Akatsuki Vash
Akatsuki Vash

i got a ton of uncles and im taller then all but 2 of them....but those 2 arent related to me by blood. and when my uncles ask why i dont play volleyball with the family i say im too short...and they laugh><

psssh I play volleyball XP yeah...if only could be taller....I'll be happy to even get near 5'9" XP

i dont like volley ball that much
i play football, tennis, and some soccer

heh, I'm going to try out for Volleyball :3 or maybay tennis. It would be even better if i was taller.

really? hah hah too bad guys can't try out for volleyball XP I was going to join tennis last year, but got lazy to do all the paper work XP

well, i'm happy i got all that done already ;p