Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:12 pm
When you hit writers block, how does it affect you?
For me, I start to write silly nonsense poems to keep my hand moving. Yet, I cannot bring myself to write a four page rough draft.
Grammar Guild, when you have writers block what do you do?
Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:27 pm
When I get writer's block, I stare at my paper until I fall asleep. I always hope that maybe it will come to me in a dream, but I think that only happens in movies. However, I'm a wishful thinker.
Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:41 pm
When I have writer's block on a school paper that is soon due I ask others how they wrote their papers. Looking at other people's papers helps me out a lot.
If nothing else works, I state the obvious and kind of reiterate ideas intelligently. sweatdrop It usually works with me.
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:31 am
When I have writer's block I become more vulnerable to a chemical imbalance in my systems called ADHD. This can cause me to go home, or rather inside my head. In other terms I space out- big time.
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:44 am
When I get writers block I type in long nonsensical words into Google and that usually helps.
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 2:17 am
I never encountered such incident. Maybe because I'm not that really fond on writing things. I do sketch and write a few bits of information gained everyday. My life has a lot of things to write I just don't know how to write them in an interesting words. rolleyes
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:07 pm
I'm a writer by nature, always writing, and I always have been ever since third grade where I wrote about ten pages, front and back, on that green, horizontally-lined paper, just about my friend and I. I roleplay and write stories, also.
When I'm having writer's bloc, I generally stay away from it for awhile, but if I'm in a hurry/rush, need to get it done that day/night, or tell myself it's been too long, meaning like a week since I've posted/written, I usually sit myself down and start writing whatever comes to mind about the topic. I don't backspace, unless it's just to fix typos and such, but never actually fully delete anything. Eventually some good ideas tend to flow, and I continue writing what I need to, then when I'm done, having at least a page or two on word, I go back and edit out what I don't like, add some more stuff, and usually that solves my writer's block.
But there really isn't much of a way to solve the laziness side of the block.
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 5:31 pm
Lemminglord When I get writers block I type in long nonsensical words into Google and that usually helps. Suprisingly, it works.
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 6:27 pm
Well, it all depends on what I'm writing. If it's for school, then I write it anyways. If it's something personal, for pleasure, then I stop writing and do something else. In fact, I have a novel I started, but I've been blocked for months. I haven't worked on pushing past it because I've been so busy. Basically, though, what helps me is reading. I chose a good novel and I start reading it. Anne Rice helps a lot in that case. Her language inspires me.
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 7:51 am
Whenever I get blocked I have to leave it for a little while and get myself back into the mood. But if it's something that needs to be done quickly, then I just state completely obvious things and fill up space. I can't deal with the pressure most of the time.
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 1:44 pm
I get what you can call two types of writer's block: the school type and leisure type.
Whenever I have a creative assignment due in any course and can't think for the life of me as to what to write, I procrastinate. The deadline motivates me and my brain will eventually kick into creative gear. This usually happens at ten 'o' clock the night before it's due. xO
Leisure type... that's the one that truly kills me. *cries* First I try to make myself write, but then it becomes forced so I throw the drafts away. Then I get a little down and out, not depressed, just gloomy. This is horrible because I can spend the entire day day-dreaming, forming scenes, creating characters, developing relationships, have fun with the plot but... I can't write them down. C'est la pire des tortures. Then I just read, watch some of my favorite animes and hopefully eventually I get my groove back. It's a long and painful process. Extreme lethargy is one of the main side-effects. >.>
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:15 am
I write mainly songs, so if I get writer's block I normally think of songs I like and think of the words in them. Then, I normally just get a flow of words that hit me. Otherwise, I just refuse to move until I think of something. In exams, I just stare at the paper and then when it comes around to the mark where we have 10 minutes left, I think of so much to write, it's not funny. So, I have to write quick.
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:34 pm
When I was still in school and got writer's block; I simply would find something relaxing to do. Warm bath, sit outside, listen to music. I've written poetry from the age of 10. Since school, I've gone several years at a time without being able to do anything but jot down a few words here and there. I know now, that if I am patient, whatever that needs to flow out of me....will flow. Usually after a cold spell in writing, I'll have an explosion. So, in conclusion, I guess it's all good. cool I know I love to write. I find it extremely therapeutic.
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:46 pm
When I get writer's block, I tend to stare at the paper fr a while then write a few words and scratch them out. Then, I start to doodle. The end result, though, usually envolves me staring at the wall across from me for about fifteen minutes before I find something else to do... This is when I tend to start reading the dictionary, not inentionally, of course, but... It does help a bit.