Use Brutal Swing!” Freth commanded. The Hakamo-o made its way back over the Grovile, arm extended out, reinforced with dark power and gave the Grovile a mighty lariat. The attack pulled the Grovile off its feet and sent it flying into a nearby wall, slamming into it hard, flopping onto the floor.

It wasn’t over however for the Grass Type as it started to pull itself back up off the ground. It weaved its body about. Freth wasn’t sure if the Grovile was reaching its limit or if it was now trying to toy with Hakamo-o or the trainers here. “Grovile! Stop!” His trainer tried to command. “This isn’t going to do you any good! You have to use something else! Use Acrobatics!”

“You idiot! When your Pokémon is like this, there’s no changing its mind, its hellbent on using Shadow Attacks!” she shouted. To prove the point, the Grovile once again started to rush for the Hakamo-o again, its shadowy aura briefly manifesting itself once more. Another Shadow Rush attack to challenge the Hakamo-o with.

The Hakamo-o stood his ground, the attack ramming right into the shadowfied Dragon; while the damage wasn’t great still, Freth could tell that this Hakamo-o could go off on its own tangent any second. “Hakamo-o! Screech!” she shouted. The Hakamo-o scooped up, putting it in one big, strangulating hug and then unleashed its own soul-shattering screech upon the Grovile. The Dragon then let go of the grass Pokémon, having it stumble about with its ears still ringing.

“Grovile! Fine! Don’t use that move anymore, though, use the special one! The spiky one!” He shouted. The Grovile was apparently cool with that at least, once again slapping its hands upon the ground and unleashing the massive number of tendrils.

“Hakamo-o! Move in! Use Close Combat!” she said. The Hakamo-o went in, challenging the Shadow Rave. As the attack tried to pierce the shell, let alone Hakamo-o’s own shadowy being, the Hakamo-o forced its way through and managed to make its way to the Grovile and started to unleash a massive, relentless beating. One smash, right after another, slamming the Grovile onto the ground, then more beating. And more beatings. And even more. “Hey, hey, hey! That’s enough!” The trainer shouted.

---end of part 1---  


Aged Detective

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Aged Detective

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 11:16 pm
Urgent Mission Pt 2

Freth was reaching into her pack, pulling out and slipping on her Snag Machine, noticing the Grovile had probably already lost consciousness. “Hakamo-o, you can stop!” The Hakamo-o was refusing to stop, continuing its relentless pummeling, threating to kill the Shadow Grovile. “Crap…” Freth muttered out. She quickly took out the Hakamo-o’s ball, recalling the Pokémon back inside, then shortly thereafter, charged a Great Ball in the Snag Machine. The trainer was in disbelief; part of him started to question himself about the use of Shadow Pokémon finally for what one could assume the first time, seeing how the Hakamo-o just kept on as it did. However, his trance would stop when Freth finally tossed the Great Ball at the battered and broken Grovile. The Great Ball ensnared the Grovile and there wasn’t much of a fight; the ball clicked immediately. The trainer then started to realize that he was truly in over his head.

“Wait, how did you-…you’re a Snagem!?” he asked.

“Surprise.” Freth said, dead pan and eyes narrowing.

The trainer finally realized the gravity of his situation and tried to run away. Freth, though she didn’t have Agility, was still very much fast enough to catch up to him and scoop him up off the ground by his shirt. The trainer flailed about in her hand, trying to get free. Frustrated at this point, however, Freth brought him close, putting him in a sleeper hold: arm under his chin, head tilted ever so slightly down and to the left, the bend in her arm pinching his airway. The trainer tried to hit her arms, trying to get some sort of wiggle room out of the steel vice-like hold of the hybrid. “Oh, come on. Some guys actually pay to be in a woman’s embrace like this.” Freth said. It took only a moment more before the flailing stopped and the teenager passed out. She sat the trainer up against a nearby wall, sighing out knowing this particular situation was finally over.

“That looked to be more trouble than it worth.” The assassin said.

“Okay, are you just going to criticize me the entire time I’m out here?” she said, finally responding to the assassin.

“If one punk teenager gave you this much grief, I am wondering how in the world you people actually ever managed to beat the likes of Ein.”

“It’s something called ‘restraint’. Something that we’re having to use now that we’re having to deal with stupid bureaucrats and things of the like. I’d tell you to take it up sometime, but as we established earlier, you can’t do anything other than complain!” Freth said. “And for the record, I battled this guy to see if he had a Shadow Pokémon on him and to get it off of him. One less Shadow Pokémon in circulation.”

“…that doesn’t change the fact that you could have just slapped him around and took it from him to begin with and avoided the battle altogether.”

“I wasn’t going to escalate the issue if I could help it.”

“But he did and all the trouble happened. This is why this world is doomed. Because no one wants to push the issue, and to do what needs to be done.”

“Like ‘pushing the issue’ actually helped you any and not put you in your current situation.” She said, starting to pat down the trainer.

“What are you doing now?”

“Seeing if there is anything of use.” She said. As she started to search the teenager’s pockets, she pulled out a few things. A wallet, not a lot of cash though. A gym badge case, which for one contained his trainer ID…which was well out of date. A young inspiring trainer ready to take on the Hoenn league in the picture, a far cry from who she was looking at now. That said, only one badge which appears to be the one out of Roxanne’s gym showed how far he’s gotten. The gym badge long since lost its luster too, so it was some time since he even seen the gym tour. “Man, Blizzard would have fits if he ever met this guy. He’d go full apprentice mode on him.”

“Barring his reservations of battling shadow Pokémon himself.” The assassin stated. Freth only rolled her eyes.

As she continued to search, she ended up coming across something else. It was a piece of paper. As Freth started to look it over, on the front side, it looked like a receipt to something; some store in Mauville. On the back however was something scribbled. A bunch of letters with numbers, followed by arrows. Freth looked back on a nearby wall, seeing the first set of letters and numbers. It was the tunnel identifications. Either this trainer or someone mapped out the route to Trainer Hill. This was good, she had directions. Now the overall problem: how to slow them down.


Before she could do anything, she had to get the teenager out of this tunnel. Getting GRAY to call law enforcement to meet her at the back of the Game Corner, she dumped the trainer off in their care, bringing them up to speed as to what was discovered. Freth would then find her way back to the tunnels with the receipt with the hasty written directions down on the back of it. She’d find her way back to the wagon that went out of control due to forcefully pulled out driver. There wasn’t really all that much damage; negligible at best. Useable all the same. She pulled it away from the tunnel wall, then got in herself, managing to back up the wagon some then managed to go down the tunnel. It was better than walking all the way to Trainer Hill and those going to and from Trainer Hill probably thought the same.

She’d drive for a little until she noticed that there was no more turnoffs. It was a literal straight shot. The tunnel also started to look drastically different, as if it had been here for some time as opposed to the newer system directly under the city. The lighting was also considerably dimmer as opposed to bright lights every inch of the tunnel earlier. He had to opt turning on the headlights on the wagon just to make sure she wasn’t weaving too close to the walls. Freth had a suspicion that the newer tunnels were refurbished and retrofitted as opposed to built from scratch.

It took some time, but Freth then started to see the end of the tunnel. She slowed to a stop then got off the wagon. She noticed there was some sort of box in the corner, and it was plugged into the wall. When she started to look there, she noticed there was another cable draped across the top. She looked at the plug at the end of the cable then looked back at the wagon. She started to study the wagon more, finding a panel and flipped it open. A port of some kind, which seemed to fit the odd plug. “Not only they had to jack a ride, they had to make sure they actually had power for this thing.” She said.

“I can’t believe they put so much thought into this.” The assassin stated. “Okay, I admit it. They actually put in the legwork.”

“Welcome back to Earth.” Freth said. “Where if someone wants something bad enough, they’ll take it by any means.”

There was a ladder that led to the ceiling just close by. She climbed the ladder, reaching a panel to the top. She pushed open the panel slowly, peering through the crack. It was dark; unable to tell much of anything. She pushed the panel wide open and then climbed all the way up. Once she got to the top, she pulled out her flashlight once more and started to take a look around. It looked one part office, from tables to desks, to the various documents of some sort, they looked like logs of some kind, seeing dates and times to something, but she couldn’t discern what they were to, only that it looked to be part of the power plant. That being said, the dates and times that she saw on these sheets were years old. Not any worker in particular had been in here for some time, she suspects. The other part, however was that there were numerous electrical breakers in the room. Switches of all sort. But they were all in the off position. Freth though was hearing something though from outside; some sort of loud hum.

On the other side of the room was a door with light coming through the seams and cracks on the edge of the door. She reached over to open it and peered out, wincing a bit from the sunlight that bombarded her eyes. She made her way out the door and took a look around. She was on some sort of cargo docking spot, apparently in some rock wall. Was this the power plant itself? It didn’t look like it. She crept down the dock, taking note to the signs. Some were peeled off, others answered her question. This was a supply dock for Trainer Hill. Freth realized that this was an all too convenient entrance; they could slip in and out of this tower nearly whenever they wanted to. Freth started to check the cargo doors; nothing out of the ordinary itself. She then checked the double doors just a short walk close by. The bottom of the handles were melted off as were the locks in the door itself. It started to become clear as to what was going on. Go from the game corner to the back door of the tower. And with no one really looking, they could slip in and out.

Freth’s mind started to piece together what she needed to do. First off, cut off the entrance. She went back inside the building; first problem was trying to block the tunnel entrance off. She made her way back to the panel, opened it up and made her way back down the ladder. Once she reached the bottom, she took out a PokéBall. “Kadabra, come out.” She said. She lobbed out the ball and in a flash, out came the psychic Pokémon.

“Kadabraaa.” The Pokémon spoke up.

“Alright.” Freth checked the ladder, giving it a pull. “Alright, Kadabra? I need you to help me to pull this ladder out. Its bolted into the wall.” Kadabra focused and Freth braced herself, grabbing onto the ladder, putting one foot up against the wall to try to push off. “One. Two. Three.” Freth pulled with everything she had and Kadabra focused. The metal started to creak, finally giving way to the combined force of both mind and muscle. The Ladder gave way, off its mounts, Freth nearly falling over. “Alright let’s fold this thing up a couple of times so we can throw it on the wagon. Might as well fess up to what we’re doing.”

“What…are you doing?” The voice once again spoke up.

As the Kadabra eyed Freth for a second, once again hearing the voice in the reaches of Freth’s conscious mind, it complied, albeit was still uneasy. Freth started to pull along with Kadabra; the metal creaking a bit under the strain of being forced into ways it wasn’t built to be. “Well unless they got something that flies, they’ll end up taking a pretty nasty fall. That’s at least a good 20 foot drop.” she said. “I’ll be taking the wagon, the ladder, and the charge station back to Mauville City and get this to the authorities. If nothing else, they’ll have to start bringing security down here so anyone going to or coming from the hill is going to get ambushed. And now that we know that Trainer hill is a base of operations, they got no choice but to go out their doors and head down south to Mauville City, above ground. They won’t be able to sneak them in easily like they have.”

“They can just simply teleport into Mauville just as you did. Ralts and Abra are a native Pokémon here in this region you know.” The assassin retorted.

“Teleporting is more of a luxury. Ralts aren’t that common, let alone their evolved states. And Abra are bastards to catch.” Freth said. “Trainers are more opt to fly as opposed to teleport. Though even then, I am having a hard time believing they’d leave their faith in a Shadow Pokémon doing either, let alone risk exposing any ride of theirs to their own or others’ shadow Pokémon.”

“At that point, I’d imagine all bets were off. They’d resigned themselves to using those Pokémon. Who is to say?”

“Considering they put the time into doing this much, I’m willing to guess they’re trying to take steps to not put their operation into jeopardy.” She said.

It took a few minutes, but the ladder was successfully folded at least two times, with a third time being attempted, but stopped half way, leaving it in some sort of weird right angle. She tossed it on the back of the wagon, then took the charging station, throwing it back there with the ladder. She’d recall the Kadabra, getting back onto the wagon and drove off back for the city. She continued to think, trying to figure out if there was anything else that she could do. The security that was going to be in the tunnels would be great once she reported back, just getting down into the tunnel was going to be a severe inconvenience, for certain. Going by foot, either above ground or below in the tunnels was going to be a trek. However, Freth realized that was probably not going to be enough still. She took a look at the receipt once again, then looked at the walls. The markings stating location, the lights which lit the tunnels. She had to do more. Once back, she’d park at the Game Corner, calling ahead for law enforcement and reporting what she had discovered further.

From there, she’d make her way off to the maintenance crew headquarters in the city, addressing the concerns of the Shadow Pokémon moving through the tunnels. Freth had to admit going this route about everything was a bit boring, expecting more action and getting into more of a fight. Though she couldn’t really complain; she was in no shape to be doing that as she was now. But at the very least, she did get results. The solution was fairly simple. Cut off the lights down to the tunnels in that entire sector of tunnels. Let them get lost in the dark. It still could be mitigated with the likes of a Pokémon using Flash, but again, it was the same dilemma as using a flying or teleporting Pokémon. The more inconveniences that could be stacked, the better. And with other Snagems supposed to be part of this, investigating the situation and also contributing to screwing over those in the tower at the Hill, it might add up into just not making the tunnels worth it.

Leaving the maintenance headquarters, Freth started her way back to the Snagem office annex in Mauville to check back in. “I can’t imagine anything what you did is going to matter that much. Once these people find out the tunnel is borderline useless to them, which could be right now, honestly, the ones in charge of that operation is going to bail out before they are caught. Think about it. If these people were as smart as you given them credit for, what is to stop them from just cutting their losses? That guy earlier was right about one thing. The shadow virus is common place at this point. What is to stop them from restarting anew elsewhere. The second a Snagem found a Shadow Pokémon and realized they were coming in from Trainer hill, they should have just went and hit the place, and just take out the guy responsible.”

“And who pray tell is responsible for the Shadow Pokémon infestation in Mauville right now?”

“I’m sure you would have found that out the moment you got into the building.” The assassin stated. Freth stopped right in front of a glass, seeing the assassin in the glass, arms crossed under her folded wings. “Something I said? It’s true.”

“And then we would have the guy to go out the back entrance, losing us in the tunnels. We didn’t even realize until today the tunnels stretched that far.” Freth said. “Why do you treat everything as cut and dry?”

“So far, I haven’t seen that much of anything that states otherwise. And I’m speaking in general, mind. Not just what I seen today with this mission of yours…if you could honestly call it a mission.” She stated.


“Freth, I’ve hopped a bunch of worlds to do my job.” She said. “One of many things that remained constant through the worlds is that these super low-grade guys are rarely stubborn to such a degree. If they still at the very least still have the thing that got them started to begin with, they can always start over. They’re not prideful; they’re more cowardly than anything. So, you had one guy arrested, snagged his Shadow Pokémon, took away the convenience of a close-by entrance and had a tunnel sector blacked out. Red flags to anyone that they need to leave. Forget subtlety, especially if these guys realize Team Snagem, the ones who stopped Ein, are involved. Even if you take into consideration any other Snagems that got the call to work on this case and they put their two cents into the matter…if that building isn’t empty by the time you all finally decide to organize and actually raid the place, I’d be surprised. Your ‘restraint’, let alone anyone elses, is going to make your team into an outright laughing stock.”

“And being out and out bloodthirsty like you have been suggesting is going to get quite a lot of people frowning at us more than what they already are. Despite us taking Ein out, there are still quite a few looking at us like a bunch of reckless vigilantes. That wasn’t our intention when we came together to begin with.”

“When the team came together, you didn’t have any reservations about who thought what about the team in general.”

“We were an anomaly. Full on black ops in some cases. Nobody really knew who we really were until Lysandre and Ein started to screw with us something fierce. We’re in a position now that we’re trying to show we are not out to just blow everything up just to accomplish our mission.”

“No one is telling you to. With that said, though, how many more Pokémon are going to have to end up shadowfied by someone’s hand before you people decide to act?” the assassin then asked. Freth didn’t have a response to that. “Food for thought.” She’d then said, her image disappearing before Freth leaving only her own reflection once again. Freth sighed, having to flap and stretch her wings out again once more to get rid of that ache again, then continued back to the annex.

Mission Accomplished  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:19 am
"You already did enough. You got your first taste of Shadow Pokemon. Sub gave me a run down on what happened. You don't want to see the next part. Leave that to me for now." Leon then disconnected the call as he shoved his SNAG into his pocket. Somehow, he was able to get into Trainer Hill without being noticed. He was on the rooftop of Trainer Hill as his Rookidee flew around collecting any intel it could. Leon then held out his arm as the bird flew down and perched itself on his arm. "Alright. Lets cause some trouble." He said as he started his descent down the building.

"I guess what we could do is mess up their ways of getting around the building." Leon said as he stopped at the stairwell. He held out his free hand as the bird climbed up to his shoulder. Leon took out his kunai artifact as he cut the palm of his hand with it. He tapped into his channeling as instead of blood dripping down his hand, it was poison. He then touched the ground as the poison started burning through the steps and dripping down. Leon watched for a bit until he felt Rookidee poking his shoulder. He heard some footsteps coming their way as both of them took some cover.

A goon was about to take the stairs to go up to the roof, but then immediately started smelling a strong melting odor. He looked at his feet as it the stairwell looked like it was melting. He panicked as the guy looked around to just have a Rookidee right at his face pecking at him. Leon took this time to escape but was soon stopped by assuming the goon's Mighteyena. It tried to go for a bite for Leon but quickly stepped back and to the side as Rookidee recalled back to his trainer's shoulder. "Interesting bird you got there. Where'd you get it?" "None of your concern. Drill Peck Rookidee." Leon said as the small bird quickly flew at it's opponent. "Mud-slap you mutt!" Mighteyena swiped it's paws at the ground throwing Mud at the bird. Luckily, Rookidee was faster and was able to land a Drill Peck over and over.

"That pipsquek is fast!" "Better keep up then. Rookidee Power Trip." "Thunder fang!" Because the two Pokemon were already so close, the Mighteyena was able to get the bite down. A shock of thunder rushed through the small birds body as it fell to the ground. "Haha! What do you think of that?!" "Rookidee get up!" Rookidee was forcing itself back on its feet. "Time to have a good meal Mightyena! Time to Crunch down!" "Brave Bird!" Rookidee quickly dodged out of the way as it flew circles around Mightyena.

As he was gaining speed, Rookidee started to turn red, then blue flames started to consume it as the two Pokemon collided. Smoke filled the air as the Mightyena was fallen. Rookidee was barely standing. The goon quickly recalled their Pokemon and was about to make a run off for reinforcements. Leon quickly stopped him in his tracks and swiped his feet and knocked him out cold. Even though this stopped one goon. This doesn't mean it already didn't alert more people. That battle he just had must've alerted more goons. So he needed to act fast.

Leon moved on to the next floor as he did the same thing with his poison. Damage the stairwell. As he was, he felt a very nasty energy. This must be the floor where more Shadow Pokemon are kept. One that was catching his senses the most, was a Shadow Shelgon walking around. Acting as a guard dog. Rookidee was pretty tired from his last battle, Leon recalled the small bird back in it's ball. Leon then pulled out a different Pokeball as Roserade popped out. As she looked around, she felt the ominous Shadow Energy as it gave her chills. "It's okay. You are cured from the Shadow Virus. You won't be affected by it." Leon reassured her as she nodded.

Leon tapped into his channeling with Roserade as large vines started to surround them then attaching to the walls. As the vines started to expand, the Shelgon noticed as he turned the corner to see Leon and Roserade. Roserade quickly used Poison Jab. Shelgon's large shell was barely scratched as he used Shadow Blitz.  

Cecile Silverstone

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