Link to Breeding Agreement:[ x ] ---Lifemate?: Yes
RP Approved?: No
Low Luck?: No
list of attempts
Same Breed Variants: No ---Templates to Avoid: N/A
Throwbacks?: Yes ---Link to previous Generations: N/A
POKEMON! GOTTA CATCH THEM ALLLLL! Do you want pokemon twists?: Yes
Likes/dislikes Section Pokeball of choice: Moon Ball Favourite pokemon Moves: CC Favorite Pokemon type: Dark Least Favourite Pokemon type: N/A Accessories Are pokemon team accessories okay? Yes Are pokemon trainer accessories okay?: Yes
What is your pokemon team of choice?: CC
Which pokemon do you like?: Ninetales, Vulpix, Sylveon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Jolteon, Eevee, Glameow, Fennekin, Froslass, Delphox, Chandelure, Mega Absol Which pokemon do you dislike?: Pass
Fatal Irony
Lady Letni x Grizzle Snowpaw
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: no
Unedited?: No
Entry Code: Lady Letni (Nyhility) x Grizzle Snowpaw (GrnGriff)
Same Breed Variants: yes ---Templates to Avoid: n/a
Throwbacks?: yes ---Link to previous Generations: n/a
Strifeling generated a random number between
1 and 102 ...
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 9:56 am
oopen list roll from pg 1 (looks up to date)
rolled: ~Twilight...Angel~
Mahogany Sunset (Could only win 1) AislingJuno stormflower Fatal Irony (won 1) Divena dawns_aura Candle Wick Ghost (won 1) xxx Yuki Bear xxx Nisshou H ( Won 1 ) Summer Raaven (Won 1) Phail Ninja (Won 1) JetAlmeara Malikztiah Ankhwave Puhterodactyl ramenli Revolutionary Roniel catmagick Mia Lovasz Lady Argentum Draconis Angelique DelaMort ArashiX (Won 1) Mewsings of An Angel AstoriaFallen (Won 1) Agneza Natsuko-neko ~Twilight...Angel~ She-Ra of Etheria .Tortured. .Pumpkin. ~Latonia de la Courtel~ (Won 1) Thalea Kyrieko Regal Renegade LunaRei_SilverBlood Kaya Wolf Moon Rita Zyon Rein_Carnation lysia_nyteblade Nyx Queen of Darkness (Won 1) Uta Sabin Duvert LydaLynn (won 1) Calixita HoneyTeaTree Fea Line o-Elixir-o Manda Ryuukishin junglerunner Wasteland Wyvern (Won 1) Amirynth Celestial Requiem Pandora Talie SwordOfTheDarkOnes Seruta Cheyriddle4 Caitlyn Hellstorm FitzRoyal Zaiyon Tara de Draiocht sesshiyasha Kara Asumie nekolulu ChaosTheories ABVirus Aneiron Jackariah Beckett Bluedemonwolf SylverStar Yumitoko II Kettyn magnadearel ProphetOfProfit Valkymie XxXPandamoniumXxX RadiantRose Midnight Eternal Xantara odet amo Lunadriel spelldancer Mx Cherie tefla LOLTERNATIVE Dollfie Moxxiie Natelie Vistada Teh Cheryl Poe-tae-toee Tygress Dream Revel1984 belloblossom sage_the_vampirc_angel Twitchapher the 3rd Lunarflowermaiden Kyaishi Ragers ATh e a r t Andranis Teigra Nyhility ( won 1) IvoryRyu.20 dolphingurl Dea and #Teddy# (Won 1)
if any issues, please message me on discord and i'll get to it later (i'm rushing to finish something else righ now) please be aware that I'm veyr busy right now and will be until the 14th-15th I will likely not start breedings until the end of the month and will probably not finish before sept
Strifeling Crew
Indomitable Seraph
Strifeling generated a random number between
1 and 54 ...
Strifeling Crew
Indomitable Seraph
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 9:58 am
mini list roll from pg 1 (looks up to date)
rolled: FitzRoyal
Open Mini
Mahogany Sunset (Could only win 1) AislingJuno stormflower Divena xxx Yuki Bear xxx Summer Raaven (Won 1) Phail Ninja (Won 1) JetAlmeara Malikztiah Ankhwave catmagick Mia Lovasz Angelique DelaMort Mewsings of An Angel Agneza ~Twilight...Angel~ (Won 1) She-Ra of Etheria Kyrieko LunaRei_SilverBlood Kaya Wolf Moon Rita Zyon Rein_Carnation Nyx Queen of Darkness (Won 1) Uta LydaLynn Calixita o-Elixir-o Ryuukishin Wasteland Wyvern (Won 1) Celestial Requiem Pandora Talie SwordOfTheDarkOnes Seruta Cheyriddle4 FitzRoyal Kara Asumie ChaosTheories ABVirus Jackariah Beckett SylverStar magnadearel ProphetOfProfit XxXPandamoniumXxX RadiantRose Midnight odet amo Lunadriel spelldancer Mx Cherie tefla LOLTERNATIVE Vistada Revel1984 Twitchapher the 3rd Lunarflowermaiden ATh e a r t Nyhility (won 1) Dea and #Teddy# (Won 1)
if any issues, please message me on discord and i'll get to it later (i'm rushing to finish something else righ now) please be aware that I'm veyr busy right now and will be until the 14th-15th I will likely not start breedings until the end of the month and will probably not finish before sept
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 9:59 am
Lemme find the pages and edit in the pairs
Open slot: Tamamo (~Twilight...Angel~) x Hallow Tzalmon (Wasteland Wyvern & Kaya Wolf Moon) Mini slot: Mero (FitzRoyal) x Anomaly (FitzRoyal)
Wasteland Wyvern
Strifeling Crew
Indomitable Seraph
ATh e a r t generated a random number between
1 and 101 ...
ATh e a r t Crew
Romantic Lunatic
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 10:10 am
Open: Mewsings of An Angel Mini:
Mahogany Sunset (Could only win 1) AislingJuno stormflower Fatal Irony (won 1) Divena dawns_aura Candle Wick Ghost (won 1) xxx Yuki Bear xxx Nisshou H ( Won 1 ) Summer Raaven (Won 1) Phail Ninja (Won 1) JetAlmeara Malikztiah Ankhwave Puhterodactyl ramenli Revolutionary Roniel catmagick Mia Lovasz Lady Argentum Draconis Angelique DelaMort ArashiX (Won 1) Mewsings of An Angel AstoriaFallen (Won 1) Agneza Natsuko-neko ~Twilight...Angel~ (Won 1) She-Ra of Etheria .Tortured. .Pumpkin. ~Latonia de la Courtel~ (Won 1) Thalea Kyrieko Regal Renegade LunaRei_SilverBlood Kaya Wolf Moon Rita Zyon Rein_Carnation lysia_nyteblade Nyx Queen of Darkness (Won 1) Uta Sabin Duvert LydaLynn (won 1) Calixita HoneyTeaTree Fea Line o-Elixir-o Manda Ryuukishin junglerunner Wasteland Wyvern (Won 2) Amirynth Celestial Requiem Pandora Talie SwordOfTheDarkOnes Seruta Cheyriddle4 Caitlyn Hellstorm FitzRoyal (Won 1) Zaiyon Tara de Draiocht sesshiyasha Kara Asumie nekolulu ChaosTheories ABVirus Aneiron Jackariah Beckett Bluedemonwolf SylverStar Yumitoko II Kettyn magnadearel ProphetOfProfit Valkymie XxXPandamoniumXxX RadiantRose Midnight Eternal Xantara odet amo Lunadriel spelldancer Mx Cherie tefla LOLTERNATIVE Dollfie Moxxiie Natelie Vistada Teh Cheryl Poe-tae-toee Tygress Dream Revel1984 belloblossom sage_the_vampirc_angel Twitchapher the 3rd Lunarflowermaiden Kyaishi Ragers ATh e a r t Andranis Teigra Nyhility ( won 1) IvoryRyu.20 dolphingurl Dea and #Teddy# (Won 1)
ATh e a r t generated a random number between
1 and 53 ...
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 10:13 am
Open: Mewsings Mini: SylverStar
Open Mini
Mahogany Sunset (Could only win 1) AislingJuno stormflower Divena xxx Yuki Bear xxx Summer Raaven (Won 1) Phail Ninja (Won 1) JetAlmeara Malikztiah Ankhwave catmagick Mia Lovasz Angelique DelaMort Mewsings of An Angel (Won 1) Agneza ~Twilight...Angel~ (Won 1) She-Ra of Etheria Kyrieko LunaRei_SilverBlood Kaya Wolf Moon Rita Zyon Rein_Carnation Nyx Queen of Darkness (Won 1) Uta LydaLynn Calixita o-Elixir-o Ryuukishin Wasteland Wyvern (Won 2) Celestial Requiem Pandora Talie SwordOfTheDarkOnes Seruta Cheyriddle4 FitzRoyal (won 1) Kara Asumie ChaosTheories ABVirus Jackariah Beckett SylverStar magnadearel ProphetOfProfit XxXPandamoniumXxX RadiantRose Midnight odet amo Lunadriel spelldancer Mx Cherie tefla LOLTERNATIVE Vistada Revel1984 Twitchapher the 3rd Lunarflowermaiden ATh e a r t Nyhility (won 1) Dea and #Teddy# (Won 1)
ATh e a r t Crew
Romantic Lunatic
ATh e a r t generated a random number between
1 and 20 ...
ATh e a r t Crew
Romantic Lunatic
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 10:16 am
Open LL
Mahogany Sunset (Could only win 1) Divena dawns_aura Summer Raaven (Won 1) Phail Ninja (Won 1) ramenli catmagick Mia Lovasz AstoriaFallen (LL Couple Won) .Tortured. .Pumpkin. Thalea Regal Renegade LunaRei_SilverBlood Rita Zyon HoneyTeaTree Ryuukishin junglerunner Caitlyn Hellstorm XxXPandamoniumXxX belloblossom Ragers ATh e a r t
ATh e a r t generated a random number between
1 and 19 ...
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 10:17 am
Dear RNG - I can't roll myself... QQ
LL: HoneyTeaTree
ATh e a r t
Open LL
Mahogany Sunset (Could only win 1) Divena dawns_aura Summer Raaven (Won 1) Phail Ninja (Won 1) ramenli catmagick Mia Lovasz AstoriaFallen (LL Couple Won) .Tortured. .Pumpkin. Thalea Regal Renegade LunaRei_SilverBlood Rita Zyon HoneyTeaTree Ryuukishin junglerunner Caitlyn Hellstorm XxXPandamoniumXxX belloblossom Ragers ATh e a r t
ATh e a r t Crew
Romantic Lunatic
ATh e a r t Crew
Romantic Lunatic
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 10:37 am
Open: Mewsings of An Angel
Mewsings of An Angel
Freya of The Snow x Astrid
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes.
Unedited?: No
Entry Code: Freya of The Snow ( Mewsings of An Angel ) x Astrid ( belloblossom )
POKEMON! GOTTA CATCH THEM ALLLLL! Do you want pokemon twists?: Yes!
Likes/dislikes Section Pokeball of choice: Dream Favourite pokemon Moves: Heal Bell, Dazzling Gleam, Diamond Storm, Feather Dance, Flash Cannon, Aurora Beam, Sweet Kiss, Swift, Moonlight, Petal Dance Favorite Pokemon type: Water Least Favourite Pokemon type: Bug Accessories Are pokemon team accessories okay? Yes. Are pokemon trainer accessories okay?: Yes.
(If you said yes to the two accessories questions) What is your pokemon team of choice?:
- Mystic
Which pokemon do you like?: Espeon, Alolan Ninetails, Suicune, Arcanine, Rapidash, Furret, Dewgong, Dragonair, Lugia, Milotic, Flygon, Houndoom, Flareon, Vaporeon, Marshtomp Which pokemon do you dislike?: Slugma, Muk, any slimy or bug-types.
Mini: SylverStar
Sky x Sapphrion Kanny
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
Unedited?: No
Entry Code: Sky (SylverStar) x Sapphrion Kanny (Jackariah Beckett)
Link to Breeding Agreement:[ X ] ---Lifemate?: Yes
RP Approved?: No
Low Luck?: No
Same Breed Variants: Sure ---Templates to Avoid: n/a
Throwbacks?: Yes ---Link to previous Generations: Sky: Father Mother Sister
POKEMON! GOTTA CATCH THEM ALLLLL! Do you want pokemon twists?: Yes
Likes/dislikes Section Pokeball of choice: Dream Ball Favourite pokemon Moves: CC Favorite Pokemon type: Normal Least Favourite Pokemon type: Steel Accessories Are pokemon team accessories okay? Sure Are pokemon trainer accessories okay?: Sure
(If you said yes to the two accessories questions) What is your pokemon team of choice?: (Choose one of the following)
- Valour
Which pokemon do you like?: Vulpix, Growlith, Raichu, Bouffalant, Bulbasar, dratini, eevee, ninetails, lotad, gastrodon, vileplume, roselia Which pokemon do you dislike?: Pass
Jackariah Beckett
LL: HoneyTeaTree
Flidais x Cygnus
Unedited is cool with us! We're running a bit low on luck. Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
Unedited?: No
Entry Code: Flidais (HoneyTeaTree) x Cygnus (Malikztiah Ankhwave)
Same Breed Variants: Sure! ---Templates to Avoid:N/A
Throwbacks?: Sure! ---Link to previous Generations: N/A
POKEMON! GOTTA CATCH THEM ALLLLL! Do you want pokemon twists?: Yes
Likes/dislikes Section Pokeball of choice: Premier Ball, Pokeball, Great ball Favourite pokemon Moves: Aerial Ace, Synthesis, Magical Leaf, Fly, Blue Flare, Sacred Fire Favorite Pokemon type: Flying Least Favourite Pokemon type: Bug Accessories Are pokemon team accessories okay? Yes Are pokemon trainer accessories okay?: Yes
What is your pokemon team of choice?: - I'm going rogue! (Pass)
Which pokemon do you like?: stantler, eevee, altaria, deerling, swasbuck, flareon, azumarill, vaporeon, articuno, typhlosion, glaceon, florges, delpox, rowlet Which pokemon do you dislike?: swalot, nosepass, slaking, shuckle, magmar
Malikztiah Ankhwave
musicaloner7 generated a random number between
1 and 100 ...
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 12:32 pm
Mahogany Sunset (Could only win 1) AislingJuno stormflower Fatal Irony (won 1) Divena dawns_aura Candle Wick Ghost (won 1) xxx Yuki Bear xxx Nisshou H ( Won 1 ) Summer Raaven (Won 1) Phail Ninja (Won 1) JetAlmeara Malikztiah Ankhwave (Won 1 - via HoneyTeaTree) Puhterodactyl ramenli Revolutionary Roniel catmagick Mia Lovasz Lady Argentum Draconis Angelique DelaMort ArashiX (Won 1) Mewsings of An Angel (Won 1) AstoriaFallen (Won 1) Agneza Natsuko-neko ~Twilight...Angel~ (Won 1) She-Ra of Etheria .Tortured. .Pumpkin. ~Latonia de la Courtel~ (Won 1) Thalea Kyrieko Regal Renegade LunaRei_SilverBlood Kaya Wolf Moon Rita Zyon Rein_Carnation lysia_nyteblade Nyx Queen of Darkness (Won 1) Uta Sabin Duvert LydaLynn (won 1) Calixita HoneyTeaTree (Won 1 - LL) Fea Line o-Elixir-o Manda Ryuukishin junglerunner Wasteland Wyvern (Won 2) Amirynth Celestial Requiem Pandora Talie SwordOfTheDarkOnes Seruta Cheyriddle4 Caitlyn Hellstorm FitzRoyal (Won 1) Zaiyon Tara de Draiocht sesshiyasha Kara Asumie nekolulu ChaosTheories ABVirus Aneiron Jackariah Beckett (Won 1) Bluedemonwolf SylverStar (Won 1) - Only 1 couple Yumitoko II Kettyn magnadearel ProphetOfProfit Valkymie XxXPandamoniumXxX RadiantRose Midnight Eternal Xantara odet amo Lunadriel spelldancer Mx Cherie tefla LOLTERNATIVE Dollfie Moxxiie Natelie Vistada Teh Cheryl Poe-tae-toee Tygress Dream Revel1984 belloblossom (Won 1 - Via Mewsings) sage_the_vampirc_angel Twitchapher the 3rd Lunarflowermaiden Kyaishi Ragers ATh e a r t Andranis Teigra Nyhility ( won 1) IvoryRyu.20 dolphingurl Dea and #Teddy# (Won 1)
musicaloner7 Crew
Romantic Man-Lover
musicaloner7 generated a random number between
1 and 100 ...
musicaloner7 Crew
Romantic Man-Lover
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 12:34 pm
Mahogany Sunset (Could only win 1) AislingJuno stormflower Fatal Irony (won 1) Divena dawns_aura Candle Wick Ghost (won 1) xxx Yuki Bear xxx Nisshou H ( Won 1 ) Summer Raaven (Won 1) Phail Ninja (Won 1) JetAlmeara Malikztiah Ankhwave (Won 1 - via HoneyTeaTree) Puhterodactyl ramenli Revolutionary Roniel catmagick Mia Lovasz Lady Argentum Draconis Angelique DelaMort ArashiX (Won 1) Mewsings of An Angel (Won 1) AstoriaFallen (Won 1) Agneza Natsuko-neko ~Twilight...Angel~ (Won 1) She-Ra of Etheria .Tortured. .Pumpkin. ~Latonia de la Courtel~ (Won 1) Thalea Kyrieko Regal Renegade LunaRei_SilverBlood Kaya Wolf Moon Rita Zyon Rein_Carnation lysia_nyteblade Nyx Queen of Darkness (Won 1) Uta Sabin Duvert LydaLynn (won 1) Calixita HoneyTeaTree (Won 1 - LL) Fea Line o-Elixir-o Manda Ryuukishin ( won 1 ) junglerunner Wasteland Wyvern (Won 2) Amirynth Celestial Requiem Pandora Talie SwordOfTheDarkOnes Seruta Cheyriddle4 Caitlyn Hellstorm FitzRoyal (Won 1) Zaiyon Tara de Draiocht sesshiyasha Kara Asumie nekolulu ChaosTheories ABVirus Aneiron Jackariah Beckett (Won 1) Bluedemonwolf SylverStar (Won 1) - Only 1 couple Yumitoko II Kettyn magnadearel ProphetOfProfit Valkymie XxXPandamoniumXxX RadiantRose Midnight Eternal Xantara odet amo Lunadriel spelldancer Mx Cherie tefla LOLTERNATIVE Dollfie Moxxiie Natelie Vistada Teh Cheryl Poe-tae-toee Tygress Dream Revel1984 belloblossom (Won 1 - Via Mewsings) sage_the_vampirc_angel Twitchapher the 3rd Lunarflowermaiden Kyaishi Ragers ATh e a r t Andranis Teigra Nyhility ( won 1) IvoryRyu.20 dolphingurl Dea and #Teddy# (Won 1)
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 1:07 pm
So I messed up like usual whoops. Ryuukishin win one of my slots, will be adjusting momentarily Sheria (Candle Wick Ghost) x Giuseppe (Ryuukishin) Amor Locheart (L e r i l y e) x Rephaim (Calixita)
and ccing Ljufvina (Agneza) x Tuldar (Agneza)
Mahogany Sunset (Could only win 1) AislingJuno stormflower Fatal Irony (won 1) Divena dawns_aura Candle Wick Ghost (won 2 ) xxx Yuki Bear xxx Nisshou H ( Won 1 ) Summer Raaven (Won 1) Phail Ninja (Won 1) JetAlmeara Malikztiah Ankhwave (Won 1 - via HoneyTeaTree) Puhterodactyl ramenli Revolutionary Roniel catmagick Mia Lovasz Lady Argentum Draconis Angelique DelaMort ArashiX (Won 1) Mewsings of An Angel (Won 1) AstoriaFallen (Won 1) Agneza ( won 1 - cc ) Natsuko-neko ~Twilight...Angel~ (Won 1) She-Ra of Etheria .Tortured. .Pumpkin. ~Latonia de la Courtel~ (Won 1) Thalea Kyrieko Regal Renegade LunaRei_SilverBlood Kaya Wolf Moon Rita Zyon Rein_Carnation lysia_nyteblade Nyx Queen of Darkness (Won 1) Uta Sabin Duvert LydaLynn (won 1) Calixita ( won 1 ) HoneyTeaTree (Won 1 - LL) Fea Line o-Elixir-o Manda Ryuukishin ( won 1 ) junglerunner Wasteland Wyvern (Won 2) Amirynth Celestial Requiem Pandora Talie SwordOfTheDarkOnes Seruta Cheyriddle4 Caitlyn Hellstorm FitzRoyal (Won 1) Zaiyon Tara de Draiocht sesshiyasha Kara Asumie nekolulu ChaosTheories ABVirus Aneiron Jackariah Beckett (Won 1) Bluedemonwolf SylverStar (Won 1) - Only 1 couple Yumitoko II Kettyn magnadearel ProphetOfProfit Valkymie XxXPandamoniumXxX RadiantRose Midnight Eternal Xantara odet amo Lunadriel spelldancer Mx Cherie tefla LOLTERNATIVE Dollfie Moxxiie Natelie Vistada Teh Cheryl Poe-tae-toee Tygress Dream Revel1984 belloblossom (Won 1 - Via Mewsings) sage_the_vampirc_angel Twitchapher the 3rd Lunarflowermaiden Kyaishi Ragers ATh e a r t Andranis Teigra Nyhility ( won 1) IvoryRyu.20 dolphingurl Dea and #Teddy# (Won 1)
musicaloner7 Crew
Romantic Man-Lover
stella cinere generated a random number between
1 and 100 ...
stella cinere Crew
Ice-Cold Codger
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 3:04 pm
First Roll Winner is Thalea (I'll pick couple soon)
Mahogany Sunset (Could only win 1) AislingJuno stormflower Fatal Irony (won 1) Divena dawns_aura Candle Wick Ghost (won 1) xxx Yuki Bear xxx Nisshou H ( Won 1 ) Summer Raaven (Won 1) Phail Ninja (Won 1) JetAlmeara Malikztiah Ankhwave (Won 1 - via HoneyTeaTree) Puhterodactyl ramenli Revolutionary Roniel catmagick Mia Lovasz Lady Argentum Draconis Angelique DelaMort ArashiX (Won 1) Mewsings of An Angel (Won 1) AstoriaFallen (Won 1) Agneza ( won 1 - cc ) Natsuko-neko ~Twilight...Angel~ (Won 1) She-Ra of Etheria .Tortured. .Pumpkin. ~Latonia de la Courtel~ (Won 1) Thalea Kyrieko Regal Renegade LunaRei_SilverBlood Kaya Wolf Moon Rita Zyon Rein_Carnation lysia_nyteblade Nyx Queen of Darkness (Won 1) Uta Sabin Duvert LydaLynn (won 1) Calixita ( won 1 ) HoneyTeaTree (Won 1 - LL) Fea Line o-Elixir-o Manda Ryuukishin ( won 1 ) junglerunner Wasteland Wyvern (Won 2) Amirynth Celestial Requiem Pandora Talie SwordOfTheDarkOnes Seruta Cheyriddle4 Caitlyn Hellstorm FitzRoyal (Won 1) Zaiyon Tara de Draiocht sesshiyasha Kara Asumie nekolulu ChaosTheories ABVirus Aneiron Jackariah Beckett (Won 1) Bluedemonwolf SylverStar (Won 1) - Only 1 couple Yumitoko II Kettyn magnadearel ProphetOfProfit Valkymie XxXPandamoniumXxX RadiantRose Midnight Eternal Xantara odet amo Lunadriel spelldancer Mx Cherie tefla LOLTERNATIVE Dollfie Moxxiie Natelie Vistada Teh Cheryl Poe-tae-toee Tygress Dream Revel1984 belloblossom (Won 1 - Via Mewsings) sage_the_vampirc_angel Twitchapher the 3rd Lunarflowermaiden Kyaishi Ragers ATh e a r t Andranis Teigra Nyhility ( won 1) IvoryRyu.20 dolphingurl Dea and #Teddy# (Won 1)
stella cinere generated a random number between
1 and 100 ...
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 3:06 pm
Winner 2 Malikztiah Ankhwave 2nd win OoO
hanging gallow
First Roll Winner is Thalea (I'll pick couple soon)
Mahogany Sunset (Could only win 1) AislingJuno stormflower Fatal Irony (won 1) Divena dawns_aura Candle Wick Ghost (won 1) xxx Yuki Bear xxx Nisshou H ( Won 1 ) Summer Raaven (Won 1) Phail Ninja (Won 1) JetAlmeara Malikztiah Ankhwave (Won 1 - via HoneyTeaTree) Puhterodactyl ramenli Revolutionary Roniel catmagick Mia Lovasz Lady Argentum Draconis Angelique DelaMort ArashiX (Won 1) Mewsings of An Angel (Won 1) AstoriaFallen (Won 1) Agneza ( won 1 - cc ) Natsuko-neko ~Twilight...Angel~ (Won 1) She-Ra of Etheria .Tortured. .Pumpkin. ~Latonia de la Courtel~ (Won 1) Thalea ~ (Won 1) Kyrieko Regal Renegade LunaRei_SilverBlood Kaya Wolf Moon Rita Zyon Rein_Carnation lysia_nyteblade Nyx Queen of Darkness (Won 1) Uta Sabin Duvert LydaLynn (won 1) Calixita ( won 1 ) HoneyTeaTree (Won 1 - LL) Fea Line o-Elixir-o Manda Ryuukishin ( won 1 ) junglerunner Wasteland Wyvern (Won 2) Amirynth Celestial Requiem Pandora Talie SwordOfTheDarkOnes Seruta Cheyriddle4 Caitlyn Hellstorm FitzRoyal (Won 1) Zaiyon Tara de Draiocht sesshiyasha Kara Asumie nekolulu ChaosTheories ABVirus Aneiron Jackariah Beckett (Won 1) Bluedemonwolf SylverStar (Won 1) - Only 1 couple Yumitoko II Kettyn magnadearel ProphetOfProfit Valkymie XxXPandamoniumXxX RadiantRose Midnight Eternal Xantara odet amo Lunadriel spelldancer Mx Cherie tefla LOLTERNATIVE Dollfie Moxxiie Natelie Vistada Teh Cheryl Poe-tae-toee Tygress Dream Revel1984 belloblossom (Won 1 - Via Mewsings) sage_the_vampirc_angel Twitchapher the 3rd Lunarflowermaiden Kyaishi Ragers ATh e a r t Andranis Teigra Nyhility ( won 1) IvoryRyu.20 dolphingurl Dea and #Teddy# (Won 1)
stella cinere Crew
Ice-Cold Codger
stella cinere Crew
Ice-Cold Codger
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 3:41 pm
Malikztiah Ankhwave
Prism x Viorel
Pocket Ponies Ahoy! Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
Unedited?: No
Entry Code: Prism (stormflower) x Viorel (Malikztiah Ankhwave)
Same Breed Variants: Sure ---Templates to Avoid: N/A
Throwbacks?: Y ---Link to previous Generations: N/A
POKEMON! GOTTA CATCH THEM ALLLLL! Do you want pokemon twists?: Yes
Likes/dislikes Section Pokeball of choice: Fastball Favourite pokemon Moves: (Surf, Fire Spin, Baton Pass, Earthquake, Shadow Ball Favorite Pokemon type: Ghost Least Favourite Pokemon type: Ground Accessories Are pokemon team accessories okay? Yes Are pokemon trainer accessories okay?: Yes/
(If you said yes to the two accessories questions) What is your pokemon team of choice?: Valour
Which pokemon do you like?: Vaporeon, Rapidash, Growlithe, Vulpix, Chandelure, Haunter, Victini, Klefki, Umbreon, Charmeleon, Gardevoir Which pokemon do you dislike?: Trubbish, Grimer, Munna