Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 11:00 pm
Name: Gabriel Temper/Personality: Indecisive Gender: Male Cert: xxx Acquired By: Tiki Rainbow Wishing Thread Family: - Parents: (IC) - AresencielxZacharael - Siblings: - Mate: - Children: Range: History: Plot Points/Ideas (may or may not happen): Rp Color: Gold Accent/Speech Patterns: Habits: Gabe is terribly indecisive, but not in a 'hmm'ing and 'haw'ing way, more he decides on something and changes his mind the next day no matter the progress he has made in the time he was committed to an idea. Pet Peeves? Partially completed work (he becomes very frustrated with himself...) Dreams/Goals for the Future? To learn better decision making skills and/or learn to commit to a decision. Fears? The dark Other:
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:58 pm
Custom win for my twin Usdias! 8D HOMG.
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:01 pm