... Frozen Love Mixer ... Familiar Mixer Colorists - Odet Amo, Phail Ninja, Calixita, Azael, Astoria Other colorists are free to join!
Starts: January 28th, at Noon EST Ends: February 1st, at Noon EST
... February Slots ... Half-CC The colorist will roll one from the full list. They can either manually pick a familiar from that person's singles list or roll one. Then they will then CC or roll a mate. Colorists will do their best to adhere to the familiars gender, species preference and cousins, but there is no guarantee. Unedited: 1 Phail Ninja, 1 Calixita, 1 Azael, 1 Astoria Minor: 1 Odet Amo
Purely CC The colorist will manually pick a couple. They should pay attention to the familiars gender, species and cousin preference whenever possible. If there is not an unmatched familiar of the same species or opposite gender left a spirit breeding is the only option. So still no guarantee gender, species and cousin preferences will be fallowed but we will do our best. Unedited: 1 Phail Ninja, 1? Astoria Minor: 1 Odet Amo
... Payment ... These breeding are pay-what-you-want. Please send trades directly to the colourists.
... What is this Exactly? ... The world as you know it is covered in ice and snow, and while it is beautiful it is far too cold to be out in it. Seeking escape from the weather you've moved into a cavern and its easy to see you are not the only one avoiding the storm. Many different species have moved into the space as well. Cupid must be flying about. Pairs of unlikely matched familiars dot the cavern. Will you find warmth in another's arms tonight? Be warned though, the spirits are around. One might gift offspring born from this winter storm with twists.
... Rules ... • Please quote me for all questions and concerns in the Main Thread or in your post here -- This way others can see your question and my answer. I often get 5 messages all with the same question or comment. Pm's, Dm's or other messages will not be responded to outside this manor, even for friends. • Seasonal Twists -- Saying yes doesn't guarantee things will come out twisted but it is the only way to give it a chance. Unedited couples may gain light edits if they win an edited slot. • Post certed Familiars -- We like to see the Familiar without having to click every link so please post the image of the cert (It must be the certed image). IF your familiar hasn't been certed yet please post a small uncert image and a link to the cert request. Cert requests must be from before the start of these slots! • Names! -- Please provide the full name for the Familiars and yourself • Forms -- Please fill out the form completely and correctly. • Feel free to edit your forms -- You may edit and add to your post right up till the thread is locked, please don't void posts and above all else please don't delete posts • Be Nice! -- It's my favorite rule after all. • Please only create one post -- Each person can post up to TEN familiars in their post. Both genders should be in the same post! • • • Spirit Breedings -- Singles might be paired with the same gender or different species. • • • Breeding Preference -- While colorists will try to respect the familiars choice on gender and species if the spirits (the dice) are involved there is no guarantee. • • • One Ticket -- Everyone gets one ticket but it can be rolled twice if you haven't won one this month. • Mixed Species breedings will result in mixed species offspring, some/all will be parent 1's or parent 2's species. The spirits (the dice) will decide. • For those with large family trees if you have a family echo or link to your familiar's linage that would be helpful for making sure no one is too related. Plus I love looking at them • You may only win two familiar breedings per month total -- (CC or raffled breeding slots. Bribes do not count). If someone wins a breeding raffle slot, then they may only be rolled once during these slots. • Mock Twins count as a custom -- You may only win one familiar custom a month (and SC familiar customs don't have a cooldown) so keep this in mind with mock twining. • These count for February
Please make sure and read through the Familiar breeding information Thead before entering. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. I am not obligated to inform you if you have broken a rule.
Familiars are meant to be simpler and shouldn't need co-owner agreements. Familiars should only have one owner.
Spirit breedings have changed a lot since they first started, so have familiar breedings in general. For a pair with two different familiar species the offspring maybe a mix of the parents species. (Ex. goat x wolf breeding, 2 could be goats and 3 wolves!) The dice will decide, it is still possible all of them will be one parent 1 or parent 2's species but that's less common.
Major mistakes that are spotted after winners have been rolled, such as multi-entries into the breeding raffle or lack of permission can result in a nullification of the win. It is in your best interest to spot these ahead of time so that they can be corrected, or extraneous pairs removed instead of nullifying all of your chances.
Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 1:52 pm
... Forms ... Everyone who enters will get one ticket and you can win twice with the same ticket if you haven't won this month. Both genders should go in the same form.
... Genders... Please put one of these codes at the top of each familiar form. This lets us know their gender and gender preference right off. There is no guarantee the spirits (dice) wont ignore this. If CC's we will make every effort to adhere to these wishes.
... Ticket Form ... Please pay close attention to this form. It is a little different then normal. And again you should only have one post with both genders. Longer breeding form can be found here.
[align=center][b][size=16][color=#C12283]... Baby it's Cold Outside ...[/size][/b][/align] [b]Username:[/b] Put your full username here! - Post Cool Down Header here - - Post seasonal twist if applied to all familiars here - - Post any header/modifier that applies to all (including mock kids, if for all) here -
[quote="Familiar 1"] - Post Gender form here, this is required! - - Post Picky forms here -
[b]Name, image, and owner:[/b] (WRITE FULL FAM/OWNER NAME GOES HERE PLEASE) [img][/img] [url=]Uncert[/url]
[b]Is Your Familiar Rped?:[/b] [url=]Example[/url] [b]Throwbacks?:[/b] (Saying yes gives the colorist a bit more freedom in the breeding. Throwbacks can come from previous generations from the parents, this mean grandparents/etc. For 1st gens this would mean mystery traits. NOTE: Just because you say yes doesn't mean you'll get throwback traits. It only gives the colorist the OK to play around. Nothing more. You also don't get to choose which throwback traits are picked.) [b]Link to Connected Familiars:[/b] (If said Yes to Throwbacks please link all parents, and grandparents, siblings and other blood relatives are optional - NOTE: LINKS ONLY NO IMG TAGGING) • [url=]Soquili Name[/url] | Relation here • [url=]Soquili Name[/url] | Relation here
- Post Twists and/or additional mods here -[/quote]
[quote="Familiar 2"][/quote]
[quote="Familiar 3"][/quote]
[quote="Familiar 4"][/quote]
[quote="Familiar 5"][/quote]
[quote="Familiar 6"][/quote]
[quote="Familiar 7"][/quote]
[quote="Familiar 8"][/quote]
[quote="Familiar 9"][/quote]
[quote="Familiar 10"][/quote]
Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 2:27 pm
... Twists ...
If you don't want your couple twisted make sure and post this at the end of your form! Otherwise the spirits might assume you're okay with all twists available.
[size=18][color=red][b]I'm only lookin' for love, sorry![/b][/color][/size]
If your interested in winter/spring fill the form out below. If you don't mind a category, but dislike a few things within it, please specify what you DISLIKE. (Example: "No feathered wings", "Not a fan of hearts", "Pink is evil, seriously no pink please!" )
[size=18][b][color=#C12283]Oh... what's that I see? Another forecast of snow? Or is it finally time for the flowers to come out....?[/color][/b][/size] [spoiler][align=center][size=18] [color=dodgerblue] [b] Frozen Love [/b][/color][/size][/align]
Themes ~~~ Snow and ice themes?: ~~~ Wintery colors?: [size=9][i](please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED)[/i][/size] ~~~ Wintery markings?: ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Bells?: ~~~ Scarves?: ~~~ Blankets?: ~~~ Holly/mistletoe?: ~~~ Furry accessories?: ~~~ Ribbons and bows?: ~~~ Lanterns?: ~~~ Wintery pets?: ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Themes ~~~ Spring inspired markings?: ~~~ Spring inspired colors?: [size=9][i](please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED)[/i][/size] ~~~ Windblown or nature themed hair?: ~~~ Plant growths?: ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Flowers?: ~~~ Flowy scarves?: ~~~ Ribbons and bows?: ~~~ Insects?: ~~~ Plants?: ~~~ Cute baby animals?: ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: [/spoiler]
... Mixer Breeding Restrictions ...
If a Familiar IS Open to Spirit Breedings where they can be paired with someone they cannot naturally breed with, Please use this form.
[color=green][size=18][b]I don't mind if the Spirits are feeling a little Crackshippy today[/b][/size][/color]
If they are NOT Open to spirit breedings, Please use this form.
[color=blue][size=18][b] I'd rather do this biologically...[/b][/size][/color]
... How crazy is too crazy? ...
Do you like your familiars weird and warped mixes of the parents? If so post this at the top of your form for mixed breed splice freedom. Colorists might still mix parts otherwise but this form allows them to go CRAZY! And everyone here knows we're all at least a little crazy here.
[color=indigo][size=18][b]I'm okay if the spirits are a little warped, let's see how CRAZY they can make this![/b][/size][/color]
Cool Down Header Use this if you have already won a familiar breeding for February or plan on one being purchased with SC in February.
[color=red][b]I'm on cool down and can only win 1 this month![/b][/color]
Picky Single (for Non Spirit Breedings)
Is your familiar particularly selective when it comes to choosing breeding partners? Feel free to use this modifier if so; just note that this is a mixer, and at the end of the day, your familiar can still be paired with anyone. This form is taken into consideration only during CCs and is limited to the first 6 bases/species listed. If you are doing a Spirit Breeding, you CAN use it, but even CCing colorists may not listen as the spirits may like a pair regardless of what a familiar wants. If it's not a risk you want to take, do not enter.
[size=18][color=red][b]Picky Single[/b][/color][/size] Are there any species your familiar does not wish to breed with during CCs?: (please list no more then 6 and please note: If anyone flat out rolls, this will not change the outcome. This is solely for CCed couples)
... Additional Form Modifiers ...
Mock Twins
[size=16][color=teal][b]I'm seeing double 👀[/b][/color][/size] [i](Reminder: This counts towards your monthly limit of 1 custom a month and you don't get to choose which child we twin for you.)[/i] [b]Does owner of parent 1 want a mockchild?:[/b] Yes/No
Twins & Triplets: If you want the possibility of twins or triplets (if applicable) please post this at the top of your form. This gives me the option of giving your pony a twin or triplet of the same gender with minimal color or edit changes. Saying yes does not guarantee you will get them, it simply give me the option. Only post if you want the option -- if you don't, ignore this modifier!
[size=16][color=red][b]Prepare for trouble . . .make that double! I want twins or triplets![/b][/color][/size] [b]Twins?:[/b] Yes/No [b]Triplets if Applicable?:[/b] Yes/No
Scarred Familiars If you have a parent with scars, they won't be added to the offspring (assuming they're recognized as scars, as some may be misinterpreted as markings). If you want your kids to have scars like their parents do, please add the following to your form.
[size=18][color=red][b]These kids can be rough and tumble like their parents (Scarred Parent)[/b][/color][/size]
Battle Damage If you have a parent with broken horns, battered wings, tattered feathers and membranes, and so forth, their kids will have a chance of getting them unless you post the following form. If your familiar has custom wings/horns/tails/etc. that are broken off or incomplete due to damage, the children will have the chance to have complete wings/horns/tails/etc. in the perceived 'pre-damaged' style of the parents.
[size=18][color=red][b]Let the children not carry the sins of the parents (Undamaged Wings/horns/tails/etc)[/b][/color][/size]
Human Clothing Familiars with human clothing -- such as pants, tight skirts, and most shirts -- will be animalized and made into capes, arm/leg warmers, blankets, and additional accessories, even if both parents are fully dressed in human clothing UNLESS you add this to your form.
[size=18][color=blue][b]I want my clothed ponies kids to have a chance at clothes!![/b][/color][/size] [color=white]---[/color][b]Even pants/skirts?[/b]: Y/N
Old or New A few species have had updates to their lineart, would you rather the old or the new?
[b]Alternate Base (Raccoon, Rabbit or Hawk):[/b] Would you prefer the old or new template? A mix? Or colorist choice?
If you're going to mention familiars that are not the parents/posted throwback relatives, use the following form.
[b]List of Connected Familiars[/b] [list] [*][url=]Soquili Name[/url] | Relation here [*][url=]Soquili Name[/url] | Relation here [/list]
I don't mind if the Spirits are feeling a little Crackshippy today I'm seeing double 👀 (Reminder: This counts towards your monthly limit of 1 custom a month and you don't get to choose which child we twin for you.) Does owner of parent 1 want a mockchild?: Yes
Familiar 1
Picky Single Are there any species your familiar does not wish to breed with during CCs?: birds only for her please ❤️
Name, image, and owner: Starlight, AstoriaFallen Uncert
Familiar 2
Name, image, and owner: Vladislav, AstoriaFallen
Familiar 3
Name, image, and owner: Bonnie, AstoriaFallen
Familiar 4
Name, image, and owner: Leukos, AstoriaFallen
Familiar 5
Name, image, and owner: Petunia Heartsong, AstoriaFallen
Familiar 6
Name, image, and owner: Parides, AstoriaFallen
Familiar 7
Name, image, and owner: Ilex, AstoriaFallen
Familiar 8
Name, image, and owner: Kierra, AstoriaFallen
Familiar 9
Name, image, and owner: Odessper, AstoriaFallen
Familiar 10
Name, image, and owner: Rosa Bella, AstoriaFallen
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 10:36 am
... Baby it's Cold Outside ...
Username: SpaceDadDisapproves
I don't mind if the Spirits are feeling a little Crackshippy today
I'm okay if the spirits are a little warped, let's see how CRAZY they can make this!
Oh... what's that I see? Another forecast of snow? Or is it finally time for the flowers to come out....?
Frozen Love
Generic Winter Themes Mutations ~~~ Antlers and Hooves?: Y ~~~ Fluffy winter coats?: Y ~~~ Crystals?: Y
Themes ~~~ Snow and ice themes?: Y ~~~ Wintery colors?:Y ~~~ Wintery markings?: Y
Accessories ~~~ Bells?: Y ~~~ Scarves?: N ~~~ Blankets?: N ~~~ Holly/mistletoe?: Y ~~~ Furry accessories?: Y ~~~ Ribbons and bows?: Y ~~~ Lanterns?: Y ~~~ Wintery pets?: Y
Generic Spring Themes Mutations ~~~ Bird wings?: Y ~~~ Butterfly wings?: Y ~~~ Plant wings?: Y ~~~ Plant parts?: Y
Themes ~~~ Spring inspired markings?: Y ~~~ Spring inspired colors?: Y ~~~ Windblown or nature themed hair?: Y ~~~ Plant growths?: Y
Accessories ~~~ Flowers?: Y ~~~ Flowy scarves?: Y ~~~ Ribbons and bows?: Y ~~~ Insects?: Y ~~~ Plants?: Y ~~~ Cute baby animals?: Y
Familiar 1
Lovely Ladies Looking for Handsome Hunks
Name, image, and owner: Tania ; SpaceDadDisapproves Uncert
Is Your Familiar Rped?: No Throwbacks?: No Link to Connected Familiars: N/A
Themes ~~~ Snow and ice themes?: Snow, but not ice ~~~ Wintery colors?: Yes ~~~ Wintery markings?: Yes ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Bells?: Yes ~~~ Scarves?: Yes ~~~ Blankets?: No ~~~ Holly/mistletoe?: No ~~~ Furry accessories?: Yes ~~~ Ribbons and bows?: Yes ~~~ Lanterns?: Yes ~~~ Wintery pets?: Yes ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Anything Christmas or Holiday related, colors, accessories, etc.
Themes ~~~ Spring inspired markings?: No ~~~ Spring inspired colors?: No ~~~ Windblown or nature themed hair?: Yes ~~~ Plant growths?: Yes ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Flowers?: Yes ~~~ Flowy scarves?: Yes ~~~ Ribbons and bows?: Yes ~~~ Insects?: No ~~~ Plants?: Yes ~~~ Cute baby animals?: Yes ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
I don't mind if the Spirits are feeling a little Crackshippy today I'm okay if the spirits are a little warped, let's see how CRAZY they can make this! I'm seeing double 👀 (Reminder: This counts towards your monthly limit of 1 custom a month and you don't get to choose which child we twin for you.) Does owner of parent 1 want a mockchild?: Yes Prepare for trouble . . .make that double! I want twins or triplets! Twins?: Yes Triplets if Applicable?: Yes
Themes ~~~ Snow and ice themes?: Sure ~~~ Wintery colors?: Sure. Nothing too neon, please. ~~~ Wintery markings?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing commercialized.
Accessories ~~~ Bells?: Sure ~~~ Scarves?: Sure ~~~ Blankets?: Sure ~~~ Holly/mistletoe?: Sure ~~~ Furry accessories?: Sure ~~~ Ribbons and bows?: Sure ~~~ Lanterns?: Sure ~~~ Wintery pets?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing commercialized, please.
Themes ~~~ Spring inspired markings?: Sure ~~~ Spring inspired colors?: Sure. Nothing neon, please. ~~~ Windblown or nature themed hair?: Sure ~~~ Plant growths?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing commercialized, please.
Accessories ~~~ Flowers?: Sure ~~~ Flowy scarves?: Sure ~~~ Ribbons and bows?: Sure ~~~ Insects?: Sure ~~~ Plants?: Sure ~~~ Cute baby animals?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing commercialized, please.
I'm okay if the spirits are a little warped, let's see how CRAZY they can make this!
I'm seeing double 👀 (Reminder: This counts towards your monthly limit of 1 custom a month and you don't get to choose which child we twin for you.) Does owner of parent 1 want a mockchild?: Yes
Is Your Familiar Rped?: No Throwbacks?: Sure Link to Connected Familiars: • Dae'mon | Mother • Freyja | Other Mother
Ririka Crew
High-functioning Hellraiser
Magical Kitten
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 11:41 am
... Baby it's Cold Outside ...
Username: catmagick Oh... what's that I see? Another forecast of snow? Or is it finally time for the flowers to come out....?
Frozen Love
Generic Winter Themes Mutations ~~~ Antlers and Hooves?: Y ~~~ Fluffy winter coats?: Y ~~~ Crystals?: Y
Themes ~~~ Snow and ice themes?: Y ~~~ Wintery colors?: Christmas colors ~~~ Wintery markings?: Y ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Bells?: Y ~~~ Scarves?: Y ~~~ Blankets?: N ~~~ Holly/mistletoe?: Y ~~~ Furry accessories?: Y ~~~ Ribbons and bows?: Y ~~~ Lanterns?: Y ~~~ Wintery pets?: Y ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Generic Spring Themes Mutations ~~~ Bird wings?: Y ~~~ Butterfly wings?: Y ~~~ Plant wings?: Y ~~~ Plant parts?: Y
Themes ~~~ Spring inspired markings?: Y ~~~ Spring inspired colors?: Y ~~~ Windblown or nature themed hair?: Y ~~~ Plant growths?: Y ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Flowers?: Y ~~~ Flowy scarves?: Y ~~~ Ribbons and bows?: Y ~~~ Insects?: Y ~~~ Plants?: Y ~~~ Cute baby animals?: Y ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
I don't mind if the Spirits are feeling a little Crackshippy today I'm okay if the spirits are a little warped, let's see how CRAZY they can make this! I'm seeing double 👀 (Reminder: This counts towards your monthly limit of 1 custom a month and you don't get to choose which child we twin for you.) Does owner of parent 1 want a mockchild?: Yes
Is Your Familiar Rped?: No Throwbacks?: Yes Link to Connected Familiars: • Mirage | Mother • Hania | Mother •Vesper | Brother • Vihaan | Brother • Gracie | Sister • Cosette | Twin (Sister)
Familiar 10
Lovely LadiesOpentoALLLove!
Name, image, and owner: Strawberry Swirl (catmagick) Uncert
Is Your Familiar Rped?: No Throwbacks?: Yes Link to Connected Familiars:
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:13 pm
... Baby it's Cold Outside ...
Username: Juliette06 Cooldown: N/A Oh... what's that I see? Another forecast of snow? Or is it finally time for the flowers to come out....?
Frozen Love
Generic Winter Themes Mutations ~~~ Antlers and Hooves?: Y ~~~ Fluffy winter coats?: Y E S ~~~ Crystals?: Sure!
Themes ~~~ Snow and ice themes?: Yes! ~~~ Wintery colors?: Sure! ~~~ Wintery markings?: Pref no stamp-on snowflakes, but I'm not picky & I trust y'all! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Bells?: YES ~~~ Scarves?: Sure! ~~~ Blankets?: Eh, not my fave. ~~~ Holly/mistletoe?: Yea! ~~~ Furry accessories?: Yes! ~~~ Ribbons and bows?: Sure! ~~~ Lanterns?: YES ~~~ Wintery pets?: Y E S PLEASE GIVE MY BABIES BABIES ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: I do like to be able to see the pet under the accessories, as a general rule (so sometimes blankets/scarves cover things), but like...have fun.
Generic Spring Themes Mutations ~~~ Bird wings?: Sure!! ~~~ Butterfly wings?: Okay! ~~~ Plant wings?: Y E S. YES YES ~~~ Plant parts?: Y E S YES. YES.
Themes ~~~ Spring inspired markings?: A-okay on everything except Eerie! ~~~ Spring inspired colors?: A-okay on everything except Eerie! ~~~ Windblown or nature themed hair?: Sure! ~~~ Plant growths?: Sure!!! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: If Eerie gets picked, just try to avoid cutesie things? Unless they fit with the spooky vibe she has going on!
Accessories ~~~ Flowers?: All good! ~~~ Flowy scarves?: Eh, not my fave. ~~~ Ribbons and bows?: Sure! ~~~ Insects?: Please no spiders D: ~~~ Plants?: YES ~~~ Cute baby animals?: omg, please, i would cry. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
I don't mind if the Spirits are feeling a little Crackshippy today I'm okay if the spirits are a little warped, let's see how CRAZY they can make this! No mock twins/trips, please!
Is Your Familiar Rped?: Nope Throwbacks?: Yep! Link to Connected Familiars: Mystery throwbacks a-okay!
Familiar 3
Name, image, and owner: Eerie/Juliette06 (name is typoed on the cert and I just haven't gotten it fixed yet lol) Uncertalt cert (no mask)
Is Your Familiar Rped?: Nope Throwbacks?: Yes!! Link to Connected Familiars: • Krampus | Father • Lucius | Daddy • Pthia | Grandmother • Mortimer | Grandfather • Grace | Great-Grandmother • Darksky | Great-Grandfather
Twists: I said all twists are a go above and I meant it, BUT I would prefer no cutesie/pink/floral twists for her - she's spooky through and through wink That said, sometimes cutesie can also be spooky, so it's not a hard line for me! I trust y'all!
Themes ~~~ Snow and ice themes?: Yes ~~~ Wintery colors?: Yes! Please no bright/pastel/ blues ~~~ Wintery markings?: Absolutely ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Bells?: Tastefully please ~~~ Scarves?: Yes ~~~ Blankets?: I am, although it is iffy. ~~~ Holly/mistletoe?: No please ~~~ Furry accessories?: Yes ~~~ Ribbons and bows?: Yes ~~~ Lanterns?: Absolutely ~~~ Wintery pets?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: No Christymassy vibes, other winter holidays are fine.
Generic Spring Themes Mutations ~~~ Bird wings?: Yes ~~~ Butterfly wings?: Yes ~~~ Plant wings?: Y E S ~~~ Plant parts?: Y E S
Themes ~~~ Spring inspired markings?: Yes ~~~ Spring inspired colors?: Yes, please no pastel yellows/blues. ~~~ Windblown or nature themed hair?: Sure ~~~ Plant growths?: Y E S ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Uuuuhhhhh..... IDK
Accessories ~~~ Flowers?: Yes! ~~~ Flowy scarves?: Sure ~~~ Ribbons and bows?: Yes ~~~ Insects?: NO. ~~~ Plants?: Yes! ~~~ Cute baby animals?: Yes! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Honestly IDEFK
I don't mind if the Spirits are feeling a little Crackshippy today I'm okay if the spirits are a little warped, let's see how CRAZY they can make this! I'm seeing double :eyes: (Reminder: This counts towards your monthly limit of 1 custom a month and you don't get to choose which child we twin for you.) Does owner of parent 1 want a mockchild?: Yes
Familiar 1
Lovely LadiesOpentoALLLove!
Name, image, and owner: Hania // Eos Galvus Uncert
Is Your Familiar Rped?: No Throwbacks?: Yes Link to Connected Familiars: FIRST GEN GO NUTS
Familiar 2
Lovely LadiesOpentoALLLove!
Name, image, and owner: Ripple - Eos Galvus
Is Your Familiar Rped?: No Throwbacks?: Yes Link to Connected Familiars:[/b
Name, image, and owner: Viola - Eos Galvus UncertUncert
Is Your Familiar Rped?: No Throwbacks?: Yes Link to Connected Familiars: FIRST GEN GO NUTS
Familiar 4
Familiar 5
Familiar 6
Familiar 7
Familiar 8
Familiar 9
Familiar 10
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 1:48 pm
... Baby it's Cold Outside ...
Username: Malikztiah Ankhwave Oh... what's that I see? Another forecast of snow? Or is it finally time for the flowers to come out....?
Frozen Love
Generic Winter Themes Mutations ~~~ Antlers and Hooves?: Y ~~~ Fluffy winter coats?: Y ~~~ Crystals?: Y
Themes ~~~ Snow and ice themes?: Y ~~~ Wintery colors?: Y ~~~ Wintery markings?: Y ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Bells?: Y ~~~ Scarves?: Y ~~~ Blankets?: N ~~~ Holly/mistletoe?: Y ~~~ Furry accessories?: Y ~~~ Ribbons and bows?: Y ~~~ Lanterns?: Y ~~~ Wintery pets?: N ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Generic Spring Themes Mutations ~~~ Bird wings?: Y ~~~ Butterfly wings?: Y ~~~ Plant wings?: N ~~~ Plant parts?: Y
Themes ~~~ Spring inspired markings?: Y ~~~ Spring inspired colors?: Please no neon yellow or pink. Pastels are fine, "true" yellow/pink are okay ~~~ Windblown or nature themed hair?: Y ~~~ Plant growths?: Y ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Accessories ~~~ Flowers?: Y ~~~ Flowy scarves?: Y ~~~ Ribbons and bows?: Y ~~~ Insects?: Y ~~~ Plants?: Y ~~~ Cute baby animals?: N ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Familiar 1
Lovely LadiesOpentoALLLove!
Name, image, and owner: Penny | Malikztiah Ankhwave UncertAlt
Is Your Familiar Rped?: No Throwbacks?: Yes Link to Connected Familiars: n/a
Familiar 2
Handsome HunksOpentoALLLove!
Name, image, and owner: Trip | Malikztiah Ankhwave UncertAlt
Is Your Familiar Rped?: No Throwbacks?: Yes Link to Connected Familiars: n/a
Familiar 3
Lovely LadiesOpentoALLLove!
Name, image, and owner: Pip | Malikztiah Ankhwave UncertAlt
Is Your Familiar Rped?: No Throwbacks?: Yes Link to Connected Familiars: n/a
Familiar 4
Lovely LadiesOpentoALLLove!
Name, image, and owner: Spika | Malikztiah Ankhwave Uncert
Is Your Familiar Rped?: No Throwbacks?: Yes Link to Connected Familiars: n/a
Familiar 5
Lovely LadiesOpentoALLLove!
Name, image, and owner: Aster | Malikztiah Ankhwave Uncert
Is Your Familiar Rped?: No Throwbacks?: Yes Link to Connected Familiars: n/a
Familiar 6
Handsome HunksOpentoALLLove!
Name, image, and owner: Stori | Malikztiah Ankhwave Uncert
Is Your Familiar Rped?: No Throwbacks?: Yes Link to Connected Familiars: n/a
Familiar 7
Familiar 8
Familiar 9
Familiar 10
Malikztiah Ankhwave
Dangerous Nerd
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 2:14 pm
... Baby it's Cold Outside ...
Username: Keantha I have two Soq breedings this month, but zero familiar. I don't mind if the Spirits are feeling a little Crackshippy today I'm okay if the spirits are a little warped, let's see how CRAZY they can make this! (I only ask no Jellyfish as I have a crippling RL fear of them.) Oh... what's that I see? Another forecast of snow? Or is it finally time for the flowers to come out....?
Themes ~~~ Snow and ice themes?: Absolutely ~~~ Wintery colors?: No red/green Christmasy combo please ~~~ Wintery markings?: Yes ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: N/A
Accessories ~~~ Bells?: Ok ~~~ Scarves?: Ok ~~~ Blankets?: No thank you ~~~ Holly/mistletoe?: Sure ~~~ Furry accessories?: Ok ~~~ Ribbons and bows?: Sure ~~~ Lanterns?: Please ~~~ Wintery pets?: Absolutely ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: No Christmas theme please
Themes ~~~ Spring inspired markings?: ok! ~~~ Spring inspired colors?: Please no bright yellow/oranges, pastles of these two colors are ok though! ~~~ Windblown or nature themed hair?: Sure ~~~ Plant growths?: Sure ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: No insects please
Accessories ~~~ Flowers?: Yes ~~~ Flowy scarves?: Yes ~~~ Ribbons and bows?: Yes ~~~ Insects?: NO! ~~~ Plants?: Yes ~~~ Cute baby animals?: BABIES!! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nope!
I'm seeing double 👀 (Reminder: This counts towards your monthly limit of 1 custom a month and you don't get to choose which child we twin for you.) Does owner of parent 1 want a mockchild?: Yes Prepare for trouble . . .make that double! I want twins or triplets! Twins?: Yes Triplets if Applicable?: Yes