Eko Domini Tsurugi Vice Captain
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2024 7:31 pm
The next day after the Headmistress of Trabia Gardens meltdown. The day after the opening ceremony. And typically the inaugural start of the actual events. But the morning sky bore grey, a sullen atmosphere that matched the uneasy mood. What could the aftermath of the prior day bring as the Great Concert continues in Unita?
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2024 3:25 pm
 President Nona Nipal nee Winchester
7:00 AM. Sun on its way up, wind hushed, waters calm. A hum passed through the city. Monitors and speakers connected to central administration came alive. Nona Nipal appeared on screens across the city. Instead of in her office, Nona was seated on a crate on top of the outer wall, which blocked off the Centran sea. She still wore her uniform from the night before. In fact, she still wore everything from the night before. Dust. Bruises. Bags under the eyes. She hadn’t slept a wink.
”Good morning,” she greeted, the fatigue smushing the grandeur out of her voice. She pulled a rag from her pocket and wiped her face with it. ”Last night, Koyuki Rieko- headmaster of Trabia Garden and a comrade of mine- seems to have suffered a psychological episode resulting in her summoning the Guardian Force Kaijuu at the edge of the city.” The camera swung to one side where it showed the crater-prints Kaijuu had left behind, as well as the damage to the nearby buildings.
”Due to the cooperation of several squads of responders from our various nations, she was subdued without seeing anyone seriously injured.” Physically. Damnit, Koyuki, what have you done? ”The Headmaster is in the custody of Galbadian President Briowitz.” Why Galbadian? Why not with the Trabians who came along with her? Of all the insane-!
Nona heaved a heavy sigh as the feed returned to her. She waited, looking out over the damage. Waiting. Thinking. Behind the camera, her aides gestured, held up note cards. She ignored them and turned to sit on the edge of the wall, looking out over the ocean.
”Koyuki and I were never friends,” she said, the camera looking at her profile and the endless sea in the distance. ”But we were comrades. We fought side-by-side twenty years ago. We each have our scars. I’d like to think that, if it weren’t for those scars, we could’ve been friends.”
She stared into the distance, seeing a man whose face she could almost remember.
”The Concert will continue,” she said at last. ”with a shortened number of events and performances, resuming 6:00 PM tonight. We will make this Concert a time of remembrance. So…I’m asking you- all of you:
”Remember. Remember the fallen. Remember the scars. Remember what it feels like to be hurt.” Her blackened hand curled and uncurled its fingers in her lap. ”And remember…remember that the people around you have scars, too.”
”See you tonight,” she said, and heaved herself up to stand.
"A world without monsters."
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2024 4:07 pm
Presidential Aides
Status: Scared. Location: Central Administration. ____________________________________________________ "Mrs. President." Spoke one of her aides, a young woman, early twenties with bright green eyes swimming in fear. She had waited until the broadcast was cut off, but rushed over with a impetuosity unusual for the staff. The phone she held in her hand trembled as the woman could not keep her nerves set. "E-esthar has called for aid. A-a prison break happened, and their Garden is in ruins, and as far as analysts can tell most of their SeeD aboard are dead. They want SeeD, and they want Lloyd specifically..." Perhaps it was a historic misunderstanding, but a lot of renditions of how the war ended promoted Lloyd as the heroic spearhead. But, what could be so dire that they wanted him?
"They, they want rescue specialists, and as many SeeD as you can manage to escort them up to the Esthar Garden to save who they can." Another man stepped up, obviously eavesdropping on the situation, but he handed Nona a clip-board. "Reports from a hour ago, Esthar is mobilizing everything they have. President Laguna has left, and he's taken most of the automated defenses he brought." And the papers he handed over verified that. Esthar was getting everything they could up to combat preparations, and even declared a state of national emergency. But this all seemed to be preparations for war.
The woman chimed in again, "Why all this trouble, just after the start of the Concert? What do we do, Mrs. President?" The man checked his ear piece, and cut in again as well. "We're getting new reports that the radio noise from the last 37 years has ended. Live-air broadcasts are available again, without needing the Dollet antennae." _____________________________________________________
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2024 4:57 pm
 President Nona Nipal nee Winchester
President Nona Nipal stood on the edge of her little kingdom. The wind caught her greying hair.
’-called for aid-’
’-in ruins-’
She shut her eyes and felt the salt air on her face.
’-Laguna has left-’
’-broadcasts are available again-’
’What do we do?’
She breathed. In and out. Good and slow.
First Koyuki, now Esthar.
Someone’s planned this.
She straightens her back and banishes the exhaustion from her voice.
”Get Lloyd, Tilmitt, and Briowitz on the phone. ” she directs, setting off at a march down the wall’s inner stairs. ”Get the broadcast room ready and engineers working on getting out range as wide as possible. And get someone watching for transmissions- if someone puts so much as a puppet show on-air, I want to be the first to hear about it!”
Something was wrong.
"A world without monsters."
Eko Domini Tsurugi Vice Captain
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2024 5:39 pm
┏┉┄┈┈┈┈┈⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡ ː̗̀ǁ KALE N ♝ VICARIA ǁː̖́┈̥-̶̯͡⌣̊┈┈┈┈┈┉┓ Status: KNOCKED DA ******** OUT Location: concert Company: Everyone Thoughts: Well that was no good, wasn't it? Weapons: Hrunting ll Thunder Rose Magic: Crystal Stock: Earth (x10)
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Kiss me good-bye, love's memory Follow your heart and find your destiny Won't shed a tear, for love's mortality For you put the dream in my reality When Flowers Bloom
It had become the middle of the day.
Kalen had lay in his hotel bed for a few hours, foregoing his regular morning stretch and workout as he had stared up to the ceiling. His eyes were half closed in a stare, ongoing and looking upwards towards the fan that spun above him around and around in circles. The night before had all but completely exhausted him, the overall travel back to UNITA, the socializing, and obviously, the fiasco that happened at the construction site. Slowly moving his hand towards his stomach, part of him could remember the exact lcoation, feeling, and indentation that Koyuki had left with her surprise strike that had rocked him to his core. It haunted him, his thoughts in disarray as Nona and the Trabian crew took care of him and got him back to his lodgings for the night.
Obviously he had a room at his parents' house, but for one night as he didn't want to just barge in, he had decided to shack up in one of the nicer hotels that UNITA could provide. It wasn't like he was hurting for cash anyways, and the quality of the bed and room helped him fall asleep into the dark of the night. Of course, his mom had tried to get him to just come back, but he didn't want to pack and move all that over after the emotional turmoil he had just went through. Kalen was not one to stress over things. If it could be done at his convenience, he would do it when he felt it was best. Besides, he had the place for one more night and all of his belongings were with Beaker the Chocobo at the Chocobo Resort that Kalen had checked the bird into.
With a sigh, he had rolled over and looked out the window as the sun continued to rise into the sky. The quiet had allowed him time to think, the chaos of the night giving more mysteries that he finally had time to sit and mull over. "The promise... His mother had remembered something before she struck him down, and for all Kalen knew, she had never remembered anything. Noone had. Noone did. Perhaps it would have been wise to bring it up to Nona and the Trabians, but also to be fair, Kalen was not in the right shape to bring something like that up. Silence was all most of them had been treated to as Nona...and Babel, had gotten him back to his hotel. How did you remember? the thought kept running through his head as he finally came to a stand, looking into the mirror before him.
Over the last three years he had definitely leaned out even more, prominent muscle and scars from encounters with beasts, traversing hazardous terrain, and evading a giant green haired woman had given him a much more worldly appearance. His face was leaner and the only thing that he had not touched, the long winding hair he had been growing since he was ten years old, was finally cut off. A vivid reminder of the journey he had personally embarked on, ending. Unsatisified for whatever reason, he grabbed the worn and leather bound journal that he always carried around and gazed at it. She wasn't lying... From the words in that book, he knew the things his birth mother had said were true. Her actions might have showed otherwise, but what did he know. She was mad and had thrown all of UNITA's plans into the blender to come out completely different for the day.
It made Kalen sigh with frustration as he began to get dressed, grabbing his weapons and stocking on spells before he decided to depart. One thing he knew, was always be prepared, and the night before had done nothing but to confirm that suspicion. Vest was on. Sleeved shirt. Gloves. Revolver and sword in hand with stock crystal set on his weapon's holster. Time to go...
------- A Few Hours Later ------
He stood in one of his finer vests that he normally wore at book signings, a glass of coffe in hand as he overlooked people crowding in for the Concert Day of Rememberance, engaging again with stands and companies stands like the glorified job fair that it was. Kalen didn't know if he would actually go and pursue an actual job again, maybe mercenary work when he felt like it or his mom or Rem asked, but he was okay at the moment. Perhaps I could try and do Chocobo racing again? An arrant joke that only he would be able to slightly chuckle at, shaking his head whilst trying to shake the melancholy off that he felt. It could not be helped. The young man would just have to get over it wouldn't he?
His mother had gone crazy and vanished, abandoning him and his sister once more. It shouldn't even have bothered him anymore, but it did. Something was murky and dirty about the whole affair, forcing him to close his eyes as he took another sip of the black coffee that the cafe behind him kept coming out to refill. The landing where he stood was on the rise to the second level of the city, directly outside from the hotel he stayed at, allowing him to be visible but above everyone, and most people did not look upward like that. Honestly, it gave him a sense of solidarity as he felt with the people and yet away from them. There would be enough time for socializing to come. His stature in the community would force that out of him, if Nyale or Rem found him first.
Kalen would just enjoy this while he had the chance.
Guardian Force: none Status: Silent Spells Thunder x4, Haste x1, Earth x3, Fire x3
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2024 5:54 pm
When no words are spoken and pleads are ignored When judgement has failed you When your own heart's impaled you.... ┏┉┄┈┈┈┈┈⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡ ː̗̀ǁ ε я ε η ☭ к y η g ǁː̖́┈̥-̶̯͡⌣̊┈┈┈┈┈┉┓ Magic: Fire (1), Cure (1), Scan (1), Slow (1), Protect (1), Haste (1) Crystal Stock: Stonera (x5) Status: Items:
Cosmic Magic Shooter"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....its five o clock sumwere, right?" A crack of a can could be heard as Eren stood next to the engineering stands whilst students, staff, and civilians shuffled their way towards the next days sequence of events. A little tired, Eren could feel, but it was fine. A few shots of an energy drink had gotten him back into the swing of things after only a few hours of rest, having been up with Rem all night prior helping with whatever she pointed at. Sure, he felt like a foot soldier at times, but most captains and heads did not look HALF as cute as she did when bossing him around. Eren could only grin as the night had winded down and he had guided her close to whereever she stayed. She told him she could find the rest of her way, to which he had bowed and given her a remarking statement of "Well madame, twas a pleasure if I evah had one. If ya need me, gimme a ring and I'll come arunnin." One more wink and the gift of his number and he had vanished into the night with the wave of his gloves. The only payment he needed was walking her home and the Thank You. He received in text. "No Problem. Anything you need, I'm here for it."Now, Eren had on his gauntlets, last night reminding him that if he wanted to ruin someone, he needed his weapons to get maximum damage. Perhaps his actions might have caused more trouble than it was worth, but the pink haired young man could not complain. Honestly, he was surprised with how, even with his horrid speech pattern, Rem had stuck around him that long and even while intoxicated, he had not made himself a complete bumbling a**. Was this the power of Metal Beer? Metal Beer Solid, more like it. His head only hurt slightly from the drinking the night before, and the one he had just opened was more of a fruity drink anyways, something that he preferred to clean his palette. It wouldn't be long now before he wandered inside as well, but he figured he could stall for the time being. Eren Kyng was in no rush.  Guardian Force: Golem Status: Mute
Eko Domini Tsurugi Vice Captain
Ellise Belmont Vice Captain
Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2024 7:49 am
Everyone Status: Tensions Rising
┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━═✥═━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ *GASP* Jolting from her unconscious state, Yukiko swung herself up from where she had been laying. A sharp pain hit her head and eyes upon immediately waking up, causing her to wince in pain, clutching the side of her head. "Gnn..gh.... Damn hangover. Where am I?" She rubbed her eyes, having forgotten when she had fallen asleep last night. She felt a cool breeze strike her skin, and as she looked around at her surroundings, she realized that she had fallen asleep on top of the concert rooftops by the control panel station. Looking at the many bottles of various alcohol, she couldn't help but sigh, knowing she had gone overboard. At least she was alone to wallow to herself. Memories of what had gone down last night came back to her, and it was just in time for Nona to make the announcement, hearing firsthand on what had occurred last night. Confusion and pain wracked her brain, trying to understand how it came to this? Why did her mother surrender over to Galbadia of all people? Why didn't she want to go back home to Trabia? Something wasn't adding up and that was unsettling to her. She checked her phone; no messages or calls. Everyone must have pulled an all nighter of some kind to have not sent her any information. "What are you doing mom?" She muttered to herself, not knowing anything, which in of itself was extremely frustrating. "You're not gonna solve anything by whining about it." She thought to herself as she got up onto her feet, moving to one of the coolers she left up here with water in it, taking a couple water bottles and stuffing them in her utility belt after chugging one of them halfway to at least get some water in her to help with the hangover. She looked down at the streets, pondering if she wanted to go down there, to have people staring at her, knowing who her mother was. Was she going to get that kind of ire and glare? Were all Trabians going to be subjected to that, just like they did with Galbadia? Anxiety filled her chest, her hand gently clenching over it as she took in a deep breath. No. She wouldn't leave her spot for now. Instead, she looked over to the pathway around the concert rooftops, meant for easy navigation around in case any of the roof panels needed repairs. This place was quiet, and good enough as any for her to do her morning jog up here. Her mind wandered, lost in thought, mulling over the prior nights events, putting on her headphones as she began her jog, listening to music.
The Trabian squad was hard at work with damage control, taking responsibility for Koyuki's actions by assiting in reconstructing the area to its original prestine condition, even though that was unlikely to get done immediately in one whole afternoon. Selphie, to her dismay was spent all day dealing with journalists, and media outlets trying to get a story out of her and her new lead position as Headmaster of Trabia Garden. She didn't take any answers, practically fleeing from them, only to be saved by her man Irvine, literally swooping on in with a grappling hook across the rooftops, swinging in like a superhero and taking off onto the rooftops away from prying eyes.
Mai had lost sight of Raeka after a point, unaware initially that his father had reigned him in and he was forced to stay in for the rest of the evening. That was fine at least; she knew he was safe and plus she got hired! Sure, Rem didn't know she was BIE and not a SeeD, but hey if someone was willing to pay 2,000 gil for help than who was she to deny some pocket change? Her night, much her mother's was spent sleepless, working hard with their own individual tasks. At this point, it was all hands on deck to make Galbadia as both helpful and useful as possible, and with the surprise surrender of Koyuki, everyone needed to look their best.
Etamara had a look of displeasure on her face in the morning, having been lectured by her mentor about her stunt and it potentially having made things worse while Nyale was up there. She had no idea that Nyale would willingly put herself in danger but it was besides the point and one that Salem reiterated not to do again without permission. She gave a reluctant nod to him, and huffed away. "It still worked though." She thought to herself with some sense of pride that Koyuki still surrendered to them. She wanted to know the juicy details! The intrigue in the mind of the former headmaster of Trabia Garden brought her to a level of excitement that she just had to satiate. Most of all, she had to know what she thought of about her song to her. "Koyuki.... I hope to play to your tune again." She said gleefully and quietly to herself.
Hours passed, the day went by, but then, Selphie had received a call from the President, requesting her attention. Holding the phone up with concern in her eyes, looking to Irvine, she spoke. "Nona? What's going on?"
"Tsitsho Leng"
"Selphie Tilmitt-Kinneas"
"Varitas Durentis"
"Tori Hayahiko Yuura"
"Xaris Zeigmus"
"Etamara Vilisantra"
Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2024 4:25 pm
 Lost in skies of powdered gold xxxxxxxCaught in clouds of silver ropes xxxxxxxxxxxxShowered by the empty hopes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAs I tumble down, falling fast to the ground
I know I'll wither, so peel away the bark xxxxxxxxx'cause nothing grows when it is dark xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxIn spite of all my fears, I can see it all so clear
xxxxN y a l exxxxL a y t o s▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ✮ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Ny snuck out of the hotel at dawn, having spent the night tossing and turning, unable to get much sleep.
She took care to be extra quiet so as not to wake her younger cousin, whom Lisanna had somehow coerced into staying in the room next door to hers. An attempt to keep an eye on them both, she figured, given the circumstances. Though they hadn't had much chance to catch up it had been comforting to Ny to know Raeka was nearby at least. After the events of last night she could tell her mother was also disquieted about something, especially after Lis forbade her from leaving the hotel alone. And hence, the sneaking. Whether Salem was also at the hotel as she slipped out or whether he had already left to take care of some business, Ny did not know. The man was like a ghost sometimes.
A ghost who can take out a massively powerful GF like Kaiju in one move, and threaten Rieko into surrendering with one sentence... The young sorceress thought, bristling with envy at her uncle's power.
Outside, the city felt eerily calm and quiet now. Ny usually enjoyed getting up early to see the sunrise, but the skies today were cloudy and claustrophobic. She wandered the early morning streets alone for a while, deep in thought, pausing briefly to watch Nona's broadcast at 7am before ultimately deciding to make herself useful and pitch in with the ongoing clean up efforts. The next few hours for Ny were spent doing whatever was needed, wherever, including clearing up rubble and debris, flying around buildings to check for structural damage, and spending some time at the hospital to help heal civilians who had been injured in the panic.
By the afternoon she had just finished up assisting a distressed shopkeeper tidy up his store, which had been left in a disarray due to the earthquake caused by Kaiju, when two girls walked past outside and she unintentionally caught a snippet of their conversation.
"...did I tell you who I was serving coffee to today at the hotel? Sis, you won't believe, it was Kalen Vicaria! Yeah, it was a bummer my shift ended-"
Leaning on the broom she was using to sweep up broken glass, Ny scowled, watching the pair of girls as they went past giggling to each other. For some reason observing this exchange irked her. Probably about time I checked on that boy... She mused. Taking note of the girl's uniform, Ny finished up her cleaning and bid the grateful shopkeeper goodbye before making her way to the hotel she recognised from the girl's uniform. She weaved through the crowd of people arriving for the concert before catching sight of her childhood friend on the landing above them, outside the hotel itself.
Gotcha... She thought, squinting up at Kalen.
"HEY! WONDERBOY!" Nyale yelled from the ground below him, garnering a few stares from onlookers. "Quit moping around!" Summoning her feathered wings the girl launched herself upwards and landed with a dramatic thump next to Kalen. "Also give me that coffee, I've been working like a dog while you've been sat here picking daisies. God" She grabbed his mug, throwing the bitter liquid back and slamming it down on the table. Then she flopped down into the chair next to him, crossed her arms and scowled at him.
"I'm not gonna ask about all that drama last night. You seem fine" She stated, evidently not wanting to wrap him in cotton wool like everyone else had been probably been doing. Of course she was concerned for him, but Ny tended to show her concern with gentle, affectionate bullying, often antagonising him with the goal distracting him from whatever s**t show he was going through. If he was mad at her, he couldn't be sad at anything else. At least in her opinion.
"Can't believe it's been so long since I last saw you! And you cut your hair?! Or did Beaker bite it off because you annoyed him? Rem and Yuki are delightful, by the way. I had the pleasure of their company for most of the evening. In fact, I was going to go and watch Rem do her performance by the watchtower today, if you're not too busy navel-gazing" Ny stood up, tossing back her long white hair and grabbing Kalen's arm. "Coming with?" It didn't seem like the boy had much choice, given the determined glint in her amber eyes as she stared him down.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ✮ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬T h exxL i g h t w e a v e r Let your colours bleed and blend with mine...xxxxxxxxxx
Eko Domini Tsurugi Vice Captain
Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2024 5:57 pm
┏┉┄┈┈┈┈┈⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡ ː̗̀ǁ KALE N ♝ VICARIA ǁː̖́┈̥-̶̯͡⌣̊┈┈┈┈┈┉┓ Status: KNOCKED DA ******** OUT Location: concert Company: Everyone Thoughts: Well that was no good, wasn't it? Weapons: Hrunting ll Thunder Rose Magic: Crystal Stock: Earth (x10)
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Kiss me good-bye, love's memory Follow your heart and find your destiny Won't shed a tear, for love's mortality For you put the dream in my reality Every Day Vibes
God...do you have it out for me?
Kal had been quietly drinking his coffee as the breeze rushed past him, carrying the varying scents of the city through his senses. The day was warming up and it seemed that the priors days events were not bothering people too greatly other than the regular rumor mill, so that wasn't something major that he had to worry over. Maybe things would be okay? Another sip of the black coffee had him wander back inside to get a third cup, nodding his head in gratitude towards a girl who had gotten all red in the face for whatever reason, her eyes looking towards others as if trying to convey something. Whatever, not his problem, he got what he wanted, waving as he wandered back out towards the overlooking balcony, allowing a deep inhale of the fresh brew.
All seemed to be good for the day. Perhaps it would be as he had imagined yesterday to be? Nice...quiet...and...
Right as he had gone to take a sip of his new drink, his eyes opened jarringly and the mood on his normally relaxed face shifted into a sense of comical foreboding. Oh God, come on...I prayed for a peaceful day. If he could whine out loud without Nyale hearing, he would have, his eyebrows furrowing as his best friend landed like an overgrown turkey next to him. How in the HELL did she find him? He was completely inconspicuous amongst the crowd of people that were wandering around! "I wasn't mopi-..." Not even able to get a word out, he watched in mock horror as the Sorceress grabbed his mug and drank it in one fell swoop, the molten liquid not even phasing her while he gaped at her in horror and shock. That was...HIS coffee. What did he look like, a charity case for Sorceresses and Headmasters to kick around at his convenience?! He might as well get it tattooed on his back in tramp stamp form the way this was going.
Growling, he leaned forward over the balcony in defeat, clasping his head with two hands at the sudden silver haired headache that had spawned into his life at a young age. There had been no cure to separate it after all of these years. Only after she commented on the prior night did he finally get a moment of SPACE TO SPEAK. Nyale was always the more aggressively domineering between the two, going as far back as even the Academy.
“Ya know, Nyale..." he finally got out, looking over at her with a crossed vision, "You’re really making me SERIOUSLY consider finding a large pair of scissors and clipping your wings to see if they grow back, bird lady.” He huffed as he sat back at the table with her. She hadn't changed too much, growing a little bit more into herself, as he could see. Nyale seemed to be the same as she ever was, loud, overpowering, childish. He'd give it to her that she had grown into a good looking young woman, but that was probably the only bar in terms of civility that he would give her aside from being his closest friend outside of Rem. And even that was not the highest bar to hurdle over. Of course he was kidding, but still...
"I wasn't moping. Just thinking and enjoying a quiet morning and praying for an ACTUAL peaceful day today." Part of him had to finish the statement he wanted to from the very beginning, Kalen's blues looking directly at Nyale. Her prior comment only gave him the indication that they would talk about it later, but she was just as much of a "not in public" kind of person as he was. "Yeah...its been a few months. That's my bad. Bad signal up near Trabia, you know?" He did feel bad about losing contact, but it couldn't be helped. She detailed more about the day yesterday, and rolled his eyes at the diluge of information. Nyale could talk the ears off a Chocobo.
Leaning forward, he scratched his head. "I cut my hair off myself. I figured since I..." Her follow up statement about his sisters made him lean in, raising a brow. "Oh really? You, Rem, and Yukiko? LET ME GUESS, you got them drunk as a skunk and were goofing off all through the festival. So that means you were FLYING while intoxicated?! MADAME, you were Flying Under the Influence and if I had ANY AUTHORITY, I'd have you detained for wreckless usage of personal appendages!" He pointed a finger comically at her only to grit his teeth at her next comment.
That certainly attracted some views from people, girls working at the hotel cafe giggling to which he turned a precocious red. It was all Nyale needed to wander over and grasp his arm, pulling him in whatever direction she wanted because he knew he wanted to be anywhere else but there now. This is so unfair. What did I do to deserve this? He thought, begging a higher power for an answer as they wandered towards the watchtower. Oh God, first Nyale...now Rem.
"It's not like you're giving me a choice, are you?"
Off they want, Nyale dragging him around as she always had.
Guardian Force: none Status: Silent Spells Thunder x4, Haste x1, Earth x3, Fire x3
Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2024 7:35 pm
 Rem Estellise La Faustina Nipal
Status: Anxious
Rem stood tall. A general always had to look confident. Even when she most wanted to rest. She stood tall as she walked the way back to the Concert hall in the early afternoon. She stood tall as she practiced a melancholy old piece written by a Trabian violinist in mourning for the fall of his lover in battle. And she stood tall as she took the stage before the gathered watchers, to play that song of remembrance.
—<”Kalen, where are you??”>---
No answer.
But confidence can be melancholy. It carried into her tune. It took its time; lingering on long, lamenting croons. Rem stood alone on stage, tall and mournful. The song was elaborate; part of a whole tragic operatic cycle. The gathered observers for the Day of Remembrance sat, some of them able to narrate the old song in their head as she played.
—<”Kalen, answer the phone!”>---
No answer.
The tune carried out through the speakers scattered throughout the city. And now across radio waves! Work is underway already to expand Unita’s broadcast range, but this equipment hadn’t been needed in nigh on forty years!
—<”Kalen Rae Vicaria-!>—
No answer.
He’d probably thrown that phone away years ago.
Still, it worked, for a range of Eden City a few outlying posts in Centra. Rem Estellise La Faustina Nipal was the first person to broadcast music in forty years.
Would that it were a happier song.
But perhaps it can be a gentle one.
The Princess
Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2024 9:04 pm
Raeka Everett-Maris Status: Malicious. Location: The Stage. ____________________________________________________ Raeka had watched Rem practice. He wondered if she had any idea of how far her nepotism went, or her families hypocrisy went. Raeka however knew better, he knew the reason it was Rem and Nyale on the stage together the previous night playing to the world was several layers of political manipulation. Father has always overcome his popularity despite ostensibly being a Galbadian artist, and overcoming the anti-galbadian sentiment that's settled over the last two decades.
But his son was a different matter. Whilst mostly unknown to the world stage, it was a open secret that the reason he wasn't there to perform instead of Rem or Nyale was due to the fact he would be a Galbadian representative. It would look bad. He was a actual active combatant. He wasn't a prissy young girl whose only real responsibility was to look good and get yes-men to agree with her. The boy could only wonder if she knew how small her world really was.
His amethyst eyes were watching the girl play, and he figured he gave her more than enough time to feel satisfaction. Letting herself lift herself up just a bit so he could watch her fall from a further height. Raeka entered the scene from the shadows, his SeeD training helping his stealth furthered by his sorcery, Raeka entering from the shadows was not too uncommon. At first it was simple, he only matched her tune and gave her a soft smile and let it sit for just a little longer. Let her wonder.
Then he allowed his discordant mood to affect his play. What was a song of somber and sorrow, but it slowly began to morph into a tune of discord and unease. The subtle shifts in the notes in line with what would have been Rem's beautiful performance soured the mood of the song. As long as she allowed him to play, he would twist the tune into something wholly more sinister.
This was a lovely duet. ____________________________________________________
Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2024 10:53 am
 Lost in skies of powdered gold xxxxxxxCaught in clouds of silver ropes xxxxxxxxxxxxShowered by the empty hopes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAs I tumble down, falling fast to the ground
I know I'll wither, so peel away the bark xxxxxxxxx'cause nothing grows when it is dark xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxIn spite of all my fears, I can see it all so clear
xxxxN y a l exxxxL a y t o s▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ✮ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Kalen's exasperated reaction pleased Nyale, with her flashing him a devious grin as he mentioned clipping her wings. Honestly, pushing his buttons was too fun. And it seemed her plan of being totally obnoxious to distract him was working. She rolled her eyes when he mentioned wanting a peaceful day. "Peaceful is overrated, trust me. Adventure is better" She pulled him away towards the hotel doors and out into the street, merging with the crowds as she led him towards the watchtower.
At his next comments Ny scoffed. "That is a vile and unfounded accusation! I'll have you know Rem was the one who supplied the alcohol, I merely expressed my encouragement. Furthermore, I will advise you that the penalty for not keeping your face-hole shut about this around my family is that I WILL snatch you up by the ankles and drop you in the river" She teased, meeting his gaze with a fierce look. Was she really joking? Potentially not. "Also, I'm perfectly capable of flying while drinking. Is it advisable? No, but sometimes needs must" She didn't want to add that the only reason she'd had to fly after drinking last night was because his mom and her emotional support dinosaur had been going nuclear across town.
"That is correct, you have no choice. I've not seen you for ages so we're hanging out today regardless of whatever lame stuff you had already planned, Kal" Despite the insults, Ny smirked at her friend and shoved him playfully with her shoulder so he would know she genuinely had missed him. Although they hadn't properly seen each other for some time, walking beside Kalen and having fun with him felt as easy as breathing, even in a strange new city. Months could go by without contact but their friendship would always stay the same, and they could pick up wherever they left off. Nyale knew she could always trust him, and she valued that greatly.
They arrived at the stage by the watchtower and she could see Rem was already on the stage, playing skillfully. The sad melody was beautiful and mournful, and the sight of Rem playing up there alone tugged at her heartstrings. Ny even had to blink to stop a tear escaping. It seemed everyone was seated for the performance, so after a moment she grabbed a chair near the back where they wouldn't disrupt anyone and pulled Kalen down beside her. She watched quietly, enthralled.
But then someone else emerged from the shadows on the stage, and Nyale frowned in confusion as she realised who it was. Rem didn't say anything about playing with Rae...this seems odd She thought. Rae was a superb musician, but Ny knew he would not have been chosen by Nona to perform due to political reasons. The music turned uneasy and Ny shifted in her seat, watching the pair on stage intently and hoping against hope that her cousin wasn't doing something shady...
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ✮ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬T h exxL i g h t w e a v e r Let your colours bleed and blend with mine...xxxxxxxxxx
Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2024 3:47 pm
 Rem Estellise La Faustina Nipal
Status: Solemn
No thought. She played from memory. It drew her down, into the melody, where she could feel it instead of recite it. Love. Loss. Loneliness. The tune spun them up from within her, and she cast it out over the world. Music came from without, but it moved a heart every bit as much as the view of Fisherman’s Horizon at sunrise or the roar of a T-Rexaur.
Rem stood alone on the grand stage. She wore a formal dress of soft blue instead of her usual uniform. She shimmered in the morning sunlight. Her eyes were set with bags and her distant gaze stared out over the audience, looking into another world.
Until she heard him.
He emerged from stage left. All silver hair and serpentine smile, playing his own violin. He carried the tune well. Until he didn’t. He was excellent; able to alter the pitch to grow discordant without disrupting the melody. After four measures of painful divergence, Rem took her cheek off the violin’s rest and lowered the instrument.
”Master Everett-Maris,” she greeted, expressionless, and turned fully to face him. The microphone carried her words throughout the Concert arena and Eden City at large. ”I wasn’t expecting you. Would you like to play together?”
The Princess
Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2024 4:16 pm
Raeka Everett-Maris Status: Malevolent. Location: The Stage.
The wind seemed to be at the back of Raeka's every step, a loving caress that has his wardrobe gently fluttering. A trick his father had taught him and used oh so often to seem every so pitch perfect at every possible moment. Any who had met the boy before at some sort of formal event would recognize his attire; the most expensive brand in a stark white suit that was just faintly off-white enough to caught a complimentary distinction between the threads and his hair.
Darker grey underdress and details helped break up the color coding, which all and all left the young man as a very bright and handsome young man. Little did anyone know the color of dress was to stand opposite his father, who always wore dark suits, or sometimes with stripes or some other detail. Raeka had yet faltered from the whole colors he wore with his fine wear.
As Rem spoke to him, he strode across the stage. He walked past her, and his eyes surveyed the audience. A performantory act, he already knew what his answer was but it seemed he was giving the audience a moment to react. Note by note he picked out anyone of importance, Eren, Ny, Kalen, his eyes flickered back to Rem. He finally lowered his instrument, gliding off one last note to fit the somber nature of the song as a ending.
"I would be honored." His words dripped with venom, and his eyes the killing glare of a viper. "As you know, Princess Nipal, our world is reeling from our united pain. As for today, the Grand Concert is met for memorial and remembrance." Another smile that did not reach his eyes. Raeka walked forwards, stopping awkwardly close to Rem, the same fake smile held the whole way. It was charming enough, to be sure, but any who knew him knew it was insincere. More importantly, it was clear he wasn't really hiding it.
"I believe you'll know the next song..." He began, leaning closer, he gave the moment a romantic tinge. "...it unites us." He turned away from her, spreading his arms for a moment. "It is a song that represents all of us. And what will unite all of us, raising us over the sorrow that remains." Raeka stood straight, taking a proper concert pose and gave Rem a moment or two to prepare herself. A sly smile curling across his face as he began to play the first notes of the impromptu song he had chosen.
If Rem had kept any sort of note on popular culture, she would recognize the first notes as he began. Most should, it had always been the best selling song of the world, which even Salem never managed to top. A love song, that had captured the world over forty years ago. 'Eyes on Me'. Most everyone knew it, and had once before ushered in a age of peace. ____________________________________________________