Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 7:38 pm
The Mystic Grove Herd, Starfall Sisters are the only ones allowed present in this RP. All participants will be added as they arrive.     Permission has been granted by their owners to use Estelle and Radiance as NPCs for this plot.
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 7:52 pm
An eerie cold crept over her, causing her flesh to prickle and shiver. Sharp cries from ravens pierced the silence and the sounds of their wings flapping and rustling tree branches as they took flight startled her. Wolves could be heard howling in the distance, even though it was the middle of the day. A dark shadow had formed around her and she looked up to see what was causing it, only to see that the shadow was creeping across the sky. The light from the sun was dimming, even though it was overhead and not falling below the horizon. In only seconds that felt like hours, the shadow had completely overtaken the sun, causing all the light to fade. What was going on? She looked around. Where were her sisters? As her panic started to rise, the darkness seemed to close in on her, swallowing her up. She felt like she couldn't breathe, like she couldn't speak. She tried to scream but no sound came out...
Her eyes opened and she woke with a start, her scream now echoing in her ears. Sweat was beading all over her body. She was shaking from the fear her dream had caused. She took huge gulps of air. Had she been holding her breath? She had always had vivid dreams, but nothing as real as this one. Shakily, she stood and got her bearings. She had to tell her sisters about the dream. This had to be some kind of warning or sign. She knew they would be able to help her interpret what it meant.
wc 264
Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 11:57 pm
Flora was in her garden picking herbs and other plants for healing as well as other things. She grows a lot of different things. Some are used as medicines and others are food. Rare ones are just pretty to look at. When one is looking for Flora, they should know that she is always in her garden. Sometimes just enjoying the plants and other times she is making mixtures and doing other things. But today something felt off. She was not sure why or what was the cause for her uneasy feeling. She shakes it off and goes back to tending her garden thinking about it very little trying to push the uneasy feeling out of her mind for now. Maybe she will find one of her sisters and ask them about it later. Right now is the peak prime time to harvest the plants she is working with at the moment. Hoping that by any means this uneasy feeling fades away. Sooner then later.
After awhile of not being able to shake this feeling of unease, Flora finishes up her harvesting and then heads out to find one if not more of her sisters. Maybe an answer could be found if they worked together to figure it all out. Scanning the area as she heads out on her hunt for a sister and comfort from this feeling.
After some time Flora spots Mystique. Feeling better at the sight of one of her sisters she heads up to Mystique. Once getting close to her sister she then calls out. "Mystique." Her voice a bit shaky but normal for the most part. Mystique was the prefect sister to know about this feeling of unease that Flora was feeling all of a sudden. So maybe the world is trying to help with whatever this is. Things work in odd ways at times and her sisters would know this better then some others.
WC :: 320
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 8:47 pm
Who should she seek out first? She wasn't sure, but she thought that the best place to start would be the mystic circle. It was a sort of sacred spot in the middle of the grove that they had all decided together would be their meeting place for any important occasions. It was marked with six large rocks placed in a circle. Each rock represented one of the sisters. Each of them had left a small token on their rock as a way to always be present in spirit, even if they couldn't be in body. As she was making her way there, her mind played the dream over and over again. Her eyes searched the sky overhead every few moments, each time hoping she wouldn't see anything unusual. She stepped into the small clearing and made her way to her rock. She hadn't been there but a few moments before she heard someone call her name. It was Flora. She heard the unease in her sister's voice as she approached. "Flora? Are you okay?" She wondered if Flora had also had a foreboding feeling or experience. From her body language, Mystique could tell something was bothering Flora. She couldn't shake the feeling she'd had since her dream. She wondered if her other sisters had had a similar experience.
WC: 219
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 10:25 pm
Calliope had never been one to appear uneasy. But even as she strummed her musical instrument as her tried and true method to dispelling the anxiety residing deep down inside did she realize that the usual methods of calming herself down would not appear to work this time. What was it about the sights that she had seen in her dreams that disturbed her so? Turning her gaze skyward did the mare scan the bright-blue sky before pushing herself to her feet.
If music wasn't going to help soothe her troubled thoughts then maybe a talk with some of her sisters would. Her gaze kept shifting to glance at the sky as if she expected to see the sun disappear. While it was a beautiful day Calliope felt a ripple of cold settle over her before she stepped onto the path that lead to the clearing in which the mystic circle stood. Even as the rocks came into view did Calliope spot her sisters Flora and Mystique. Releasing a sigh of relief did Calli shed the cloak from around her neck before placing it upon her chosen rock. "Good morning Flora. And to you as well Mystique," giving the sky one more look did Calliope undo the ties holding her instrument to her side. She idly plucked at a string before stopping. "I feel as if we're all here for a reason." here she paused before chuffing silently. "I can't be the only one sensing that something seems amiss, can I?"
WC 251
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 6:36 pm
Turning to Calli as she arrived, Mystique nodded solemnly. "Good morning sister. I'm glad to see you, both of you." She paused to consider Calli's question. "You can sense it as well? Something like a feeling of dread and hopelessness bringing with it an ominous veil over us." She stepped closer to the circle and the rock that represented her. She removed her cloak and headdress, laying them on top as Calli had done and turned back to her sisters. "I want to discuss it but not before we are all together. Let's call our other sisters so they know to meet us here."
WC 104
Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 11:02 pm
Flora looking at her sister, Mystique, thinks a bit. "I am not sure if I am ok or not. I got this feeling of unease and I can't seem to shake it. I thought I heard you scream but it sounded faded in a way. Like covered by something." Turning when hearing someone walking up to them as she sees Calliope. She smiles as she hears the greeting. "Good morning Calli."
Looking shocked as she listens to Calliope and Mystique that they had the same feelings. She removes her hood and puts it on her rock. Nodding as she is in agreement with Mystique as she looks back to Calliope. "Seems being uneasy is today's theme." She points out as she stays next to her rock. Then hearing Mystique as she nods again. "Yes I think having us all together would be nice to see if we are all feeling something of the same."
WC :: 154
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 11:20 am
Calliope glanced to both of her sisters. She wasn't surprised that Mystique would have picked up on the sense of foreboding that hung in the air. Oh, of all of the herd she was one most likely to be in tune with what seemed to be going on. The fact that both she and Flora had also acknowledged that something had triggered them to feel uneasy as well meant that whatever was going to happen ... it had to be big.
"I sense that something is amiss. There's a tension in the air that I've never felt before and no amount of musical deliberations can chase it away entirely. I know that I dreamed about things but the sights are starting to fade but the anxiety I've felt since waking remains."
At Mystique's suggestion of calling in the rest of their sisters to share the meeting space did Calliope give the earth a restless pawing before nodding in agreement. Perhaps it would be for the best to have everyone together. Then they could all see if this current of unease affected them all.
"Yes Mystique, I'm in agreement. I believe it's only right to have everyone here."
WC: 196
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 9:13 pm
She looked at Flora at the mention of her hearing her scream. That was in my dream wasn't it? she thought, and shook her head. "I don't know how you heard that, but yes it happened. I'll tell you the rest once Estelle, Nightshade and Radiance arrive."
"Calli, I love your music. It's always so calming so if you say it couldn't soothe your unease today, I feel we must have a problem." She stepped closer to Calliopi and bowed her head to touch her forehead to hers in a gesture of solidarity. "I believe that so long as we are all together, we will figure this out and get through it." She then returned to her rock.
The sisters had developed a way to communicate long distance by using different sounds and patterns of howling. The call they made to summon everyone to the circle consisted of three long howls one after another. She looked to each of the others and nodded. "Let's make the call." She waited for them to be ready and tilted her head back and let out the three long howls, each time falling in sync with her sisters. It wasn't but a few seconds that they could hear the returning call from each of the others which meant they were on their way.
After only a few moments they arrived, and each gave a short greeting. Estelle and Radiance seemed a bit quiet today but both mentioned having an eerie feeling of doom. It seemed they had all experienced the same thing.
Mystique stepped around her rock and sat in front of it, waiting for them to all join her. "We have much to discuss, but first I'd like to tell what I dreamed if that's ok." She recounted to them all she had seen and felt in her dream and how it had left her shaking when she woke with a scream. "That must be when you heard me scream, Flora." She looked to her, nodding. "Now I'd like for each of you to tell what you have experienced and what you think it could mean."
WC 360
Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 1:18 am
Nightshade as usual was distracted by many things all calling her attention at once. Since waking up the sound of nature around the grove had dulled. She knew this alone didn't bode well. It brought about an eerie calm that would be before the storm. Standing in place she had been watching birds in small flocks leaving the area. This was usually normal but those that stayed settled in the trees and became silent in wait. The general feel of the day felt off which made Nightshade up her patrol in case this feeling was a warning. A figure was casing the perimeter and that was also causing this protective sister unease. "Not today" she muttered, watching as it moved behind a tree. The shadow felt far too quick for a regular Soquili to use. Removing the dark throwing stars from her belt, she had given chase to scare off whatever loomed in those shadowy places. To no avail. The stars hit either tree or dirt but no actual target.
Hearing the beckoning call from her sisters, Nightshade lifted her head once she grabbed up the stars to replace. Holding the last between her teeth she growled low and set it in the leather belt with a rustle. This meant serious business if they were calling for all of the sisters to meet up, especially her. She gave one more glance to the darkened shadows between the trees, growled again loud and clear as a threat to whomever should there to attack. She made the return call, howling three times to let them know she had heard and would join them. Turning she quickly padded the distance to the circle where she would find everyone else already gathered. She was late. Slowing her pace she stepped up to the last rock where one of her first throwing stars sat to represent her. Normally seeing it would be a fond moment. Her eyes glanced to each of her siblings "Greetings" she spoke in a gruff tone before focusing on Mystique. Quietly she listened to the story of dreams, feelings and experiences since early morning waiting on her turn so each sister felt important and included.
wc 364
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 10:28 pm
Calli had appreciated the brief moment of contact from her sister. The fact that they still maintained the tightest bonds of family and sisterhood was truly awe-inspiring. As her words were digested Calli merely nodded in recognition that something was truly amiss as Mystique boldly stated. It seemed as if everyone had been affected by something that felt off with the day. Even as they all sounded the call that would bring in the missing sisters did Calli breath a small sigh. If everyone was present surely they could figure out what was behind the mystery of the foreboding air that had settled in since dawn.
Even as Radiance, Estelle and Nightshade joined them to complete the circle did Calliope give way for Mystique to speak first. Her sister's words describing the dream that she had had sparked something of a confirmation to how she had been feeling since waking. "I too dreamt of something rather unnatural that the generated a feeling that lingers even now as we are all here," here Calli spoke quietly of the vision of impending darkness that had shaken her enough to realize that her music wasn't able sooth her like it usually did, "however, one thing I will add is that whatever might happen ... and I am not even sure if I'm projecting optimism or not, but I think that whatever is coming, it might be non-permanent."
WC: 233
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 12:31 pm
Mystique welcomed Nightshade to the circle with a smile and nod. She then listened to all the others tell what they had experienced. Estelle told of how she had done a tea reading that held a bad omen in regards to the moon. She wasn't sure what it meant, just that the moon and sun would meet and the world go dark. Radiance also told of what she had seen while doing a reading with her cards. Darkness and the moon showed up again in her reading. It couldn't be a coincidence that they all had similar visions.
"So I think we have all come to the same conclusion, that the moon will somehow black out the sun to make the night come in the middle of the day." She scratched her paw on the ground, trying to draw in the dirt a small image of the sun and the moon. "But how can that be?" she wondered aloud, not really asking anyone particular. She pondered at what Calli had said, that it might not be temporary. "Calli, you think it might only last for a little while?" She lifted her eyes to meet Calliopi's. "We can only hope that you are right."
wc: 203
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 3:17 pm
When listening to her other sisters' recounting of what they had experienced Calliope had begun to pick up on some subtle changes in the amount of sunlight that had been beaming down on them. Although it was the smallest shift in colour everything around them had taken on a darkened hue, like they had been imbued with shadows. Even as she made an attempt to answer Mystique's query about why she thought it wouldn't last did the temperature of the air shift subtly.
"I stand by what I think is true, that whatever happens, will not last. It can't. We've always had this belief that the sun is constant and even if it does get covered that it'd return sooner rather than later. It's like if clouds end up blocking it. We know it's still there, just being filtered out. But, in saying that, I feel that we are standing on the edge of something that is unknown to us," and here Calliope paused before raising her paw so it settled on her cape-strewn rock, "whatever is going to happen, I fear it's already started. The shadows around us are getting stronger in their saturation and there's a sudden coldness to the air. I'm not just imagining these things though, am I? "
WC: 212
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 11:52 am
Flora made tea for each of her sisters from the plants out of her garden. As she sat the cups in front of each of them her mind was thinking about everything as she looks at Mystique. "I was in my garden when the feeling of unease came over me. But the plants didn't give off any fear. The garden was and is still acting the same as always. So I think Calliope is right about this only lasting a short time." Looks watches the plants around them and they were acting like how they always do. Even with the deepening of shadows. The plants did not close up or wither. Flora seems like she can speak with the plants even if that is all in her head. She feels a connection with them. Seeing the shadows taking over but the plants about seeming calm helped her. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. "I think we will all be fine. The plants are giving off a calming feeling. I wonder if this type of thing will happen from time to time. Is it new or just new to us?" She sips her tea as it calms her even more. But she listens to her sisters and what each of them is saying about this. Flora has always been down to earth to the point she feels like she is one with the earth.
WC :: 236
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 10:46 pm
Nightshade spoke up about the land growing still and quiet in wait but not many fled. "There was a figure at the border of our land.. couldn't banish or spook it. Just dark shadows" She mentioned in a steady tone while her nerves and gaze were wavering. Her paws moved her around behind her sisters, flicking gaze to growing shadows. If something bad was going to happen, she was the one to protect them.
Turning she snatched her onyx dagger from her thigh and brandished it as the others made comments this might be a temporary occurrence. "Should keep vigilant either way." Came Nightshade's stoic response around the handle of the weapon in her muzzle. She nudged Radiance and Estelle in closer to Mystique and Flora to keep everyone closer together. "No it really is getting dark, like night." She mentioned to Calliope while the sky darkened over more every minute.