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Kawaii Shoujo

PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 2:37 am

void edited slot entry
PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 2:42 am

Edit Me Up Please!

Entry Tag: (muffled_undertone | CC | Heavy? | Solo Custom)

Oh LOOK A Spikey-Eared!

Edit Category: - Heavy?
Soquili Species: - CC
Body Build: Regular
Gender: CC
Starting Stage: Adult
Origin: -
Alola Ninetails
WIP Needed? Not necessary, but it would be very cool to see.

-- Colors & Markings --
(I'm not very good at envisioning customs)
*Really likes sparkles and glow.
Body: Sparkly, whitish/silver-colored body with maybe a little glowy blueish color(?), with color emanating off of its body with gold/silver/blue accents? CC-please feel free to change anything if it looks odd
Face: Unobstructed, glowing eyes (eye color CC), everything else CC
Mane:Edited- medium/longish, but does not block the eyes or overwhelm the body by covering it up. Looks kind of like ghostly flames that become wispy at the ends (thinking maybe bluish with gold/silver/blue accents), but really, everything is CC.
Tail: CC
Hooves/Fetlocks: CC
Reference Image(s):
Summer Raaven's Lutetia
-Received permission to reference for Lugia characteristics and sparkly skin: here
-- Physical Breed Traits --
Wings: Pretty, sparkly and maybe glowing wings. CC.
Other Notes: Just a very pretty Soq.
Vibrant colors. Generally cool color scheme, but maybe little warm colors for a popping effect?

(I'm sorry, I'm very bad at envisioning customs.)

-- Accessories & Edits --
Anything that would make the Soq look pretty, please! emotion_bigheart

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Pokemon!

*If possible, could I receive an itemless version and a wingless version as well?

Thank you! emotion_bigheart


Kawaii Shoujo


Floppy Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 3:31 am

Entry Tag: ([X]Natty-Chan[X] | Mutant Pawed Regular/Cerynei | Unedited | Twins)

Oh LOOK A Spikey-Eared!


Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: Regular/Cerynei
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
• Shiny Sylveon
• Shiny Mew
• Alolan Raichu
WIP Needed? No, but can I get a version without the items as well, please and thank you.

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Soft blue with white around the face, underbelly, and forelegs. Pink back feet, starting around the ankles. Blue front feet, starting around the wrists. CC the colors of the ears, since I don't think the Raichu ears/tail are templated. If the fluffy ears are, I would love those.
Face: Bright blue eyes, CC the rest of the face; maybe a cute/shy expression.
Mane: CC color(s). Style: Splice between Glam Rock and Long braid.
Tail: Cerynei alert tail style, cc color(s)
Hooves/Fetlocks: No hooves, canine feet. If possible, no claws. No fetlocks.
Reference Image(s):
[X] - Though it uses a different Raichu, this is the splice I originally got the idea from. Image belongs to Seoxy.
[X] - Shiny Mew
[X] - Shiny Sylveon
[X] - Alolan Raichu

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Other Notes: As stated above, Cerynei alert tail, cc colors.

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: •Long ribbon: the color of shiny sylveon's.
Satchel: CC colors.

I don't know if Identical twins still need two separate forms, so I only posted one and removed the things that weren't applicable to the custom. Let me know if I need both forms, and in full.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 3:52 am

voiding unedited slot entry


Kawaii Shoujo


Kawaii Shoujo

PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 3:53 am


Entry Tag: (muffled_undertone | Angeni | Unedited | Solo)

SUPER RARE! So Rare even Rare Candies are Easier to Find!

Edit Category: - Unedited
Soquili Species: - Angeni
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Alolan Ninetails
Second pokemon: CC's pick!
WIP Needed? It would be nice, but it isn't necessary!

-- Colors & Markings --
*really likes sparkles and glow
Body: CC
Face: CC. *please make eyes glow
Mane: CC
Tail: CC
Hooves/Fetlocks: CC
Reference Image(s): (same ninetails image above)

-- Physical Breed Traits --

-- Accessories & Edits --

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Pokemon!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 3:53 am

Entry Tag: Wasteand Wyvern | Angenicorn | Moderate | Solo Custom

SUPER RARE! So Rare even Rare Candies are Easier to Find!

Edit Me Up Please!

Edit Category: Moderate
Soquili Species: Angeni/Unicorn Cross
Body Build: Draft
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Origin: Dragonair x Suicine x Raikou x Kyogre
WIP Needed? Nope, but an unwinged form would be lovely! <3

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Dragonair Base - Blue with White Belly, Non Primal Kyogre Style Markings Glowing Red with a mix of Raikou Style Markings in Black. Very CC on how you do the markings!
Eye Color - Blood Red
Eyebrows - Soft Purple
Inner Ear - White
Expression - Stock Raised Eyebrows with Stock Long Lash Eyes with Stock Frown
Facial Markings - Would like some white under the chin and some markings, but CC on placement and style.
Mane: Edited Chest Length Flowing Mane - CC Design - Windblown is love - Hair color soft purple like Suicine.
Tail: Stock New Curled Unicorn Tail - Hair Tuft soft purple to match hair, with a little bit of white under the tail to match the white belly. (If you feel up to it you can do a edited tail tuft, but it isn't needed.)
Hooves/Fetlocks: Stock Draft Fluffy Fetlocks with Stock Draft Hooves - Hooves Charcoal Black in Color
Reference Image(s):
1.) Raikou
2.) Dragonair
3.) Suicune
4.) Kyogre

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Original Spiral Unicorn Horn - White in Color
Wings: Angeni Style 2 Fluffy - Color Like This!
Other Notes: Extra fluff would be nice! Chin/Cheek/Belly/Chest/Legs. Doesn't have to be all that just would like some extra fluff. <3
Please do not use the draft nose!
Dragonair Neck and Tail Orbs optional. Up to you if you feel like adding them. ^_^

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: Odet's Ultra Ball by her Front Leg - CC Placement
Custom Items: Simple Iron Lantern with a Slight Glow
Reference Image(s) for Items:
1.) Lantern - This basic shape, held in her mouth, but with clouded glass and an ethereal ice blue glow to it. Prefer the metal to be very dark iron, almost black.

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

-- Angeni --
Desired Domain: None

Wasteland Wyvern

Dangerous Demigod

Mythi Red Panda


Star-Crossed Muse

14,125 Points
  • Noble Shade 100
  • Somebody Likes You 100
  • Romantic Fortune Seeker 100
PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 3:56 am

Edit Me Up Please!

Entry Tag: (Mythi Red Panda | Mutant Pawed Cerynei | Moderate - Heavy (CC Edit level ) | Solo )

Oh LOOK A Spikey-Eared!

Edit Category: - Moderate - Heavy, colorist can CC Edits :>
Soquili Species: - Cerynei
Body Build: War
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: ADult
Origin: - Arcanine + Winter Sawsbuck Reference here!
WIP Needed? NOT REALLY but if you need to wip me back, have fun~

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: CC check ref
Face: CC, check ref, smug expression and roman nose please
Mane: CC Check ref~
Tail: Fluffy cery tail.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Fluffy fetlocks like the above. I would like a set of mutant paws for the front and hooves for the back, but if I'm not able to do hooves and paws, just go for paws. (cc paw type, just whatever fits best)
Reference Image(s): Reference above! ^

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): CC best fit to the reference image!
Other Notes: I trust y'alls decisions on making this, it doesn't have to be the exact of course but the base of it being a very fluffy fluff makes me excited O3O
PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 4:00 am

Entry Tag: ([X]Natty-Chan[X] | Mutant Pawed Tri-wing Ulun'suti/Kalona | Extreme | Twins)

Oh LOOK A Spikey-Eared!

Edit Me Up Please!

Edit Category: Extreme. I don't think they are, since it's mostly CC, but I'm putting extreme just in case.
Soquili Species: Ulun'suti/Kalona
Body Build: War, body only
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
• Shiny Mega Rayquaza
• Giratina
• Shiny Mega Charizard Y
WIP Needed? No, but can I get a "wingless" and itemless version as well, if possible; please and thank you.

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: CC
Face: Eye color; completely red (no sclera, pupils, etc; only iris'... if allowed). CC the rest.
Mane: CC any style really; I would just like it uber long and flowy. CC the colors as well.
Tail: Tail spikes of the Ulun'suti template, just remove most of the spikes except for the bottom three like Mega Charizard Y, along with the edits of Mega Rayquaza. Maybe a flame on the end.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Canine paws, cc the colors. No fetlocks.
Reference Image(s):
[X] - Shiny Mega Raquaza.
[X] - Shiny Mega Charizard Y
[X] - Giratina

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Suti- Smooth horns; cc colors
Wings: Top two are the Suti spread style wings (No scales) and the bottom one (if possible) are the frilled wings (also no scales). If not possible, then all three can be the spread style wings. CC and edit to match the references.
Other Notes:
• As mentioned before, the Tail spikes of the Ulun'suti template, just remove most of the spikes except for the bottom three like Mega Charizard Y, along with the edits of Mega Rayquaza. Maybe a flame on the end.
• Big mouth
• Leg scales; cc colors

-- Accessories & Edits --
Custom Items: A helmet that looks like a combination of Giratina's mask and Rayquaza's horns and mouth "spikes" with the long whiskers as well.
• Tail whiskers from Rayquaza on the tail.
• If there's no templated fins that look similar, the arm fins of Mega Charizard Y.
• Armor around the neck and legs.
Reference Image(s) for Items: [X] - Shiny Mega Raquaza.
[X] - Shiny Mega Charizard Y
[X] - Giratina

-- Ulun'suti --
Element: Fire

Edit Category: Extreme. I don't think they are, since it's mostly CC, but I'm putting extreme just in case.
Soquili Species: Ulun'suti/Kalona
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
• Shiny Mega Rayquaza
• Giratina
• Shiny Mega Charizard Y
WIP Needed? No, but can I get a "wingless" and itemless version as well, if possible; please and thank you.

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: CC
Face: Eye color; completely red (no sclera, pupils, etc; only iris'... if allowed). CC the rest.
Mane: CC any style really; I would just like it uber long and flowy. CC the colors as well.
Tail: Tail spikes of the Ulun'suti template, just remove most of the spikes except for the bottom three like Mega Charizard Y, along with the edits of Mega Rayquaza. Maybe a flame on the end.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Canine paws, cc the colors. No fetlocks.
Reference Image(s):
[X] - Shiny Mega Raquaza.
[X] - Shiny Mega Charizard Y
[X] - Giratina

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Suti- Smooth horns; cc colors
Wings: Top two are the Suti spread style wings (No scales) and the bottom one (if possible) are the frilled wings (also no scales). If not possible, then all three can be the spread style wings. CC and edit to match the references.
Other Notes:
• As mentioned before, the Tail spikes of the Ulun'suti template, just remove most of the spikes except for the bottom three like Mega Charizard Y, along with the edits of Mega Rayquaza. Maybe a flame on the end.
• Big mouth
• Leg scales; cc colors

-- Accessories & Edits --
Custom Items: A helmet that looks like a combination of Giratina's mask and Rayquaza's horns and mouth "spikes" with the long whiskers as well.
• Tail whiskers from Rayquaza on the tail.
• If there's no templated fins that look similar, the arm fins of Mega Charizard Y.
• Armor around the neck and legs.
Reference Image(s) for Items: [X] - Shiny Mega Raquaza.
[X] - Shiny Mega Charizard Y
[X] - Giratina

-- Ulun'suti --
Element: Fire


Floppy Sex Symbol

Mythi Red Panda


Star-Crossed Muse

14,125 Points
  • Noble Shade 100
  • Somebody Likes You 100
  • Romantic Fortune Seeker 100
PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 4:13 am


Entry Tag: (Mythi Red Panda | Mer | Unedited | Twins )

A Rare Surprise in the Tall Grass!

Edit Category: - Unedited
Soquili Species: - Pure mer
Body Build: CC (I like Stocky ones though but it's best to your fit!)
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Origin: - Milotic x Aurorus
WIP Needed? Not needed, would be nice!

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Describe any colors and patterns on your horse's body
Face: eye color, eyebrows, inner ear, expression, roman nose for drafts, blush, any facial markings
Mane: CC, but I REALLY like big hair and braids. just a tip :3c
Tail: CC best fit~
Hooves/Fetlocks: CC best fit~
Reference Image(s): above ^

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Fins: CC best fit really u3u
Other Notes: Nah have fun.

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: cc if any!
Custom Items: CC
Reference Image(s) for Items: CC


Edit Category: - Unedited
Soquili Species: - Pure mer
Body Build: CC
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Origin: - Milotic x Aurorus
WIP Needed? Not needed, would be nice!

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Describe any colors and patterns on your horse's body
Face: eye color, eyebrows, inner ear, expression, roman nose for drafts, blush, any facial markings
Mane: CC, but I REALLY like big hair and braids. just a tip :3c
Tail: CC best fit~
Hooves/Fetlocks: CC best fit~
Reference Image(s): above ^

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Fins: CC best fit really u3u
Other Notes: Nah have fun.

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: cc if any!
Custom Items: CC
Reference Image(s) for Items: CC
PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 5:21 am

Edit Me Up Please!

Entry Tag: (Yeonn | Mutant | Edited | Solo )

Oh LOOK A Spikey-Eared!

Username of owner(s): Yeonn
Level of Edits: Extreme

Reason you do not want to fill out the form: Time

Do you understand that by using this form, you are forfeiting your chances to be CCed? Yes


Sparkly Vampire


Sparkly Vampire

PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 5:23 am

Entry Tag: (Yeonn | Common | Unedit | Solo)
Nothing Wrong with a Common Pokemon~


Username of owner(s): Yeonn
Breed: Common
Level of Edits: N/A

Reason you do not want to fill out the form: Time

Do you understand that by using this form, you are forfeiting your chances to be CCed? Yes
PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 5:32 am


Entry Tag: (Lunarflowermaiden | Mutant | Unedited | Solo)

Oh LOOK A Spikey-Eared!

Username of owner(s): Lunarflowermaiden
Level of Edits: Unedited

Reason you do not want to fill out the form: Time

Do you understand that by using this form, you are forfeiting your chances to be CCed? Yes


Benevolent Duck

15,450 Points
  • Nerd 50
  • Autobiographer 200
  • Member 100


Fanatical Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 6:07 am


Entry Tag: (stormflower | Angeni-Ulunsuti?? | Unedited | Solo Custom )

SUPER RARE! So Rare even Rare Candies are Easier to Find!

Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: Angeni'suti cross
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Origin: Splice/Fusion of Suicune and Articuno
WIP Needed? Completely CC so if you want

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: CC based off the refs of the 2 pokemon
Face: CC
Mane: CC but am a fan of splicing and long hair, curls and long braid but have fun
Tail: CC
Hooves/Fetlocks: angeni hooves and fetlocks (can have the suti claw if you think itll look alright)
Reference Image(s): Suicune Articuno

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Suti Horns, Ice themed CC
Wings: Angeni CC
Fins: n/a
Scales: minimal to no scales
Pelt: n/a
Other Notes: Have fun! If there is a way to make it like shiny icy particles are falling on and around her would be awesome

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: Love sparkly jewelry, piercings, so have fun but CC if any poke items are templated for use on the unedited spectrum would love something be it pokeballs or Team Mystic related things
Custom Items: n/a
Reference Image(s) for Items:

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Poke Cospllay fusion

-- Angeni --
Desired Domain: n/a

-- Ulun'suti --
Element: (descriptions are here: Water
PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 9:58 am

Edit Me Up Please!

Entry Tag: ( [Mistress Morbid] | Pawed Mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)

Oh LOOK A Spikey-Eared!

Edit Category: - Heavy/Extreme
Soquili Species: - Pawed Mutant
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Male and Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Origin: - Ninetails x Cosmog by houndoom-kaboom
WIP Needed? Pls

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: CC -- See reference
Face: CC -- See reference
Mane: CC -- See reference
Tail:CC -- See reference
Hooves/Fetlocks: CC - However I would like paws instead of the hooves pls
Reference Image(s): Ninetails & Cosmog

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): N/A
Wings: N/A
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: If possible, cant here be slight color differences on items or either of them (Such as different color eyes or using a different set of colors on the twin, as if it were the shiny version)

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items:
Custom Items: CC
Reference Image(s) for Items:

[Mistress Morbid]



PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 10:47 am

Entry Tag: (ABVirus | Mutant Pawed Kalona | Heavy | Solo Custom)

Oh LOOK A Spikey-Eared!

Edit Me Up Please!

Edit Category: - Heavy
Soquili Species: - Mutant Pawed Kalona
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Origin: - Houndoom
Spirtdoom by Seoxys
WIP Needed? Not needed, but liked

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: CC - So long as the bone mutations are present.
Face: CC - Glowy loved.
Mane: CC - I'll leave it up to you whether to put some mane, so he isn't totally bald, or just to him him his "ghost" mane. Note that his mane does come out of his the eyes form the skull on his chest, up around his neck and onto his head, much like a lion's mane would.
Tail: Kalona Devil Tail 2 - CC specifics
Hooves/Fetlocks: Canine paws.CC
Reference Image(s): Origin Pic 1, Origin Pic 2

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): CC
Wings: n/a
Fins: n/a
Scales: n/a
Pelt: n/a
Other Notes: n/a

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: CC - glowy loved
Custom Items: CC - glowy, eerie loved; if it doesn't work for all of the bone bits to be mutant traits, maybe have them as accessories? For example the bone "necklace" and anklets.
Reference Image(s) for Items: n/a

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