Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 10:06 am
Acronyms are cool, and I wanted to possibly start a list of them. I ask that as well as commonly used ones (such as... well, I can't think of any /common/ commonly used ones, but things like "MADD," Mothers Against Drunk Driving), you put not-very-known ones, like the examples I will type out below.
THE ACRONYM: words it stands for; meaning; history/origin if known.
POSH: Port Out, Starboard Home; fashionable; "the story goes that the more well-to-do passengers travelling to and from India used to have POSH written against their bookings, standing for 'Port Out, Starboard Home' (indicating the more desirable cabins, on the shady side of the ship)." ((From AskOxford.com))
TIP: To Insure Promptness, or TIPS: To Insure Prompt Service; the extra money given for quality service; pub owners in England would place a jar on the counter with a sign that said, "To Insure Promptness."
COOL: Constipated, overrated, out of date loser; I've no idea where this originated.
SNAFU: Situation Normal All *Fouled* Up; Used when a smoothly-running something or other gets ruined.
ASA It's a club at my school. It means: Asian Students Association.
SCUBA is an acronym for 'self contained underwater breathing aparatus'.
A.K.A: Also known as.
Just post 'em up and I'll add them. Thanks for the contributions!
Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 10:12 am
ASA It's a club at my school. It means: Asian Students Association.
But I like saying: Awesome Sexy Asians.
Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 10:53 am
BlueBlythe ASA It's a club at my school. It means: Asian Students Association. But I like saying: Awesome Sexy Asians. Hahaha... Well, that makes me think of the club at my school, but I really can't think of any others. PRISM: People Respecting Individuality, Sexuality, and Minorities.
Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 9:33 pm
Ooh, ooh! Did you got those first two (POSH and TIP) from The View from Saturday? whee
COOL: Constipated, overrated, out of date loser; I've no idea where this originated, but students at my school used it a lot on each other when I was in sixth grade. sweatdrop
SNAFU: Situation Normal All *Fouled* Up; Used when a smoothly-running something or other gets ruined. I'll go look in my list later...
Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 12:06 am
SCUBA is an acronym for 'self contained underwater breathing aparatus'.
Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 11:59 am
Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 7:17 pm
Heh, yes, I did get it from The View From Saturday, I'm kind of obsessed.
Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 8:42 pm
It's funny that you're calling me tonight
What I call my band is one, A.D.A.I.B.W.B.G.P.O. + M.A.W.M.
A Divided Agenst Itself Band With Bisexuals, Girl-pants, Prepster-scum, and One hot guy + Mabey A Worthwhile Moment.
Not worth putting up there, kind of just venting, Y'know?
And, Yes, I've drempt of you too.
Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 11:55 am