Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:08 pm
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:09 pm
-- Title and Information -- Name: Zeilvar
Gender: Male
Breed: 1st Generation Kalona
Mate: Darian
Eye Color: Glowing Gold
Hair Color: Dark Blue & Cream
Coat: Dark Blue, Cream, Light Blue Rp color: Dark Blue
Obtained From: Final RP Contest - Kalona Event
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:10 pm
-- Personality and History -- Personality:
At the very instant Zeilvar was of the proper age to receive training from the highly respected herd protector, Claymore, a spark ignited within the depths of his being. A spark so beautiful, so vibrant that it could be only one thing, his truest self. The innocent soul of a foal melted away and was rebuilt as the soul of the warrior. Every maneuver taught to him claimed his body, as though he had been meant to do it all along. Every moment he spent in a sparring match was a moment he felt truly alive, physically and metaphorically. Adrenaline would course through his system, flooding his body with more strength and courage than he had ever dreamed possible, his blood heated so pleasantly that it was enough to make him shiver, and froth would well up in his mouth as the metallic taste of blood beckoned his tongue. This was the true birth of the Kalona called Zeilvar.
He is driven by the need to defend what is ‘right’ against what is ‘wrong’, however that may be defined. And his definition of right was to uphold the credence of purity passed from The Great Kalona, through his ancestors to himself. He would not defy the will of The Great Kalona, nor would he defy the authority of their fearsome leader Shamshir who believed most ardently in the supremacy of the Kalona breed. He would no sooner betray his herd than gore Claymore in the back with his horns, which would be equally as deplorable for Claymore had awakened him. From the chambers in his heart to the sweet marrow within his bones he believes in the ways of the Kalona.
Zeilvar sees his life in terms of confrontations and his ability to rise to a challenge. It is not only unbecoming for a Kalona to have weakness, but it is unacceptable. Zeilvar knows that the life of a Kalona is one that is drenched in the blood of the lesser’s, and that is why he parted long ago with the portion of himself that regretted taking lives. To be born a Kalona means your life will constantly be a threat or be threatened, there are no alternatives. If he is unable to rise to a challenge then he is unworthy of categorizing himself as one of Kalona’s selected creations. Thus he is unforgiving toward any who are unable to rise to a challenge which is the rationale behind his killing of Thales’ son. The weakling who challenged him only to be defeated and then mourned by his pathetic sire. A true warrior's heart must be small and hard, a principle he adheres to with the utmost devotion.
Leaders play the part of the master manipulators, the string pullers; Zeilvar is not a leader he is, in the truest definition of the word, a grunt. He prefers the thrust and cut of battle to the strategizing and tactics. He is a very action-oriented individual, meaning that he prefers to be a doer than a planner and awaits orders to be handed down with baited breath. Brawn over brains describes this stallion quite well.
He is forceful and prefers to use coercion to receive any and all information. Zeilvar is not a pleasant creature to speak to for, as stated; he is not gentle of tongue. As a Kalona there is not to be any sensitivity or softness about him, he upholds this in his mannerisms. He is brash as well as blunt and not afraid to make threats in order to get what he wants. Though, at times, his technique is more of a hindrance than a help because others usually don’t respond too well to threats. When it gets to that point he is backed into a corner and usually ends up becoming infuriated instead of attempting to think of a way out.
When he heard the Shamare Yevadah divine that they would lose the war he was stunned. Their God had turned on them, had decided they would not be victorious. His heart, though small and hard, was jolted ever so slightly. Despite knowing he charged into battle with the same courage and strength of a would be victor. He did not doubt Yevadah, she hadn’t led them astray in the past. Regardless, he was a warrior and it was his duty, win or lose, to fight with everything he had. He would not hold Kalona responsible for their loss, it was just another challenge to overcome.
History: Will be added once I am done being a lazy goober...
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:11 pm
-- The Story of Zeilvar -- Remnants: The herd has fallen, Kalona has labeled them as unworthy. Even so, Claymore and Shamshir continue to draw breath, giving him hope. He will once again align with them, swearing his loyalty despite the loss. He does not consider the loss weakness for his own kin turned on them and tipped the balance via treachery, the wrong must be rectified.
Questioning: Zeilvar seeks to find the traitor of his herd, the reason for their downfall. He is forced to interrogate others in order to find him but, alas, his technique needs improvement. His threats are not working and he can get no answers. Either he must change, which is seemingly impossible, or he must team up with someone more adept at the arts of interrogation.
The Rebel Leader's Son: Seeing as Zeilvar is the killer of Thales' son, and Thales is the traitor, I would like to pursue a plot of some kind. I would have to discuss it with Zactura for more information, but I think it would be a fun thing to address.
Sensitivity: Tender, gentle, delicate, soft. None of these words are to be associated with the Kalona breed. Why then, does Claymore seem so weak around the alpha? Is the one who awakened his soul weak? Does he have a hidden sensitivity? (Only if Claymore's owner wants someone to see his weakness for his mate and address it.)
A Warrior Without a War: What is a warrior without a war? How do they feed their warrior's spirit? Is a warrior without a war a creature without a passion? The only ones to see the end of a war are those who have perished. Zeilvar first awakened to his passion when training for battle, but without a battle to train for what will he do? Where will he direct his aggression? What can make him feel truly alive once more? I would like to develop a series of plots to answer these questions, especially, what is a warrior without a war?
Unrest: The traitors are his enemy, his herd has been shattered, he is hated by those in the Kawani lands, and is surrounded by lesser's. The war may not be as far from him as he initially believed, for every day he remains in the lands they desired to conquer is a danger to him. His head is still sought after, and his departure from these lands as well. This will likely give rise to multiple plots about Zeilvar adjusting to his new life, and having to live among those he truly despises.
There is Always Someone Better: Zeilvar sees his life through confrontations and his ability to rise to a challenge. If he were ever defeated in a challenge it would be a major blow to his psyche. I want him to learn that, regardless of what he has been taught, there is always someone better out there. I want to see what this would do to him.
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:12 pm
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:13 pm
-- Breedings -- All breedings belong to his mate DarianQuote: Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: No Entry Code: Darian (stella cinere) x Zeilvar (Regal Renegade) Parent 1:UNCERT Parent 2:UNCERT Co Ownership?: No Teepees: Regal & CinLink to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]---Lifemate?: Yes RP Approved?: No Low Luck?: No Breed Variants (Stock Templates Only): No ---Templates to Avoid: Other Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes ---Templates to Avoid: Draft and War Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only):Yes Random Variants (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): Yes Throwbacks?: Yes ---Link to previous Generations: N/A
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:14 pm
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:15 pm
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:16 pm
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:16 pm
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 4:50 pm
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 4:51 pm
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 4:52 pm
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 4:53 pm
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 4:54 pm