stella cinere generated a random number between
1 and 17 ...
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:02 pm
1. Leopleuadon: Owl
List: 1. bella dea 2. Leopleuadon 3. Amira Keller 4. Pale Mist 5. Revel 1984 6. Phail Ninja 7. Elf Princess Flannery 8. dawn_aura 9. x_nagatai 10. Revolutionary Roniel 11. Leez0rz 12. CowboyPeep 13. Graceangel 14. Sabin Duvert 15. DarkHikari 16. PhoenixGuardianMikazuki 17. Andranis
stella cinere generated a random number between
1 and 17 ...
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:04 pm
1. Leopleuadon: Owl 2. DarkHikari: Crow
List: 1. bella dea 2. Leopleuadon 3. Amira Keller 4. Pale Mist 5. Revel 1984 6. Phail Ninja 7. Elf Princess Flannery 8. dawn_aura 9. x_nagatai 10. Revolutionary Roniel 11. Leez0rz 12. CowboyPeep 13. Graceangel 14. Sabin Duvert 15. DarkHikari 16. PhoenixGuardianMikazuki 17. Andranis
stella cinere generated a random number between
1 and 17 ...
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:04 pm
1. Leopleuadon: Owl 2. DarkHikari: Crow
And it has started all over >.>
List: 1. bella dea 2. Leopleuadon 3. Amira Keller 4. Pale Mist 5. Revel 1984 6. Phail Ninja 7. Elf Princess Flannery 8. dawn_aura 9. x_nagatai 10. Revolutionary Roniel 11. Leez0rz 12. CowboyPeep 13. Graceangel 14. Sabin Duvert 15. DarkHikari 16. PhoenixGuardianMikazuki 17. Andranis
stella cinere generated a random number between
1 and 17 ...
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:06 pm
1. Leopleuadon: Owl 2. DarkHikari: Crow 3. Pale Mist: Lion
List: 1. bella dea 2. Leopleuadon 3. Amira Keller 4. Pale Mist 5. Revel 1984 6. Phail Ninja 7. Elf Princess Flannery 8. dawn_aura 9. x_nagatai 10. Revolutionary Roniel 11. Leez0rz 12. CowboyPeep 13. Graceangel 14. Sabin Duvert 15. DarkHikari 16. PhoenixGuardianMikazuki 17. Andranis
stella cinere generated a random number between
1 and 17 ...
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:08 pm
1. Leopleuadon: Owl 2. DarkHikari: Crow 3. Pale Mist: Lion 4. bella dea: Hummingbird
List: 1. bella dea 2. Leopleuadon 3. Amira Keller 4. Pale Mist 5. Revel 1984 6. Phail Ninja 7. Elf Princess Flannery 8. dawn_aura 9. x_nagatai 10. Revolutionary Roniel 11. Leez0rz 12. CowboyPeep 13. Graceangel 14. Sabin Duvert 15. DarkHikari 16. PhoenixGuardianMikazuki 17. Andranis
stella cinere generated a random number between
1 and 17 ...
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:09 pm
1. Leopleuadon: Owl 2. DarkHikari: Crow 3. Pale Mist: Lion 4. bella dea: Hummingbird
List: 1. bella dea 2. Leopleuadon 3. Amira Keller 4. Pale Mist 5. Revel 1984 6. Phail Ninja 7. Elf Princess Flannery 8. dawn_aura 9. x_nagatai 10. Revolutionary Roniel 11. Leez0rz 12. CowboyPeep 13. Graceangel 14. Sabin Duvert 15. DarkHikari 16. PhoenixGuardianMikazuki 17. Andranis
stella cinere generated a random number between
1 and 17 ...
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:11 pm
1. Leopleuadon: Owl 2. DarkHikari: Crow 3. Pale Mist: Lion 4. bella dea: Hummingbird 5. Elf Princess Flannery: Goat
List: 1. bella dea 2. Leopleuadon 3. Amira Keller 4. Pale Mist 5. Revel 1984 6. Phail Ninja 7. Elf Princess Flannery 8. dawn_aura 9. x_nagatai 10. Revolutionary Roniel 11. Leez0rz 12. CowboyPeep 13. Graceangel 14. Sabin Duvert 15. DarkHikari 16. PhoenixGuardianMikazuki 17. Andranis
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:13 pm
1. Leopleuadon: Owl 2. DarkHikari: Crow 3. Pale Mist: Lion 4. bella dea: Hummingbird 5. Elf Princess Flannery: Goat 6. PhoenixGuardianMikazuki: Lizard
Please send trade and post your info here (and if you wanted them certed on a soquili please post them in wyntre's thread I'll do just familiars on their own cert)! Next post will be about customs <3
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:23 pm
CC Customs Alright for Febuary I am doing a sort of CC custom month, this will last for the entire month of Feb. from when it starts.
1. You can post as many forms as you want for familiars however keep in mind you can only when one familiar per month. So if you won a custom familiar in Jan. you can't post till Febuary. 2. Please post all of your forms in one post, you are free to edit that post as many times as you want until I mark out a form then you are no longer allowed to edit that post. 3. As said you can only win one familiar per month so, I will only pick one of your forms despite how many you post. Remember this is CC so if you have one you really want post that one (because if you get upset at me for not picking the one you really wanted I'm sorry but this is your warning sad ) 4. Post what you can afford. No you don't have to be able to afford every form you post however you need to be able to at least afford the highest price on the form you have. IE if you post 3 commons familiars and then one super rare with edits you need to have enough gold to cover the super rare with edits ( obviously if you can afford it you can afford one of the common ones if picked). If I find you can't afford what you posted you will be a very unhappy person dealing with me. 5. Pay in gaia gold only (no items). If you do not send trade in 24 hours of me telling you I am doing your familiar you lose out. 6. I will only pick one at a time. When I finish one I will take another. 7. This last for the starting date until the end of Feb. so you guys have plenty of time. 8. Any breeds or species is allowed, however I will only do minor edits like a flower, or a belt or etc.. If you post telling me to do hair on a familiar not happening sorry (its not that I can't its just these lines are too small for anything extremely detailed). 9. I will only cert your familiar on its own cert if you would like with a soquili please post in Wyntre's thread (she can get the psd files for most instead of me trying to cram them with magic on a non editable cert) 10. I will add new rules if I need to <3
Haavvee ffuunnnn <3
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:26 pm
You guys can starting posting customs forms now <3
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:57 pm
Name: Dust Gender: Male Temper: Flirty Uncert
I think that was all right?
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:04 pm
I need a being! Owner: PhoenixGuardianMikazuki Name: Taipa Breed: Crow Gender: Female Temper: Observant Familiar Description: Hm... well, I'll give a few colors and let you get creative from there. LOL! Black, Brown, Dark Red, Gold. + the same necklace as Nikhita. On its own tag, a soq's, or both?: Both! -- Nikhita | Uncert Tag Colors: Up to you! Teepee: Teepee Price: 25k + 10k = 35k (I think? Depends via accessory.)
----------------------- I need a being! Owner: PhoenixGuardianMikazuki Name: Tsumaru Breed: Ferret Gender: Male Temper: Sarcastic Familiar Description: Colored like Shizuka (see link below!) On its own tag, a soq's, or both?: Both! Shizuka Tsuyoi | Uncert Tag Colors: Up to you~ Teepee: Teepee Price: 100k
----------------------------- I need a being! Owner: PhoenixGuardianMikazuki Name: Blackwings (LOL lame I know but well... >P ...he has to match his mistress, after all. XD) Breed: Owl Gender: Male Temper: Skeptical Familiar Description: Completely black but has bright blue eyes with the red markings under his eyes (like Blackfire). On its own tag, a soq's, or both?: Both--Blackfire | Uncert Tag Colors: Up to you~ Teepee: Teepee Price: 50k
------------------------ I need a being! Owner: PhoenixGuardianMikazuki Name: Salali Breed: Squirrel Gender: Female Temper: Skittish Familiar Description: Colored opposite to the Soquili (see link below!) + wears a dream catcher around her neck (dream catcher can be colored however you wish). On its own tag, a soq's, or both?: Both~ N'rai T'sii | Uncert Tag Colors: Up to you~ Teepee: Teepee Price: 25k + ...whatever extra for the accessory. XD (35k?)
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:05 pm
DarkHikari Name: Dust Gender: Male Temper: Flirty Uncert
I think that was all right? Yep unless you want specific color on tags or bg <3
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:24 pm
Name: Blossom Breed: hummingbird Gender: female Temper: loving
Nyx Queen of Darkness Crew
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:26 pm
I need a being! Owner: Nyx Queen of Darkness & Name: Nevermore (I know, cliche right, so shoot me XD) Breed: Crow Gender: Male Temper: Haunting Familiar Description: Black with a little blood spatter on it's feet. Then as an edit, I'd like it to have a eyeball in front of it's foot. On its own tag, a soq's, or both?:Own Tag Tag Colors: Use your descretion. Something bloody, spooky, dead looking. Teepee: No Price: 35k I believe.
Voiding for now.