Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 7:15 pm
Looneytaz82 LydaLynn I am giving co-ownership of Leilani to Looneytaz82 under the following agreement: ~ Both co-owners have signature rights. ~ Looneytaz82 has sole RP rights. ~ Looneytaz82 gets full rights to her second breeding [first breeding is already past]. ~ Both co-owners share rights to her third breeding. ~ When there are three or more baskets in a breeding, the co-owner with full rights to that breeding will decide with the owner of the stallion the disposition of the third basket. ~ Looneytaz82 can choose Leilani's breeding partners and/or lifemate. ~ If either co-owner fails to log onto gaia for 6 months or more the other assumes full ownership. ~ The co-owner with full RP rights agrees to make RP posts for the soq at least once every three months unless extenuation real life matters interfere and are explained to the understanding and acceptance of the other co-owner before the end of that three month period. ~ If this agreement is broken, any lifemate agreements will remain binding. Cancelled due to no rp posting in years and no activity on Gaia in over 6 months.
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 2:46 pm
I, Mindsend, Give LadyPipen, Co-ownership rights to Sunshine from Shadows in a temporary co-ownership Specifically so they can use a single breeding to attempt to get a solitary breeding off of (Can be with a purewalker or with a non-purewalker, don't care!) Both -Get Signature Rights -- Once LadyPipen's breeding is complete, either LadyPipen or Mindsend will break the agreement and return full ownership to Mindsend so she can gift another breeding entirely to someone else LadyPipen- Gets FULL CONTROL over One breeding and does not require Mindsend's approval for their choice in Partner - Have fun! -Cannot break the co-ownership to gain full rights: Should LadyPipen break the agreement, full ownership returns to Mindsend. - CANNOT: Make life altering decisions Such as turning into an elder or Charming Mindsend -Has RP and Teepee Rights -Control over remaining breedings -Mindsend has the right to cancel the co-ownership at any time for any reason. - CAN: Make life altering decisions Such as turning into an elder or Charming - CAN enter him into breedings or breed him when LadyPipen isn't already entered.
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 4:35 pm
I am giving LadyPipen, Co-ownership rights to Kismet in a temporary co-ownership so they can use a single breeding to attempt to get a solitary breeding off of -- Once LadyPipen's breeding is complete, either LadyPipen or myself will break the agreement and return full ownership to Niyaru Delacroix. LadyPipen- Gets FULL CONTROL over 1 breeding and does not require my approval for their choice in Partner - Have fun! -Cannot break the co-ownership to gain full rights: Should LadyPipen break the agreement, full ownership returns to Niyaru Delacroix. - CANNOT: Make life altering decisions Niyaru Delacroix-Has RP and Teepee Rights -Control over remaining breedings -I have the right to cancel the co-ownership at any time for any reason. - CAN: Make life altering decisions. - CAN enter him into breedings or breed him when LadyPipen isn't already entered.
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 4:46 pm
Niyaru Delacroix I am giving LadyPipen, Co-ownership rights to Kismet in a temporary co-ownership so they can use a single breeding to attempt to get a solitary breeding off of -- Once LadyPipen's breeding is complete, either LadyPipen or myself will break the agreement and return full ownership to Niyaru Delacroix. LadyPipen- Gets FULL CONTROL over 1 breeding and does not require my approval for their choice in Partner - Have fun! -Cannot break the co-ownership to gain full rights: Should LadyPipen break the agreement, full ownership returns to Niyaru Delacroix. - CANNOT: Make life altering decisions Niyaru Delacroix-Has RP and Teepee Rights -Control over remaining breedings -I have the right to cancel the co-ownership at any time for any reason. - CAN: Make life altering decisions. - CAN enter him into breedings or breed him when LadyPipen isn't already entered. I accept this, too!
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 5:17 pm
mindsend I, Mindsend, Give LadyPipen, Co-ownership rights to Sunshine from Shadows in a temporary co-ownership Specifically so they can use a single breeding to attempt to get a solitary breeding off of (Can be with a purewalker or with a non-purewalker, don't care!) Both -Get Signature Rights -- Once LadyPipen's breeding is complete, either LadyPipen or Mindsend will break the agreement and return full ownership to Mindsend so she can gift another breeding entirely to someone else LadyPipen- Gets FULL CONTROL over One breeding and does not require Mindsend's approval for their choice in Partner - Have fun! -Cannot break the co-ownership to gain full rights: Should LadyPipen break the agreement, full ownership returns to Mindsend. - CANNOT: Make life altering decisions Such as turning into an elder or Charming Mindsend -Has RP and Teepee Rights -Control over remaining breedings -Mindsend has the right to cancel the co-ownership at any time for any reason. - CAN: Make life altering decisions Such as turning into an elder or Charming - CAN enter him into breedings or breed him when LadyPipen isn't already entered. (I didn't realize this never posted) I agree!
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 10:18 pm
I, laefe, am giving complete ownership of all my Soquili to Master Wild Mage to do with as she wishes. Any co-owner listed on a cert is bound to the same agreement they had with me for roleplay and breeding purposes, but retain the right to have their name listed as a co-owner for said Soquili. - PGM has her name still on Suizei but retains no roleplay rights. She has claim to one of his first breeding baskets when/should he ever have any. - Caitlyn Hellstorm is the Co-Owner of Kawaran and retains her roleplay rights, Master Wild Mage will have no claim to any of his baskets when/should he have any unless it is agreed upon by both her and Caitlyn Hellstorm. DeathYaseiKawarigoiDappletailEbioGithinji & AhtiIncineratorIseleKawaranSuizeiUthando-Hlanya(Certed originally with wrong name)
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 6:50 am
laefe I, laefe, am giving complete ownership of all my SoA to Master Wild Mage to do with as she wishes. Any co-owner listed on a cert is bound to the same agreement they had with me for roleplay and breeding purposes, but retain the right to have their name listed as a co-owner for said Soquili. - PGM has her name still on Suizei but retains no roleplay rights. She has claim to one of his first breeding baskets when/should he ever have any. - Caitlyn Hellstorm is the Co-Owner of Kawaran and retains her roleplay rights, Master Wild Mage will have no claim to any of his baskets when/should he have any unless it is agreed upon by both her and Caitlyn Hellstorm. DeathYaseiKawarigoiDappletailEbioGithinji & AhtiIncineratorIseleKawaranSuizeiUthando-Hlanya(Certed originally with wrong name)I guess I agree? =/
Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 1:11 am
laefe I, laefe, am giving complete ownership of all my Soquili to Master Wild Mage to do with as she wishes. Any co-owner listed on a cert is bound to the same agreement they had with me for roleplay and breeding purposes, but retain the right to have their name listed as a co-owner for said Soquili. - PGM has her name still on Suizei but retains no roleplay rights. She has claim to one of his first breeding baskets when/should he ever have any. - Caitlyn Hellstorm is the Co-Owner of Kawaran and retains her roleplay rights, Master Wild Mage will have no claim to any of his baskets when/should he have any unless it is agreed upon by both her and Caitlyn Hellstorm. DeathYaseiKawarigoiDappletailEbioGithinji & AhtiIncineratorIseleKawaranSuizeiUthando-Hlanya(Certed originally with wrong name)I agree but if either co-owner would like to simply retain full ownership instead I'd be fine with that as well.
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 11:14 pm
I MiladyEmerald am giving full ownership and total rights of THIS Pony to Lady Argentum Draconis
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 11:55 pm
Milady Emerald I MiladyEmerald am giving full ownership and total rights of THIS Pony to Lady Argentum Draconis Agreed. Thank you so much~
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 4:50 pm
Frezir Devil NightShade I, Devil NightShade, Give Frezir, Co-ownership rights to "Bear 'The Monstrous Blue" in a temporary co-ownership. Both-Get Signature Rights -- Once Frezir's breeding is complete, either Frez or DNS will break the agreement and return full ownership to DNS. Frezir- Gets FULL CONTROL over the First breeding and does not require DNS's approval for their choice in Partner, and can actively hunt for a partner as soon as they are of age (1 Month old) -Cannot break the co-ownership to gain full rights: Should Frezir break the agreement, full ownership returns to DNS. DNS-Has RP and Teepee Rights -Control over remaining breedings -DNS has the right to cancel the co-ownership at any time for any reason. (*did not totally steal MInd's format ... nupe*) I agree completely with this and will follow it to the T. Seeing as the breeding was completed (YAY GRATS!!) full ownership of the soquili has returned to me, Yep ... so late on doing this >___>;;
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:10 pm
Original ownership on the old threadI can't quote to get a copy of the post, so I'm just posting here that I'm dissolving the co-ownership of Unenlagia with Nayci and restoring full ownership to myself. *salutes and disappears into the mist*
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:13 pm
Revolutionary Roniel Original ownership on the old threadI can't quote to get a copy of the post, so I'm just posting here that I'm dissolving the co-ownership of Unenlagia with Nayci and restoring full ownership to myself. *salutes and disappears into the mist* Agreed~ Ty for co-owning him with me for so many years! smile
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 11:59 pm
Co-Ownership Agreement between irishgirl1017 and Ashes to the Wind for Edomayin irishgirl1017's Rights: Siggy/Display Rights Teepee Rights 1 Breeding Solely Mine Ashes to the Wind Rights: Siggy/Display Rights Teepee Rights 1 Breeding Solely Ashes's RP Rights Backstory Both Owners Rights: Third breeding if there is one will be split among both owners the third basket if there is one will be given away once both owners decide on how and whom to receive it. Either owner may enter breeding slots but only 1 at a time. Other: This Stallion can not life mate therefore each breeding may be with a different partner. If either Co owner wishes to discuss possible flings with the other owner they may do so, it is not mandatory for discussion to take place before each of the owners decide on a partner for a fling. Also the backstory/plot of this Stallion is solely up to Ashes to come up with, if Ashes decides to discuss this with Irish it is Ashes's choice to do so it is not mandatory. Any life changing decisions must be discussed with both owners. The Co owner ship can be dissolved if Ashes is not active for a year or more. If circumstances in RL are pressing contact Irish to let her know, other than that this agreement can not be broken unless Ashes' voluntarily gives up ownership.
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 4:52 am
.Tortured. .Pumpkin. I, .Tortured. .pumpkin. am writing this agreement for Uniwingdfox due to her having a difficult time finding time to get on the computer for long periods of time. We will be sharing full co-ownership rights for the three following Soquili MoonMoon MoonAnd Moon Moon’s unnamed Daughter, Who we agree to name NoomooWe each can independently enter into breedings without counting against the other person or having to get permission ahead of time. If, for any reason, we wish to share rights to a breeding, we will simply state so on the form after discussing it in private. We get full rights to: RP, post in Teepee, show off in Signature, select breeding partners, or try for Eldership. We must BOTH AGREE publically to turn into a skinwalker or to kill off any of these characters. Characters must remain on Utloyi Island and breed only with other Soquili from said island. In the event of wishing to break co-ownership, we cannot force the other one to leave and must instead choose to step away from the Soquili ourselves. Sorry for delay, agreed smile