What are you Changing: I'm finally bonding my CYO familiar and pony from last year together emotion_bigheart Owners Name: xX Green Tea Tree Xx Familiar Name: Azazel
Soq to Bond to Cert: Familiars Cert: Familiars Uncert:Azazel Uncert
Tag Please! Owner: SwordOfTheDarkOnes Familiar Name: Su'nural Familiar Uncert: Date Won: 12/6/2016 [not sure when he was rolled] Familiar Species: Exotic Wolf [Fox?] ♀ or ♂ MALE Familiar Temper: Striking
Tag Please! Owner: Lunarflowermaiden Familiar Name: Faydra Familiar Uncert: Date Won:November 29th 2016 Familiar Species: Pronghorn
♀ Familiar Temper: Omit
Bonded to: N/A
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 7:45 am
We Need an Update!
What are you Changing: Breed and Temper xd --------Familiar Species: Microraptor --------Familiar Temper: Aggressive Owners Name: Kivras Familiar Name: "Bite" the Face-Chewer
Soq to Bond to Cert: N/A Familiars Cert: [xXx] Familiars Uncert:[x]
(If this has already been updated I apologize as I dont seem to have the updated image!)