It's not my first poem, but it is my most recent one. Comments and critisism welcome.
Maybe if I******cut my hair,
Maybe if I *wore what she wears...
****Maybe if I changed* my speach,****
And never told the *important mesage I preach.
***Maybe if I took *away what is me,***
***Then you *would finally see***
**What* we could be.**
**Should* be.**
*Won't* be,*
Maybe if I******cut my hair,
Maybe if I *wore what she wears...
****Maybe if I changed* my speach,****
And never told the *important mesage I preach.
***Maybe if I took *away what is me,***
***Then you *would finally see***
**What* we could be.**
**Should* be.**
*Won't* be,*