Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 4:19 am
Ameh I don't think the 3-month waiting period is much; it gives time for the owner to focus on the soquili they just got, instead of focusing on simply getting more. <3 And it's not just Antigra enforcing the rules, and it's not two horses. Three soquili are technically allowed to be entered (you enter two of your own, someone else enters your own and one of theirs), dunno where the two horse idea comes from. The limit is two entries that one single owner is entitled rights to, where one entry has to be submitted by the owner themselves, and the other has to be submitted by another person. and not understanding what was meant by other comments x_x though it is a bit too early in the morning for me to comprehend Dx on an earlier note, Thamin, you can always check the list of pairs on the front page, which doesn't require image loading at all! (providing use of the "find" option available on all compatible browsers) The pairs list doesn't say who entered them. The biggest problem I have, is the new rule of not only does it have to be entered one by you, and one by someone else. But if you are the one that enters and wins, that you can't enter another pair in another raffle for yourself (someone else has to do it). Which would make entering a self breeding impossible.
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 4:24 am
The pairs list doesn't state who entered them, but I would hope that if I saw my own couple on the list with another person and didn't enter them myself... that I wouldn't conclude that I entered while I was sleeping or someone mysteriously entered while logged onto my name or something. I think or hope it's common sense to know whether or not you or your partner entered a soquili pair? @_@
Self breeding would be possible if that was the pair you won with before? And I regret that I have to say I kind of understand why some parts of the limit is enforced, because way back in the day, each person was only allowed ONE couple in, no more. =x Some controversy over waiting lines for soquili breeding or something sparked up the new rule of an extra pair.
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 4:29 am
What really doesn't make sense to me and lots of other people is why do YOU have to enter one of your couples?
I'm trying right now for AureatexDahlia (me and Latonia) and MahixNoble Heart (me/Sabin and Nymphadora).
So under the current rules, if I had to go on a trip, or move, or whatever... I couldn't make it online, Latonia could not enter Aureate x Dahlia, if Nymphadora continues to enter MahixNoble Heart.
Why does it effect anybody if I enter the couple or if Latonia does? It doesn't effect my chances to win at all. It doesn't change the fact that I would have two pairs in the raffle now and couple enter any more. *scratches head*
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 5:22 am
As for the breeding thing, I like having that rule as is. I know it's a pain in the a** sometimes, but I absolutely like having a guaranteed raffle entry that I can enter for. I don't want to go into a raffle and see my two chances tied up by others because of open permissions and whatnot. I LOVE having that one couple that is 100% my decision and right to enter.
I really think that in cases like Jade/Bane, that the open permissions thread could be more helpful. Each owner could have the option of choosing one pet that could be entered on their behalf in a situation such as being absent, on a hiatus, out sick, on vacation, or simply at work. It could be a permission stated on a month by month basis.
For example, I could post:
"I, Meeki, am giving Tweekend permission to enter Raguel and Angel on my behalf for the month of May, if I cannot be around to enter the couple myself."
Simple, to the point. If I'm NOT around, then Tweekend can enter them on my behalf. It would not strike against HER entry, but it would take up one of her couples along with mine, since it would have done that anyway if I had entered them. NO LOOPHOLE. NO EXTRA CHANCES. Nothing is changed on any real level.
All it does is give a special permission in times of need for those that genuinely may not be able to make it in time but it also gives those of us that like having our one entry for ourselves the right to keep it as long as we are around to use it.
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 5:46 am
Roniel REVOLUTION *sneaks in between studying* Because it was mentioned... I've talked a lot with Dixie about the VaraxScythe breeding and we both agree that it was bad luck rolling with the edits but are still very happy with how Ende treated the resulting foals. I don't think that Dixie was upset that Scythe's kids ended up with wind wings instead of no wings at all and neither am I. Quite frankly, it didn't even occur to me that it should have been a problem in RP. I don't really have my opinion worked out for the proposed changes in the editing system, but I would like to confirm that it was a beautiful breeding and I have no problems with the way that Ende handled the results of the randomizer... and I haven't heard any problems from Dixie, either. Thank you guys <3 I think if I were to lean more towards Kamiki's side of the argument about guaranteed passing on of customed traits I -might- agree with you more Ameh, but there was nothing mechanical about my choise for wind wings, his wings are custom and very large yes, but he has only two, and while I debated using the Angentini, Mer's new ones being really quite amazing in my opinion - for them, I also thought that would be unfair to those with that as a lineage. I also know my -own- limitations and by No means would want to subject them to 'a' cheating the system when I could not back it up regardless of my own personal feelings on it. I roll the dice and I signed that contract...so I am...obligated to follow through. or b) going ahead, cheating the system and giving them the most ugodly ugly wings...in the history of Soquili....mine. And in that -same- twist do something that's in my eyes a slap in the face of anyone who's been in a breeding since the die-roll system got started. It's a wonderful and eloquent opinion, and without dice I may have tried it... but I signed that thread like we were all supposed to and I'll stick with it. And every one of my rolls can be found and documented there without me even having to be around to back it up. yes its backing up in the conversation and I promise to ignore it from now on but I decline to break my own word, and thusly the contract I signed to roll and follow the rolls. I did the best I could in the most honest way I knew how and I'm glad they were so understanding.
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 6:01 am
I'm glad I'm not the only one who seems really confused by the re-wording of the breeding rules =P I didn't really read it when it was first put up, only just re-read it this morning after seeing Antigra's raffle, and found myself slightly head scratching about it.
You'll still have two couples in the raffle (if you chose to enter two), regardless of who does the posting. Seems just..odd XD
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 6:30 am
Sayuri_Nitta I'm glad I'm not the only one who seems really confused by the re-wording of the breeding rules =P I didn't really read it when it was first put up, only just re-read it this morning after seeing Antigra's raffle, and found myself slightly head scratching about it. You'll still have two couples in the raffle (if you chose to enter two), regardless of who does the posting. Seems just..odd XD The reason for the rule is that not everyone wants their couples paired off to be entered. Some may not be ready, even if there's open permissions. For example, say that `Justin entered his stallion with my mare, Swiftheart. Then Cherie decides to grab my second couple with Anarchy and Antichrist but I've been trying with Angelique and Lord Soth or Raguel and Angel. While the rules support both these couples being entered, it could bum someone out a great deal. And with all the open permissions, I think that opens a lot of doors to drama or disappointments, since some couples are listed and stated they can be paired off with anyone. So I think that's why it's stated that only one can be entered by yourself and one by someone else. It guarantees that any pet owner can go to a raffle and be able to enter one pet that they really want, instead of having to be bummed to realize two couples had already been entered, especially if they weren't quite ready yet for one or quite supportive of that couple at that point in time. So on that level, I really like the rules as is. I'd rather see people have the option of ALLOWING via permissions thread, someone to enter on their behalf, take up their personal slot, without it striking against their own personal slot. For example. Say that I can't be around for the month of May. Let's pretend I'm going on an awesome vacation. As the rules states, for the entire month of May, only one pet of mine could be entered, and that's the one that is entered by someone else. If I had been around, I would have entered for Raguel and Angel. That's my dream couple at the moment. Since I know I can't be around, it would be nice to have the option of allowing Tweekend to post on my behalf. So in the permission thread, I'd make a post stating that in my absence, I give Tweekend the right to take up my personal slot and post Raguel and Angel on MY behalf. I can't be there and I'd really like the couple to have a chance to breed. If allowed, then Tweekend could post in the raffle thread and have Raguel and Angel entered. Now, while it might count as one of Tweekends two couples, it would not count against her own personal entry. She would be able to post again her second couple, the one for herself as it was stated clearly that Raguel and Angel was for me. It would put it in writing so that a colorist knows that the second couple being posted on behalf for someone is the one they want and support. It would prevent any possible drama. It would also allow two couples to be posted on behalf of someone else. I don't see how it's not a win/win situation, while still allowing the rules to exist for those that like having that one choice for themselves, that one entry for themselves. The only time it would be lost was when they gave someone else permission to post it for them.
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 6:37 am
And just to clarify, one does NOT have to be gone on a real level to give someone else permission to their pet. Some people may be of different time zones and just not be around in time to enter. So the permission thing would cover all possible situations.
The only differences between that and allowing it 'open to anyone' is that each owner has the option of giving up their personal slot to a friend/partner instead of it forced removal under a new rule or rule removal. The colorists would also have it in writing so that they know it's legit. That it's really what the absent partner wanted.
They also wouldn't have to worry about a possible absent partner coming out towards the end and going: "WTF. THIS IS THE COUPLE I REALLY WANTED TO SEE ENTERED BUT CAN'T BECAUSE TWO OTHERS GRABBED MY PETS AND USED UP MY LIMIT. CAN I PLEASE HAVE ONE OF THEM PULLED SO I CAN ENTER THIS PAIR?"
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 6:42 am
But isn't that the idea of the permissions thread? You can't enter a couple without the other owner's permission after all. If you don't want a particular couple entered, than you can just revoke your permission for however long?
I thought that was the whole idea of that, maybe I'm just being particularly dense today XD;
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 6:50 am
*nods* I think it just would require a little communication with breeding partners - which should be there anyway. People might start revoking open permission soquili, but I think ultimately, if the rule about who can enter couples into a breeding raffle becomes modified to not be specific about who has to be the one to enter the pairs, it would be more streamlined and less work for the colorists running the raffles.
Because by Meeki's argument, that can already happen if someone has been planning with two other people about breeding ideas.
Using Meeki's example of pairs, she has two matches with other people - the Swiftheart with Justin, and the Anarchy and Antichrist. If you had already entered your self-pairs (say the Raguel/Angel) because you found the thread first, then one of those other two people are going to be forced out because you can only have two pairs in at a time, right?
It sounds like problems are only going to occur if you have plans going on for three+ pairings, in which case it might be easiest just to talk to the other owners to make sure that you don't cross wires. And worst case scenario, I'd say that someone could post in the raffle thread and say "Hay, I know I gave permission for this pairing, but I have other plans this month so I'm pulling that". Essentially give owners veto powers over pulling a Soq of theirs from a breeding? I would think that they technically already have that ability, anyway, right? Granted, it might cause drama - but I've seen it happen before when a couple was entered from an open permission slot that the person wasn't planning on.
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 6:50 am
Sayuri_Nitta But isn't that the idea of the permissions thread? You can't enter a couple without the other owner's permission after all. If you don't want a particular couple entered, than you can just revoke your permission for however long? I thought that was the whole idea of that, maybe I'm just being particularly dense today XD; Yes, in theory. But from what I read in the past, it's not a rule to have someone check with the owner of the other pet in the couple. It is recommended because it's the 'polite' thing to do. Open permissions mean you are giving those pets the right to be used openly, without permission and a lot of people have those open permissions with all their favorite couples, not just two. So it still opens room for chaos that I can see. That could probably be fixed though if it was stated that open permissions MUST be checked with the other co-owner before entering instead of just recommended, but that would not make them open permissions in the end, would it? It would then be permission required. surprised
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 6:53 am
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 6:58 am
*nods @ ende* Sounds good to me XD
*pokes Sabin* Are you on AIM?
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 6:59 am
*nods* Phrased a bit better:
I've had Nodin in the open permissions for a while.
But Usually I have two breeding plans going on during any given month. One I enter, one the other couple enters, etc. But if someone noticed Nodin in Open Permissions, and who hadn't necessarily been paying attention to my breeding, decided to snatch him and enter him before my breeding partner entered my 2nd pair, then the same problem would occur that Meeki's saying would happen if it didn't matter which person entered the breeding raffle.
So maybe, yeah, there should be a note on the open permission to drop a PM to the owner just to make sure they don't have other plans first? Granted, yeah, in a way it kind of defeats part of the point...
OR, with the exception of two people who are close friends and give blanket permission to each other for breeding, it could just be replaced all together with the lover's rock?
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 7:11 am
I think theirs a note that it's polite to notify them but, I don't know how many people do. If it got swapped to a must though it might help. (though backing it up might take yet another thread)