My poem that is not finished but I need some feed back and your opinions!

Just because my wrist aren't bleeding,
Doesn't mean I don't have a pain thats beating.

I don't mean to cry but but I've got to say.
I want to die today.

Does it matter if I speak?
No one hears me I know I'm weak.

I pretend to smile I try to be strong.
This world is harsh I know I won't last long.

This pain I feel try and tell me it's not real,
I refuse to beleive that I do not feel.

I'm finding a way to live, a way to cope.
Lately I've been running low hope.

It seems to me that none cares.
Or maybe it's just that no one takes the dare.

It's not that hard to understand my pain if only you'd try.
But no I'm let alone to cry!

So many tears are shead
Too many lies are spread