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Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:17 pm
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                                                          "Micha wasn’t bothered by what Samuel drove. He simply didn’t want Samuel to go out of his way just to drop him off. Micha could take the subway home and be content with it. He stood up as well with Samuel. Micha grabbed his bags as he stood. He followed Samuel out of the restaurant. Micha walked with Samuel toward his car once they were outside. He looked over the cars as they got outside. Micha didn’t drive; he much preferred the subway or walking. He looked toward Samuel as he spoke. Micha nodded slightly as he smiled at him, ”Yes it was. Thank you.” He spoke as he shifted on his feet a little. Micha really didn’t know what to say either as he stood there.

                                                          He watched as Samuel walked toward his car. Micha remained where he was. He shook his head as Samuel offered again. Micha waved slightly as Samuel spoke, ”Good night Samuel.” He spoke as he watched Samuel get into his car. Micha turned on his heel after a few seconds as he started down the street. He held his bags in hand as he started toward the nearest subway tunnel.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:04 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Samuel sighed as the male again refused his offer. Too bad it would have been nice to spend a bit more time with him, but he wasn't going to force him to tag along. After all it wasn't like tonight was going to be the last time they see each other. Samuel sat back in his seat as he watched the city passing him by. Even though Micha wouldn't come with him he was still feeling rather content. Tonight had been good, peaceful. Despite how moody he could be when he came into the club, something about Micha seemed rather different tonight. He couldn't quite put his finger on what that something was, but he liked it. It peaked his interest. Not in the same way spmeone like Alaine did, but it was enough to make him want to mess with the male some more. As his driver soon stopped, Samuel looked up to find himself home. Forcing himself away from hos wandering thoughts and made for his penthouse, intent on carrying out the plans he'd mentioned soon before leaving the other.

The next morning Samuel found himself lying awkwardly on his living room couch. The smell of fresh coffee and warm blueberry muffins reaching his nostrils. Sitting up, he wiped the dried drool from his face and padded into the kitchen. Next to the muffins was a handwritten note from his maid, claiming to be out collecting his laundry from the cleaners. He set the note back where he found it and grabbed himself a muffin and poured a mug of coffee before strolling out on the terrace to look out of the city. It was houts before he needed to be in for work and he was currently caught up on everything he needed doing. For someone offering out suggestions to kill boredom it certainly seemed like he needed to be taking his own advice.

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((Just a heads internet is still down here. So I'm replying from my phone and things might go a tad slow. As apologies for any grammar errors))  

Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:52 am
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                                                          "It didn’t take long for Micha to get home by the subway. He walked down the street heading toward his house. As Micha got to his house he fished his keys from his pocket and unlocked the door. He stepped into his house kicking the door closed behind him. Micha dropped his bags next to the door as he slipped his shoes off. He locked the door then started down the hallway. Micha saw his answering machine light flashing he sighed as he walked toward it. He pressed play as Claire’s voice came through. Micha stood listening to the message he had been waiting for. Claire was quitting on him finally. He sighed as he pressed erase and started toward his bedroom. Micha was tired and just wanted to sleep.

                                                          As morning came, Micha had gotten up and went to work. Yesterday had been a day off luckily for him. Today he had to work without the help of Claire unfortunately now. Micha sat behind his desk as he started making calls. He needed an assistant for today just to cover until he could hire a new one. Micha had a few people he knew who might cover but only if he was so lucky. After a few phone calls it seemed everyone was busy. Micha hung up with his last phone call. He sighed as he leaned back in his seat. He stared at the ceiling of his studio. Micha ran a hand through his hair. He didn’t have much of a choice but to do everything himself even though he hated it. Micha could manage for now. His first appointment wasn’t for another two hours anyways.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 9:58 am
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Morning slowly shifted to night. Samuel killed his day by mostly working in his office and wandering aimlessly around his Manhattan penthouse. He couldn't stop from feeling restless. It had been ages since he was caught up with his work and he found it unsettling. He didn't know what to do with himself when he had next to no work to do. As the day wore on, Samuel soon began his daily ritual of preparing for work. He quickly showered, not bothering to shave as he preferred a bit of stubble and dressing in a crisp white shirt, Italian silk black suit, a matching black tie, and dress shoes. Looking himself over in the mirror, he smoothed his messy towel tossed hair, hoping it would dry flat and not some curly tangled mess. Once he was satisfied with his appearance, Samuel grabbed his briefcase from his office and headed down the elevator to the ground floor and headed straight to his car. Going outside, the doorman greeted him, as did his driver who rushed out to open the back door for him. Sliding into the backseat, Samuel strapped himself in and watched with bored expression as they made their way towards the Hamptons. He really needed to just start staying at his family's home in the Hamptons. Driving from Manhattan to West Hampton on a daily basis was not only putting too many miles on his car, but too much of a pain as well. He was tired of having to leave two and three hours a head of time just so he would make it out there before the club opened.

Arriving at the club almost three hours later, Samuel stepped out of his car and informed his driver he would not be going back to the city tonight. It had been awhile since he just stayed out here in the Hamptons. He needed the break; a break from the city, a break from Alaine, someplace he could work for a couple of days with no worries. Going into the club, the place was quiet. There was still a couple of hours before the place opened, but there was still work to be done. Custodian workers moved moping floors, waxing poles, cleaning out the dancer areas, and just about everywhere else he allowed them to clean. If there was one thing that Samuel was OCD about when it came to his club, it had to be the cleanliness. He didn't care if there was just one speck of dirt, he wouldn't have it. Everything had to be cleaned; anywhere a customer went, the employees worked. He refused to be 1. Shut down for being dirty, 2. Be sued because after it was cleaned someone had an "accident" or 3. Go into Chapter 11 bankruptcy due to word of mouth on lack of cleaning. It was not happening. He'd already seen it happen twice from his brothers when they got bored of a place and refused to stay on top of things. He refused to follow in their footsteps and lose his bet.

Grabbing his clipboard from his office, Samuel went around checking things off as he normally did while ordering others around. In a way he sort of enjoyed ordering others. Gave him a bit of power, but not enough to go to his head. Just enough to enjoy the moment of watching other do his bidding. As he walked around, he thought a bit of Micha, wondering if his little side kick from the other night actually quit on him or was it all just a bluff. After watching the spectacle it was clear her attitude was real, and she certainly didn't take the news of her boss being gay to heart. He wouldn't doubt if she was in denial for the sole reason of having met another good looking man in the Hamptons only to find out he too didn't swing her way and was immune to her little flirtations. Poor dear. It amused him as he recalled the look she gave him that night. It made him curious if she thought he might have been the other's lover or something akin to such a relationship. Oh, if only knew. Too bad she was too brain dead from her toxic perfume to realize he and the photographer were nothing more than bar man and customer.

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Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:50 pm
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                                                          "Micha’s morning and afternoon had been hell. He had a few clients but without Claire to help him, he had a hard time with his appointments. Micha didn’t do hair, clothes, or makeup. Those types of things were all something he didn’t understand but was capable of doing. He knew he had to find a new assistant soon before tomorrow. Micha hated doing the things his assistant needed to be doing. It took up too much time more which he could be spending on doing his next client.

                                                          As Micha’s last client left, it was still rather early. He sighed as the door closed. Micha leaned back in his hair as he ran a hand through his hair. He had called his clients for tomorrow and rescheduled. It looked bad on his part but it was needed. Micha couldn’t work properly until he found a new assistant. He grabbed his camera as he pulled out the SD card and popped it into the reader for the computer. Micha pulled the screen up on the computer as he looked over the pictures he had taken today.

                                                          ((Crappy post. Sorry.))
PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:46 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

After an hour of ordering people around and inspecting to make sure everything was in working order, Samuel was dead bored. There was still about two hours left til opening and he hadn't the foggiest what he was going to do to keep himself occupied. He was currently in his office leaning back in the high back leather chair contemplating whether to clean up Alaine's side of the office or order someone to do it for him. Sighing, he turned away from the empty desk, looking down to his phone half expecting it to do something. Didn't anyone have something they needed? A birthday, wedding, divorce, something? Where the hell were all his clients? It was nearing the end of January, almost February. He figured by now there'd at least be someone wanting to host some kind of shitty lonely souls Valentines party. Apparently he'd figured wrong. Sighing, he picked up his phone and opened up his messages, scanning through a few before texting Alaine. "Hurry up dork, I'm bored." He didn't care if his co-worker was with his dancer boy, Samuel needed human contact. The custodians weren't much for conversation and he doubted any of them would even talk to him like a normal being what with their differences in status, not that he gave a s**t about stuff like that. He stood from his chair, pacing his office in search of something to do. When Alaine didn't immediately text back he knew it was a lost cause. His anti-social colleague kept his phone practically glued to either his hip or hand, sometimes both, and didn't take longer than a minute to text him back. Seeing him not reply he knew Liam was oh greater importance and he could only envy the dancer. Going back to his chair, he picked up his phone again, trying to think who he could bug without getting any s**t for disturbing them. "What are you doing?" he texted, sending it to the photographer who had been plaguing his thoughts all afternoon.

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Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:22 pm
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                                                          "Micha spent the hour looking over his photos. He needed to make sure none of them needed to be edited or redone. Micha knew he needed to clean up as well. His studio was a mess. He sighed as he sat there behind his desk. Micha finished looking through the photos. He ejected the SD card and put it back into his camera. Micha stood up and walked toward his stylist counter and started to clean up. The make-up was everywhere so was the curling irons and combs. He sighed as he started to put everything back in order. Micha heard his phone go off suddenly in his pocket. He wasn’t expecting any calls or texts. Micha pulled his phone from his pocket and saw it was a text from Samuel. He sighed as he grabbed the stool and took a seat on it. Cleaning my studio….My assistant quit on me…I had to do her job today. Micha typed before sending the text to Samuel. He stood up and started to clean again slipping his phone back into his pocket. Micha grabbed the clothes and started to hang them back on the clothes rack. "
PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:00 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Samuel wasn't sure if the photographer would reply to him. It wasn't like they were on bad terms, if anything he thought last night had been rather pleasant despite a few of their awkward moments. He tapped his fingers on the hard wooden surface of his desk, waiting impatiently for his phone to do something. When it buzzed as a text message came in, he snatched at his phone. He read through the short message twice, smirking a bit as he tried to picture the man doing hair and make-up. The mental image didn't suit him at all. "That suck," he replied, "Any plans for after you're done doing all that? Like coming to have an intelligent conversation with your favorite bar keep?" Samuel stared at the text before sending it. It took him four times to rewrite a new sentence, finding none of them worked before sticking with the original and hitting send. At this point he was too bored to care if the male thought him annoying or childish. He was simply glad to having someone to talk to. Those who envied the rich clearly never knew how lonely it could be and how easy it was to get antsy when there was nothing to do. Samuel felt like one of those caged animals in the zoo. Stuck in his office, waiting for the club to open just so he could come linger around a few people and maybe forget for awhile he wasn't as bored as he liked to think he was. He was the type of man who required constant entertainment. Not so much as a daily field trip was needed, just intelligent conversation, maybe a cup of coffee. Something to do to keep himself busy. Waiting to see if the male was going to text him back, Sam again stood from his desk and decided it was time to attack Alaine's desk. He didn't care that the other was OCD, he was too and the sight before him offended it. It was so bad that for the past hour and a half he'd been plotting just how exactly he was going to clean and organize the pig sty.

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Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:14 pm
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                                                          "Micha was getting annoyed with cleaning. He hated to clean but it had to be done. Micha didn’t like to clean but didn’t like things to be dirty. He finished hanging up the clothes when his phone went off again. Micha pulled his phone from his pocket and looked the text over. He smirked finding it amusing in away. Micha could only guess that Samuel was bored and needed someone to talk to. He knew it was still rather early and the club wasn’t open yet. Micha moved toward his desk after seeing everything was cleaned up. He took a seat as he started to work on his text for Samuel, Let me guess you’re bored and there’s no one else to keep you sane? Micha sent the text before slipping his phone back into his pocket. He didn’t mind going to the club but it wasn’t open yet. Micha was finished with work for now, he was too annoyed to get work done anyways. "
PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 9:27 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Moving around the office, Samuel started making piles of the different files. In a way they were similar to how Alaine had everything set up, but it was also different. He was seperating everything into two piles that would then go into two separate filing cabinets; work in progress and finished projects. By his organizing everything would be order in alpha-numeric order. As he worked, his phone soon went off again, pausing as he went to see what the photographer had sent him. Snickering at the text, he leaned against his text as he started to text back. "No there's people here but they won't talk to me unless I pay them overtime and allow them to call me sir. Damn custodians. So yes I'm bored and my colleague is currently too busy with his dancer boyfriend to pay any attention to me. It's not fair, I had him first DX." Hitting send, Samuel was laughing at himself. He could only imagine how Micha was going to react once he read it. Picturing such an image only made him laugh even more. He continued to organize their office, glaring at the disaster living in his business partners filing cabinet. Looking around his side of the office it all made sense why Alaine could never get anything done. It was amazing he could even find half his work most of the time. It was a pig sty, an utter, disgusting pig sty. As he worked to clean the surface and surrounding areas of the males desk, Samuel seriously contemplated about touching the inside. On the one hand, it would give him the satisfaction of having completely "destroyed" his friends' desk, while on the other hand he preferred not getting bitched at too much for going through what should be considered a private area. Ah ******** it. He was bored and didn't give two shits. Clean was clean and he had a strict rule of always finishing what he started.

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Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 10:03 pm
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                                                          "As Micha sat in his desk, he looked through his emails. He saw some disappointed clients who were annoyed with him having to reschedule but were accepting of it. Micha knew he was being a horrible photographer by doing what he had done but just one day of being his own assistant had done him in. He couldn’t do it and wouldn’t. Micha continued to look through his emails when his phone when off again. He pulled it from his pocket and read the text over. Micha laughed softly finding it amusing how Samuel could be bored so easily. He sighed a little as he sat back in his seat, Shall I drop by and keep you company than till you have to play Mister Bar Owner? Micha texted Samuel back before he slipped his phone back into his pocket. He didn’t mind dropping by to keep Samuel company. It wasn’t as if he had anything better to do now. Micha shut his computer down then stood up. He went back turning off the lights in the studio and making sure everything was in order while he waited to see if Samuel wanted him to drop by before the club opened."
PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:44 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Surprisingly it wasn't taking him as long as he figured it would to clean up around the males desk. Whether he was just that OCD or just that bored it was hard to say. It might have been a bit of both. Filing away, his phone soon buzzed and he smiled at the males question. "If you want a drink the next time you come into my club, then yes. Come. Now." he ordered, smirking at the text as he hit send. It amused him how easy it was to talk this person. A man he'd only spoke with a handful of times and already they were texting and setting up to hang out with one another. He wasn't sure the male would come, but he liked the fact that there was at least a possibility of them spending more time together. Alaine was one of his closest friends, one of the only people he really trusted. Seeing as he was starting to open up, maybe now it was time he stop fussing over him and get back in touch with other people as well. It couldn't hurt and he certainly enjoyed killing time with Micha. He was cute, easy to talk to, didn't seem to have much of a problem with his sarcasm and blatant disregard for other peoples comfort zones when it came to typical conversation. It was so strange and yet freeing to be able to talk like that and not have to worry if a person was going to offend to his words. People today were just so damn sensitive. It was refreshing to have met a person like Micha. Setting his phone back on the desk, Samuel continued to clean, not wanting the male to come and see just how bored he actually was.

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Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:32 pm
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                                                          "After everything was shut off in his studio, Micha started toward the door. His phone went off again. Micha grabbed his phone as he read the text. He laughed at Samuel’s order. Micha opened his door as he slid it open part ways and slipped through. He closed it and locked it up. Micha’s studio wasn’t that far from the club. He locked the door then started toward the elevator. Micha pushed the button on the elevator as he waited for it. He grabbed his phone out as he typed a text back to Samuel, Be there soon Mister Bar Owner. Micha hit send then slipped his phone back into his pocket. He stepped onto elevator and pushed the floor level button.

                                                          It didn’t take Micha long to get to the club. His studio was within walking distance of the club. Micha knew it was closed still so he walked toward the front of the club. He waited by the door while he leaned against the wall. I’m outside at the front door. Micha sent the text as he waited for Samuel to come open the door. He looked around as he saw few cars in the parking lot. Micha sighed a little as he slipped his phone into his pocket. After a long day he just needed a good drink and someone sensible to talk to.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:00 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Samuel was just about finished cleaning when the male texted him about coming over. He snickered at the familiar nickname, having slowly gotten used to being called it. He didn't mind. It was far better than what most of his other employees call him and even better than being called Young Master or Lord by his parents servants. If there was any name that made him cringe more it was definitely those two. He finished sorting the files, stuffing them into their correct cabinets before his phone soon went off again minutes later. Grabbing his keys from the desk, Samuel left the joint office, leaving the other half still somewhat messy. He weaved through the club, passing custodians and a few dancers who'd come in early to practice their routine for the evening. He walked towards the front of the club, unlocking the front door and smiling as he saw him standing there against the cool brick wall. "You know you could have just came in from the back. The doors standing wide open what with the custodians coming in and out for the next hour or so." he said. He beckoned the male inside, again locking up once he was in. It was one thing to leave the back door open, employees were free to come a few hours early what with the different roles they played. Some needed to practice their dancing, the DJ's needed a sound check and their music together, chefs needed to cook and inspect their areas; everyone had something to do until the club officially opened at 11 o'clock. "So Ken, how's work without Barbie?" he asked, teasing a bit. Couldn't help it, the man had it coming to him. His face might be pretty but boy did he have an attitude. Always the pretty ones.

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Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:37 pm
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                                                          "Micha waited outside for Samuel. He hadn’t really thought of the back door since he was a customer not an employee. Micha heard the door unlock and glanced toward Samuel. He pulled away from the wall as he heard Samuel speak. Micha shrugged slightly as he walked inside the club as Samuel motioned him to come inside. He saw that the cleaners were still cleaning it up but there were a few dancers practicing their routines. Micha rolled his eyes as he looked away from them. He knew Samuel’s dancers were good for business but still he had no interest for them. Micha looked toward Samuel as he spoke again. It was not a question he had been expecting from Samuel but it did amuse him. He laughed softly, ”Horrible. She quit on me. I had to do her job and my job.” Micha spoke annoyed though glad in a way. He was getting tired of Claire even though today had been hell for him. Micha hoped that he was able to find someone better within the week that would do her job so he wouldn’t have to. "And how was your day?" He asked figuring Samuel had only texted him because he was bored and had nothing else better to do. "
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