Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:27 pm
I think lifemating your Soquili could earn perks in other ways, than their own special raffle spot. I saw the idea of a certed image with both of them (was it called double cert?), and I think that could be a cute perk for a couple who's committed to one another?
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:37 pm
While I still worry that people would still be quick to lifemate just for the quirk, maybe an idea that wouldn't be too extreme is if a couple has been lifemated for over a year, and they happen to win a breeding, they automatically get the max number of baskets? (3 normal, 4 if one parents is an Elder).
Would be a nice little "reward" for long-termed lifemated, but not really something other couples don't have a chance to get anyway.
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:40 pm
`Swirly I've a quick question in this whole process~ If you've given up rights/blahblahblah and a co-own breeding -does- happen to get a third basket... is it permissable to be gifted a basket so long as for the rest of the month you -only- enter one pair.? That sounds pretty fair. surprised Perhaps the rule could be set as something like: "You may only get two baskets from any Soquili that you own or co-own per month." (Only applying to raffles?)
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:45 pm
Silent Spy Perhaps the rule could be set as something like: "You may only get two baskets from any Soquili that you own or co-own per month." (Only applying to raffles?) I think that rule, combined with the "only enter two pairs" rule should keep people from abusing any loopholes, without restricting too people too much. I think its perfectly reasonable to expect people to put their current pair on hold if they have the good graces to get a basket gifted to them.
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:27 pm
Alright, aren't you all exited, time for Nilo's two cents.
-On Edits-
I full heartedly agree with the rating system for edits. I believe that a uber edit breeding with a non edit should get medium edit babys. two uber edits should get super spiffy babys. and a medium edit breeding with a no edit should get very little edits. Meeting half way.
Soquili is a Breedables and Adoptables Petshop. So right there shows breeding is a very large part of the shop. If a person forks over alot of $$ or G or waits forever to get a slot for an edited soquili, they are in essence starting a new Lineage. And people need to stop being spitefull twords people who DO manage to get these amazeing pets. They work hard and spend their hard earned currency just like everyone else so there is no need to single out these people. I speak as a person who out of all of the soquili she has, only one is a minimal edited regular, so im not biast.
But honestly, if someone has an AMAZING stud, the children should inherit some of that amazeing. And i have permission to use these guys as an example. 8D
Say Raven here, is a stud of ulta sexyness. But in all honestly, if you take away the fact that his hair wings and assessories are custom... what is he? Hes a pure black alicorn. That leaves very little for the colorist to pick from.
Same thing with Angel. Sexy yes, but edits aside hes just a pure white peg. With edits like this i think that there should be a system were the offspring should get at least edited hair, and ya know mabey some assessories.
Im not saying children should be carbon copys of their parents, but the all or nothing just seems unfair, and going somewere half way between the two parents editing lvls seems more.... i dont know... evenly distributed?
Or even offering the option for a colorist to chose between rateings and dice roll, that way people entering for breedings know what they are in for.
- Baskets -
I agree that there should be no more then two raffles per person a month, there are just to many people being entered. But i think takeing away a persons ability to gift baskets is just wrong. Its been said that the third basket can be given away at the owners discretion, and so what if a person is gifted a basket. Its the owners who are paying for said basket. O_o
A person already cant keep the basket themselves, wich i agree with and i love the rule, keeps people from breeding their own pets together and keeping all baskets. But the fact is is that breedings are hard to get, and a third basket sint garanteed. If i have a co-owned pet, that im trying to breed, and it already takes months to get a slot, and WO, my luck is so great that i get a slot, and then WOOHOO i get a third basket? Why not allow them to give the third to a co-owner, who knows when a person will get another chance at a slot. its not as if the amount of couples trying are getting any smaller.
And if a person gets gifted baskets, why are people getting so angry? TO me it would seem a sign of greed on the peoples parts. What your saying is, stop a person from giveing a third basket to a friend and give it to who... you? Some other person they dont know? These are offspring of their beloved pets, it would make sence to let them give said pets to people they trust, be it a co-owner or a person who already has two baskets. If there is obviouse abuse of the rules then by all means deal with it, but c'mon. these are their pets, they payed for, and in all honestly giveing away of a baby should be at their choise.
- Lifemateing Perks -
I dont agree for lifemateing perks persay, i see its to easy to abuse. someone just lifemateing to get the max baskets - BUT - RPed lifemateings, i think that sounds like a good idea.
If people have put in alot of effort into their RPs, their characters and backrounds, i think its a nice perk to give them the max baskets.
*please exuse my multiple typos*
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:37 pm
Silent Spy Perhaps the rule could be set as something like: "You may only get two baskets from any Soquili that you own or co-own per month." (Only applying to raffles?) I do like that wording *nods*
I also like the idea for a greater chance of edits, even small ones passing down. Icarus' breeding was mentioned earlier and both his kids from that breeding did not gain any traits from either of the parents other than their coloration. It sometimes can come as seeming that the special breeds get a better chance of passing down 'editable' traits then edited regulars. I have noticed there has been an increase in people questing for uni's, winds' angeni, skinwalkers ect. and some have seemed to just be for the sake of having a 'special' breed. I personally love the regulars more than the other breeds. I love the fact that just a few minor edits like hair or a special necklace can make them little bit extra amazing and it's always nice to see those special unique things passed down to the children.
As for the double cert for lifemating, I think that'd be a wonderful thing to see ^-^~ As for perks, the idea that after so many months/year of being lifemated they have an almost guaranteed chance at the max baskets, that sounds nice without being too abusable...
My wondering is: Does stats even factor in the number of baskets anymore? I see breedings with three baskets and breedings with two and haven't seen much of a connection other than what seems to be pure whim/how much work the breeder can do that month ect. It does take a lot of work to increase stats for a Soquili with the amount of RP that usually happens to do so. That is one of the perks that is quite nice especially if the owner has a particular person they'd like to gift (and who knows, maybe it'll cut down on the co-owning) Heck, maybe at least defining it a little better, such as if parent A has 75% stats and parent B has 50%... well then there is a 25% chance or something that there are three baskets. If both parents are at 80-90% then there is a 90% chance that there will be three baskets ect... At least so the chance doesn't seem so arbritary *nods*
On a completely different subject...
Will elder slots be opening up again?
*hopes she made sense* It's way to late at night for me to be typing >_<
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:58 pm
double cert for lifemates - no. that will cause much confusion, and though it sounds cute, there are many soquili on certs that are already almost at the biggest size-500x500kb. to put two soquili on one cert is kind of useless and time wasting, as you can just fit them both into a nicer sig image. isn't it enough that there's a mate: option on the certs? soquili will either have to be shrunken down way much in order to fit TWO on ONE cert, i assure everyone, unless the cert is to be over 500 pixels in width. unless a new cert is made for lifemate-combos, the text on the certs now, if an extra soquili were added, would most likely be obscured..which kind of defeats the purpose of having both soquili on a cert.
stats play a factor for me personally, rp does, and etc. there are some soquili with stats, i would like to note, that are not rped, but have stats regardless (these stats come from the past when stats were updated when just the person rped, and not the pet itself, or when every soquili that was in a teepee was given 10% for every month they were born when stats hadn't been updated for a long time as a consolation.) i noticed some other colorists gave extra baskets for everyone for special occasion (like valentines day, if i remember right?), but other than that, there is a procedure that determines how many baskets there are in a breeding; it's not just based on a whim, lol. non-rped couples get a standard two if neither have any stats, however. i would also like to note that two baskets is standard. three baskets = possibility which is a perk, NOT an OBLIGATION to rped couples or soquili with stats.
and yes, elder slots will be opening again. it was not stated anywhere that elders would be retired; colorists are implementing something now (?) that would hopefully offer rotational elder slot openings. on the same note, i would like to offer another idea concerning elders: if i wanted one of my pets to turn elder, i'm biased about having the same colorist who colored the previous stages do the elder stage as well. it would be nice if there was the option of contacting the previous colorist of a soquili to color the elder stage, if it were to obtain elder status, even if another colorist was offering elder slots that month.
edit: ..but i just realized, this thread is for breeding suggestions only, so why am i talking about elders DX
edit 2: on the subject of lifemating perks, after i held my lifemate raffles, i HAVE noticed insta-lifemates right after, which is why i stopped doing lifemate raffles. x3
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:41 am
I know no one really wants my input 'cause I'm just some noob that started hanging around in January with no Soquili being entered in raffles currently but... dammit, you'll hear it anyways! >(
Low luck raffles:
I like them? o-o; Obviously that's weird coming from someone who's never bred a Soq before but... I like them. I do sort of think the low luck raffles should be increased by months though, like say half a year instead of 4 months? ..because I mean it does sometimes take awhile to get a slot and low luck is supposed to be for people who truly have low luck. 4 months doesn't seem like such a big deal..?
Other than that.. I like them how they are 'cause I think if a colorist notices a couple has been trying for say a year or an outstanding amount of time they'll offer a breeding? I know a colorist did that recently, I think it was Nerpin? I thought it was really sweet and y'know, wouldn't that be a nicer way to win than... OMG I DEMAND A SLOT I BEEN PUTIN MA PLOT ON HOLD FER 2 YEARS ALREDI.
DICE! Everyone loves dice, you know it's like a night in vegas. You win or you lose and either way you end up with a lady/man on your lap. ;D In Soq case, edits are rolled and either way you end up with a gorgeous Soquili in your lap.. or in your sig. o_o;
I kinda agree with Ende in saying that omgwtfbbq edits, since clothes aren't included, are most likely mutants or something not everyone can afford...? So in all fairness, a Soq with a simple edit such as a hairstyle edit, has the same chance of passing that down that a crazy edited Soq would? I know everyone has different opinions on this but... I think the dice are used to be fair and that's why they were even being used in the first place? o-o;
Then again... maybe I'm missing something. It's late, okay?!? DD:
Okay, that title wasn't necessary but hey, I'm tired and my randomness bar is overflowing. :'D
I like the idea of having an option of including throwbacks... but I don't know if everyone likes it being forced upon them? o-o; Like maybe be like Shao and include, "Would you like a chance of throwbacks? If so please give family history, etc. etc." Ooh and would that include hairstyles? o: That'd be so kewl. "Hay Mawm, I have Grandpa's hair!"
..and that is my 50 cents! ..and a half.
Nothing else in all 9.5 pages really caught my attention..? :'D
..and my little blurb because I'm always y'know.. begging for fun. :'D *Shot*
I think every once in awhile a colorist should have a sort of... interactive breeding slot. Maybe post a time when everyone could gather and sort of hold a mini event for a slot? Like I know sometimes theres Soq raffles where you have to get tickets in order to be eligible? What if colorists did that sometime when they had free time? Say, have a "Quick, 10 minutes, draw me a picture of two horses nuzzling one another!" and then everyone who drew something could be raffled off? Of course, it'd have to be before actual raffle slots were opened so you don't have the 2 couple rule being broken. I dunno, just those sorts of events are what make Soq fun for me, so I was thinking maybe breeding slots could be too. x3; Or maybe I'm a weirdo who needs sleep.
That said, I'll hit the hay. 8D
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:45 am
on the subject of edits -- why must massive clothing edits have to pass down? sad apparently from what i'm gathering from others and some of the posts here, is the question of why massive clothing edits aren't passed down. (YA I KNOW. PPL AREN'T REALLY ASKING THAT QUESTION HERE. but i see it around alot in the thread or subtle hints) i might have alot of flaws with my logic right now, but in the end, i'm just pointing out that they are BASICALLY just clothes and accessories.
like raven for example. im sorry that he's a purely an alicorn underneath.. but in a breeding, COLORATION (in a case of a soq. hairstyle + extra fur + othar natural edits ex. uni horn, flutterwings) passes down in any sort of animals. i'm sorry, but when does clothes factor into this? if clothes were a MUST to be passed down, wouldn't it be counted as a gene? XD lmao, but it's not a gene !
i've seen a person complain about how both parents had fully clothed bodies, and yet they complained when the babies came out with a sash and a hat. but gosh, the babies were edited quite nicely too albeit it was simple. what was there to complain about? biggrin
if a colorist chooses to pass down CLOTHES and ACCESSORIES, it'd be great ! but don't be disappointed if they don't. it may be that a colorist prefers to stick to a more somewhat natural theme. and the fact that you say 'Hes a pure black alicorn. That leaves very little for the colorist to pick from.' is a matter of perspective. I have seen some very PLAIN breedings producing gorgeous babies from a colorist's creativity~~~ XDDDD
massively edited soquili does not always mean that ppl should expect such babies. the question would be than, did they get it for the soq or did they get it for the babies? D:~ if ti were the latter -- i'd think it would be very shallow to have such expectations. x(
If your just talking about hair and accessories being passed down tho, many of the colorists i've seen lmao, pass down edited hair or at least an accessory. is there an example that you HAVEN't seen being done that that you brought up the question? O:
and amir -- edited rgeulars have just as great of a chance as a rare to pass down editted traits. biggrin but don't you think that since icarus's breeding turned out with normal babies and only a slight edit is the fault of the randomizer? one of the grandparents + the mom was also a regular so it makes sense that the babies could have ended out normal.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:07 am
Quote: massively edited soquili does not always mean that ppl should expect such babies. the question would be than, did they get it for the soq or did they get it for the babies? D:~ if ti were the latter -- i'd think it would be very shallow to have such expectations. x( I don't think that's why people. But as some people have mentioned, its a breedable shop. Breeding I think is one of the most fun factors, and seeing what the colorists come up with is awesome. And on the RP note, when they have children it can be very important to their storylines. That said...
I guess they way I see it is, breeding is fun because you get to see how the parents MIX. OMGUBEREDITS shouldn't necessarily pass down OMGUBERERDITS, and I never said they should, but I think if they have 1001 body edits, it makes little sense to me that they might have a child that has none. In theory a baby is 50% of each parent... not a 50% CHANCE of being like each parent. I just don't like the ALL or Nothing, because since that rule has been implemented, I, personally, think the shop has seen more babies that while being beautiful, don't always look as much like their parentage as we've seen in the past. Maybe I'm being more critical. I don't think its "You're just trying to be greedy and get uber edited babies" - no. I never said the edits passed on had to be anything major. But if you have a Soquili that has a REALLY distinct trait, I just think there should be more than a 45% that each baby might get at least a part of that trait. Doesn't have to be a major edit. It could just be a unique horn style, or a splatter of scaling from a draconic parent, a tusk from a troll-ish mother. I think having three babies with TINY but unique edits is preferable to two completely unedited babies and one baby with mod edits. That's really all I'm saying. I think the colorists should the ability ti add little small edit "easter eggs" to babies, but has iit stands now, you have a 55% chance to get nothing at all unique.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:38 am
Dovaxy I kinda agree with Ende in saying that omgwtfbbq edits, since clothes aren't included, are most likely mutants or something not everyone can afford...? Not necessarily. I think I have a lot of unique (most of them just have edited hair) Soq, but I only a few have one that actually "mutants" - Dyson is the only one that was obtained as a mutant. The others that have edits are either 2nd gen or edited rares. When you get an edited rare kalona, for example, you can get custom horns. Unicorns can have custom horns, flutters can have custom wings... things that chance the appearance of the Soq but can't considered mutations. Kalona's can have lots of things added to them without making them mutants, such as scales. I THINK with Kelpie/Mers customs can have edits to their fins (I couldn't be wrong on this, but I think I've seen this before..)
So there are a lot of edits that could be considered unique to a parent. Saying "not everyone can afford edits, so you shouldn't expect them to pass down" is a bit unfair. That's like saying ... flutters shouldn't be able to pass down because flutters are expensive to custom?
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 6:08 am
I think raffles should be better left random. There are no guarantees with breeding. You can play it smart to a point. Like if you want to guarantee the racial outcome, you can put two unicorns together, provided they are of a pure line and no grandparents or anything are another race.
Even hybrids are not predictable. You could have two fluttercorns together and still end up with a regular unicorn or regular flutter offspring. Hybrids, while awesome, are hybrids for a reason. They have two races within them and that will factor into the breeding.
I think if you put two totally different races together, you should be aware that the babies could come out any possible ways. If someone breeds a kalona with a regular, they should not be upset if both children come out regular. That's the gamble they took by breeding two different species together.
As for the edits, there's no guarantees with that either. I think that's perfectly fine. Part of what makes a breeding exciting is that you don't know how the babies are going to come out. Even with a bribe, the only thing you are supposed to do is choose genders.
If one of the parents does not have custom edits, I think it should be assumed that a good portion, perhaps even all of the kids may not have edits. If both parents have custom edits, then there's a good chance most of the kids might have a little something. But there's never any guarantees. I think if your pet ends up with a little something unique, that's great, but I don't think it should be a requirement, nor do I think the pet should be considered any less awesome because it does not have some unique aspect to it. It's unique enough because it's a mix of two parents. I love, I flat out love looking at how babies come out. I'm no less excited two see two unedited regulars breed because the possibilities are usually endless.
Bedlam was used as an example of a 'good breeding outcome' in this thread, or something to that effect. So was Ezriel. While I'm flattered that they are both considered good examples of breedings because I own one of them and had a two pets sire the other, it does bum me out. Bedlam has a unicorn sister with no edits whatsoever. I find Berenice to be just as lovely as her brothers that do have edits. I don't feel she is in any way less special because of it. In Ezriel's case, his sister, though she does have racial attributes, does not have custom edits.
Those are both examples of normal breedings. Each case had one pet that stood out, but two siblings that did not. Not all ended up with awesome racial features. Not all ended up with awesome hair or accessory edits. Both were even acquired through bribes on top of that but were still random in the end. I had absolutely no idea how Bedlam was coming out and I do find him absolutely perfect, but that's because I love red, black and white on males. I still think Ameh has some kind of sixth sense but that's debatable.
I think the rating system, though it sounds really awesome in the beginning because face it, every one of us are going to go goo-goo over edits most of the time, will make breedings less exciting. Yes, you still might not know which traits or edits you might acquire, but being guaranteed something, seems really cheap. If you don't even get that in bribes, why should it be guaranteed in raffles? Why kill the total randomness to a breeding?
If I absolutely want a baby a specific way, I'd probably just custom one through a custom slot. It might be one baby vs two or a chance of three, but at least I'd have that one baby that I was hoping for. When I go into a breeding, I'm really happy with all outcomes. I don't have expectations usually so I never feel disappointed, even with the unedited baby. That baby is still a mix of both parents and that alone is enough to make me squee from the inside out.
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 6:38 am
Kamiki `Swirly I've a quick question in this whole process~ If you've given up rights/blahblahblah and a co-own breeding -does- happen to get a third basket... is it permissable to be gifted a basket so long as for the rest of the month you -only- enter one pair.? That seems like a fair compromise to me, personally <3 Hmmm <3 getting closer to an agreement over all this perhaps? -ponder-
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 6:49 am
Just a quick note - I really don't think that the rating system would take randomness out of a breeding 0.o Just because you have a pretty good feeling that offspring are going to end up with some sort of edits doesn't say at all what is going to pass, or how the colorist is going to interpret it. It doesn't even necessarily mean that they're just going to clone-stamp a parent.
I remember, for example, Merangue did a breeding with a parrot-colored soquili and tic-tac-toe - and one of the babies got a tic-tac-toe necklace. I thought that was an adorable, cute, little nod. It was a surprise and not something that could have been predicted. The colorists here are very creative, and I don't think that a guarantee at some kind of edit would make things any less of a surprise. Not to mention, race is still randomly determined. ((And I really hope no one takes offense at using that as an example ^^; I'm not trying to slight either of the babies - it's just something that stuck out in my mind)).
Another question - I'm curious to know - how soquili that have several "racial" features like a pure unicorn that has a horn, cloven hooves, and tail, or a kalona which has the tail, horns, wings, etc - can pass them in parts? Usually I assumed rolling for traits was just things like horns and wings, but a lot of the races have other little nods that really are interesting to see offspring get a part of ((like a unicorn x regular, and a baby, while regular, has a unicorn tail. I think that's neat)). Is that just colorist's discretion? ((Which I'm not arguing against, but I was just curious. I think it's really neat when parents blend like that)).
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 7:05 am
I prefer letting the -colorists- decide just how much of a nod they want to give, rather than this system of ratings as far as edits go. The colorists usually come up with a hell of a lot cuter ideas/nods than any system could ever tell them to do.
-To me- you pay uber prices for the edits and what not on -that- Soquili. THAT ONE. Not every Soquili that may ever be related to them throughout the history of time. If you breed them you're taking the chance of perhaps no edits passing on. It's the risk you take. You can say it's breedable/changeable pets all you want but no one's taking away your right to breed, they're just not being forced to do 8593252 edits on every baby.
Breedings are fun guys, but I really don't see how someone feels entitled to have edits on all their foals just because they paid some big price for the parent.
And honestly? I like a lot of the foals with -less- edits than their parents with extreme edits. Just my two cents
I really really -really- disagree with the idea of a system and guaranteed edits. In the case of raffles I hardly think the colorists are paid enough to HAVE to do edits like that :/ If they want to and the rolls go right then by all means go ahead, but a system in place like that? ...Meh.