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Naruto: The Founding of the Five (accepting apps)

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 10:34 am

A lot has happened in the world of Naruto, and a lot will continue to happen as the future rushes to become the present. But what about what has already happened? The past is deep and vast, so much has transpired in the hundreds of years gone by in the lands that Naruto and his friends have walked.

Powers have grown and fallen, armies and rulers have followed in suit. Much has changed through the years, especially the people. There was however an extremely important moment in the history of all ninjas, if not the world, and that was the day the major villages were founded. Many other small towns dedicated the training of ninjas exist, but with the founding of the major villages a new age will be ushered in for the world and ninjas.

As with all major changes, there are those who support it and those who will do anything to make sure it does not happen. So the one question remains....Which will you be?

Read the rules to learn the trade people, no posting before your profile has been approved.

And no posting profiles in this thread, send them to one of the thread mods.

Remember that we do need people for both sides of this conflict. Although there will be some ninjas still loyal to the old ways, most of those who will be against this change will be samuari, and competant ones. There will be varied levels of skill with the samurai as with ninjas, but there will be many strong samurai, not all of them will be defeated as easily as Naruto did in the manga. They are the ruling military power as of now and it will show.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 11:26 am
basic rules:

*You are limited to 2 characters.
*You may not godmode.
*You must follow the ToS

*You must follow the rules of the Character Build Section, which means no posting different information, post according to the specs we set.

*If there is romance keep it PG-13

* You've got to be literate, I'm sick of rping with people who chat speak or use ** or :: for action. Write like your writing a story okay?

* Your posts should be a good length, no one liners. I can understand that you can't always post large posts, but one to two paragraphs (4 to 8 sentences) really isn't that challenging. Post to many one liners and your will be out of the rp.

Alright, because of the time line involved with this story, many strong clans are either nonexistent or small at this time. For instance, the Hyuugas, who probably number over 50 families no, are right now, while maybe still quite powerful as individual ninjas, probably not more than 10 families, if that.

This point leads me to a more important one, there are no Uchihas in this rp, period, due to one large fact: they do not exist yet. And even it they do, it would be one person, Uchiha Madara, their founder. And if you think you're going to be him, or his direct descendant, you need to check out right now.

There is no rule about being the ancestor of a character you may have used in previous rps, in fact, I plan to, but be tactful about it. I'm very if-fy about letting people be ancestors of main cannon characters, such as a Hatake or Uzamaki ancestor. Lesser used cannon characters are not so problematic, though I would prefer that they were kept npc. For example, a jonin level teacher in this story has the name Mitarashi Taki, meaning that she is obviously through some way, related to Mitarashi Anko. Still, once again, try to keep it tactful and be intelligent about it, do not have them talking about cannon characters they might be related to, since they are still hundreds of years off in the future.

Just as a side note, because of the time this takes place in, the normal ranks: Genin, Chuunin, Jonin, Sanin, Kage, etc are not really in place or commonly used, they may be used be some ninjas, but most ninjas will be ranked with the letter system, D-A Rank and the coveted S-Rank, whether missing nin or not.

On the subject of Kekki Genkai/Bloodline limits, I don't want anything outlandish or clearly based on some other anime. Off the wall stuff with no acceptable explination and/or description will not be tolerated. Flight would be a good example of this, there is no clear reason for you to have that as a bloodline ability.

Character profile next:  



PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 11:58 am
Profile skeleton:

Name: sur-name then given name
Age: be realistic and relative to skill, not all people can be 8 year old Jonins. In Fact, no one here will be.
Rank: Please use the letter ranking for now, you may add on the traditional ninja ranking if you want to. NO OBSENE POWER LEVELS, plus, I really want genin-chuunin level ninja, we want to have teams, not just people running around fighting each other.

Clan: your characters sur-name, explain the background/history of the clan and some basic info about them. Explain whether they are a single family blood line or multiple families.
Kekki Genkai [optional]: your family may or may not have this, small clans (2 families or less) will probably not have strong ones if they have any at all. No out of the blue abilities, at least try to make the abilities either related to where the clan is and what it does or naruto related.

Appearance: if you have a picture, that's good, but also give a good description as well.

Main Weapon [optional]:
Items in Kunai Pouch [Kunai, Shuriken, Summoning Scroll.. etc etc]:
Favorite quote:

Ninjutsu: give not only a name of the technique, but a description for each one
Genjutsu:give not only a name of the technique, but a description for each one
Taijutsu:give not only a name of the technique, but a description for each one

Personality: what is your character like?
Background/history: your character's history

code for you:


[b]Kekki Genkai [optional]:[/b]


[b]Main Weapon [optional]:[/b]
[b]Items in Kunai Pouch:[/b]
[b]Favorite quote:[/b]


PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:09 pm
First off, DOOD SPELL CHECKZ?!??!??!

Secondly, I don't think Konoha is that old. sad Why is sannin a rank?  

Captain Verd


PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 5:17 pm

D = equatable to a academy student, not offically recogonized as a competent ninja or Samurai by any form of authority.

--C Class Ninja/Samurai = new Genin
-C Class Ninja/Samurai = Low level Genin
C Class Ninja/Samurai = mid level Genin
C+ Class Ninja/Samurai = high level Genin
C++ Class Ninja/Samurai = elite Genin

--B Class Ninja/Samurai = new Chuunin
-B Class Ninja/Samurai = Low level Chuunin
B Class Ninja/Samurai = mid level Chuunin
B+ Class Ninja/Samurai = high level Chuunin
B++ Class Ninja/Samurai = elite Chuunin

--A Class Ninja/Samurai = new Jonin
-A Class Ninja/Samurai = Low level Jonin
A Class Ninja/Samurai = mid level Jonin
A+ Class Ninja/Samurai = high level Jonin
A++ Class Ninja/Samurai = elite Jonin

--S Class Ninja/Samurai = Low level Sanin
-S Class Ninja/Samurai = mid level Sanin
S Class Ninja/Samurai = High level Sanin to Low Level Kage
S+ Class Ninja/Samurai = mid level Kage
S++ Class Ninja/Samurai = High level Kage  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:12 am
Played Character Profiles:


Name: Ookawa Issui
(Issui means an underwater current)
Rank: B- class ninja (low level chunnin), level assessed by his superiors, not listed within the bingo books.

Clan: The Ookawa clan is from the far northern and western regions of the continent, about as far northwest as you can go. They make their home in a village of the largest grouping of ninjas in their country, and live in a clan compound that is very close to being right on the shores. The town has volcanic hot springs that keep it warm, and the ocean to its west unfrozen for a certain distance from shore. Known for their nigh invulnerability in and on the water and near ice, the Ookawas are the most feared clan while in their natural land, and there is no know record of a successful invasion attempt on the village by opposing ninja or samurai thanks to the Ookawas. Their Kekki Genkai has been the hardest to determine and discover for many other clans, because the only time it is used, the opponent(s) most likely end up dead. Most Ookawas are also very secretive about the said KG. Though many of its subtler parts of the traits are still unknown, the main things are known to some of their allies. The Ookawas have a four slits behind each ear that are in actuality, gills that allow for breathing underwater and in air, so technically, an Ookawa does not even need to breath out of their mouth or nose.

(kawa means River, the Oo at the beginning means that it is of some significance)

Kekki Genkai:
-The Ookawa traits, gills behind his ears, and some other abilities tied to the gills, such as being able to breath from the gills even above water, through a separate pathway. Meaning that should someone choke a Ookawa, they can still breathe quite easily through their gills. Due to their constant exposure to water all Ookawas’ bodies are evolved and shaped to be insanely fast in the water and are extremely streamline, much like the surface of a wet suit. This makes them exponentially more deadly in and around water.

- Although not a bloodline ability, all clansmen are taught a basic, yet secret method known only to the Ookawas so that they can also mix water with their chakra to create a gel substance or make it more solidified. They can use a base sample of living tissue with the mix to allow it to take on the appearance and attributes of the substance. Many know of the Ookawas using this ability to create webbed appendages for themselves to further increase their incredible underwater speeds, turning water into a skin-like substance.

- The Ookawas have not found a way to manipulated the their Kekki Genkai to allow any jutsus that require you to have it.

Appearance: Issui has the body, like almost all Ookawas, of an Olympic swimmer due to his constant exposure to water and swimming. About as streamline, muscular and compact to about the point that it can be. Other than that Issui has a very friendly, young face, with blue hair and sea green eyes, like all of his fellow clansmen. Unlike most of his clansmen, part of his hair is solid white, considered an omen of drastic and great things to happen around him by his clan, though it is not a sure thing whether they will be good or bad. Issui wears a dark blue clock and suit with light blue and sea green-blue wave patterns on it.

[[much like this picture, though the robe suit is as described above, blue with wave patterns.]]

User Image

Main Weapon: Ookawa was given a sword capable of channeling a ninja’s charka through ninjutsu in the specific elements of water and ice that has been in his family for generations, a give from a ninja in the land of metal. Due to the nature of the water element, a more advanced user than Issui can mold the sword, making the metal change shape within limit of the amount of metal in the blade through water charka manipulation and only that type.
User Image

Items in Kunai Pouch: curved kunai, throwing shurikens, water flasks, two back swing hand blades

Favorite quote: You can’t cage water.

Water Release: Water Clone (Suiton: Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu):
This Ninjutsu technique uses water as its base for creating the clones. Each clone splits the user’s power equally between all of the copies and the user. Like the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique), this clone can attack as if it were the ninja them self, and one hit will destroy it.

Water Release: Water Prison Technique (Suiton: Suirou no Jutsu):
A Ninjutsu technique that controls the density of water, creating a heavy area of water that become a bubble-like prison that is inescapable so long as the user maintains their concentration.

Water Release: Water Formation Wall (Suiton: Suiton: Suijin Heki):
A defensive technique that creates a water barrier that can surrounding the user up to 360 degrees if needed.

Water Release: Torrent Missile (Suiton: ???)*:
This technique requires a open water source to be most effective. After performing the hand seals the user creates a long, spiraling funnel of water that comes to a point at the front. The attack is rammed into the opponent, effective skewering them. The technique is useable through Issui’s special sword and is his only jutsu so far that can be channeled through the weapon.

Ice Release: Ice Prison Technique (Hyouton: Hyouro no Jutsu):
After forming the needed hand seals, the user touches the ground, causing columns of ice to rise from the ground at his foe. If caught, the ice will rise up around her target and imprison them.

Ice Release: Glacier Minefield (Hyouton: ???):
User performs hand seals and places their palms on the ground. Afterwards a sheet of ice covers the area (amount of area determined by the ninja’s skill and chakra use). Clusters of chakra are gathered within random point on the ice so that if anyone but the user becomes to close to them, they release and cause a blast of ice spires to jut out, attempting to skewer the opponent. If they do not hit the spires then explode, acting effectively like mines. Once again, the skill of the user determines the size and number of these ‘ice mines’.

Ice Release: Blizzard Shredder (Hyouton: ???)*:
After performing the hand seals the user can cause a cloud of razor sharp ice shards to swarm and spiral around the opponent like a grinding saw. The attack attempts to shred the opponent’s body with the ice.

Water instantaneous movement (Mizu Sunshin):
A skill where the user vanishes in swirl of water and reappears in a new location.

[Not sure if I have the name right, it’s supposed to infer that the Orochi (or in this case the head and neck section of an Orochi) is made of water]
Water Release: 1st head of the Suiyamata -no-Orochi** (Suiton: ???)
Water Release: 2nd head of Suiyamata -no-Orochi** (Suiton: ???)
Water Release: 3rd head of the Suiyamata -no-Orochi** (Suiton: ???)

*custom jutsus, I created them. They are Ookawa clan jutsus
** custom jutsus, I created them. Self made Jutsu by Issui, the full Jutsu is still a work in progress.

Hidden Mist Technique (Kirigakure no Jutsu):
A Ninjutsu technique that covers the area surrounding the ninja using it completely in mist. Perfect for silent killing, since there's practically no visibility within the area of this Jutsu.

Flow of the River Current (???):*
Uses interchanging slow and fast movements to leave after images and illusions of himself that disorient the opponent with further with basic Genjutsu manipulation

Whiteout (???):*
The Ookawa’s version of the hiding in the mist jutsu, it incorporates a temperature drop and wind into the illusion to help numb the senses of the victim. Learning the hiding in the mist jutsu is a essential stepping stone to learning this jutsu.

Taijutsu: practitioner of Open Fist Style (???):
A very unpredictable and erratic style of fighting that is said by those that have seen it to be reminiscent of a drunken fist style in the way that the user moves and strikes in unexpected ways. The main idea behind the style is that the user is capable of using almost all parts of the body to hit the opponent. Where for most styles the fist and elbow are used foremost, in the Open Fist Style, the entirety of the arm and hand are considered viable to strike the opponent with. They back this up with the use of storing and releasing the chi energy that they would have used through their fist in the area that does make contact, effectively making the blow hit just as hard. This allows them to use a very ever-flowing style of combat, mimicking water, in the fashion of following the deflections of the opponent for their first strike and using another part of their body as they fall through to land a hit.

It was given the name open fist by a rival school of taijutsu when in one fight, a master of the style landed each of his blows with the force of a hard, closed fist punch with obscure points such as his wrist or second knuckles. Never making a closed fist the entire match. Due to its origins within the Ookawa clan most techniques have name that pay homage to their relationship with water and the ocean. Full masters of the style can store not just their striking limb’s charka and release it at any point in the limb, the entire bodies, allowing for powerful, debilitating strikes.

Major style techniques:
Back Breaker (???):
Usually used as a finisher or way to quickly defeat lesser opponents. The User moves at great speed behind the opponent, grabbing and forcing their arms behind them. The user then jumps and plants his feet in the opponents upper back, pushing with their legs and pulling the opponents arms in attempt to dislocate or snap either their arms, shoulders, vertebra, neck and/or all of the above.

Falling Crest (???):
User usually brings elbow down on a sensitive or vital area in attempt to knock out or otherwise incapacitate the opponent. The move can also be done from above, where the knee is most times used instead of the elbow or upper arm.

Crush of the Rapids (???):
A more brutal version of the falling crest that usually involves a pincer like strike that adds a strike the opposing side of initial strike, multiplying the damage and effect.

Changing Current (???):
Probably the signature move of the style, the opponent uses superior speed, agility and body strength to pull it off. The user comes at the opponent with a strait forward, simply attack. Then, when opponent has predicted the place where they need to intercept and block the strike, the user performs a split second course change that throws the opponent off and allows for most users to land a sure hit. However the technique puts tremendous strain on the user’s body, particularly the muscle, bone and ligaments and if improperly executed or overuse the user could easily snap their own limbs and muscles resulting in massive self induced injuries.

Violent Wave Crush (???):
A fast move executed using the full strength of the user. The user focuses all their strength in their arms and rushes the opponent, attempting to strike at their mid-section, preferably into another, very hard object behind them to increase the effect of the blow. The desired effect is internal injury, specifically breaking ribs into vital organs or breaking open organs in some fashion.

Tidal Wave Combo (Tsunami Rendan):
A fast mix of strikes that finishes with a combination of Crush of the Rapids followed by Violent Wave Crush.

Torrent Combo (??? Rendan): Using their top speed the user attempts launch a continuous assault of predefined strikes in a rotation around the opponent, effectively simulating trapping the opponent within a torrent of water.

Hurricane combo (??? Rendan): Similar to the Torrent Rendan the Hurricane is requires the user to perform a continuous string of strikes using the technique of Changing Current. It can be combined with any other technique of the user’s choosing but is effective enough using just normal strikes. The combo is considered very difficult and not to be used without assurances it will finish the fight as it will most likely cause the user’s to completely break down if used to long of any major fighting is attempted afterwards.

Personality: Issui is by far on of the more naturally gifted ninja his age in his clan, some hoping that he will eventually bring about a new age of expansion for the Ookawa clan when he comes of age. Even so Issui tends to be very laid back in his demeanor, the weight of such expectations seeming not be of too much consequence to him most of the time. Around those he trusts and has deep friendships with he is a very gentle, kind and fun person to be around, he always has a grin to cheer up his teammate(s) when need be, but otherwise a very somber, reflective person.

Issui hates fire and heat, and has a low tolerance for them, he also seems to get tired out fast in arid, dry and hot regions faster than humid one. This may be a sign that his clan dehydrates fast as they are always stronger when exposed to masses of water. On the other hand Issui has an incredible tolerance for extreme cold and high pressure underneath water, as well as extreme cold in the open air. He is very specialized in water and ice jutsus, most of these can be traced to his clans residence in a very arctic like location. Issui is also extremely hard to hold onto, giving him a pet name within his clan of ‘eel skin’ and a saying within his clan that ‘you would have to have hands of tar’ to catch to him.

Issui loves rainy days and finds the sound of rain soothing. He carries multiple, large water flasks on his person for both Jutsu use and his personal need to consume more water than a normal person does.

Background/history: Issui was born in the wake of the latest wave of expansion that his clan had gone through. Growing many families into to top end of most mid range clans, yet the lull afterwards seem to foreshadow a eventual decline. From the time he could understand his parents drilled into him the basics of being a ninja and all they could to see it this boy is white in his hair might be the one to start the next revolution for the Ookawa clan, possibly greater than any before.

Issui definitely delivered in the area of natural talent, yet his latent powers seemed to remain untapped and his skill never as sharp as his parents knew it could be. After Issui was declared a adult within the clan by age 14, having shown the leaders of the clan that he could use the clan’s taijutsu style and had mastered their signature ninjutsu; Torrent Missile and signature Genjutsu; Whiteout. Still is seemed that Issui lacked a natural enthusiasm that kept him from truly excelling in the ninja arts. After many frustrating bouts of argument Issui was ready to leave the clan’s compound when word was sent down that he was to join a group of ninja like himself from around the lands and be taught under a highly skilled ninja. Shortly after he finally seemed to gain the interest in his studies that he had always lacked, improving drastically in the year before he was to leave, showing that he indeed might be what his clan is hoping for…

Name: Yochimu Akira
Age: 16
Rank: Labeled a B+ class ninja (high level chuunin) by the bingo books, noted in the books mainly and possibly only because of his completely unique ‘eyes that see truth’ method of seeing. The book warns those that fight him about his lack of blind spots rather than an overall dangerous level of power.

Clan: The Yochimu clan was a small clan for a long time, only blossoming into a mid sized clan recently in history with a range from 8 to 10 families, previously only 5 families were know to be within the Yochimu clan’s ranks.

(Yochimu means “foresight dream” or a premonition within a dream)

Kekki Genkai [optional]: The Yochimu have the ability of tactile memory, they can touch an object and sense what has transpired around it, as well as with more experienced users, jump from object to object, sensing the memories of a person who touched they object. This had lead to many from the clan to become inspectors over full combatant ninjas.

Akira is one of the few from his family to inherit the bloodline of his clan. The bloodline has only recently surfaced in the clan as a whole and still is more seen in the purer blooded families of the clan. Akira though is the child of an affair that his mother had with one of the more prominent members of the clan, unknown to Akira’s father or himself.

Appearance: Akira is about 5’10’’ in height and his body is a lean and compact type of muscular. His skin is cream colored and his hair is a soft, strawberry blond. Akira has been known to wear official clothing for clan matters or when dealing with situation that it is necessary to do so. Otherwise he is most commonly seen wearing a traditional samurai’s yukata, a white colored white shirt with blue lower garments.

User Image

Main Weapon: Akira carries two Chisakatana (slightly shorter katana, one a little shorter than the other). He wears the sheaths in a crisscross in the small on his back.

“Eyes That See Truth”: A type of Sixth sense Akira uses to see the world. The technique has some relation to an oddity in the charka flow in his optical nerves and eyes and brain caused force charka concentrations in areas of sensory nerve patches.

Items in Kunai Pouch:
Tri-point shuriken
Flame and ice shaped Kunai
Favorite quote: Too see all, you must be all.
Fire Release: Great Fireball (Katon: Goukakyuu):
After making the appropriate hand seals the user places their hand on mouth and breaths out fire, converting it from chakra to flame at the cusp of the lip into a large ball of flame, acting like a flame-thrower.

Fire Release: Firefly Swarm (Katon: ???):*
After making the appropriate hand seals the user places their hand on mouth, breaths fire and spins in place, vertically or horizontally, sending out a wave of small flame globes. The globes of flame surround the opponent and then explode.

Ice Release: Ice clone (Hyouton: Bushin no Jutsu):
This Ninjutsu technique uses ice as its base for creating the clones. Each clone splits the user’s power equally between all of the copies and the user. Like the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique), this clone can attack as if it were the ninja them self, and one hit will destroy it.

Ice Release: Hands of Cutting Ice (Hyouton: ???):**
After the appropriate hand seals have been made the user breaths ice chakra on their hands, causing it to be enveloped in shifting, sharp edged ice surrounded in ice chakra. The ice can cut through many things, and can be used to ward off swords.

Summoning technique (Kuchiyose no jutsu):
Summons a pact animal to help the summoner. Akira has a pack with a group of lizards, mostly salamanders, though some of the more powerful summons in this pact appear more draconic, there are a few large summons, but most of the creatures in this pact do not get larger than a bear or crocodile. Akira’s summons are mid range at best.

Cold Snap Technique (??? jutsu):*
Technique that makes opponent feel as if his limbs are as brittle as thin ice, and can even make it appear that they have snapped their limbs off from the slightest contact, including the pain the brain interprets from this.

??? (Hyoken Seiso):**
This traps the opponent in an illusion of a hollow mountain of ice, in which Akira appears to be everywhere, his image bounced off the many facets of ice. The opponents tend to wound then self by attacking the fakes and causing the sharp ice that explodes to hurt them until they are too weak to stop Akira from kill them in one swift blow.

* clan jutsu
** self made jutsu, work in progress

Taijutsu: Practitioner of his own unique style he calls 'Blind Dragon' Taijutsu style. It uses high levels of speed of acrobatics combined with Akira’s 6th sense to add a ‘eyes in the back of his head’ aspect to the style. The style combines misdirection through faking out opponents and varying which side of the user’s body delivers the strong and light blows, as well as the direction the blows come from and varying between direct strong strikes and flowing, quick and light blows. Another major weapon in the style’s arsenal, put to use by Akira, far better than any other that has attempted the style, is it’s power to completely demoralize the opponent by showing complete confidence and absolute flawless prediction of his or her attacks. When Akira seems to always know where the enemy is going to strike, it makes the ninja lose confidence in there own ability.

Akira uses fists, Buddhist Palm and knife hand strikes in the style. The style is designed to be able to adapt all moves and reverses to all angles of attack and of being attacked and requires an extraordinary aptitude for prediction as well as style musts of incredible flexibility, speed, agility and dexterity over outright strength. As a result, the most damaging moves in the style are mostly reverses or moves that use leverage instead of strait out attacks, of which all target vital areas when used. The style is like Akira’s skill, a work in progress.

Most major techniques of the style:

Blind Dragon, Broken Horn: Blind Seeker Strike (???):
Strikes in a hard, strait motion to a place that is normal thought of as a blind spot, hitting a enemy in an unexpected place and time, when they do not plan on a counter. All techniques in this group can be easily chained to the other using Palm/elbow/fist/heel strikes. The user is almost always in a relaxed, calm position that gives the appearance of being unaware, belaying the fact that the user is very aware of their surroundings. The stance also makes the opponent unable to feel out the user due to the lack of show of intentions or emotions. The user must be able to go from this stance to full battle strength and speed in a blink, and then, once disengaged from the opponent, reassume the neutral stance. This is the base stance for the style and it’s signature technique.

Rising Dragon, Falling Star: Reversing Elbow Palm (???):
Using a elbow led cloths line to the neck of an oncoming enemy from any direction, using the lower arm to slam the opponent down and finishes with two Buddhist Palms to both the head and chest. The most common finisher technique used by the style.

Thrashing Dragon Whirlwind: Spinning Bone Crush (???):
Used best against attackers from the behind. User spins around the opponent after a quick back fist to the face. Jabs elbow into the back of attackers neck and slams down, making attacker bend down as the user brings knee up into the attackers chest. The user then continues the momentum to make the opponent spin rapidly. In mid-spin the user uses their keen, honed senses to be able to hit the opponent first in the forehead and go into a continuos attack motion, actually pushing through the air. Their strikes preventing the opponent from falling until the last strike, which is always a right handed fist to the chest with a simultaneous palm to the gut, sending the opponent flying. This is the harshest finisher to the style, if used the user means to cause extreme harm if not death to the opponent.

If used from the reverse direction the movements are far harder to achieve, but due to the difference in body positions, the user ends up bringing their elbow down on the throat of the opponent and bends the opponent backwards instead of forwards. Because of this their knee rams into the spine instead of the chest. This version is much harder to pull off because it usually comes from the front of the opponent and requires the user to forcefully position themselves in the place needed to achieve the attack. Once in the position the attack must proceed faster as the element of surprise is not there as with the reversal version as it is with this attack version. The attack however has a far greater effect though and no secondary strikes are needed, as the opponent’s back is most likely broken or shattered after the attack.

The attack can be used from behind, with no spin, but is easily counter-able if used that way and the user is detected, and drops the surprise of the attack to nothing as well. It should only be performed in this method against weaker opponent from a hidden position and with great speed, converting it to an assassination move in such cases.

Personality: Akira is a hard person to guess about, he has a very calm demeanor most of the time, and acts as if he is content and in complete control of his surroundings most of the time. But Akira has a fire in him that rarely lets others see, proving that his personality does not have the saucer pan depth he lets on, but that of the deepest oceans. He has been said to have two personalities sometimes, different as fire and ice, ironically like his two choices of jutsus.

Akira is not afraid of much, and he shows it in the way he acts and holds himself. He has a deep-seated hatred of mercenaries due to his history, and rarely shows mercy to them, sometimes over reacting and harming otherwise neutralized foes. He also has refused a number of missions that have required working with hired mercenary help.

Background/history: Akira was born to one of the lower ranking families in the Yochimu family's bloodline. They were merely traders, not having had a skilled ninja in their direct lineage in more than 4 generations. They could tell that Akira was different by the time he was 4. His reflexes and acrobatic skills for one were something that amazed his parents, and led to much worry on their part with him jumping around and playing on roof even at age 5. Unknown to all but his mother, he was in fact the child of a passionate affair she had had with one of the purest blooded members of the Yochimu bloodline, she knew that this was surely a sign of the real father’s blood and decided that he should be trained by him. Before she had a chance to talk to her husband about it he was killed on rout from a trading post by bandits lead by mercenaries.

Akira was taken by his parents to his biological father Yochimu Matsushita, his mother using the pretense of training a promising student as her only reason. Though in private she confronted Matsushita about Akira and told him of his true lineage. After that Matsushita trained Akira day and night from the age of 8, attempting to bring out the pure Yochimu he knew was in him. At about 10 years of age Akira hit a wall and Matsushita grew angered that a son of his could only make it that far. Akira was shunned and he began to beat himself up over his own failings until one day as he was practicing blindfolded he noticed how acutely his other senses increased and began a new training. He imposed a self induced blindness upon himself, closing his eyes and refusing to open them for any reason, even when he lacked the ability to accomplish simple activities.

After 2 years of training on his own Akira had finally overcame his disability by gaining an even greater sense of the world around him. Seeming to gain a sixth sense that he dubbed, 'eyes that see truth’ that allowed him to sense and feel rather than see. He could hear the wind; smell the air; to sense all. Because of the nature of his sight, he is unaffected by most genjutsu due to it’s optically based illusions. Now armed with his new weapon he challenged Matsushita, if he won by landed a hit in any of the vital areas, Matsushita would take him back and finish Akira’s training. Seeing nothing to lose from it, Matsushita agree and the match started, and then ended in under 30 seconds. Akira’s new ‘sight’ and vastly enhanced senses allowed him to see and predict Matushita’s moves and even see attacks coming from places that should have been blind spots. With this and the 2 years of training on his own Akira was able to parry Matsushita’s blows, slip past his defense and land a Buddhist Palm attack to Matsushita’s chest and stomach, gaining his place back as his pupil.

With this new turn of events Matsushita fully recognized Akira as the proper heir to the secret arts and jutsus of the Yochimu clan. By the age of 15 Matsushita dubbed that Akira had learned all the knowledge and technique that he could from him and that the rest of it was personal skill that he must develop on his own. Before he left Matsushita declare that under Yochimu code and law that Akira was now to be treated as an adult and respected as much any other full-fledged ninja by other clan members. He also left him with a gift of the two Chisakatana that he carries on him at all times. He was contacted only shortly after his 16th birthday by Matsushita with a message that he was to be on team under a highly skilled ninja, one that made Matsushita pale in comparison, and two only ninja around Akira’s level as part of a cultural exchanged. Akira does not like the idea and thinks it is wasting his time that he could be spending training and earning money for the clan.

Akira is a adept in endless unnamed Taijutsu maneuvers distinct to his ‘Blind Fist’ style, a major difference being that he can fight as easily from all other directions as he can front and has often fought and enemy to his side or behind him without turning around. He has also learned to fight two opposite directions fluently and without major problems. He excels first at taijutsu, but is well versed in ninjutsu as well, being weak in using genjutsu, while immune to much of it due to lack of sight, which is the key sense manipulated by mot genjutsu.

Dragon Sneeze

Name: Ooi Uta
Age: 32
Rank: Unranked

Appearance: Uta is a priest from the northern lands. His billowing shirt alows him freedom of movement for jutsus and his leather jacket protects his body. His head is shaven clean and a black patch is set over his left eye.

Items in Kunai Pouch: Leaves of paper.
Favorite quote: "If knowledge is power, then you are truely powerless."

Ninjutsu: Paper Kunai, Paper Double, Circle of Summoning: Paper Sparrow, Paper Shield, Paper Monster Summon, Third Art: Knowledge Cipher
Genjutsu: Paper Gale
Taijutsu: Oten Tsuten

Personality: A very aloof man. Tends to be quiet and reserved. Loves to read.
Background/history: Reasons for heading south unknown. Uta comes from a family of Omniomystics who specialized in origami. Uta folded this technique into a jutsu style that is quite unique. He keeps his past secret.

Your Evil Twin

this profile is incomplete at the moment, twin will be giving the info soon.

Name: Yamazaki Kabuku
Age: Unknown
Rank: Unknown

Clan: Kabuku
Kekki Genkai [optional]: Cellular Control

Appearance: ?

Main Weapon [optional]: Daggers
Items in Kunai Pouch: ?
Favorite quote: ?

Taijutsu: 1000 Knife Strike, Face Grinder

Background/history: Yamazaki's twisted mental make-up enjoys seeing blood more than anything else. He is Ifuuki's elder brother by 5 years. He left the clan a few years before Ifuuki slautered them all. Do to his mental make-up he doesn't have the ability to use Ninjutsu or Genjutstu because of this he chooses to fight with either twin daggers or twin short swords. With these wepons,His lighting speed, and Unnatural strength he has developed Taijutsu techniques that rival the strongest Jutsus out there. Because of his thurst for blood, he has turned the act of murder into style of fighting that he calls Personal Combative Homicide When he fights in this style all attacks have the intent to kill his oponent. Tales of his Mindless killings became wide spread as he ran rampant for over a hundred years until he met his long lost sister Ifuuki 150 years ago.
She has kept him under lock and key, trying to reasemble his psyche shattered by his struggle to control his Kekki Genkai. His regenerative powers are no where near his sister's, but what pwoer he does have makes him a near unstoppable force on the battlefield.



PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:13 am
reserved for profiles for the npc jonin teachers.  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:33 pm
Name:Shizume Hikamoto
Age: 19

Clan: Hikamoto
Kekki Genkai [optional]: Telepathic, frlying

Appearance: User Image

Main Weapon [optional]: Fire and Lightning swords
Items in Kunai Pouch: ?
Favorite quote confused

Ninjutsu:To much to list
Genjutsu: Coranic sleep jutsu, Hell viewing jutsu.
Taijutsu:Also to much to list

Personality:Sweet, caring, hot-tempered get annoyed to easily

Background/history: Shizume is from a special and powerful clan that people know about. A few people even now about the Hikamoto clan and fewer even know the members. The last time any Hikamoto clan member was seen was durning a great battle when the Kyuubi destroyed the village after that the villagers or however heard of them never seen them so they thought that they where al wipped out. The clan was somehow discovered and most of the fighters where wipped out only a few where able to escape Shizume was one of the few and most likely she is or was the strongest member alive but she was to young to fight when the clan was in sever danger so she was able to escape while her parents where KIA.  

Itachi Girl5


PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:07 pm
holy hell, read the first post, no posting profiles in the thread. I'm going to get a mod to clear out unneccesay posts. If you can't even make it past the first post to find out you need to pm the profiles you're not putting enough effort in. YOu even have the timeline wrong. This is not after the series, but far before it. Good rpers do not skip all the story and rules and skip to filling out the form.  
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