Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 6:02 pm
Odet’s April Worklog I'll edit this post whenever I take on new/finish projects. Credit will only be added once it is complete.
April Completed Work ---FS Familiars--- 5 (1 x 10) Humming Bird/Bluejay - 30c Owl/Peacock - 40c Owl/Bluebird - 30c Hawk/Bald Eagle - 30c Crow/Duck - 30c
---Custom Familiars--- 7 (3 x 10) Bunny - 30c Crow - 40c Sea Otter - 30c Bunny - 30c Crow - 30c Wolf - 40c Howk - 40c
---Items--- 6 Enitan - 10c Ishika - 10c Keiko - 10c Leila - 10c Prima Rosa - 10c Uhra - 10c
---Upcoming Events/Raffles--- 2 used in Easter hunt, credit already claimed in past months
Carry Over: 5790c - Redeemed: N/A + April Total: 460c __________________________ Total Total = 6250c
Working on... -Practicing smile
Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:57 pm
Manda's May Work ::May -- Completed Work::7 unedited familiars: 30x7 = 210c 5 item slots: 10x5 = 50c 2 unedited custom familiars: 30x2 = 60c 4 edited custom familiars: 40x4 = 160c::May -- To-Do list::Planned/current work: ---May Total: 480c __________________________________________________________________________________________ Overall Total: 3365c - 1000c from April = 2845c
Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:43 pm
Agneza's WorkMay Finished work: Freebies: 4 x 75c = 300c - tulip - freesia - bee orchid - sunflowerBirthday Art freebies: 175c - Lily (minor edits) - Uni (moderate edits) - Freebies: 2 x 75c = 150c - FMini1 - FMini2 - Templates: Seathi mane: - curly: 300c To do list: - staff breeding trade with Bee (Testify x Dirge)Used credits: -1000c for pet trade with Etherial Requiem May Total: -75c Overall Total: 5985c April | March | February | January | 2011 | December | October/November | 2010
Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 6:25 pm
Quote: Kia's April WorklistApril Completed Work ::
Custom Familiars ¤ lion - 40c ¤ lion - 30c ¤ bat - 40c ¤ bear - 30c ¤ lion - 40c ¤ mouse - 40c
To-Do List :: ¤ Familiar (+MINI!) joint FS
April Total :: 220c Past credit carry-over :: 2030c Total Current Credits :: 2250c Kia's May WorklistGeneral Carry-Over Random work~ ¤ adjustments to familiar templates (un-removable items) ¤ add trading post items to my shop
May Completed Work ::
Familiar FS~ semi-customs ¤ lion - 30c ¤ wolf - 30c ¤ hawk - 40c ¤ otter - 40c ¤ fox - 30c ¤ ferret - 30c ¤ squirrel - 40c ¤ prairie dog - (30) ¤ raccoon - 40c ¤ mouse - 40c
To-Do List :: ¤ Familiar joint FS ¤ some random ponies for FS/games?
May Total :: 350c Past credit carry-over :: 2250c Redeemed :: -1000c (SC Custom Wind from hanging gallow) Total Current Credits :: 1600c
Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:44 pm
Beejoux's April 2011 stuff. Breedings and CustomsAdsila Awentia/Lorcan - 300c Littlewind/Meykal - 300c Temperance/Accalon - 200c Unetsiwa/Jame - 300c Contests and Free raffles.Diveball free raffle Kelpi - 75c Healball free raffle Putti - 75c Staff stoofAnjanas x Diesgyrni for Mindsend/Endejester Flats and Flaffles stockTemplatingWIPSStaff Credit breeding for Niss Credits Used -1500 For Breeding trade with Agneza (Dirge/Testify) Total Unused Credits: 1785c
Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 10:07 pm
Mindsend's April work 2011 stuff. QUOTA BASEDMouselet's Credit Custom: 100c Reeve's Credit Custom: 100c Putti Leader:75c Imp Leader: 75c Nixie Leader: 75c Contests and Free raffles.Sparks Mare: 75c Sparks Stallion: 75c Opal Imp Male: 75c CYOA Putti:50c CYOA Putti: 50c Free Raffle Nixie Male: 50c Free Raffle Nixie Female:50c Free Raffle Putti mare: 50c Free Raffle Imp male: 50c Staff stoofFlats and Flaffles stockTemplatingPutti Male: 300c Putti Female: 300c Imp Male: 500c Imp Female: 500c Nymph Male:700c Nymph Female:700c WIPSLots and Lots of higher level templates. Un-credited stuff Total Unused Credits: 33,450 c 750: Splitting costs/effort for credit breeding with Beejoux for Cabriole/Zahraa' November 1000c: December 29th. Bought Etcetera, a regular OC, father of Tulgey Cat. 1000c: Feb 2rd -- Bought corpse powder for Pippi18848's Neva. 8D Fairly simple update lol 1500c: March 29th: Breeding 1000c: Custom Reaper Nobody mare for self *guiltguiltguilt*
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 1:46 am
+Troll's April Workings+ *Note: I was out of town for the majority of this month ^-^~ Familiars - Flatsale: Coda - Ferret +30 Atheya - Lion +30 Argent - Sea otter +30 Goyathlay - Bear +30 Jade - Fox +30 Customs:Orlando - Dolphin +30 Freebies:*None yet Soquili - *Note claiming as I do them Usida breed freebies:Reef - Unedited nixie stallion +50 Keilani - Unedited nixie stallion +50 Flametta - Unedited imp mare +50 Koi koi - Unedited nixie mare +50 Items - *Non yet _________________________ + Nov Credits: +660 + Dec Credits: +1795 + Jan Credits: +785 + Feb Credits: +550 + Mar Credits: +1,410 Carry Over: --- 5,200 credits + Apr Credits: +380 __________________________ Current Total: 5,580 credits ++++++++++++++ To Do List -All caught up! Random stuff -
Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 9:04 am
Sela's March/April Work March finished 6 unedited familiars - 180c March Total: 180c April Male Families soq - 50c Female Families soq - 50c
Familiar Raffle 4 FS familiars - 1201 Unedited Familiar Custom - 30c 1 Edited Familiar Custom - 40c 1 Edited Familiar Custom - 40c April Total: - 330 _________________________ Previous Credits: 2,495c Overall Total: 3005c To do:Familiar customsTagsMay Familiars
Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 10:09 am
Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 7:40 pm
[ Lady Kiya ] Kiya's April work
Customs: [x] - 30c [x] - 30c [x] - 30c [x] - 30c [x] - 30c [x] - 30c [x] - 30c [x] - 30c [x] - 30c [x] - 30c
Freebies: [x] - 50c [x] - 50c [x] - 50c
April Total: 450c + 170c from before.
Total: 620c Flatsales:Customs:Freebies:[x] - 30 [x] - 30 [x] - 30 [x] - 30 [x] - 30 [x] - 30 [x] - 30 [x] - 30 [x] - 30 [x] - 30 [x] - 30 [x] - 30 May Total: 360c Total: 620 + 360 = 980c
Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 8:47 pm
Sabin's Completed in May list I edit/update this as I complete more pets:
Completing Stormflower's Angeni - I contributed Moderate Edits - 75 c Wishing Star Freebie Soquili: Minorly edited soquili (75c) x 2 = 150c Wishing Star Freebie Soquili: Unedited Soquili (50c) x 3 = 150c ___________________ Mar Total = 375c + (Carry over Credits = 8700c) ( -1500: Dae'Ruil x Drusevere - redeeming Aug 17,2011) - Colored by Agneza ( -1500: Little Red x Bloodmoon - redeeming Oct 29,2011) - colored by Mindsend ( -1500: Cerberus x Kumiho - redeeming Jan 12, 2012) - colored by Mobster Goose (-1500: Stormwild x Balrog - redeeming March 7, 2012) - Colorist Juls (-1000: Custom Mutant - "Hashashad" - redeeming May 21, 2012) - Colorist is me, Sabin (-1000: Custom Mutant - Pea-fox for Kamiki - redeeming Feb 12, 2013 (for Valentine's day) - Colorist is me, Sabin (-1000: Custom - Captain America for Kamiki - redeeming March 2016 - Colorist is me, Sabin OVERALL Total = 75c*** *** Forms for Pets COMPLETED in May
Customer Username: Stormflower Soquili concept: Extremely Edited Angeni Acquirement of Soquili: Abandoned Custom ( from vance originally, I think?) Payment: Date soquili workload was taken on: Estimated time of completion: Done Percentage Paid:
Wishing Star Soquili: Miracle Baby - Ishtanballa (page cool - unedited soquili Family Member - Summer Raven (Page 3) - unedited soquili True Love - sunchaser9000 (page 7) - minorly edited soquili Nemesis - x blame it on the --- x (page 1) - unedited soquili True Friend - Yousei Akki (page 1) - minorly edited soquili
*** *** Sabin's To-Do List/Works in Progress
Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 11:29 am
Mindsend's May work 2011 stuff. QUOTA BASEDKali's credit custom: 100c Adopted "fix" of a breeding thats been waiting well over a year: Stallion 100c Adopted "fix" of a breeding thats been waiting well over a year: mare 100c Templating - Codename:Jadeplate Male Adult 1000c Codename:Jadeplate Female Adult 1000c Jadeplate Colt 700c Jadeplate Filly 700c Codename:lopealong Female Adult 500c Codename:lopealong Male Adult 250c - tweaking Lopealong Colt 500c Lopealong Filly 500c Codename:Rarity Female Adult 300c Codename:Rarity Male Adult 150c - Minor tweaking Rarity Filly 300c Rarity Colt 300c Codename:Hedgefrog Male 300c Codename:Hedgefrog Female - Just copypasta Colt and Filly: Copypasta 8B Contests and Free raffles.Staff stoofFlats and Flaffles stockTemplatingWIPSLots and Lots of higher level templates. Un-credited stuff Total Unused Credits: 38,650 c 750: Splitting costs/effort for credit breeding with Beejoux for Cabriole/Zahraa' November 1000c: December 29th. Bought Etcetera, a regular OC, father of Tulgey Cat. 1000c: Feb 2rd -- Bought corpse powder for Pippi18848's Neva. 8D Fairly simple update lol 1500c: March 29th: Breeding 1000c: Custom Reaper Nobody mare for self *guiltguiltguilt* 1500c Mecho!Melody final breeding Trade with Nerpin! (HOMG)
Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 9:50 pm
Beejoux's May 2011 stuff. Breedings and CustomsYu Lian for Uta - 100c Contests and Free raffles.Rose Freebie - 75c Bird of Paradise Freebie - 75c Tsubaki Freebie - 100c Minicorn - 50c Pixie - 50c Staff stoofFlats and Flaffles stockTemplatingDraft Harpy Mare - 500c Draft Harpy Stallion - 500c Draft Harpy Stallion Leg down - 500c WIPSStaff breeding trade with Neza Credits Used Total Unused Credits: 3735c
Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 6:47 pm
+Troll's May Workings+ Familiars - Flatsale: Customs:Freebies:fire - Hummingbird +30 Zeppelin - Owl +30 Xibalba - Bat +30 Morris - Buffalo +30 Vita - Seal +30 stripes - Racoon +30 Mossup - Mouse +30 Thrasher - Goat +30 Soquili - *Note claiming as I do them Items - *Non yet _________________________ + Nov Credits: +660 + Dec Credits: +1,795 + Jan Credits: +785 + Feb Credits: +550 + Mar Credits: +1,410 + Apr Credits: +380 Carry Over: --- 5,580 credits + May credits: +240 - Tai'jin and Icarus breeding: -1,500 (from Bee <3) __________________________ Current Total: 4,320 credits ++++++++++++++ To Do List -Certings of familiars (need info for Hummingbird and Racoon) Random stuff -*Used 1,500 credits for Tai/Ic breeding from Bee (for june) Yay sea troll babies!
Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 8:42 pm
Hanging Gallows March/April/May Work
::March -- Completed Work::Family Event: Family Event - Daughter - Uni - unedited - 50c Family Event - Father- Half Kelpi - unedited - 50c Family Even - Son - Half Kelpi - unedited - 50c Family Event - Daughter - Wind - unedited - 50c Family Event - Daughter - Regular - unedited - 50c Familiar Customs: Divena - Owl - unedited - 30c Death Resurrected - Owl - unedited - 30c yoko lorako - Humming Bird - unedited - 30c Sweenys_Revenge - Squrriel - unedited - 30c Duelist of Pokemon - Lion - unedited - 30c Kaitaia - Humming Bird - edited - 40c PhoenixGuardianMikazuki - Squrriel - edited - 40c :: April -- Completed Work::Mock Breedings: Couple 1 - edited - 300c Couple 2 - edited - 300c Couple 3 - edited - 300c Usdia Event: Faint Rainbow Usdia - unedited - 50c :: May -- Completed Work::Familiar FS: Angel Fish - Fox - unedited - 30c Sunburst Fish - Mouse - unedited - 30c Beta Fish - Jellyfish - unedited - 30c Beta Fish - Humming Bird - unedited - 30c Spotted Trigger Fish - Goat - unedited - 30c Marley Fish - Lizard - unedited - 30c
:: May -- To-Do list::Planned/current work: - NoneMay Total: 1610c __________________________________________________________________________________________ Carry Over Total: 2280c Credits Used:- Custom (Angeni of Healing) - 1000c - Breeding (Jai and N'rai) - 1,500c Overall Total: 1390c