November Mystery* babbins~
*Secretly too lazy to do them my normal way…sorry~ First Batch:
1. Strawberry Stardust & irishgirl1017 - Partie Charm x Hinto
2. YokoOnna x SpaceDadDisapproves - Sailor Sun Dancer x Cynder
3. Ruriska x Kinu - Primal x The Grim
4. Sara Draconia & Pinka - Bride Witch x Hunter Groom
Bonus slot: Seussi & Yayoi - Grendel x Ravnos
Eggs are in order of quotes, first quote = first eggu, second quote = second eggu.
And of course~
Pink - Girl
Blue - Boy
Purple - Random
[Strawberry Stardust]
[Sara Draconia]
(OG drop by Le Saucy)