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Zaber Blade

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 12:13 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 2:20 pm
Vaizel gazed about for several moments, lost in the eerie shadows which played through the frozen forest. Echoed and distorted sounds snapped his attention back to the present, their voices haunting the scenery like half-remembered specters. Walking hesitantly forward Vai sought the source of the noises, wincing as his taloned leg splintered the ice and somber feelings in the woods. He strode forward, almost close enough to touch the nearest Deminien, and then halted. The ghost voices rebounded around the ice-walls. Coming from every direction with no hint as to their true source. Vai frowned, itching to make out the words or intonations. Instead the hair at the back of his neck stood on end. "Dawn?" He whispered, unwilling to further distort the reality of the situation. "Which way,... should we go?" He tried to hide the quiver in his voice, he felt less in control, he prefered the Deminiens as monstrous creatures he could dismember... these frozen warriors disturbed him.

Orrin hadn't gone far before the distorted sounds of a fight reached his hearing. Deminien cries and the rank smell of their Black blood. He heard a clashing battle sounds followed by a heavy thump moments before he reached the clearing. Two Deminiens lay dead, one of them severed in two. Their blood steamed in the cold frozen air and their bodies reeked, but were still warm. Orrin barely had time to take in this sight before a loud ear-peircing screech echoed through the ice-forest, and next thing Orrin knew a blackish blur blotted the sun for a moment, before that same figure zipped past to disapear through the trees to Orrin's right. It had been moving fast, very fast... yet Orrin hadn't seen any movement of limbs. A moment later the screeching halted with a thump, followed by a loudly muttered "Ow". Clacking and that horrendous gratting whine reapeared, and the form slowly reapeared from the same spot it had disapeared in, A stumbling almost Centauric form materialized before Orrin. The scrabbling of hooves on black ice, the source for the nauseatingly high-pitched scream. his forlegs were doing slightly better as deadly curved claws reaching 5 inches long dug into the slick ice. Despite his best efforts, the chimera was painfully clumsy in the wintery setting, yet the blade of his glaive dripped with Deminien blood. "Hello there" the human torsoe waved, tousled blonde hair, and laughing blue-green eyes adding to the smile which stretched across the comely human face. "Don't suppose you have ice boots handy?" He asked with mock innocence.  

Ermak Lorde

Eskevar Fire Cross

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 9:32 pm
Fenrir and Garm tacitly followed Orrin. In a fit of their freakish senses of humor they did not tell him he was in fact walking the wrong direction.... The wolves were at first confused at the party not reaturning to where Vaizel and Dawn made their way through the ice but bounded after the twins non-the less.

There sudden arival at a battle scene did not seem to phase the boys much as they quickly readied themselves to meet all comers. They watched in facination as what they had at first assumed to be an enemy resolved itself into the form of a rather confused sort of animal...(although what kind of animal the brothers would be at a loss to tell you).

They remained in their battle ready attitude until the beat-man-person-thing proved quite friendly. The brothers had been around ShinRa long enough not really to be supprised by much anymore. Fenrir responded instantly, " Ahh yes, ice boots, I think I had some in my other coat....."
PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 12:56 pm
And these our the people I've let myself fall in with, Orrin thought with a sigh to himself. On the other hand this guy is fast, almost to where I couldn't make much of him out when he first passed by. Letting myself get involved with other people like this, he sighed to himself again. Odd though that there were demineans that survived the limit break, not that I had had much control over the limit break in the first place.
"The demineans incased within the black ice, I advise not touching them. It would be a rather unpleasant experience for us both," Orrin said ignoring the subject about snow shoes and the obvious fact that no one would have any that would fit his uniqe set of legs. Glanceing back towards the incased demineans he muttered a curse under his breath. Damn that Sephiroth and his manipulations. SEPHIROTH. The name suddenly blazed into his mind. The two who had arrived recently he couldn't just 'see' them anymore they were like a light beacon calling out their presence to the world. Snapping his briefly unfocused gaze from the chimera he turned his real eyes towards towards them. Green eyes he hadn't seen since before when he was still working with Shinra gazed back at him. With a snarl and the grace of a phantom he left the company of three raceing towards the being that shouldn't have been stareing back at him. Appearing from the mist like a wraith, he stayed standing several feet before the Mako infused cyborg and woman. Not so shocked by his sudden appearence as they seemed slightly disturbed, a sudden chill breeze swept through the air flaping his coat and hair to the side straying away with additional mist into the surounding area.
"Sephiroth," Orrin hissed his voice seeming to echo in the air.  




PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:09 pm
(( Whoops, meant to post here, but I guess I forgot... sweatdrop And Jerek just used 'Sephiroth' three times in his post. heart xd ))

Saerenna was startled out of her reverie as she was addressed by a title she hadn't used in a long time. Scientist. Could it be that this wolf was actually...? But it was not the time to dwell on such thoughts. They had a world crisis to stop. She nodded to III and said, "I'll come with you, I guess. It will be nice to see these 'others'. Maybe then we could get a suitable plan going. I trust that Dahry can take care of things here now that the immenant danger is gone." she nodded commitedly, and mostly to herself said, "Yes, let's go."
PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 10:03 am
When Dahry woke it was with acurious feeling of numbness. She remebered what had happened earlier, remebered her own lapse into Teerce's memories as well, but she felt curiously untouched by it all. She only knew that she should be doing something. She pulled out her map of the world and the tracking radio that nener left her person. She had, over the years, installed tracking devices in most of her experiments, and it never hurt to be able to track them down now. She used the map and radio together to pinpoint where a lot of them were. That would likely be where she should head next. So she kept out her map and the radio as she pulled her helicopter into the air. She was ready to catch up to the quickly moving dots that signified Sabel, Vaizel,and III. Though it was odd how Vaizel's signal was fluctuating, he had no doubt damaged his wings then, but how was he moving so quickly?  


Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 3:15 pm
Vaizel's head snapped to where Orrin stood as he spoke. His eyes widened and the slits narrowed at the same time. "You are mistaken." He barked, the man had startled him, not that Vaizel would admitt as much, but the eerie nether-worldly feeling of the dead forest disturbed him greatly. "I am Vaizel Tuefel." He informed the man coldly, even as he shifted position to place himself between Dawn and this stranger. Even as he claimed his actions and voice did not at all resemble the insane General. Only his hair and eye color matched... but that was not unheard of.

Freyr blinked as orrin bolted inexplecably, then his gaze turned to the twins, his eyes widened at the sight of their blonde hair and almost instantaniously he reached up with both hands to tousle and smooth and otherwise rearrange his own short hair. He stopped only when his hair had some resemblance to the twin's own and then he proudly proclaimed, "I am your long lost Triplet!"  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 3:13 pm
Fenrir and Garm looked askance at each other with Orrin's abrupt departure. They shrugged, Vaizel could take care of himself. They looked back at the facinating person of the chimera... guy... thing... who was in the process of straightening his hair. This somewhat nonsencial activity was capped with the announcement of his blood relation.

" Mother must not have been quite forth coming as we had hitherto believed," Garm commented with a completely straight face.

" Indeed, but then if you'd given birth to a horse-lion-guy I don't know if you'd publish it."

" True." The wolves had by this time worked their way down to the chimera. They circled him with curiousity taking in his unique scent. " Well come up here brother let's have a look at you," Fenrir announced expansively. " I'm Fenrir by the way, this is Garm. The furry brothers are Romulus and Remus."

Eskevar Fire Cross

Zaber Blade

PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 11:49 am
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:07 pm
III hunched over so as to become low enough for the Scientist to climb on. The addition of new weight mildly disturbed III. It was a very rare occurance to have someone riding atop her back-III questioned her sanity to have someone who helped ShinRa anywhere near her back. Under any other circumstance it would mean an unpromtu attack on the poor soul who was dumb enough to even try to get that close to her. III's wings unfurled about her as several gray feathers floated to the ground.
"Hold on,I don't want you flying off.."III ended the sentence grufly.
While it was true III never wished pain upon people,she remained jittery of the woman. Pulling her head into her shoulders III started to charge forward at a stronger speed than was necessary. This take-off had to be a clean one,III's strength was near depleated and she questioned if she could even make this one. However,now feeling the ground slip away and a feeling of weightless-ness take over III concentrated on finding Vai's and Dawn's scents. The setting sun gave the air a warm sticky feeling. Scents clung to III's nose making Vai's stand out greatly. Lunging forward in the air III followed the scents. "A frozen forest? Heh, finally somewhere where I won't die of the heat."III laughed to herself as she pulled in closer to the scent. The lurking trees grew larger with great abandon as III dropped into a dive. Passing between the trees III struggled to keep her body at a angle to which the Scientist could hold on. Finaly Vai's metal limbs came within eyesight. Landing near to Vai and Dawn III now noticed there were others too. Hunching low again so to let the Scientist get off III grinned at Vai.
"Acquaintinces of yours?"

((ooc:sorry I put of posting in here so long! xp ))  


Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:27 am
Vaizel turned as III approached and he couldn't help but grin, his gaze softening at the familiar beast. III had practically been a pet to him and Sabel, and certainly a loyal companion. "Not yet he isn't," Vai informed her gruffly turning back to glare at Orrin. "This guy is mistaking me and Sephiroth as being the same person." He growled only to hear that annoying chuckle in his head one more time. You have a problem smart guy?
Don't mind me... Sephiroth answered with a snort, It is pleasantly quiet here-abouts...
What are you yapping about? Did you lose your sanity again while I wasn't watching?
Again the chuckle, Such a fragile thing sanity... actually I was refering to the lack of psychic stalkers.
I seem to have missed out on the farewells... Vai muttered gumpily
You and I are two souls intertwined, that is slightly different than a 'stalker'. I can't wander. Sephiroth explained patiently with a wry mental smile.
joy.... Vai sighed, and contined to glare at Orrin but sought Dawn's hand with his own. "Is Aeris gone?" he whispered, barely audibly to his wife.

The chimera smiled, a contagiously impish quirk of the lips that would have made ladies swoon on a bipedal man. "My name is Freyr Svaldifari" He informed the twins with a bow, and extended a paw to the wolves. "pleasant company you keep brothers mine," He added with a mischievious grin, 'Have you any interest in stalking that lately departed mentally distracted young man who was just here?" In an instant Freyr realized he had found kindred spirits for his pranks, and he was never one to pass up an opportunity for mischeif.  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 2:28 pm
Saerenna almost froze (Not hard to do, especially when in a frozen wood) as she saw who III's 'others' were. Getting off the wolf, she looked almost sheepish as she now found herself surrounded by previous experiments. She recognized them as IV, and VII. What were their names again? Hopefully, in light of recent events... well, their reaction to Hojo's former assistant was yet to be seen. "Hello." she offered, looking around. Their 'aquaintance' wasn't one she completely recognized, and she wondered just how a forest came to be covered in ice.  



Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 3:26 pm
((BLACK ice no less.))

Vaizel did a second take when Saerenna spoke, he hadn't really noticed her past his large wolf freind. And he blinked a few times as recognition dawned on him. "You..." He frowned slightly and glanced at III, the wolf did not seem to have taken an aversion to the ex-scientist and Vai could only trust that she had reason. "What brings you here?" He asked in a semblence of calm. the annoying snickering echoed in his head once again, causing him to scowl, You'd better have something useful to say! the voice was quiet yet the lingering feeling of amusement made the cyborb all the more irritable, combined with the simple fact that his wings and leg were itching so badly he feared the metal was rusting even as he spoke.  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:09 pm
Saerenna gave Vaizel a slightly ashamed smile. "I'm here because the world has again come to a crisis point. Though unlike thousands of years ago, I can actually do somthing to stop it." She explained, looking more determined rather than embarassed. "I... well, it seems we all have a common enemy now. I don't expect you to instantly become best friends with someone who is both a Turk and, uh, experimented on you. Actually, I don't even mind if you don't forgive me for it. But... can I ask that you at least tolerate me?" she asked him, addressing his wife and III as well.  



Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:22 pm
Vaizel paused to think about it, it hadn't really been Saerenna who had done most of the horrible things to him... He didn't know about Dawn, but from what she had told him Saerenna's description didn't really appear in her torture sessions either. While he was deep in thought his 'other self' took the opportunity to interject a comment.
"I don't think you need to worry Saerenna, " then Sephiroth chuckled, "I certainly hold no animosity towards you myself."
"Hey!" Vaizel snapped, coming back to the present in a fury, "Don't speak for me!!!"
Sephiroth simply laughed, the sound echoing in Vaizel's head as the presence faded once again into the background.  
JENOVA's Witnesses

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