Name: Aresenciel - Ara for short.
Temper/Personality: Amused (most things roll off her back, she's an optimist)
Gender: Female
Cert: xxx
Acquired By: Lexi and Sage's 'Rainbowgasms' RP contest
- Parents: Akari x Lollipop
- Mate: Waaay too early for that!
- Siblings: Teenti, Aiko,
- Children: n/a
Range: At the moment, mostly living around her parents.
Plot Points/Ideas (may or may not happen):
Rp Color: Magenta!
Accent/Speech Patterns: Tends to speak loudly, clearly, and with (at times) an annoyingly happy lilt to her tone.
Habits: Practicing her art
Pet Peeves? none at the moment
Dreams/Goals for the Future? To be good enough (in her own eyes) to show her father her art.
Fears? Being bad at art, having her work criticized
Temper/Personality: Amused (most things roll off her back, she's an optimist)
Gender: Female
Cert: xxx
Acquired By: Lexi and Sage's 'Rainbowgasms' RP contest
- Parents: Akari x Lollipop
- Mate: Waaay too early for that!
- Siblings: Teenti, Aiko,
- Children: n/a
Range: At the moment, mostly living around her parents.
Plot Points/Ideas (may or may not happen):
Rp Color: Magenta!
Accent/Speech Patterns: Tends to speak loudly, clearly, and with (at times) an annoyingly happy lilt to her tone.
Habits: Practicing her art
Pet Peeves? none at the moment
Dreams/Goals for the Future? To be good enough (in her own eyes) to show her father her art.
Fears? Being bad at art, having her work criticized
The Creeper's Riddle
"The final one, as hallow sounding as the others, though higher pitched and screechy. However it doesnt seem able to speak the common soquilian language, instead chirping and shrieking loudly as its ears twitched, looking more alert than the others, though just as blind."