Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:45 pm
Hey Fatal. I absolutely love Seamus and was wondering if you wanted to plot and rp with my girl Fenri. They can be friends but I would love for them to have a fling or even become lifemates if the rp/plots go that way. Let me know what you think or if you want to know more about her. I'm still working on her history and personality some but I know most of it.
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:42 pm
Bluedemonwolf Hey Fatal. I absolutely love Seamus and was wondering if you wanted to plot and rp with my girl Fenri. They can be friends but I would love for them to have a fling or even become lifemates if the rp/plots go that way. Let me know what you think or if you want to know more about her. I'm still working on her history and personality some but I know most of it.  ooooo she's gorgeous! Tell me more about her smile
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:57 pm
Fatal Irony ooooo she's gorgeous! Tell me more about her smile Well she was found along with her twin (Deej's Sovereign) by my pony Delilah who took them home. Deli is very apologetic and due to this it lead Fenri to become protective of her 'mom' yet at the same time confrontational and headstrong as Deli never truly punished the young fillies when they got into trouble and Fenri is one who constantly gets into trouble. Fenri often feels bad about it since it causes her mom to apologize so much on her behalf and promises to do better. However she still ends up doing rash and stupid things that gets her into trouble. Deli's brother Jeremiah (owned by Ryuu) is the leader of a gang and Fenri eventually found out. She doesn't agree with it but accepts it cause he's her family. She occasionally fights with him about it and often goes off sulking cause he refused to tell her mom about it. Fenri is really kind but is a bit hotheaded and headstrong so she may come off a little strong with any one she meets at first. She isn't timid at all and will say anything that's on her mind without thinking of the consequences (she will try to make things up/better if she realizes she said or has done something wrong/bad). She loves flowers and to travel but honestly hasn't gone too far from home save for a couple of times.
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 7:33 pm
Bluedemonwolf Fatal Irony ooooo she's gorgeous! Tell me more about her smile Well she was found along with her twin (Deej's Sovereign) by my pony Delilah who took them home. Deli is very apologetic and due to this it lead Fenri to become protective of her 'mom' yet at the same time confrontational and headstrong as Deli never truly punished the young fillies when they got into trouble and Fenri is one who constantly gets into trouble. Fenri often feels bad about it since it causes her mom to apologize so much on her behalf and promises to do better. However she still ends up doing rash and stupid things that gets her into trouble. Deli's brother Jeremiah (owned by Ryuu) is the leader of a gang and Fenri eventually found out. She doesn't agree with it but accepts it cause he's her family. She occasionally fights with him about it and often goes off sulking cause he refused to tell her mom about it. Fenri is really kind but is a bit hotheaded and headstrong so she may come off a little strong with any one she meets at first. She isn't timid at all and will say anything that's on her mind without thinking of the consequences (she will try to make things up/better if she realizes she said or has done something wrong/bad). She loves flowers and to travel but honestly hasn't gone too far from home save for a couple of times. Her strong personality would serve her well! Seamus, the youngest of the three brothers, is often called "Wee Seamus" by his family - but this is a bit of a misnomer as he's actually physically larger than either of the other two boys. He's the strong silent type, whose mind might be a mystery to others. He has a deep loyalty to his family, especially his brothers. They grew up causing trouble, and Seamus would just follow along as the silent muscle. He doesn't show his emotions well, but they run deep. Once someone has earned his loyalty, it's for life and he would do anything for that person. It would probably be best if she were the forward one, since he's probably not going to make an obvious move on her. It would be likely that she would sort of assimilate herself into the group of him and his brothers, and he would develop feelings but not say anything about it beyond protecting her against any danger (though he would also believe in her to protect herself to an extent as well). If he were to lifemate he wouldn't make a big deal out of it. He might not even mention it for years and one day he'd just be like "oh by the way Fenri and I have been married for a while." XDD
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 7:53 pm
Fatal Irony Bluedemonwolf Fatal Irony ooooo she's gorgeous! Tell me more about her smile Well she was found along with her twin (Deej's Sovereign) by my pony Delilah who took them home. Deli is very apologetic and due to this it lead Fenri to become protective of her 'mom' yet at the same time confrontational and headstrong as Deli never truly punished the young fillies when they got into trouble and Fenri is one who constantly gets into trouble. Fenri often feels bad about it since it causes her mom to apologize so much on her behalf and promises to do better. However she still ends up doing rash and stupid things that gets her into trouble. Deli's brother Jeremiah (owned by Ryuu) is the leader of a gang and Fenri eventually found out. She doesn't agree with it but accepts it cause he's her family. She occasionally fights with him about it and often goes off sulking cause he refused to tell her mom about it. Fenri is really kind but is a bit hotheaded and headstrong so she may come off a little strong with any one she meets at first. She isn't timid at all and will say anything that's on her mind without thinking of the consequences (she will try to make things up/better if she realizes she said or has done something wrong/bad). She loves flowers and to travel but honestly hasn't gone too far from home save for a couple of times. Her strong personality would serve her well! Seamus, the youngest of the three brothers, is often called "Wee Seamus" by his family - but this is a bit of a misnomer as he's actually physically larger than either of the other two boys. He's the strong silent type, whose mind might be a mystery to others. He has a deep loyalty to his family, especially his brothers. They grew up causing trouble, and Seamus would just follow along as the silent muscle. He doesn't show his emotions well, but they run deep. Once someone has earned his loyalty, it's for life and he would do anything for that person. It would probably be best if she were the forward one, since he's probably not going to make an obvious move on her. It would be likely that she would sort of assimilate herself into the group of him and his brothers, and he would develop feelings but not say anything about it beyond protecting her against any danger (though he would also believe in her to protect herself to an extent as well). If he were to lifemate he wouldn't make a big deal out of it. He might not even mention it for years and one day he'd just be like "oh by the way Fenri and I have been married for a while." XDD Yeah Fenri would definitely be the forward one. And if she ever found out what his family calls him she'd be so confused but most likely wouldn't ever call him that unless he told her she could. He definitely sounds interesting and like a good match for her. The quiet to her brashness/openness. She would be intrigued by him not only for the fact that he is a mutant cerynei like her but also for his mysterious. If you're not an open book Fenri might not be able to read you. I could see her assimilating herself into the group of him and his brothers since they're troublemakers too. I don't imagine she'd be all flirty with him but rather blunt about any feelings she would develop. XD That sounds great! I imagine Fenri would be pretty much the same as she can only imagine her mother and uncle's reaction to getting a mate.
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 8:38 pm
Bluedemonwolf Fatal Irony Bluedemonwolf Fatal Irony ooooo she's gorgeous! Tell me more about her smile Well she was found along with her twin (Deej's Sovereign) by my pony Delilah who took them home. Deli is very apologetic and due to this it lead Fenri to become protective of her 'mom' yet at the same time confrontational and headstrong as Deli never truly punished the young fillies when they got into trouble and Fenri is one who constantly gets into trouble. Fenri often feels bad about it since it causes her mom to apologize so much on her behalf and promises to do better. However she still ends up doing rash and stupid things that gets her into trouble. Deli's brother Jeremiah (owned by Ryuu) is the leader of a gang and Fenri eventually found out. She doesn't agree with it but accepts it cause he's her family. She occasionally fights with him about it and often goes off sulking cause he refused to tell her mom about it. Fenri is really kind but is a bit hotheaded and headstrong so she may come off a little strong with any one she meets at first. She isn't timid at all and will say anything that's on her mind without thinking of the consequences (she will try to make things up/better if she realizes she said or has done something wrong/bad). She loves flowers and to travel but honestly hasn't gone too far from home save for a couple of times. Her strong personality would serve her well! Seamus, the youngest of the three brothers, is often called "Wee Seamus" by his family - but this is a bit of a misnomer as he's actually physically larger than either of the other two boys. He's the strong silent type, whose mind might be a mystery to others. He has a deep loyalty to his family, especially his brothers. They grew up causing trouble, and Seamus would just follow along as the silent muscle. He doesn't show his emotions well, but they run deep. Once someone has earned his loyalty, it's for life and he would do anything for that person. It would probably be best if she were the forward one, since he's probably not going to make an obvious move on her. It would be likely that she would sort of assimilate herself into the group of him and his brothers, and he would develop feelings but not say anything about it beyond protecting her against any danger (though he would also believe in her to protect herself to an extent as well). If he were to lifemate he wouldn't make a big deal out of it. He might not even mention it for years and one day he'd just be like "oh by the way Fenri and I have been married for a while." XDD Yeah Fenri would definitely be the forward one. And if she ever found out what his family calls him she'd be so confused but most likely wouldn't ever call him that unless he told her she could. He definitely sounds interesting and like a good match for her. The quiet to her brashness/openness. She would be intrigued by him not only for the fact that he is a mutant cerynei like her but also for his mysterious. If you're not an open book Fenri might not be able to read you. I could see her assimilating herself into the group of him and his brothers since they're troublemakers too. I don't imagine she'd be all flirty with him but rather blunt about any feelings she would develop. XD That sounds great! I imagine Fenri would be pretty much the same as she can only imagine her mother and uncle's reaction to getting a mate. Well this sounds like a ton of fun and we should absolutely rp them XD Shall we plot out how they met and maybe do an rp where they already kinda know each other a little? Maybe we can get the brothers together and do a little troublemaking? Or just the two of them to start?
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 8:45 pm
I'm gonna poof to bed, but feel free to leave me your ideas and I'll reply tomorrow smile
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 8:52 pm
Fatal Irony Bluedemonwolf Fatal Irony Bluedemonwolf Fatal Irony ooooo she's gorgeous! Tell me more about her smile Well she was found along with her twin (Deej's Sovereign) by my pony Delilah who took them home. Deli is very apologetic and due to this it lead Fenri to become protective of her 'mom' yet at the same time confrontational and headstrong as Deli never truly punished the young fillies when they got into trouble and Fenri is one who constantly gets into trouble. Fenri often feels bad about it since it causes her mom to apologize so much on her behalf and promises to do better. However she still ends up doing rash and stupid things that gets her into trouble. Deli's brother Jeremiah (owned by Ryuu) is the leader of a gang and Fenri eventually found out. She doesn't agree with it but accepts it cause he's her family. She occasionally fights with him about it and often goes off sulking cause he refused to tell her mom about it. Fenri is really kind but is a bit hotheaded and headstrong so she may come off a little strong with any one she meets at first. She isn't timid at all and will say anything that's on her mind without thinking of the consequences (she will try to make things up/better if she realizes she said or has done something wrong/bad). She loves flowers and to travel but honestly hasn't gone too far from home save for a couple of times. Her strong personality would serve her well! Seamus, the youngest of the three brothers, is often called "Wee Seamus" by his family - but this is a bit of a misnomer as he's actually physically larger than either of the other two boys. He's the strong silent type, whose mind might be a mystery to others. He has a deep loyalty to his family, especially his brothers. They grew up causing trouble, and Seamus would just follow along as the silent muscle. He doesn't show his emotions well, but they run deep. Once someone has earned his loyalty, it's for life and he would do anything for that person. It would probably be best if she were the forward one, since he's probably not going to make an obvious move on her. It would be likely that she would sort of assimilate herself into the group of him and his brothers, and he would develop feelings but not say anything about it beyond protecting her against any danger (though he would also believe in her to protect herself to an extent as well). If he were to lifemate he wouldn't make a big deal out of it. He might not even mention it for years and one day he'd just be like "oh by the way Fenri and I have been married for a while." XDD Yeah Fenri would definitely be the forward one. And if she ever found out what his family calls him she'd be so confused but most likely wouldn't ever call him that unless he told her she could. He definitely sounds interesting and like a good match for her. The quiet to her brashness/openness. She would be intrigued by him not only for the fact that he is a mutant cerynei like her but also for his mysterious. If you're not an open book Fenri might not be able to read you. I could see her assimilating herself into the group of him and his brothers since they're troublemakers too. I don't imagine she'd be all flirty with him but rather blunt about any feelings she would develop. XD That sounds great! I imagine Fenri would be pretty much the same as she can only imagine her mother and uncle's reaction to getting a mate. Well this sounds like a ton of fun and we should absolutely rp them XD Shall we plot out how they met and maybe do an rp where they already kinda know each other a little? Maybe we can get the brothers together and do a little troublemaking? Or just the two of them to start? It does sound like a ton of fun and yes we should rp them! We can definitely plot out how they met and do an rp where they know each other somewhat. It can be either; I'm fine with it being with the brothers for some troublemaking or just the two of them. Is there a certain area Seamus usually sticks to where they may have run into each other or does he travel all over?
Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 2:00 pm
Bluedemonwolf Fatal Irony Bluedemonwolf Fatal Irony Bluedemonwolf Fatal Irony ooooo she's gorgeous! Tell me more about her smile Well she was found along with her twin (Deej's Sovereign) by my pony Delilah who took them home. Deli is very apologetic and due to this it lead Fenri to become protective of her 'mom' yet at the same time confrontational and headstrong as Deli never truly punished the young fillies when they got into trouble and Fenri is one who constantly gets into trouble. Fenri often feels bad about it since it causes her mom to apologize so much on her behalf and promises to do better. However she still ends up doing rash and stupid things that gets her into trouble. Deli's brother Jeremiah (owned by Ryuu) is the leader of a gang and Fenri eventually found out. She doesn't agree with it but accepts it cause he's her family. She occasionally fights with him about it and often goes off sulking cause he refused to tell her mom about it. Fenri is really kind but is a bit hotheaded and headstrong so she may come off a little strong with any one she meets at first. She isn't timid at all and will say anything that's on her mind without thinking of the consequences (she will try to make things up/better if she realizes she said or has done something wrong/bad). She loves flowers and to travel but honestly hasn't gone too far from home save for a couple of times. Her strong personality would serve her well! Seamus, the youngest of the three brothers, is often called "Wee Seamus" by his family - but this is a bit of a misnomer as he's actually physically larger than either of the other two boys. He's the strong silent type, whose mind might be a mystery to others. He has a deep loyalty to his family, especially his brothers. They grew up causing trouble, and Seamus would just follow along as the silent muscle. He doesn't show his emotions well, but they run deep. Once someone has earned his loyalty, it's for life and he would do anything for that person. It would probably be best if she were the forward one, since he's probably not going to make an obvious move on her. It would be likely that she would sort of assimilate herself into the group of him and his brothers, and he would develop feelings but not say anything about it beyond protecting her against any danger (though he would also believe in her to protect herself to an extent as well). If he were to lifemate he wouldn't make a big deal out of it. He might not even mention it for years and one day he'd just be like "oh by the way Fenri and I have been married for a while." XDD Yeah Fenri would definitely be the forward one. And if she ever found out what his family calls him she'd be so confused but most likely wouldn't ever call him that unless he told her she could. He definitely sounds interesting and like a good match for her. The quiet to her brashness/openness. She would be intrigued by him not only for the fact that he is a mutant cerynei like her but also for his mysterious. If you're not an open book Fenri might not be able to read you. I could see her assimilating herself into the group of him and his brothers since they're troublemakers too. I don't imagine she'd be all flirty with him but rather blunt about any feelings she would develop. XD That sounds great! I imagine Fenri would be pretty much the same as she can only imagine her mother and uncle's reaction to getting a mate. Well this sounds like a ton of fun and we should absolutely rp them XD Shall we plot out how they met and maybe do an rp where they already kinda know each other a little? Maybe we can get the brothers together and do a little troublemaking? Or just the two of them to start? It does sound like a ton of fun and yes we should rp them! We can definitely plot out how they met and do an rp where they know each other somewhat. It can be either; I'm fine with it being with the brothers for some troublemaking or just the two of them. Is there a certain area Seamus usually sticks to where they may have run into each other or does he travel all over? I think maybe just the two of them for now, to make it easier! And Seamus and his family travel kind of a lot, not really staying anywhere too long. They lingered in one spot when they were all very young, but after that they kinda live a nomadic life. I'm sure as adults they all take breaks from the family and go off on their own, so Seamus could meet her on one of his solo trips. What kind of trouble is she usually involved in? Does she hunt/eat meat? What sort of scenario can we throw them into?
Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 2:31 pm
Fatal Irony I think maybe just the two of them for now, to make it easier! And Seamus and his family travel kind of a lot, not really staying anywhere too long. They lingered in one spot when they were all very young, but after that they kinda live a nomadic life. I'm sure as adults they all take breaks from the family and go off on their own, so Seamus could meet her on one of his solo trips. What kind of trouble is she usually involved in? Does she hunt/eat meat? What sort of scenario can we throw them into? Alright sounds good! Fenri usually sticks to the forests near the mountains but has gone out further than that a couple of times. Hm.. the kind of trouble she's usually involved in would probably sticking her nose where it doesn't belong and getting into fights. I would imagine if she finds someone being bullied or even attacked by an evil pony she would immediately step in to help. She can eat meat but doesn't do so often as her family are just normal ponies who don't eat meat. She doesn't hunt often so she doesn't hunt very well. Maybe that's how they first meet? She's trying to hunt something and is failing and he hears/sees her? Or she be helping a random pony fend off some bad guys?
Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 4:26 pm
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 7:05 am
Ember/Ctet: Would love for her to have a gal pal! I think they should meet after the fire, though. Her mom kept them moving a lot so I don't think she had many friends growing up - which was one reason she was always off setting fires Abigail/Ziliaris - That would be adorable! Ziliaris would be in the Kateri herd, if that's cool! Roland and the boys: Ooooo this would be fun! What sort of trouble can they get into? The foals: oo What were you thinking with them? I have a bajillion foals XD
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 2:28 pm
I have returned from vacation!
Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 6:55 am
Bluedemonwolf Hey Fatal. I absolutely love Seamus and was wondering if you wanted to plot and rp with my girl Fenri. They can be friends but I would love for them to have a fling or even become lifemates if the rp/plots go that way. Let me know what you think or if you want to know more about her. I'm still working on her history and personality some but I know most of it.  Just letting you know I'm about to be very busy (getting full time at work, plus full time school) But I still am very interested in this smile
Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 3:12 pm
Fatal Irony Bluedemonwolf Hey Fatal. I absolutely love Seamus and was wondering if you wanted to plot and rp with my girl Fenri. They can be friends but I would love for them to have a fling or even become lifemates if the rp/plots go that way. Let me know what you think or if you want to know more about her. I'm still working on her history and personality some but I know most of it.  Just letting you know I'm about to be very busy (getting full time at work, plus full time school) But I still am very interested in this smile As am I. If you just want to do plotting for now and then maybe rp them when life slows down for you that is fine by me. If you do want to rp them still I can set something up and you can reply when you're able. Just let me know what kind of scenario sounds good for for you. I listed a couple of them for how they possibly meet for the first time. Quote: Hm.. the kind of trouble she's usually involved in would probably sticking her nose where it doesn't belong and getting into fights. I would imagine if she finds someone being bullied or even attacked by an evil pony she would immediately step in to help. She can eat meat but doesn't do so often as her family are just normal ponies who don't eat meat. She doesn't hunt often so she doesn't hunt very well. Maybe that's how they first meet? She's trying to hunt something and is failing and he hears/sees her? Or she be helping a random pony fend off some bad guys?