exclaim Stats and bonus stats have been added for the month of July! exclaim If you see any errors, would like to know why you did not receive stats, or have any stat related questions please
PM Nisshou H.
As you all are probably aware by now we set and met a goal of getting 500 soquili RPed for starts in July. Well I'm here to tell you that we actually made it to
561 soquili. (Which is partially why I'm so tired right now.) So well done!
It should come as no surprise to anyone that such a lofty target would end up with more than a few faces maxed out. So let's have a round of applause for Sheria, Farsiris, Paramekia, Bailey, Musso Koroni, Amira, Yseult, Araycaria, Johanna Mason, Lament, Chane, Mahdi, Hinote, Kadira Nym, Kreyate, Nyamuragira, Gaston, Sunset's Coda,
Guinevere and Raven!
Also (at the request of the owner) Tefla's Echo's Song maxed out a couple years ago (before I took over) and was not included in the post of maxed out soquili. So a very belated congratulations to Echo's Song!
Bonus stat questions for August are also open.