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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 9:08 pm
III felt hair edge along her back. Memories seemed to flood through her resistance. The ground seemed to melt from around her, tripping and confusing III. How could she have not recognised the woman at a glance! Years of supression III supposed. Especially after all the good both Dawn and Vaizel had done for her. The memories had simply taken a back seat to the present problem Father posed. III looked back at the woman that she once regaurded as a god."The man-being Saerenna" if III was remeembering correctly.
"Forgive? Well,I suppose for the time being..."III paused "I'm suprized it took me so long ot remember you Saerrena. III scoffed towards the Woman.
"So-not firends of your's ,eh?"III laughed to Vaizel.
"Listen,Vaizel, we need to call a quits. The sun has almost finished setting now. If we keep this pace up we won't stand a chance against Father once we find him."III then moved her gaze to the entire of the group. "And I also believe what ever Saerenna has hidden away in her journal about his guy can help us."
PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 5:56 am
Saerenna looked confusedly at what seemed to be Vaizel yelling at himself. Had the experiments brought on a touch of insanity? Multiple personality disorder? How interesting, what else had...? Saerenna's eyes widened as she found herself reverting to a scientist's mentality because of the present company. That would be really bad if left to go unchecked, so she quickly did what she could to stuff any scientific instincts. She was definitely not expecting to have such a reunion just by coming out here to see what was going on. Then again, she DID fly out with Dahry, and wasn't that a sure sign that it was about time to right the past? The Turk gave III a shrug and looked down. Then, at the mention of her journal, she pulled it out. "In here? There's not too much. The things this 'father' guy said, what he looked like, what he did, but only the things that I've seen." she explained.  



Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 12:30 pm
Vaizel had to think to himself carefully, still eyeing Orrin, So Saerenna was willing to help eh? interesting...
Vaizel barely had the chance to realize he was drifting into thought again before Sephiroth pounced on his inattentiveness, "What he looked like? You mean he has a physical form??!! Tell me right now!" Sephiroth growled, his tone and accents so unlike Vaizel's own that the cyborg was stunned for a few moments.
"HEY!!!!" Vai snarled back, What do you think you're doing?? ASK me first you little bast-
This is IMPORTANT! Sephiroth interupted, If Father has already gained a TRUE physical form than it may be too late!
Vaizel quieted mulling things over quickly in his mind, Fine, ask away... but I really don't appreciate you stealing my voice when I'm not looking.
Sephiroth ignored the sullen comment and instead turned Vai's body to face Saerenna fully, "Tell me everything you saw and heard, Father's defeat or success may depend upon your memory...." Suddenly his face twisted into a wryly sarcastic grin, "Your scientist side just might come in handy."  
PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 3:03 pm
Ermak Lorde

The chimera smiled, a contagiously impish quirk of the lips that would have made ladies swoon on a bipedal man. "My name is Freyr Svaldifari" He informed the twins with a bow, and extended a paw to the wolves. "pleasant company you keep brothers mine," He added with a mischievious grin, 'Have you any interest in stalking that lately departed mentally distracted young man who was just here?" In an instant Freyr realized he had found kindred spirits for his pranks, and he was never one to pass up an opportunity for mischeif.

" I think you're right Freyr," Fenrir replied with an equally debonair smile. " Shall we?" he said with a tweak of his eyebrow. With that the twins and wolves were off following Orrin's path in the snow. He couldn't have gotten in too much trouble in just a short while.... but you never knew, not that Vaizel couldn't take care of himself and various and sundry other people while he was at it.

The wolves however suddenly let out howls and dashed off. The twins only had time to exchange a quick glance before they began running in hot pursuit through the eerily silent mounds of black ice. The wolves hard soon out distancing even the agile twins.

Remus and Romulus leaped into the area with tongues lolling out and yips of pleasure. They headed straight for III and began their wolfish "hello."

Eskevar Fire Cross

Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 5:50 pm
Freyr glanced after the two lupine companions and then glanced at the twins, in a moment he had sped up until he was even with them, jogging lightly, "Care for a lift brother's mine? I can carry you and catch up with our furrier sibs without breaking a sweat!" He informed them glibly, he didn't even have to add that the appearance of a 'three-headed' chimera, however breif the impression, was far more amusing than a chimera and two blonde young men.  
PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 6:21 pm
Dawn considered Vai's question about her own 'psychic stalker' and found that she indeed couldn't hear the departed young woman. She watched, not sure whether to be worried or amused by her husband's struggles with his own inner demon. Looking at III she realized the wolf beast carried two other passengers in addition to Saerenna. One she didn't really recognize but the other was one she couldn't forget, though he was a mere shadow of the warrior he'd once been. "Shinrei?" She asked, approaching the nearly prone figure on III's back.  



PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 7:24 pm
Shinrei had been barely conscious as Saerenna and Dahry dragged him onto III's back, the pain of his body sending him into frequent spasms of fractured flashbacks and halluecinations. He felt every bit as ill as he was now his body aching from numerous sores, and drained of the energy Father had stolen from him. Somehow he would find a way to seek his vengeance. A familliar tone and intonation roused him, a certain mocking derision and wicked sense of humor. Then a clear voice like something out of the purest fantasies brought him to full awareness. "Dawn...you're...okay...I'm glad...I'd worried you'd be near as bad or worse than I am...guess it's karma..." He turned his head, though his body protested this slight movemnt and focused his eyes on Vaizel's form, even through his wavering vision he could tell something wasn't right about the man's usual movements. Shinrei's eyes widened. "General Sephiroth?!"  
PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 8:04 pm
Saerenna looked a bit startled at 'Vaizel's' outbreak and nodded, opening her notebook to refresh her memory. "Well, at first he didn't really have a body. He was just... sort of a immaterial cloak. But then he...possesed I suppose is the right word, this man here," she pointed at Shinrei, his name escaping her for the moment, "While he was possesing him, it seemed he could do more. Attack and such. Then he left without a trace. I'm not sure if he retained a body or again became insubstantial, sorry." she explained, and once again looked at Shinrei, "But it seems this guy was much worse for the wear because of it. What he said, however," she started, glancing at her notebook and back at Vaizel, "was much more interesting, I think. This Father person said that he was trying to get all the pieces of the black materia. He said it was fragmented, and he only has a part of it. That's his goal, to find the rest of the Black Materia fragments." she explained, wondering what Shinrei had meant by General Sephiroth. Hadn't Sephiroth been defeated? Multiple times?  




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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 12:44 am
he carried his sword on his shoulder walking across towards junon " will get revenge on the shinra"  
PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 3:43 pm
III gave a shy hello to the pair of wolves and then retreated to Dawn who appeared to have gained an interest on some of her remaining riders. III gave a slight yawn and then hunched down in order for dawn to tend to the hurt man.
"You're willing to help too,eh?" III casualy asked Shinrei. Dawn seemed to know this man and in his current state he seemed friendly enough.



PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2006 10:51 am
OOC: sorry I've been haveing computer issues of late.

Before Orrin could respond to the android a winged wolf carring two passangers flew into view and landed somewhat roughly into the clearing.
Orrin made mental note that this was the same wolf who had been hell bent on him earlier, leaveing that alone for the moment he turned back to the android to speak, when the twins and chimera suddenly came flying into the scene where they immediately began their greetings with the android and others. Orrin sighed to himself wondering how he ended up always in some situation with people that seldomly held their sanity in line, but then again he wasn't one to talk since he barely held his in check at all. It didn't matter, whiether it was the Weapon's essense inside of
him or the frozen and scard jenova cells sofly burning in his vains he was
able to see Sephiroth in place of the android with his second sight and with the way things were going he was going to get a word in anyway. He'd had only known Sephiroth through Professor Ghast so whiether this Sephiroth had those memories......it didn't matter he was going to find out what the heck was going on and if things were going to keep going this way. Stepping back in to the mist he disapeared and circled the group to come up behind the android. Comeing up behind him with the intentions of taping him on the shoulder to grab his attention he noticed a black feather sticking out from one of the metal wings. Reaching foward he plucked it from the metal and brought it up closer to his eyes to examine.  
PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2006 5:24 pm
"Ouch!" Vai suddenly whirled as Orrin 'plucked' yet another black feather which seemed to have sprouted from the gap in his plates. Glowering at the young man, things were getting a little out of control! Not the least of which being Sephiroth,... Shinrei made Vai more than a little uncomfortable, and Orrin was adding literal injury to insult. A gently persistant mental nudge from Sephiroth informed him that the 'great general' was not finished talking. With an uninteligible growl he turned back to Shinrei and Saerenna
"Fragments of the Black Materia?" Sephiroth considered this, and suddenly his face split into a grin, he began to laugh, "Ce... By the Planet, Father doesn't even realize what he is getting into! I hate to admit it... but I'm almost grateful to Hojo and his addled daughter." Nodding wryly to Dahry as he added, "nothing personal of course."
"Grateful??" Vaizel sputtered unable to idly listen any further, "Grateful? How... Why.... It... GRATEFUL??" His face flushed with anger as he growled.
Let me finish... Sephiroth sighed with long-suffering.
Vaizel muttered several choice explatives but grudgingly allowed Sephiroth to finish his commentary,
"I'm not sure you realize this... but Dahry was very fond of using bits and peices of things... belonging to me, in her experiments... Isn't that right? Vaizel himself has a fragment of the Black Materia.... Father will have to get through me to acheive his ends."
Vaizel was stunned, What? how!?? I....
Glancing at Saerenna Sephiroth sneered, "And yes, you may add into your notes that number 7 was somehow possessed by Sephiroth."

Freyr did not wait for introductions, as he and the twins entered the clearing after the wolves his glance analyzed the situation swiftly, and in the next moment he was padding almost silently through the trees until he had circled behind Orrin, Saerenna and Vaizel. Waiting until Orrin had snatched his black feather from Vai before walking up behind the man close enough to kiss him, (if he were of that persuasion) "Hmmmm.... It's black." He muttered softly just over Orrin's shoulder. Before the man could react The Chimera leapt backward with a chuckle, turning his head slightly to note III's rescuees. "Hiya Sae-chan! Long time! How's it hangin?"

Vaizel's body suddenly whirled, Slitted eyes widening, "YOU!" Sephiroth hissed, staring in shocked recognition, "Why aren't you dead? ... Aside from age SOMEONE should have killed you by now!!"

"Well that's not a very nice way to greet your teacher..." Freyr sniffed rubbing at his eyes as though to dispell tears. "And after I came all this way just to see you!" His pretenses suddenly dropped and he grinned, "Besides, you're roomin in someone else's body! So either you are REALLY gay or you're dead yourself!"

"Don't even start --" Sephiroth cut in briskly,
"GAY!!!????" Vai barked, thrusting Sephiroth's presence away, "How DARE you! I'll have you know I'm MARRIED!" His wings bristled and his hands shook at his side.

Feyr immediately turned to Orrin and clapped him on the shoulder enthusiastically, "Congratulations!" He cried happily, "When was the honeymoon?"

With a roar Vai lunged at the Chimera, his face nearly purple with rage. His temper was not aided by Freyr's subsequent nimble retreat, and the blonde-haired man's broad snickering grin.  

Ermak Lorde

Zaber Blade

PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 11:21 am
DMM's meditation was broken by the squabble between Vaizel and Feyr. "...great." DMM was used to having to mediate conflicts, being one of the oldest students at the temple he was often put in charge of the others while his sensei had been away, but this scenario was decidedly different, as both parties we're his equals or quite possibly his betters. DMM grabbed Shade's halberd that he had left lying on the ground and ran over to them, and held the weapon between the two of them. "Why are you fighting? I think we have other thing's to worry about right now!" DMM then did a double take when he saw Feyr. "And who are you anyways?"  
PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 3:39 pm
(( rofl My brother had to come over and ask what had happened, because I was laughing so much at Freyr's antics.))

Saerenna's eyes widened. So somehow Sephiroth was... posessing VII? Before she could comment on that, however, they were interuppted by an aquaintance. She waved at the Chimera, shaking her head amusedly as she remembered how odd he was. "Why hello Freyr Sivumthingorother, back to torment us with your witty amusements, huh?" she asked, as he did indeed seem to be tormenting Vaizel. However, she could not help snickering at his unease anyway. Unease being put lightly.




PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 4:34 pm
Stepping back from the brawl between android and chimara, Orrin took his step closer to Dawn.
"I was wondering," Orrin started turning to face her,"if you could tell me how long Sephiroth has been in your android friend?"  
JENOVA's Witnesses

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