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Feral Krampus

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 3:02 pm

Artymus has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000

Lunadriel has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000

[Mistress Morbid] has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000

Summer Raaven has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000

Artymus has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000

Rein_Carnation has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000

Koiasi has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000

ToraHiroba has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000

Artymus has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000

Rinial Sisterdragon has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000

Kivras has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000

White Neko Chan has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000

Artymus has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000

Total: 130k
PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 3:51 pm

Keantha has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1k

Andranis has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1k

Catmagick has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 500

Wasteland Wyvern has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 500

XxXPandamoniumXxX has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 500

Lady Argentum Draconis has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 500

Total: 4k



Sparkly Waffles

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 4:19 pm

whoan has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 5,000
PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 4:50 pm

Blue_Sparkle27 has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

magnadearel has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

Natelie has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

Niyaru Delacroix has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100

Kaya Wolf Moon has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100


Seasonal Shapeshifter

36,475 Points
  • Simple Romantic 50
  • Doting Romantic 100
  • Lavishing Romantic 250


PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 4:59 pm

Updated to here.

-- Calixita
PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 5:25 pm

~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~ has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000



Skilled Camper

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 5:38 pm

AislingJuno has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent:20,000
PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 5:47 pm

Moxxiie has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100,000



Questionable Explorer

Rinial Sisterdragon

Mythical Sex Symbol

23,100 Points
  • OTP 200
  • Romantic Fortune Seeker 100
  • Demonic Associate 100
PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 6:12 pm

Rinial Sisterdragon has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000
lysia_nyteblade has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000
SkyDragono has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000
Artymus has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000
Strawberri Stardust has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000
Rein_Carnation has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000
Koiasi has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000
Leena-chan has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000
-Ghastly Demise- has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000
chi honda has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 10,000
PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 6:38 pm

Strawberri Stardust has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100,000

Rinial Sisterdragon has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 15,000

lysia_nyteblade has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 15,000

Rein_Carnation has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 15,000

Fea Line has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 15,000

Dragon Berri

Shameless Tipper

21,000 Points
  • Get Dissed! 25
  • Sweet Diss, Sis 200
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25


Benevolent Duck

15,450 Points
  • Nerd 50
  • Autobiographer 200
  • Member 100
PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 6:42 pm

Lunarflowermaiden has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 300,000,000,000
PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 6:53 pm

Mameha Otome has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 100,000

Mameha Otome

Eloquent Explorer

Kaya Wolf Moon

Mystical Wolf

10,125 Points
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Rebel Spark 50
  • Frozen Sleuth 100
PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 7:57 pm

Kaya Wolf Moon has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 5,000

Wasteland Wyvern has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 5,000

Lady Argentum Draconis has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 5,000

Ririka has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 5,000

Hoshi Lockhart has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 5,000

~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~ has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 5,000

[Mistress Morbid] has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 5,000

SilverShieldwolf has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 5,000

Teigra has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 5,000

dawns_aura has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 5,000

Antidia has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 5,000

Frezir has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 5,000
PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 8:57 pm

Rinial Sisterdragon has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 20,000,000,000

Chi Honda has ingredients for the potion!
Gold Sent: 30,000,000,000

chi honda

Adorable Dreamer

18,275 Points
  • Conventioneer 300
  • Bunny Hunter 100
  • Tycoon 200


Magical Kitten

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 9:21 pm

catmagick has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

Frezir has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

Blue_Sparkle27 has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

Mia Lovasz has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

ChexaRain has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

White Neko Chan has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

Koiasi has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

SylverStar has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

Ebonrune has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

AislingJuno has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

SwordOfTheDarkOnes has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

Strawberri Stardust has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

Mameha Otome has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

Kiara Lime has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

chi honda has ingredients for the potion!
Platinum Sent: 1000

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