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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:06 pm
welcome! to the base of all shinobis were u hang out and ninja missions here are the rules:
No Godmoding
no invincibility
No 1337(leet speak)
Romance is ok but keep it PG-16 (beyond that go to the pms)
Im ok if you curse just dont do it excessivley
No spamming  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:07 pm
here is how u join:
Special Jutsu:



PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 2:12 pm
One question... pg 16? Just wondering don't you mean 13?

Name: Krn (( Sound it out ))

Age: 14

Ninja-Rank: Chuunin

Clan: None ((that he can rember))

Special Jutsu: Demon fire wind , Dark Sight , Chara Sight , Demon Clone
Shadow Justu. Chara wepons, sheilds and other things

Demon Fire wind : Uses demon surikin embeded with paper bombs set on fire! And allso uses chara to control the wind to make it pin point arccuct.
Demon Fire Wind 2: Just another form of demon fire wind, Krn uses chara to set the wind on fire and to control it to move as he sees fit
Dark Sight: Uses charra to see in the dark.
Chara Sight: See chara not just sences chara. (duh)
Demon Clone : Like shadow clone it make clones but in Krn's demon form.
Shadow Justu : Uses chara to make him invsable to most eyes. Any blood line tait like but not limited to sharingan can see him but not clearly.

Chara Wepons : Uses mass amount of chara to make a wepon out of chara it does't affect the skin or much less the outer part of anyone,
but if it breaks though some natural chara sheild it can be deadly, casing blindness, stigmatas, and other nasty effects.

Weapon(s): Katanas , Kuni , demon surkin,, and his wolf claws

Wolf Claws : A wepon of his own disane, Its a skin tight glove with little points at the end of the fingers

Appearance: Grey Hasy Eyes. Long black Hair down to his shorlders. He wear all black. His headban as he says is treasred but does't wear it unless nessary.

Bio: Not much is know about Krn. He grew up in a foster home making trouble to say the least. With all his justus that he some how knew not that he was never realy trained by anyone. An his 10 birthday he was playing around with his "powers" (he did't know it was charra at the time)
he suddly start to move the wind at his wime. Strange to him he did't tell anyone untill he ended up at the hidden leave village. Before hand he got odd jobs till he was 12 and wanted to move out of the foster home. He realy never questioned why or rather where were is parents. But the foster home did tell something about them. Something about wind demon and a fire spirt. He did't pay attence as his partens where dead to him.(( He was told that a fire and wind demon where impened into his soul and a curse to some extent. To go though his famly for generation never to leave)) Then going to the hidden leave village he comptly acculed at the accamy he got his genien level in all most record time. At the Cunnin exames his team was't realy the best mabe they would of passed with out him. Never realy liked taking a life in his human form. Yet going into his demon form he has no control and has not yet to tame it. Demanding the battle porsion of the exame not to have a sealing justu. That was the only way that he could not lose. The battle was bloodly to say the least... the other ninja allmost died in the battle.. naming Krn's demon form a forbin justu. Yet unknowing Krn has no power over it. Anywho he passed the exame with ease to say the lest.

About his demon from and apperance. :

Well he is a demon. His apperance is baffling to say the least most people only see it once. At the exames most people looked away becase of the blood, but for the jounin who has seen enof blood the horror was pressed into their minds forever. Anyways his Apernceis more like between a cat and a dog mixed with a dragon.
Black Wings, a long black tail, a long snout , and wolf claws. In demon form he.. it uses more justus than Krn himself knows.  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 2:35 pm
Name: Kaihiiro

Age: about 15

Ninja-Rank: missing nin

Clan: Haruno

Special Jutsu:Akuma no Te

Effect: she is able to summon transparent pinkish hands that she controlls with her mind

Weapon(s): tetsuigin(not sure how to spell it) and akuma no te

Appearance: Kaihiiro has sligthly past the sholder pink hair and on the left half of her bangs are long enough to cover her left eye the ends of her hair are dark pink her right eye is a dark green and her right eye is the same color of her bangs (dark pink) her skin is pale but has unatural pink hues in her skin to she has a pretty good figure and is about an average of 5'9'' and isnt nearly as girly as her little sister sakura she wears anything thats easy to move in but normally she wears a white,black and pink kimono but it splits up to the upper thighs and for the two halfs of the clothe two large large dark pink (almost black) beads/clasp thingys (one for the front half and one for the back) holds the cloth like how you would put beads in your hair sticking from the beads is the remaining cloth.The trim of the kimono is black she also has gradiating blackpink sakuras embroiderd throughout the kimono she has to seperate sleave like things that start at her biscep and end two inches past her middle finger and has two red ribbons covering her horns and she wears her headband on her upper thigh

Bio: Haruno Kaihiiro was born in the Konohagakure no Sato Hospital with an intense birth defect due to an illness that was infecting pregant mothers and although trying their hardest to keep the desease from spreading kaihiiros mother had gotten infectedwhich caused her to have a bone growth on her head causing her two have horns,and it also enhanced all the pink hues in her body to make her left eye a dark pink no one knows though why it didnt effect the right and her skin grew pale with intense pink hues unfortunatly all the parents of the infected children had to kill their child because the hokage had gone out on an emergency and a substitute came and ordered the to be killed kaihiiro got off lucky for right before her execution the hokage came back just in time to cancel the execution although this would normally be considered a good thing but for the villagers who didnt have the infected children they hated kaihiiro despised her very being the children called her "pinky" and "horns" they would throw sticks and stones at her (no pun intended) and refused to work with her the teachers you would think would have to be better but unfortunatley they werent they where just as bad if not worse they would constantly insult her abbilities about becoming a ninja for she wasnt good at any of the fire jutsus they were being taught at the time and would keep her back to force her to work till she passed out from exuahstion kaihiiros parents were doing nothing if not only making it worse for they would refuse to take care of her and did nothing to stop the constsnt teasing,insults,and bullying that kaihiiro was enduring of course with all the bad comes some good so in comes our favorite Uchiha prodigy Uchiha Itachi now while kaihiiro was ahving her hourly beating from the kids itachi happened to be passing by the area and saw alittle girl being beat by other kids he didnt see the horns because kaihiiro hid them so as the good natured uchiha he told the kids to leave kai alone the kids seeing itachi hastily agreed but within a years time period kai started getting these okward fevers that would come up suddenly then halt it continued like that for a year and each the feeling of something inside of her wanting to get out grew each time she had a "fever" one day while out in the forest she had been cornered by wild boars 3x her size yet when they were about to kill her something weird happened the first boar to come near ahd been cut inhalf by an unknown source startling the other boars they ran away when kai summoned the courage to open her eyes she say this weird transparent pinkish hand coming from her back she wondered how far she could reach and how many she had at the end of the day she found out that with her newfound kekegenkai that she had 5 arms and could stretch them only 1 meter but she knew with enough training she could stretch them farther not knowing what to name the new teqniqe she called it the first thing that came into mind the "akuma no te" although right after that why she left the village and became a missing nin is a secret  


--pepper panda--

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 4:07 pm
Name: Sakura

Age: almost 15

Ninja-Rank: chunin

Clan: n/a

Special Jutsu: time apprehension jutsu, and possesses some traits of the nekomata

Effect: slow down time.

Weapon(s): Aside from the usual of shuriken, and kunai, she weilds four double edged swords that elongate at her will.
Appearance: shoulder length dark blue hair, dark iris', medium height.

Bio: Knowing the power of the nekomata, she matured through the training of a local junin. She can often be seen staring off into space, due to her past of being a wanderer until she found a home in the village. Determined, yet willing to compromise.  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 8:27 pm
Name: Kuro
Age: 16
Ninja-Rank: Just arrived in the village, trying to get others in the village to help him rescue his village.
Clan: Unknown
Jutsus: Please note I am NOT going to translate everything into japanese
1. Dark Slash: Adds power to an attack with his katana. Low Chakra Consumption
2. Shadow Summon: Summons a shade to help him attack the enemy. High Chakra Consumption
3. Spear of Hatred: Shoots a large blast of darkness out of his hands Medium Chakra Consumption
4. Nothing's Call: Sinks through solid objects and can move through the object, reappearing at will. Medium-Low chakra consumption
5. Focused Sorrow: Uses the last of his energy to put all his chakra in a single ball of darkness. All Chakra Consumption
6. Final Form: Turns black in a berserk form, changing his weapon to a giant scythe. Improves his speed and strength drasticly. After using this, passes out for long while.
Weapon(s): 5 katanas and, when in Final Form, a giant scythe
Appearance: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Bio: Born in an Unknown Country in the village of Kotonashi, It is only reached through a portal near the Hidden Leaf Village. His village was take n away by an evil warlord by the name of Xirku who killed all of it's population except for the hiding Kuro. Kuro is determined to retake his village and build it up again. During his life in the village of Kotonashi he was used as a military weapon, a gun, in order to destroy the threats and enemies of the village. His emotions were hidden, and couldn't be expressed. He contemplates whether his existence is real, or if it is all fake. He searches for someone he can trust, someone he can express his anger and sorrow to.  



PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:46 am


Ninja-Rank:didn't grow up in a village never took the exams, but is as strong as a chunin

Clan biggrin ragon

Special Jutsu biggrin ragon summon

Effect:summons a white dragon and fuses with it.

Weapons:two swords he named pain and death. and left arm attack widdow maker, that uses a forrbiden jutsu

Appearance: regular Ryo- black shoulder length hair sort of curly, and dirt brown eyes with a slanted slash mark going across his right eye, and his bandaged left arm. fused with the dragon Ryo- white shoulder length hair still sort of curly, dull gray eyes still has slash across right eye, fangs, claws, ears are pointed, and has white dragon wings, left arm still bandaged.

Bio: A year after his birth his clan is killed in action by a man who's voice is the only thing Ryo remember. Being left with nothing but a severly burned left arm, a slash mark going across his left eye, his father's head band, and the family's secert jutsu he leaves everything behind with a burning hatred in his heart and one thing on his mind. Revenge  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:53 pm
Name: Rikku
Age: 16
Ninja-Rank: genin (refused to take chuunin exams, doesn't like fighting because she's a berserker.)
Clan: None
Special Jutsu: Neko youkai no jutsu (cat demon jutsu)
Effect: Long metal claws grow out from hands, eyes lose cat-like quality so that she can see into other people's minds.
Weapon(s): Long metal claws
Appearance: Long ankle-length black hair, blue cat eyes, except in berserker mode, they're red and dilated
Bio: Half-demon, mother's a demon, father's human. Was abandoned as a baby, but is sweet and innocent until she goes into berserker mode, then she's crazier and scarier then Gaara.  


Purity Uchiha

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:57 pm
((Screw it, im using my profile from another guild))

Name: Purity Uchiha
Age: 23
Shinobi Rank: Jounin
Birthplace: Konoha
Military Name: The Shadow Alchemist
Gender: male
Weapons: a blood red katana and a gun
Combat: Goju Ryu karate, alchemy, ninjutsu and taijutsu
Occupation: alchemist in the shadow wolf tribe
Alchemy- building, fighting or healing. I do not need a transmutation circle unlike beginner alchemists. I can heal anything, as long as the victim is still alive. Do not even try to make me bring something back to life, it just isn't possible. Also I cannot construct things out of thin air, I need materials of the same principals as what you want me to construct. This is the founding law of alchemy, called equivalent exchange. There is no way past is. For minor things I use a red stone, but only for healing. This is a false imitation of the Philosopher's Stone, which I can bypass all laws of alchemy. I do not seek the true stone because is made with live humans. The difference between my stone and the true stone is that this one could reach its limit at any time and turn on me. I only use only in extreme cases of doctoring. I found it during my travels.
Gun- I am very skilled and accurate. Simply deadly. But I only use it in a situation when someone is actually trying to murder me.
Combat- I am a black belt in Goju Ryu karate. Ninjitsu is the martial art of ninjas. Goju Ryu is a style of karate that focuses on close range battles. It is a combo of both attacks and blocks. Ninjitsu is more stealth; it is sneakier and is mostly far away attacks such as throwing knives. It is not much use in a battle.
Sword- I trained with the best. I use it for hunting and when my opponent is also armed with a weapon.
Other- I am very useful when it comes to surviving. I know how to find water, make fire and construct traps for food.
My name is Uchiha Purity. I live for only one reason, to kill the murderer of my clan, Itachi. My cousin Itachi killed everyone in my family, except his little brother Sasuke. Now I am training as a shinobi in my village, Konoha. My sensei is the same as Sasuke's, Kakashi Hatake. He is teaching me how to unlock the full potential of my bloodline trait, the Sharingan eyes. But being a ninja isn't what is important to me, revenge is. I take no alliances.
I am an avenger. Some may say that if I kill him then I will be no better, but they are wrong. This is not a murder, it is revenge. Revenge for my parents, whom I saw murdered in front of my eyes. Same for all the other Uchihas, the ones who I grew up with, and loved. I have heard that my cousin Sasuke has a similar objective, but he has sunk to the length of joining the most hated enemy in my village, Orochimaru. No, I will kill him, and alone.
(time skip to being an adult)
The one whom I must protect. Those are the words that have rang through my mind for what seems like ever. Yet, here I am, kneeling over the cooling corpse of my only true love. I wipe a tear off my cheek and close the eyes of my love, which are still open. I pull out my crystal dagger, a gift from her so many years ago. I cut off a lock of hair, tucking it into my locket, another gift. I stand up, make a transmutation circle, and create a grave. I turn away, a plan already forming in my mind. I will bring her back...
Now I stand over the large complex circle that I made. There is a large tin in the centre, holding a bunch of materials, the ones that make up a human body. I walk over to it, and place the locket with the hair on it. I then pull out the dagger, and cut my wrist. I allow my blood to drop into the tin, then I bandage my wrist closed again. I place the dagger alongside the locket, then step back, to the edge of the circle. I take a deep breath, the place my hands on a line and concentrate.
Next I can remember, I am in the hospital. It all comes rushing back. A doctor comes into the room. He tells me that I was not harmed at all, even though the transmutation failed. But, he tells me, my brother is dead. He was in the house at the time, and the entire house was taken. The world spins, and I sink into unconsciousness once more...

Picture of Purity (I drew it myself mrgreen )

User Image  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 2:26 pm
Name: Shizume Hyuuga

Age: 15

Ninja-Rank: Chuunin

Clan: Hyuuga

Special Jutsu: Byuakugan, Snake summoning

Effect: Byuakugan can see an opponints chakra system and chakra points. The snake summoning summons a giants snake and is able to do numorus jutsus along with the snake.

Weapon(s): Sword, Kunai, explosive tags, food pills, whip.

Appearance: Looks like my dream avatar

Bio:Shizume's father died in battle. Being raised by her mother and uncle Shizume is just as powerful as the other chuunins of the Hyuuga clan.  

Itachi Girl5

Sabrika 23

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 2:35 pm
Name: Chihiro Kagawa
Age: 17
Bloodline: Kagawa
Ninja Rank: Jounin
Special Jutsu: She has the ability to turn and enemy attack against them.
Effect: The enemys attack will be reversed back to them, no matter what kind of technique.
Weapon: Twin swords
Bio: Chihiro grew up with her family and big brother until a mob of renegade ninjas set fire to her house at the age of 10, she was the only to survive. Since then, she has set herself to become a shinobi and take revenge on those who killed her family. She trains fiercely in all three categories of jutsus, her strongest being ninjutsu.
Appearance: User Image  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 9:28 pm
((So are we gonna start or what??))  

Sabrika 23


PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:07 am
Name: Tarou Uzumaki
Age: 14
Ninja-Rank: Chuunin
Special jutsu: Wind burst, Chakra shield, space-time destruction, monkey summon, wind slash, flare blade, frost edge
Wind burst: a blast of wind shoves enemy back, and stops them for a second
Chakra shield: reflects projectiles that aren't chakra enforced, also deflects weak hits
Space-time destruction sad genjutsu) a jutsu that is a last resort, stops time and everything around disappears or blows up slowly
Monkey summon: summons a monkey to support
wind slash: creates a blade of wind that slices anything in its path
flare blade: a wave of fire that slices and burns things in its path
frost edge: water flies up from the ground and shoots forward as ice shards
Weapons: 2 katanas, senbon, shuriken
Appearance: Normal length blond spiky hair behind his ninja headband, blue-green eyes that always seem focused, black pants and shirt, carries 2 katanas on his sides, red and brown gloves, somewhat tall, has a big shuriken attached to his back, and has several pouches to carry senbon
Bio: A distant cousin of Naruto that was abandoned as a kid. He grew up as an orphan in Sunagakure without any info on his family. When 7 he found his way to Konohagakure and enrolled within the ninja academy. Lazy, yet determined and caring.  
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