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Find the love of your life through the taste of fruit~. 

Tags: Romance, Slice of Life, Soulmate, Literate, Roleplay 

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:42 am
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'Just because I love you, doesn't mean I have to set you free, right?'

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Jason walked into the park, smiling at Spark's eagerness to get to the park. The puppy was jumping around and sniffing anything and everything that passed by him. Goodness, he's one energetic dog. Well, at some times. Other times, he's lazy as heck. Strolling into the park, he unhooked Spark's collar without thinking from his leash, and he shot off as soon as he was free. Jason quickly reacted by catching him and scooping him up before he jumped on to any people. "Away from the people, then." He said to himself, and went towards an area with less people in it. When he found an area he deemed unpopulated enough, he set Spark down again. He looked around before a few seconds, before running off again. This time though, he headed towards a familiar looking puppy. And that familiar looking puppy was carrying a stick towards a familiar looking lady. Jason has definitely seen this woman before, he remembers that red hair and blue eyes! What was her name? Anne.. Anna.. Oh, wait! Annabelle! And her golden retriever puppy, Charlie! How could he forget? She was the reason why he had Spark!

Speaking of Spark, he had gone to Charlie and noticed her mission with the stick. Picking up the other end in his mouth, he helped her get the stick to its destination. Jason smiled at the two puppies, and walked over to Annabelle with a smile still on his face. "Hey Annabelle. It's nice to see you!" He put his hands in his pockets as he spoke and looked towards their pets again. "Seems like Spark remembers Charlie." He said, with a light chuckle.

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'Just because I love you, doesn't mean I have to set you free, right?'

( Pain )
( Profile )
( Time For A Walk )
( Spark )
Mood ( Calm )
Money ( $876 )
With ( Spark )

Crush | None yet |


oOo Tragic Melody OoO
PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:57 am
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User ImageProfile: x Status: Single Style: Outfit and Hair Money: $950 Charlie: x

                                                                      Annabelle giggled as she watched the puppy try and drag the stick back before she tilted her head to the side a little bit as a puppy with white fur ran up and grabbed the other end of Charlie's stick. Charlie seemed just as surprised before she let out a small growl and her body wiggled with excitement as she now had another puppy to play with. Annabelle giggled a little before she wondered where the puppy had come from. She was sure that she had seen it before.. That was when she heard a voice coming from next to her. Looking over, she then smiled a bit as she saw blonde hair. "It's nice to see you too Jason." She said as she glanced up at the blonde. It had been a little while since she had seen the male, Annabelle had been starting to wonder if he had maybe forgotten about her. The young woman them chuckled softly as she looked at the puppies. "I think Charlie remembers too." The little yellow puppy was happily wagging her tail as she shook her head a little bit, pulling the stick away from spark before she dragged it away, wanting the other puppy to chase her.

Heiress Of Life

Tragic lVlelody

Cuddly Puppy



PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:21 pm
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'Just because I love you, doesn't mean I have to set you free, right?'

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Jason was happy to know that Annabelle remembered his name, and was kinda glad to be in the company of someone who didn't have any drama. Well, that he knows of; he doesn't know what's going on in her life. Still, it calms him down! He continued to watch the two puppies play with the large stick, and smiled. They were so cute! Spark was surprised when Charlie took the stick away, and barked as she ran away. He chased after, and pounced on the free end of the stick, and made a small growl as he pulled the stick back. Oh, now he's playing tug of war! He feels bad for leaving Spark alone, even if it was just for a day! He'll definitely make sure to play with him more often! He deserves it!

Taking his attention off the two puppies, he focused on Annabelle. "So, how have you been? It's been a bit since I last saw you." He said, and remembered their first encounter. He found Charlie to be so adorable, he ended up going to the pet store with Annabelle and got Spark. He was so happy that day.. Man.. No, no, he shouldn't think about it! He suddenly coughed into his arm, and cleared his throat. Agh, this chilly weather might bring his cold back! He did take some of the medicine Rina had left out before she fell asleep on him, so he'll probably feel better later. No medicine works instantly! Walking to a tree that was a few feet away, he leaned his body against it on his back, and gave a small sigh.

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'Just because I love you, doesn't mean I have to set you free, right?'

( Pain )
( Profile )
( Time For A Walk )
( Spark )
Mood ( Calm )
Money ( $876 )
With ( Annabelle )

Crush | None yet |


[quote"oOo Tragic Melody OoO"]
PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 8:31 pm
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User ImageProfile: x Status: Single Style: Outfit and Hair Money: $950 Charlie: x

                                                                      Charlie ran away from the other puppy before she growled a little bit as Spark grabbed the other end of the stick. Tail wagging, the golden puppy then shook her head, trying to get him to let the stick go again. The puppy then dropped her end of the stick and barked playfully. She didn't want to play with the boring stick any more. Now she wanted him to chase her! Pawing at Spark playfully, Charlie then turned and started running away from him so he would chase her.

                                                                      Annabelle giggled a little as she watched the puppies before her attention was grabbed by Jason again. "I've been pretty good." She said softly. She was still a bit bummed that her blind date hadn't worked out. Sure her date had been nice and all, but there just wasn't any sort of spark between them... Oh well.. She would find a boyfriend one day... maybe. Even if she didn't, she had Charlie to keep her company. Though, it could be quite lonely without have any human interaction, but she hadn't been having any luck meeting any new people. Maybe she should take up a hobby? She had seen a new surf shop on the beach. She had tried surfing before and thought that it was pretty fun. She then realized that she was probably starting to zone out, so she fidgeted a little before looking at Jason again. "How have things been for you?" She asked, turning her attention to him with a curious look, her head tilted to the side just a little bit.

Heiress Of Life

Tragic lVlelody

Cuddly Puppy



PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 1:47 pm
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'Just because I love you, doesn't mean I have to set you free, right?'

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Spark fell back a little when Charlie suddenly let go of the stick, but barked after she ran away again. He chased after, barking along the way. He ran after her for a few seconds before picking up his speed, and pounced on her. They tumbled in the grass, and Spark continued to bark as he got up and and ran away from Charlie, now wanting her to chase him.

Jason was watching all of this, and it made him laugh. Those two were just adorable! They should have these two play together more often, they get along pretty well! He watched them to make sure they didn't go too far off and run into some other people, but when he thought they would be OK, he turned his attention back to Annabelle. That was good, at least she's been doing fine. As for him.. "Coulda been better.." He said truthfully. Coulda been A LOT better. That situation at the park was probably unavoidable, there was no way he was going to let Lillian search for Sela all on her own knowing that he could help! Well, that's what he gets for wanting to help.. And then, all the stuff that's been going on with Rina.. Ugh, that's the last thing he wants to think about right now, it'll really put him in a sour mood if he does. But, all that stuff is in the past. There's definitely nothing he can do about it. He has to make the best of it for now! "But, I'm OK." He guesses. Looking at Charlie and Spark continuing to play never fails to bring a smile to his face, and it helped his mood a little. "They've become friends, haven't they?" Hearing their barks and yips made him feel better, and right now, he'll soak up any good feelings he can get!

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'Just because I love you, doesn't mean I have to set you free, right?'

( Pain )
( Profile )
( Time For A Walk )
( Spark )
Mood ( Calm )
Money ( $876 )
With ( Annabelle )

Crush | None yet |


oOo Tragic Melody OoO
PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:19 pm
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User ImageProfile: x Status: Single Style: Outfit and Hair Money: $950 Charlie: x

                                                                      Charlie yipped happily as Spark chased after her. Wagging her tail happily as she looked back over her shoulder at him, she barked as he pounced on her, causing her to tumble to the ground. Standing up, she shook off a bit before she growled happily as she chased after him, she was clearly having fun even though the other puppy was faster than she was.

                                                                      Watching the puppies playing made Annabelle smile with happiness. She then blinked and her blue eyes glanced over at Jason as she gave him a small smile. She wondered what was wrong, but knew that it was none of her business, so it would probably be rude to ask. Not to mention the fact they barely knew each other. Looking at the puppies again to make sure they didn't bother anyone or run into the street, she sighed softly as she thought about her life so far. Sure everything was going fine, but she was actually quite lonely, even if she didn't seem like it. She had no real friends on the island. Sure there was Jason, but they've only bumped into each other twice. Maybe she really should look into getting a job. Blinking, the young woman glanced away from the puppies and smiled as she nodded her head. "Yeah." She said, chuckling as Charlie barked and tried to run faster in attempt to catch the other dog.

Heiress Of Life

Tragic lVlelody

Cuddly Puppy


Anxious Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 7:43 pm
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxI 'MxG O N N Ax L I V E xL I K Ex T O M O R R O Wx D O E S N ' Tx E X I S T
( ◞ like ) ❜ ⋮ it doesn't ) exist
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx sun is up, i'm a mess » gotta get out now
xxxxxxxxxx⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅

Prim lie still on the previous park bench from before. Her parasol was kept close in her arms as if she was hugging a teddy bear. As luck would have it she was stricken with another sleep attack and passed out on the same park bench she had slept on before. The female slept peacefully in the warmth of the sunlight that rained down upon her and scattered through the trees. She didn't really mind sleeping out here despite she looked somewhat like a homeless person. But the weather was nice and the park was peaceful. It was actually the perfect place for a nap and the bench was much more comfortable than one might think.



PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:47 pm
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Katheryn Celeste Holmes
~25~ ~Single~ ~Demisexual~ ~[Occupation]~
$$- 1,000


Your body is made of the same elements that lionesses are built from.
Three quarters of you is the same kind of water that beats rocks to rubble, wears stones away.
Your DNA translates into the same twenty amino acids that wolf genes code for.

Kathryn walked to...well to where ever it was she was going. She did this often, simple walks to clear her head. She had no real reason to go outside other than such, she hated staying indoors all the time and exhaust all her sources of entertainment. So this morning she had woken up late (thanks to jetlag) got dressed in what felt nice and left to go for a walk. She wore a button up, a skirt that stopped at her knees and a pair of heels that only gave her a little more then an extra inch. She had a necklace on and a small bag with her that hung from her shoulder and swayed next to her hip and lastly a pair of sunglasses. She never needed much when she left, and all her clothing where separated by color coding for days where it really mattered. So she knew her shirt was white and skirt and shoes blue and bag black, that is, unless she had made a mistake. She had a system, she was thorough so she was sure nothing was messed in her daily routine. She walked on, tapping her white tipped cane left and right and left and right, making sure there was nothing in front of her to run into and listening to the sound bounce around. There was something though, that her cane hit and she ran her fingers along the edge of it. A bench it seemed. The air was fresh and taking a nice peaceful rest wouldn't seem to mind. She patted the seat of the bench and gripped onto something. She squeezed it, it was arm and felt like someone calf? She ran her hand over it lightly and felt muscles. Of god she was totally feeling someone up right now. She screamed and jumped back, well less like a scream more like a random sound of surprise covering her mouth. "Oh god." He muttered looking at the area she had touched, not sure if she was looking at person or empty bench. "Oh god, I'm so sorry. I had no idea you where there!" She apologized, "I though you where just lost clothing or something." She explained a little to quickly letting her hand fall from her mouth and back to her side. Her heart was beating fast in her chest but slowing down but for good measure she took a deep breath to make sure to fully calm herself.

When you look in the mirror and feel weak, remember,
the air you breathe in fuels forest fires capable of destroying everything they touch.
On the days you feel ugly,
remember: diamonds are only carbon.
You are so much more.

Piltover Jinx




Anxious Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:59 pm
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxI 'MxG O N N Ax L I V E xL I K Ex T O M O R R O Wx D O E S N ' Tx E X I S T
( ◞ like ) ❜ ⋮ it doesn't ) exist
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx sun is up, i'm a mess » gotta get out now
xxxxxxxxxx⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅

Prim squirmed a bit in her sleep when she felt the touch of someone then a squeeze. Was someone trying to wake her up? Maybe it was Jacob again? It was probably time she got up anyways. Slowly, Prim's eyes fluttered open before squinting as the bright morning sunshine hit her red eyes. Her ears tuned into a lady apologizing profusely and loudly. "Hmmm? Why are you talking so loud...?" Prim asked sleepily as she lifted her arm to rub the excess sleep out of her eyes with her sweater's sleeve. What time was it? Who was this woman? She needed to wake up a bit more before she could process what was really going on. And although she didn't want to admit it to herself, she was a little upset that it wasn't Jacob who had woken her up. Despite the short time they had spent together she had actually developed a little crush on him.
After being able to wake up a bit more, Prim focused her blurry vision on the woman standing in front of her. "Oh, wow, hi! I'm Primrose. You can call me Prim. And, you are?" she asked as she tilted her head to the side with a smile on her face.



PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:16 pm
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Katheryn Celeste Holmes
~25~ ~Single~ ~Demisexual~ ~[Occupation]~
$$- 1,000


Your body is made of the same elements that lionesses are built from.
Three quarters of you is the same kind of water that beats rocks to rubble, wears stones away.
Your DNA translates into the same twenty amino acids that wolf genes code for.

Kathryn turned her head fully towards the woman as she spoke, and she could only tell it was a woman by her voice, at lest she oped that's the case other wise there would be another huge misunderstanding over this one. Was she talking loud? She didn't think so. It was probably because the most likely woman had just woman up. She felt bad and was going to apologize again until he woman spoke, her name confirmed her gender and Kathryn un-tensed a little when it became evident that the woman-Prim, wasn't angry with her. She could tell in her voice at lest she hoped this was the case. "Oh, I'm Kathryn you can call me Kathryn or Kathy I guess? I don't know, what ever feel comfortable to you I suppose." Yeah sure, she panicked a bit but whatever, she was just...surprised that's all. "Sorry," Kathryn started. "for waking you I mean. I don't see why you would be napping on a bench of all places but you where napping. If you would like ill leave you alone to get back to sleep, or I can buy you some..." She thought for a moment, what where they near? She was clueless. "Something to eat I guess?" She asked shrugging her shoulders,

When you look in the mirror and feel weak, remember,
the air you breathe in fuels forest fires capable of destroying everything they touch.
On the days you feel ugly,
remember: diamonds are only carbon.
You are so much more.

Piltover Jinx




Anxious Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:36 pm
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxI 'MxG O N N Ax L I V E xL I K Ex T O M O R R O Wx D O E S N ' Tx E X I S T
( ◞ like ) ❜ ⋮ it doesn't ) exist
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx sun is up, i'm a mess » gotta get out now
xxxxxxxxxx⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅

Prim smiled wide as she sat up and stretched her arms. She twisted from right to left, cracking her spine in the process. "Nice to meet you, Kathy!" the female chirped happily, holding her parasol close to her still. "Hm? Oh, wow, you're right. I'm narcoleptic, you see." Prim explained with a light hearted laugh. She didn't really mind it, she just learned to live with it. When Kathy offered to buy her something to eat she lit up like a lightbulb. "Oh, wow, safe! I could go for something to eat." Prim mumbled with a smile, standing up and fixing up her clothing.



PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:54 pm
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Katheryn Celeste Holmes
~25~ ~Single~ ~Demisexual~ ~[Occupation]~
$$- 1,000
With- Primrose


Your body is made of the same elements that lionesses are built from.
Three quarters of you is the same kind of water that beats rocks to rubble, wears stones away.
Your DNA translates into the same twenty amino acids that wolf genes code for.

She listened as Primrose stretched and bones popped and cracked to reach more comfortable positions on her body. Prim explained her narcolepsy and Kathryn cocked her head to the side, thinking back. She had read about that in a book of hers not to long ago. Ah yes, chronic neurological disorder, she recalled it now. Prim took up her offer on food and Kathryn smiled gently, gripping onto her white tipped cane more comfortably. "I don't really know where anything is so you're going to have the lead the way I suppose." Kathryn explained to her, smile still one her lips, she took a few steps back in case Prim needed the space to start walking, listening to her own heel tap on the concert underneath her.

When you look in the mirror and feel weak, remember,
the air you breathe in fuels forest fires capable of destroying everything they touch.
On the days you feel ugly,
remember: diamonds are only carbon.
You are so much more.

Piltover Jinx




Anxious Vampire

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 2:07 pm
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxI 'MxG O N N Ax L I V E xL I K Ex T O M O R R O Wx D O E S N ' Tx E X I S T
( ◞ like ) ❜ ⋮ it doesn't ) exist
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx sun is up, i'm a mess » gotta get out now
xxxxxxxxxx⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅

Prim nodded her head as Kathy explained that she wasn't used to the town yet, so she pondered about where to go to eat. "Hmmm...oh! Moonbucks Cafe is a nice place to eat. It's a bit of a walk but with company it shouldn't take too long." the girl chirped as she clapped her hands gently together. It was a nice, inexpensive place to relax and get a bite to eat. Besides, if she ate a lot, then she would want to go take another nap. "What do you say?" Prim asked for reassurance just in case Kathy was feeling something else. There was Beluga and Taste of Italy nearby but they were sort of expensive even though they were closer.



PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 3:07 pm
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Katheryn Celeste Holmes
~25~ ~Single~ ~Demisexual~ ~[Occupation]~
$$- 1,000
With- Primrose


Your body is made of the same elements that lionesses are built from.
Three quarters of you is the same kind of water that beats rocks to rubble, wears stones away.
Your DNA translates into the same twenty amino acids that wolf genes code for.

She listened to Primrose as she spoke of the place she wished to go. Kathryn was totally okay with the walking part, its why she had come outside in the first place, for a walk. She heard a soft sound of skin on skin and she guessed Prim had clapped or maybe patted a part of her own body, she wasn't sure. She fiddled with the wrist strap of her cane, waiting for Prim to start walking so she would know which direction to go but instead the young woman spoke. The question was considerate and it got Kathryn to flash another smile, soft and sweet, pure and brilliant. She tucked a piece of red hair behind her ear and looked in what she hoped was at lest the general direction of Primrose. "Yes, that sounds like a lovely idea." She dipped her head a little, smile still faint upon her lips. "Would you like to lead the way so I know which was to start heading?" She asked, tilting her head ever so slightly to the left.

When you look in the mirror and feel weak, remember,
the air you breathe in fuels forest fires capable of destroying everything they touch.
On the days you feel ugly,
remember: diamonds are only carbon.
You are so much more.

Piltover Jinx




Anxious Vampire

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 3:19 pm
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxI 'MxG O N N Ax L I V E xL I K Ex T O M O R R O Wx D O E S N ' Tx E X I S T
( ◞ like ) ❜ ⋮ it doesn't ) exist
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx sun is up, i'm a mess » gotta get out now
xxxxxxxxxx⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅

Prim smiled widely as Kathy agreed with her on their eating location. When she asked her to lead the way, Prim smiled happily. Instead of walking onwards, Prim stood next to Kathy, side by side and took her free hand into hers. Tugging slightly, Prim started to walk, matching her pace with Kathy's. "I'm so excited!" the acrobat chirped, opening her parasol and holding it so it covered the both of them from the harsh sunlight.




● Uptown Soleil

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