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Star Gazers Alpha Concept Contest - Closed for Judging!

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Faekat Adoption Agency

Muscular Member

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2023 11:35 pm

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Colored by: Yayoi

This is a concept contest to win the Alpha for the Star Gazers Tribe.

This particular Alpha is premade: one of our colorists has designed her/him and you’ll get to create their personality!

Below, you’ll find the nitty gritty!

Starts: NOW
Ends: July 15th @ 11:59 PM PST


• Only post once
• Do not deter others from entering
• Fill out the form completely
• You may edit your entry up until the end
• We reserve the right to choose no winner
• You may only own ONE Alpha
PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2023 11:49 pm
The Stargazers are an oddity among the Garou: they have mastered their rage. Tracing their roots to the Far East, they practice peculiar martial arts and a transcendent mysticism. While others dismiss them as aloof and eccentric, they know they alone have received enlightenment. And those who think Stargazers can't fight without rage, well...

There are four tribes that we consider our closest allies :
The Children of Gaia
The Silent Striders
The Uktena
The Digo

The Stargazers are perhaps the most peaceful and contemplative of the Garou tribes. During the Impergium, they were among the Garou who believed the treatment of the humans was unjust and criminal and sought an end to their persecution. Their pleas fell upon deaf ears, so they withdrew from werewolf society to study and meditate on their own, hoping to find inner peace and enlightenment in a bleak, violent world. Their tendency to gaze thoughtfully into the night sky was the inspiration for the other tribes to give them the name they carry still today.

The Stargazers, despite their peaceful nature, can be as fierce in times of war as any other Garou. They merely have different ideals. Working unseen in the shadows, they protect humanity from the hideous minions of the Wyrm. This has brought them great animosity from some members of other tribes, but their wisdom is widely respected among the Garou. Despite this, the Stargazers are considered untrustworthy by many Garou.

The Stargazers live a very spartan life, shunning civilization completely. They do not hold to material wealth of any kind, considering it to be a burden to spiritual enlightenment. They seek only truth. Due to their spiritualistic nature, they have strained relations with the Glass Walkers, who are children of the city and followers of mankind's ways. The Glass Walkers cannot understand their tranquil nature, so they condemn them for it. The Stargazers hold a special relationship with the moon. They believe that she guides them in all ways, watching over and protecting them from the horrors of the night.


[align=center][b]Owner Username:[/b] Name Here
[b]Tell us a bit about your RP style:[/b] (What types of plots/RP's/etc. do you prefer to play? Any hard no's? Anything you'd like to get more into?)
[b]Why does this particular Alpha appeal to you?:[/b]
[b]Alpha’s Name:[/b] (You gotta name ‘em)
[b]Alpha’s Personality:[/b] (Tell us some about your Alpha! What are they like?)
[b]Motivations and Goals:[/b] (What do they intend to do with their newfound power and leadership position?)[/align]

Faekat Adoption Agency

Muscular Member


Divine Krampus

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 5:03 pm
Owner Username: Artymus
Tell us a bit about your RP style: I'm rusty, but I'm usually up for anything!
Why does this particular Alpha appeal to you?: Having a more peaceful nature is an anomaly among the werewolf tribes, and I like anomalies. Plus moon worship.
Alpha’s Name: Fengari
Alpha’s Personality: Fengari is the epitome of serenity and calm, but under the surface is a fierce desire to protect those whom the Wyrm would seek to harm. Full moons are her favorite time of the month so she can look lovingly upon The Moon in all of her glory.
Motivations and Goals: Fengari loves her tribe deeply, and encourages tribe members to come to her in times of need or distress so she may help them any way she can. If there is a disturbance among members, she encourages them to meditate on the reason, and determine the root of the issue so they can come together for a solution that benefits everyone. While she believes peace and tranquility are the most important tenets of the tribe, she also believes in ferocity in battle, and a strict training regimen. Maintaining their training is important to her because even in times of peace, one should always be ready to face the threat the Wyrm poses. Fengari believes vigilance is key. She also holds special meditation gatherings during the full moon so the tribe may receive The Moon's light and wisdom together.
She wants to grow the tribe, as well as strengthen the relations between the other tribes they're friendly with.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 5:41 pm
(Please note that I have also entered for the Children of Gaia Alpha.)

Owner Username: Mewsings of An Angel
Tell us a bit about your RP style: My only hard nos are really death, or miscellaneous RP with no real growth or purpose. I like to feel challenged in what I write and be interested in what is going on.
Why does this particular Alpha appeal to you?: I freaking LOVE anything mystical or related to the stars, legitimately full-on fascinated by everything sky and space related. The idea of a Tribe inherently focused upon that and calm reflection fills me with a giddy want to RP!
Alpha’s Name: Starlight
Alpha’s Personality:
1. Tranquil and Contemplative: Starlight is a calm and reflective individual, often lost in deep thought and meditation. She finds solace in the quietude of nature and the night sky, seeking to achieve inner peace and enlightenment.
2. Spiritual and Mystical: Starlight is deeply connected to her spiritual side and practices mysticism rooted in ancient traditions. She embraces the transcendent aspects of her werewolf nature, exploring the mystical forces of the universe and striving for spiritual growth.
3. Peaceful Advocate: Starlight is a staunch advocate for peace and harmony, both within the Garou society and in the world at large. She believes in resolving conflicts through diplomacy and understanding, seeking alternatives to violence whenever possible.
4. Wise and Knowledgeable: Starlight possesses great wisdom, accumulated through her studies, meditation, and experiences. Her insights are respected among the Garou, and she often serves as a source of guidance and counsel for those who seek her advice.
5. Guardianship and Protection: Despite her peaceful nature, Starlight is fiercely protective of humanity and dedicated to combating the minions of the Wyrm. She operates in the shadows, utilizing her martial arts skills and cunning to defend and safeguard humanity from supernatural threats.
6. Distrustful of Authority: Starlight has a natural skepticism towards authority figures and institutions. She values personal freedom and autonomy, preferring to follow her own path rather than conforming to societal expectations. This independent streak can sometimes make her appear aloof or rebellious to others.
7. Humble and Minimalistic: Starlight rejects material wealth and lives a spartan lifestyle. She finds contentment in simplicity and minimalism, focusing on her spiritual growth rather than worldly possessions. She sees materialism as a hindrance to spiritual enlightenment.
8. Lunar Connection: Starlight feels a deep affinity for the moon, considering it a guiding force in her life. She believes that the moon watches over her and her fellow Stargazers, providing them with guidance and protection against the horrors of the night. The moon holds great significance in her spiritual practices and rituals.

Overall, Starlight is a peaceful warrior with a strong spiritual foundation. She embodies tranquility, wisdom, and a deep connection to the natural world. While she may be viewed as eccentric and untrustworthy by some, she remains steadfast in her pursuit of enlightenment and the protection of humanity.
Motivations and Goals:
1. Inner Peace and Enlightenment: Starlight's primary motivation is to achieve inner peace and spiritual enlightenment. She seeks to transcend the limitations of her werewolf nature and find harmony within herself and the world around her.
2. Preservation of Harmony: Starlight is driven by a desire to maintain harmony and balance in both the supernatural and human realms. She believes that through understanding, diplomacy, and protecting humanity from the Wyrm's minions, she can contribute to a more peaceful existence for all.
3. Seeking Truth and Wisdom: Starlight is motivated by a thirst for knowledge, truth, and understanding. She constantly seeks to expand her wisdom and gain deeper insights into the mysteries of the universe, drawing from both ancient traditions and personal experiences.

1. Cultivating Spiritual Growth: Starlight's primary goal is to continue her journey of spiritual growth and development. She seeks to refine her mystical abilities, deepen her understanding of the spiritual realm, and expand her connection to the moon and other cosmic forces.
2. Promoting Peaceful Resolution: Starlight strives to be a voice of reason and a catalyst for peaceful resolution within the Garou society. She aims to bridge the gaps between tribes and foster understanding, encouraging diplomacy and cooperation instead of resorting to violence.
3. Protecting Humanity: As a Stargazer, Starlight is dedicated to safeguarding humanity from the threats of the Wyrm. Her goal is to eliminate or neutralize the Wyrm's minions, defending humanity from their influence and preserving their safety and well-being.
4. Sharing Wisdom and Guidance: Starlight wishes to share her accumulated wisdom and insights with other Garou, acting as a mentor and guide for those who seek her counsel. She aspires to inspire others to embrace a more contemplative and spiritually aware path.
5. Building Bridges with Other Tribes: Despite the strained relations with certain tribes, Starlight seeks to build bridges of understanding and respect with them. She believes that through open dialogue and mutual respect, the tribes can learn from one another and find common ground in their shared goal of protecting the world.
6. Uncovering Ancient Knowledge: Starlight's quest for truth and understanding leads her to explore ancient texts, artifacts, and mystical sites. Her goal is to uncover forgotten knowledge and secrets that may hold the key to unraveling the mysteries of the Garou, the universe, and their own existence.

Overall, Starlight's motivations and goals revolve around personal growth, promoting peace and harmony, protecting humanity, sharing wisdom, and uncovering hidden truths. She seeks to navigate the complex world of the Garou with grace and insight, striving to make a positive impact in the lives of others and the supernatural realms she inhabits.

Mewsings of An Angel

Excitable Anubutt

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Anxious Cat

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 8:53 pm
Owner Username: Lenacatte
Tell us a bit about your RP style: I'm currently in the process to get back into the groove of roleplaying, but I'd say I strive for description: For the character's actions, their environment, etc. I try to accommodate that as I'm a very visual person. As for any "nos', there's nothing too specific, maybe death is the only one that comes to mind, if I'm always available to discuss others with any writing partners.
Why does this particular Alpha appeal to you?: To be completely honest the overall aesthetic of this tribe is one of my favorites! I also feel from it's description fits the type of personality I'm more used when writing characters, so it would provide an excellent opportunity and motivation to dip my toes into roleplaying again.
Alpha’s Name: Anumati
Alpha’s Personality: The enbodiment of what a Star Gazer should strive to be, Anumati's seemingly delicate beauty highlights the strength and authority needed to lead a tribe after the world's reawakening. She takes care of her Star Gazers with a certain closeness, even those without blood relation to her being treated like a relative. Anumati is also, for better or worse, a strickler for tradition–upholding the tribe's ideals to a frightening degree. The alpha keeps relationships with allied tribes harmonious, and with the others respectful, even with Glass Walkers (although she can't help but to look in dissapointment at the latter's attraction to modern civilization), thus she always strives to offer wisdom. Among the Star Gazers there exist two open secrets: Anumati's favorite leisure activity is moonbathing, while the other is that her fighting prowess and fury, when provoked, is second to none.
Motivations and Goals: Anumati's main motivation is to reinstate the tribe to a decent power by gathering the remaining Star Gazers and increasing their numbers in order to resume the tribe's activities (contemplating to the night sky, praying to the moon, increase their numbers) and to strenghten their morale and both their spiritual and physical strenght to face the rising danger that lurks in Faetasia against werewolves and mortals alike. Contact with her fellow Alphas is essential to get up to speed with the recent happenings of the world and to rebuild connections, as she believes the lack of communication between the tribes is a death sentence for all.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 9:27 pm
Owner Username: Aria Starstone
Tell us a bit about your RP style: I'm not a big fan of overly realistic violence, don't like death stuff. I do enjoy drama, I like tragedy (especially background), but to a point. I'm good at emotive RP, and I love helping others further plots they have they're working.
Why does this particular Alpha appeal to you?: Celestial themes are my jam so hard, first off. Second off, I love unusual groups of society. Thirdly, I love spiritual beings, especially Moon Worshiping spiritualistics.
Alpha’s Name: Chandra Kasi
Alpha’s Personality:
Chandra is serene, calm, focused and determined to protect the world, protect those who are in danger from the Wyrm, to name her good points. As no one is perfect, to name the negatives, when she does give in to anger, to fighting, she is perhaps a little too violent. She also will push aside those who do not work within the goals of the Stargazers, because her focus can be a little too strong sometimes. Her serenity can be read as a lack of caring to those who do not know her, and she is not very good at fixing that. However, she loves her tribe and kin, and would do anything for them.
Motivations and Goals:
Her motivations are protection of her pack, the land, and those who are innocent of the dangers of this world. She has seen too many fall to the hatred, the twisted shadows, and she would that she never need see that again... Though she knows she will. It just motivates her to try harder.
Her first goal is to strengthen the Tribe, that they might work together to be prepared should the Wyrm raise it's ugly head... Both in numbers, and through training.
Her second is to try to spread a peaceful path, even to those not of the Gazers, when she encounters them. She would not give away the secrets of the tribe, but if even one more being learned to meditate and found a path to peace, that would be enough for Chandra.

Aria Starstone

Sexy Goat

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  • Enemy of the Goat 25


Interstellar Moonwalker

15,915 Points
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  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • Spirit of the Smackdown! 100
PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 11:21 am
Owner Username: StarshineAngel01
Tell us a bit about your RP style: I enjoy doing plotted rps and as well relationship building rps, especially it comes to finding a lover for a character, I enjoy the rps that are stepping stones to a stronger and better relationship with another character. I usually try to aim for 2 or 3 paragraphs when I’m inspired or my rp muse is feeling creative. I don’t do any rps that involve a character losing their life or anything too dark and scary. I have the tendency to get anxiety over my writing and think its not good enough. If I do get rps the responses will be in a timely fashion or will be slow depending on how busy my life gets.
Why does this particular Alpha appeal to you?: This particular alpha appeals to me because I like the overall theme of stars and such because its one of my many interests and I love it.
Alpha’s Name: Celestine
Alpha’s Personality: She is loyal to the ideals of her clan and will always make sure that they are enforced. She is outgoing and friendly and gives off a motherly vibe to the members of her clan. She is willing to lend an ear when one of her members need to talk out their woes they have or if they just want to seek her for advice. She is one that treats all members of her clan with respect that their position gives them, she relies on the the stars to help navigate her way through the area is one that makes sure her clan members maintain the Clan’s beliefs and if they stray from the path she will gently nudge them back onto the right track.
Motivations and Goals: Her overall goal and motivation is to protect her pack, encourage them to stick to their beliefs and not to stray. She wants her and her pack to reach their full potential and encourage hem to aspire and reach any goals in their life that her pack members have but also to remain loyal despite their personal and independant goals and ambitions. AS well as to help out those who are in need of a hand and to protect those who cannot or do not have the ability to and to inspire the younger generations.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 10:05 am
Owner Username: ziennia_zen
Tell us a bit about your RP style: I haven’t done any RP on Gaia yet, but I’d love to get into it! Normally, I RP pretty much anything. I don’t have any no’s, I just really enjoy RP because it gives me a chance to explore something from a different mindset. I will probably avoid more sensitive topics, as I know few share my lack of limits in roleplay, and I respect that!
Why does this particular Alpha appeal to you?: Well, the Stargazers were a tribe that caught my eye immediately. Stars, the moon, and very.. willowy? For lack of a better word, personalities really appeal to me. I love the aesthetic and I also do a lot with these kinds of characters. It’s easy for me to get into character, and it would be very useful to use a character of this type to become accustomed to plotting in Faetasia!
Alpha’s Name: Ru Xing
Alpha’s Personality: Ru Xing is very, very quiet. She is the most social with those from her tribe, who she cherishes dearly. Most of the time, one can find her meditating. She has a calming aura of peace, is very patient, and talks very slowly, believing that urgency should be a last resort. Don’t be fooled, though: if her tribe is messed with, all that is gone in a flash and she becomes a fierce warrior. Ru Xing particularly believes in knowledge, so she encourages her tribe and she herself to observe and learn constantly.
Motivations and Goals: Ru Xing intends to preserve those in her tribe. The Wyrm is always a threat, as is the tribes who disagree with the Stargazers. As much as she wants to maintain peace, she can’t deny the threats that are always looming. So, Ru Xing seeks to keep her tribe safe and well. She’s likely to sacrifice herself if it meant the tribe went on. She also promotes constant vigilance and observation, learning, and slow, steady thought. The best way to fight is by carefully picking apart weaknesses and creating plans that harm only the ones intended to be harmed (vicious all-out war kills too many humans and innocent tribe members). Though Ru Xing herself is very solitary, she will gather the tribe on new moons in order to keep them safe while they are lacking the Moon’s protective eye.


Fashionable Shapeshifter

Faekat Adoption Agency

Muscular Member

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 9:33 am
Congratulations! Your entry is the winner! Please take your prize to the appropriate certing thread and have fun!

Owner Username: Lenacatte
Tell us a bit about your RP style: I'm currently in the process to get back into the groove of roleplaying, but I'd say I strive for description: For the character's actions, their environment, etc. I try to accommodate that as I'm a very visual person. As for any "nos', there's nothing too specific, maybe death is the only one that comes to mind, if I'm always available to discuss others with any writing partners.
Why does this particular Alpha appeal to you?: To be completely honest the overall aesthetic of this tribe is one of my favorites! I also feel from it's description fits the type of personality I'm more used when writing characters, so it would provide an excellent opportunity and motivation to dip my toes into roleplaying again.
Alpha’s Name: Anumati
Alpha’s Personality: The enbodiment of what a Star Gazer should strive to be, Anumati's seemingly delicate beauty highlights the strength and authority needed to lead a tribe after the world's reawakening. She takes care of her Star Gazers with a certain closeness, even those without blood relation to her being treated like a relative. Anumati is also, for better or worse, a strickler for tradition–upholding the tribe's ideals to a frightening degree. The alpha keeps relationships with allied tribes harmonious, and with the others respectful, even with Glass Walkers (although she can't help but to look in dissapointment at the latter's attraction to modern civilization), thus she always strives to offer wisdom. Among the Star Gazers there exist two open secrets: Anumati's favorite leisure activity is moonbathing, while the other is that her fighting prowess and fury, when provoked, is second to none.
Motivations and Goals: Anumati's main motivation is to reinstate the tribe to a decent power by gathering the remaining Star Gazers and increasing their numbers in order to resume the tribe's activities (contemplating to the night sky, praying to the moon, increase their numbers) and to strenghten their morale and both their spiritual and physical strenght to face the rising danger that lurks in Faetasia against werewolves and mortals alike. Contact with her fellow Alphas is essential to get up to speed with the recent happenings of the world and to rebuild connections, as she believes the lack of communication between the tribes is a death sentence for all.
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