Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:28 am
Hi! If your Soquili has a mate, please reply to this thread.
Also post if you require permission for someone else to breed with your soquili if they get a slot. (Example: Someone -a friend or stranger- gets a breeding slot and says for their soquili and yours to breed in the slot. Do you want to give them permission to do this? )
FYI: ~1/11/08: Now that Soquili are starting to hit their breeding limit, this thread is also now going to list the Soquili that have bred 3 times and are therefore unable to breed anymore ~As of May 1st, 2007, pets are not allowed to mate/breed/enter raffles/have permission posted until they are at LEAST three weeks old (or have been adults for three weeks, in the case of life cycle pets). That means if it has been less than three weeks...stay out of this thread and out of the raffles. ~Mate refers to lifemates; lifemates are able to breed only with each other, and only couples on this list are able to enter the lifemates category of the breeding raffles. Lifematings should not be entered into lightly; if a mating is broken after being formally posted, the Soquili involved may not breed at all for at least three months/raffles (if there are no raffles in a given month, that month doesn't count as one of the three). ~Mates are assumed to have blanket permission to breed whenever; unless otherwise mentioned, mates don't require permission posts
3 breedings, no more Rot: Owned by Meeki Maeryn: Owned by Miss Cherie Orchu: Owned by Polar Kasumi: Owned by DLF Guilian: Owned by Cajmera Paris: Owned by Ivory_feld Azure, Owned by Kamiki
Mates Cyrus and Alona Lakota and Tabitha Zhuri and Belle Settia and Dyami Hania and Mahiri Sora and Delphia Kamaria and Zephyr Wambli Zikala and Jewel Nightfall and Tsiala Celendria and Euphoria Sheridan and Ardia Orchu and Kasumi King and Tetyawna Hisuiyu and Eris Isilme and Loki Ti'Liera and Cheveyo Pallaton and Rowanoak Eachann and Ilianna Kayjin and makya Awnae and Vibrant Shades of Death Nora and Nipper Cualtzin and Tally Esperanza & Otaikimmio'tokaan Hok'ee and Chu'mana Paramekia and Ailurinae Moki and Nicole Taroji and Applejack Degewi and Myoa Glory & Kahaina Grand Dynasty and Yue'er Shetan and Johar Roka and Chitsa Astia and Bairn Couscous and Lilith Maize and Dyre Starshine and Kanati Shihab and Adelle Milana and Porfirio Randee and Unesdala Rei and Elk Vevina and Acajou Ever Sacrafice and Tawali Aita and Daray Suiren and Nalani Kail and K'jatu Obsydian and Zahariah Cloud and Tifa Erik and Sehkmeht Shadow and Lunathiel Zaphiro and Hienna Krysta and Viscoso Starla and Cuallyen Yei Umeko and Grencia Sibalto and Firefly Desire and Anuyi Isabella and Dharmesh Xantir and Aeris Lieu and Tannenbaum Besyrwan and Christabel StarCatcher and Nanaki Will and Wanete Daveigh and Yukio Jazz and Glowheart Artemis and Thestral Tic Tac Toe and Zaribe Elu and Kashet Chepi Angeni and Blake Khan and Auma Cynara and Blais Cosette and Twilight Andre and Tsaluyi Miri and Critter Galitaya and Micah Mythril and Gabriella CandiFloss and Lloyd Verloren and Shiori Ashiikyu and Sayerel Nacio and Peony Tohru and Kyo Sohma Shikoba and Aishwarya Lady Saissis & Nathaniel Christopher Arwen & Aragorn Midori and Disconium Ignacia and Atum Urza and Rainbow Chaser Leareth and Fennic Shizuka Tsuyoi and Zaicate
Broken lifematings/penalty starting point/time left Windflame Bloodrider and Ringlet/November/2 months Kila and Benoni/November/2 months
*3 months mean 3 months with breeding opportunities. Now that the breeders each have their own events, there could plausibly be 5 events a month. That still counts as one month. Conversely, if NONE of the breeders have events, that month WILL NOT COUNT as a banned month, since there was nothing to be banned from. There must be at least one breeding event held in a given month for that month to count for the ban. And if you doubt, ask.
Selective Permission - These are specific Soquili or owners selected by another owner for permission to breed any time, they are not mated.
Owner:Soquili Pair:Other owner(s)
Orasteele:any:Britain and Ogre Presca: any: Bob Dobbs Presca/faerierain:Bubbles & Espowye: Bob Dobbs Britain:any except Tsiala:Orasteele and Ogre Ogre:any:Britain or Orasteele HelMel: Kaelyn and Wakinyan:darkelementaldemon Firkasa: Verloren and Resi:Kireiryuu Kasailoki/Lethrossen: Rikka and Intrepid: JadeEye:Chogan & Ceylona:Talencia DawnieChan: Getsuei & Dakini: Nyao-chan Lizzymoo: Trinity & Cavan:Angmar Baneful:Malarif and Nova confused Evelyn Kyros:Tawali and Ever Sacrafice: Malhyanth Mondo Celest: Sterling and Lolita: Nothing Yet Ves: Peryton and Jack: Nerpin Naysha Aysha: Shigure and Spice: Libra07 Harperking: Dancer, Ksapa, and Hanhepi Wikala with any of Foalen's TheMadHatter: Mano'Uhane and Rokuta: Endejester Bloody_Buffy: Marahute and Cerek: n0cturne Naysha Aysha: Oba Fenyang and Autumn: Horzezcutey Swirly: Caelen and Azariel: Skyefenyx Spunky Dasher: Atsilas and Thistle: Werewolfkin Nel: Akila and Tsani: Johanna K. Gambino Bran-Chan: Lucius and Kimi: Silent Spy Tweekend: Kitsune and Pumpkin Tart: Cherie Chieri: Claribel and Istu: Pipermints Samus x: Tori and Kainen: Duo Maxwell Silent Spy: Maverick and Orah: Bluefire Dragonz Bubblegum Flavored Pandy: Tiffany and Korusi: Johanna K Gambino Marinity: Alenazsa and Shishio: Huroggmeten Konalou: Taiyaung and Shimshek: PhoenixGuardianMikazuki Polar and Hime: Moir and Isiyah: Polar and Teh Cheryl ELF: Viola and Narcissus: Kamiki Meepfur: Windwalker and Kazeko: Jadeye Shariea: Virgo and Andromeda: Rein Carnation Tweekend: Ghost and Hesperos: Animechickie Foalen: Rolan and Sayvil: Harperking Kireiryuu: Circe and Joeri: Midnight Blaze Wooga paes: Kasi and Copper: Baby Pandah dustfeather: Gypsy King and Morgana: Lollypop and DNS dustfeather: Tenebrus and Nightshade: DNS Huroggmeten: Evelyn and Bliss: Summer Raven Meeki: AntiChrist and Anarchy: Miss Cherie Kiara Lime and Mia: Trevor and Jaziel: Mia Infinities: Tehya and Foxtrot: Silverpelt Harperking: Ksapa and Daze: Beat Fu Lady Kitania: Varmint and Eidari: Hime Miss Cherie: Kwahu and Azulia: Justin PGM: Shizuku and Zaicate: Caitlyn Hellstorm Huroggmeten: Keahi and Imperio: Teh Cheryl and Polar Lorako: Anshu and Autumn: Horzezcutey Safaia: Serenade to a Starlight Night and Rem: Ronove Iris_Virus: Felicia and Sirius: Mint Tea Moochilove: Morgy and Sha Gojyo: Natty Tara: Uwihi and Sanuye: Lauren Tara: Hegata and Lady Amarantha Cromwell: Doodle p***s Mimiru: Journey and Kiefer: Pandy Shariea: Sierra and Raum: Samus X Chibizoo: Rosiel and Riven: Gelfin Jadeeye: Kazeko and Nova: Eff Em Skye Starrfyre: Kizuka and Kai: Lilwere Kiara Lima: Trevor and Jaziel: Mialee Summer Raven/Sytna: Vanilla Swirl and Ronen: Remove Jadeye: Chogan and Tshibala: [Alchemist] Jadeye: Devalen and Asherah: Kyribird Meepfur: Justice and Zatarra: Naita Cajmera: Kildegard and Blossomforth: Meeki Naeva: Briar and Wild Rose: Foalen Beat Fu: Optima and Tir Na Nog: Chieri Mistalina: Leilani and Rhapsody: Skylar Jo Gambino: Dinilawi and Danuwa: Naysha Izzy Makini: Halloween and Gingey: Lady Kitania Cajmera: Antony and Loveless: Tweekend Mako: Niele and Duncan: Nekolulu Swampie: Opera and Yaholo: demon_Pachabel Selona: Charcoal and Eilthil'atria: Marushii Sage: Prince Noir and Lickety-Split: Kesmi Sabin Duvert: Brigette and Ramoth: The Poison Arrow Kami Swiftsong: Torey and Nalini: Taneko and Queenie Felyn: Khilan and Esha: Ary Keeyara Kisoni: Cassia and Milano: DFA Shaylee and Torn Meepfur: Atikala Aditya and Lysander: Naita Mirimu_13: Journey and Keifer: Bubblegumflavoredpandy Remove and Amon: Ahmik and Vuja: Syrynx Mintaka: Ixahre and Hidaya'siri: Vashtya Bonara: Luna Lovegood and Harry Potter: Dusty Amyrinth: Tai'jin and Icarus: Kaliskanny/ELF Bloody_Buffy: Jean Claude and Shaitani: Felyn ELF: Savannah and Tlactol: ELF and Kilynn X-Ronso-X: Ezriel and Eponine: Uta Firkasa: Amara and Helaku: Nel Shariea: Kajika and Rowenya: Caitlyn Remove: Meshach and any: Tahja Estes Natty: Charlemagen and Edward Elric: Shikon Miko Antigra and Nerp: Boo and Sa'ida: Silent Spy Steal: Any and Any: Mialee Polar and Cheryl: Nixsi and Kai: Saiyukii Lady Evelyn Nyght: Wild Wind and Maelstrom: Sabin Duvert x_Ronso_x: Ezriel and Eponine: Uta Samus X: Rahu and Aruna: PhoenixGuardianMikazuki Kyaishi: Sukari and Troilius: Sephiros Immortal Xaki: Pegasusmon and Zahara: Cuterthanyou/Psycho_Shocker Rhyliegh: Cyrille and Duncan: Nekolulu/Thamin Nothing Yet: Murphy and Riannel: Nessy/Saede Ivory_feld: Oathkeeper and Auriga: Sapphire Lazuli Kamiki: All and all: Sabin Duvert dolphingurl: Misu and Kimama: Dragonsix Infinities: Zulimar and Valarauco: Yayoi Parue: Catori and Tempest Gale: Nilofer Kamiki: Sirius and Raina: Death Resurrected/Kyjoto Nisshou: Scarlett and Dark: Nisshou/Reeve JadeEye: Vilinia and Guilian: Cajmera Kimie Kitty: Thokya and Kimimela: Rein_Carnation Shareia: Vudeux and K'jatu: Syrynx Parue: Samedi and Chaos: Meeki Parue/Lethrossen: Zephyr and Squalla: Lethrosen Keantha: Momiji and Arome: Libra07 Infinities: Kishi and Resonance: Kyr/Infi
Open Permission Soquili - these Soquili are those that have been listed as being "open permission" - which means if you happen to win a breeding slot, or want to try and grab one, you can use these Soquili without having to confirm it with the owner's first. (ie, you can get the slot and then just PM the owners and let them know)
*IMPORTANT: Check to make sure that the owner doesn't have two Soquili in the raffle already before using one!
Nodin (owned by Sabin Duvert) Tehya (owned by InfinitiesOfSoules) Scherazade (InfinitiesOfSoules) Setin (Dawniechan) Getsuei (Dawniechan) Zahara (Cuterthanyou and Psycho Shocker) Sha Gojyo ([x]Natty-Chan[x]) Duranjaya (Adona Benedicta) Squall (oO Nel Zephyr Oo) Lovebeam (Ice_Dragon_Demon) Rain Curl (Rita Zyon) Charlemagne ([x]Natty-Chan[x]) Dirt (Psycho Shocker)
TheMadHatter has open permission to breed to any of Skye Starrfyre's soquili and vice cersa Pg 16
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 7:52 am
Ayita and Taima are no longer lifemates. I had asked for their relationship to be desolved and recieved permission to do so. But they are still listed under the life mated section.
If they are listed as being seperated now, will I have to wait the full time to try and breed Ayita? Or will the time be backdated to when I had origonally asked to have them seperated? I had thought that she already started her waiting period and have been trying to set up a rp with another player.
I would like to try to breed her in one of the july slots if at all possible.
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 11:53 pm
Can I remove any permissions with my soquili other then Artemis x Thestral and the life mates.
They are:
KasaiLoki:Intrepid and Artemis: Remove:any:Wooga Eff Em: Nova and Ronen: Remove
If I decide to breed any of them together I will repost permission but they shouldn't still have permission now, thanks!
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 2:37 pm
I give Tirokio my permission to enter Cosette and Twilight in any breeding raffle.
-- They are not lifemates as of yet.
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 2:37 pm
I, Lady Evelyn Nyht (under a mule account), give sage_the_vampirc_angel permission to breed my Nacio with her Peony at any time, even if I'm not here. They are not lifemates.
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 2:41 pm
I give my permission for my stallion Bliss to enter the July breeding raffles with any female, as long as the mare's owner contacts me about it first!!
For Zoo's raffle, this doesn't count at least...if he doesn't win then I'll put this back up.
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 2:51 pm
Vartan Alliance I, Lady Evelyn Nyht (under a mule account), give sage_the_vampirc_angel permission to breed my Nacio with her Peony at any time, even if I'm not here. They are not lifemates. Agreed and Like Wise Eve is free to enter Peony in any Breeding Raffle with Nacio at any time
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 2:56 pm
I give permission for my mare, Cosette, to enter th July Breeding Raffle as an open permission. However, anyone interested must PM me first before entering! I will retract this permission if Tirokio logs on and gives hers.
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 2:56 pm
[ Will Turner (( owned by me )) and Waneta (( owned by Iris_Virus )) have officially been lifemated ^^ Will's co-owner has agreed to this over an AIM conversation, and has agreed to it in the past. If you would like proof, I can get her in here to post, but she approves and is allowing the lifemating to continue. Proof of lifemating, if needed. ]
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:02 pm
I hope the ring you gave to her, turns her finger green
I give my permission, for my Mare, Alenazsa, to breed with Huroggmeten's Shishio at any time. At this time, they are NOT Life Mates.
I hope when youre in bed with her, you think of me
m r s - SUPER j u n i o r
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:03 pm
Mimiru_13 [ Will Turner (( owned by me )) and Waneta (( owned by Iris_Virus )) have officially been lifemated ^^ Will's co-owner has agreed to this over an AIM conversation, and has agreed to it in the past. If you would like proof, I can get her in here to post, but she approves and is allowing the lifemating to continue. Proof of lifemating, if needed. ] I'm giving my permission as well for the lifemating of Will and Waneta. :3 heart
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:10 pm
My Daveigh and Lady Mirages Yukio are now officially lifemated. I give Mira the permission to breed them at any time.
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:11 pm
I give my permission for my Bliss to enter the raffle with Epesi, who is co-owned with Remove and I.