Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 11:34 am
Hate added. >.>
And yes, raze, I would. As for something more, we could see? I have no plans yet for Zayn, that's for sure. surprised
Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:16 pm
♪ ♫ ♪
Does teh Meeki wants to plot?
Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:11 pm
Man, I am so far behind, it's crazy. What did you have in mind, Rhea, of course, that's if you were still interested.
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:21 am
Just wondering if you would like to plot about Lolita's Mic background; that the Lapin Angelique gals are sisters? x3 So far I have Seres (Spider's Silk) being Black Rose's sister.
Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 5:23 pm
Hey Meeki, I was curious about if you might be itnerested in plotting your Scourge with my Madoka? I'm open to a lot, and she's open for a fling if you were interested. Her personality is that she's likely to be more of a 'pet' with her passiveness. She's likely to be found around others that have a more commanding presence. For was tortured for a long time when she was left behind by her herd. She didn't understand why, and she wanted to just vanish from the planet, since she was raised in the herd. She recently realized what happened, and why the herd left her, and it wasn't her fault. So I'm looking for a stronger personality type, dominant. And color scheme ^^ So if you're interested let me know. Thanks for reading ^^
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 12:47 pm
♪ ♫ ♪Now THIS is a late response xD; My bad Meeki.
Well she's all grown up now, but i have no idea what i want for her due to her being a...stronger personality than i'm used to RPing. (I'm pretty good at it though, lol)
What i'm currently trying to figure is whether she'll be a fling or Lifemate-type mare, and i suppose this all depends on a yes or no answer from someone else XD (And my ability to RP @~@)
But until then, If you see potential for her with anyone else...:3
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 2:55 pm
@Mel, I would LOVE that. It would be awesome to tie them all into a family line. surprised
@LunaRei, I admit, I love her colors and I think they'd have amazing foals. Let me contact the family and see what they think. I'm always a little more worried when I am gifted a pet vs a customed one since they may have a specific idea of where the family line heads.
@ Rhea, hmnnn. I have no idea who would fit well with her. Most of the ones that come to mind are those I don't yet have but are coming from a past bribe.
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 4:20 pm
Okay! No problem at all ^_^ I look forward hearing back from you and them.
Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:21 am
Luna and I were wondering if there could be a plot of some sort between one of the personalities of Copena/Jolon and Giovanni? *copypastas from our plot page personality descriptors* She has two persona's: A meek, skittish, submissive side RPed by Lunarei named Copena Jolon, and a reserved, fearless, and 'regal' persona named Jolon Copena played by Mindsend. More personalities may crop up over time. Copena Copena is more submissive, and she liked to be around others. Unlike Jolon she’s friendly and open. Though her fear of cemetaries causes her to be slightly… Off. The little poofs that follow her, she’ll often be seen talking too, because she doesn’t like to be alone. She searches for meaningful friendships. She doesn’t mind sharing with Jolon for the most part, but she doesn’t like that Jolon will often scare off those she’s become close too. She looks for long last relationships. She dreams of finding a lifemate, though gets jealous at the idea of Jolon being with him. Jolon Being the opposite of meek, frightened Copena, Jolon is a proud and regal individual, Stern and somewhat forceful, but good of heart.. if not exactly puppies and rainbows. She can seem rather indifferent, sometimes appearing down right snooty and standoffish, especially when she calls her shadowlings 'Attendants'. However, she does give aid, if in an offhanded manor. Perhaps she cares more then she lets on, and holds the facade to keep people away from finding out about her Because of her split personalities, she doesn't look for anything more then casual relationships, not wanting to truly share with her other side. She tends to try and either break off long lasting relationships Copena has, or simply walks out to live her own individual life. The Cemetery (note: this is subject to change -- we're hoping to do some history plotting with her twin brother and are still tweaking it to the point where Luna and I are both happy with it.) In her youth, Copena Jolon, as she was named, looked like your average foal. She was young, playful, if incredibly skittish. One day, however, she had found herself trapped in an old cemetery far to the east of the Kawani lands. She became frightened horribly during the night as a recently buried human, mistaken for dead, awoke inside their coffin and began to scream and claw at the opening. As she fled through the cemetery, tree's scratched at her face and back like the claws of wild animals, scavengers startled and snarled at her as they dug at shallow graves, and tombstones cracked as she tumbled down hill through the mist and crashed into them, the rubble crumbling over her, hurting her. And finally she found a gap in the rusty gates and fled into the distance. However, cemeteries are a common thing, and as she ran into cemetery after cemetery, her fear only grew as her scratches healed into rough scars. They itched and reminded her of the pain, of her fear, and gained a constant edge of terror, threatening her young, fragile mind. And then, fed from the fear, her injuries began to manifest themselves into the image of her horror. It was the last straw for her mind, and to save itself it split, forming a protective personality of Jolon to shield Copena from the terror that now followed her, and the 'imaginary friend', while stern, slowly helped Copena from the brink. But as they grew, Jolon found herself wishing to live her own life, and found her existence threatened as Copena recovered from her terror, and refused to help Copena any further, trying to hinder her growth for the sake of self survival rather then any malicious intent: something that kept the mirror that was their personality unmended and fragile. Who knows when it will crack once again. We'd love to hear your plot ideas. Even if they aren't with Giovanni, who we feel they might have something in common with, but rather you think she could have met up with someone else in her history, or meet in the future.
Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:11 pm
Heyo Meeki~
I finally got Beelze's final image and cert, and in a very delayed request, I was wondering if you wanted to continue that Rp between him and Hades? =o Or is there someone else you'd rather meet him~? XD
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:14 pm
Looking for co-owners for these three. If interested fill out this form: [b]Name:[/b] [b]How many soqs do you own?[/b] [b]Which horse are you interested in?[/b] [b]Are you willing to accept the guidelines below?[/b]
Guidelines: None of these pets have a set personality though they do have a temper that can present some sort of basis. That means you are free to change their personality. You will have roleplay rights to this pet. As far as breeding goes, I get the basket from their first breeding. However, you get to keep the basket from both their second and final breeding. In the event of you disappearing off Gaia, ownership would revert back to me, allowing me to find another, more active co-owner.
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:19 pm
Name: Muffinsbaby How many soqs do you own? Just Orphee, in my sig. I'm questing for another though. Which horse are you interested in? Eilistraee Are you willing to accept the guidelines below? Very much so, yes <3
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:20 pm
Name: Eranas How many soqs do you own? 2 Seathi, 2 co-owned Soquilli Which horse are you interested in? Cafe Au Lait Are you willing to accept the guidelines below? Deffinitely!
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:23 pm
Name: Juliette06 How many soqs do you own? 1.5 (the basket in my sig + a co-own~) Which horse are you interested in? Eilistraee Are you willing to accept the guidelines below? But of course :3
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:28 pm
Name: ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~ How many soqs do you own? 1 solo, 2 co-owned. :3 Which horse are you interested in? Hoax Are you willing to accept the guidelines below? Heck yeah~ <3