Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:19 pm
Something Clever and Storm-Related Mother's Name: Siiri Mother's Owner: Polette Mother's Certed Image: Link to Mother's Member's List Post: Here
Father's Name: Vaska Father's Owner: Seaki Father's Certed Image: Link to Father's Member's List Post: Here
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 5:08 pm
I've been struck by lightning and it feels a lot like love! Mother's Name: Brynhildr Mother's Owner: Puhterodactyl
Father's Name: Kekäle Father's Owner: Princess_Feylin
Are any Stormborn parents on the master member list? Puhs postFeys postI've been struck by lightning and it feels a lot like love! Mother's Name: Shireen Mother's Owner: Puhterodactyl
Father's Name: Phlegyas Father's Owner: Puhterodactyl
Are any Stormborn parents on the master member list? Puhs post
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 7:19 am
I've been struck by lightning and it feels a lot like love! Mother's Name: Signild Mother's Owner: Princess_Feylin
Father's Name: Frjokorn Father's Owner: Princess_Feylin
Are any Stormborn parents on the master member list? Yes
I've been struck by lightning and it feels a lot like love! Mother's Name: Signild Mother's Owner: Princess_Feylin
Father's Name: Sandur Father's Owner: Princess_Feylin
Are any Stormborn parents on the master member list? Yes
I've been struck by lightning and it feels a lot like love! Mother's Name: Dis Mother's Owner: Princess_Feylin
Father's Name: Voiboi Father's Owner: Princess_Feylin
Are any Stormborn parents on the master member list? Yes
I've been struck by lightning and it feels a lot like love! Mother's Name: Karaliskas Mother's Owner: Princess_Feylin
Father's Name: Samael Father's Owner: Tanakako
Are any Stormborn parents on the master member list? Yes
I've been struck by lightning and it feels a lot like love! Mother's Name: Orla Mother's Owner: pinchmonster
Father's Name: Odd Haleifr Father's Owner: Princess_Feylin
Are any Stormborn parents on the master member list? Yes
I've been struck by lightning and it feels a lot like love! Mother's Name: Naaja Mother's Owner: Princess_Feylin
Father's Name: Tallskog Father's Owner: Princess_Feylin
Are any Stormborn parents on the master member list? Yes
I've been struck by lightning and it feels a lot like love! Mother's Name: Naaja Mother's Owner: Princess_Feylin
Father's Name: Skjoldr Father's Owner: Princess_Feylin
Are any Stormborn parents on the master member list? Yes
Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 1:31 pm
I've been struck by lightning and it feels a lot like love! Mother's Name: Marinette Mother's Owner: Kathryn Dragonna
Father's Name: Ragnvard Father's Owner: Tanakako
Are any Stormborn parents on the master member list? Yes