Name: Rainstorm Owner: Kyrieko Date Received: 11/24/16 Temper: Omit please <3 Sex: Female Method of Obtainment: Staff Custom/Gift?? Colorist: mindsend
(Optional; omit when not in use.) Companion To: Nakawé
^ --- Ryuu Claimed --- ^
Hilarious Werewolf
Deus Sherry
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 5:49 pm
Ara get!*
*just to keep growths the same
Soquili Breeding
Date Received: Nov. 5, 2016 Method of Obtainment:CC from the MCCL! Colorist: one over three Parents: Patience x Ambrose x
Name: -- Owner: mangshra Temper: --
Name: Able Owner: GrnGriff Temper: Steadfast
Name: Mindstar Owner: Poe-tae-toee Temper: Loving
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 2:40 am
Recert Request!
Modification Requested: Correction. Her name is meant to be spelled Tiramisu Zeppole but as of right now it spells Tiramisu Zepoole. Existing Information: Tiramisu Zepoole, Owner: Pollack, Date: 11/05/16, Breed: Gen 5. Colorist: Diamond Elephant New Information: Name change.
// Ryuu's Note: While this is being fixed, I think when the Tamamo x Bear "The Monstrous Blue" breeding cert request was made, the owner forgot to list the proper colorists? ;a; It should be mindsend and one over three. Thank you!! <333
Fashionable Mage
Devoted Mage
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 1:36 pm
v --- Ryuu Claimed --- v
Pony cert, please!
Name: Wendilyna Owner: Thalea Date Received: November 1, 2016 Temper: Method of Obtainment:Halloween Haiku Colorist: Mx Cherie
^ --- Ryuu Claimed --- ^
Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 6:18 pm
~Latonia de la Courtel~
Hello, my angel. <3 Familiar additions are the responsibility of the familiar certist, not the soq one. Once Morien's adult cert comes in, may I ask that you poke Astoria instead? All she'd need to do is edit the cert request form to say "Yes" (add to Soq cert) and include the cert URLs. If the familiar certs are dropped before she can edit, then you can simply make a new post in Dolphin's thread.
Name: Skylar Owner: ATh e a r t Date Received: 11/16/2016 Temper: - omit please - Sex: Female Method of Obtainment: Gift from Mind~ Colorist: mindsend
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 12:40 pm
v --- Ryuu Claimed --- v
Name: Odtsetseg Owner: spelldancer Date Received: 09/23/16 Temper: (Omit) Sex: Male Method of Obtainment:Mind buys staff sumi-e familiars Colorist: Mindsend
(Optional; omit when not in use.) Companion To: Aisling
^ --- Ryuu Claimed --- ^
Swashbuckling Fairy
Super Trash
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 9:39 pm
Basket-Popping Ceremony
Parents: Ayita x Yggdrasil
Name: Lífþrasir Temper: Leave off please~
Basket-Popping Ceremony
Parents: Ayita x Yggdrasil (Mock twin <3)
Name: Mímameiðr Temper: Leave off please~
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 7:53 pm
v --- Ryuu Claimed --- v
Recert Request!
Modification Requested: Co-Owner Existing Information: n/a Colorist: hanging gallow New Information: belloblossom is now the only owner. Agreement:[ X ]