Name: Helblindi Owner: Ebonrune Date Received: Oct. 5, 2018 Method of Obtainment:Dec Unedited Customs Colorist: oneoverthree
Background:Rainbow Glaciers Tag Decorations and Colors:Etched Runes, color complimentary to horse please Breed: Jötun
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 12:21 am
Roarie Desu
Hi Roarie!
I'm afraid a verbal agreement isn't enough, as we generally require written proof of ownership transfers. Sorry! :c If your friend no longer has access to Gaia, they may give written permission to you elsewhere (such as via Discord). A screenshot would be needed and approval from Phail Ninja before we can transfer full ownership to another owner. Please feel free to PM me with any further questions or concerns!
-- Calixita
Recert Request!
Modification Requested: Username Existing Information: Wishing Star Long Lost Family Member Colorist: Cypran New Information: Ownership change to Roarie Desu Agreement: All agreements were verbal, including the original gift, eventual co-own and then re-gift. And she never really had interest in Honon beyond helping me with plots. When the real world became more pressing, she gave him back. I won him in the first place and it was agreed that she would return him if need be. I need big Daddy Honon for teh plots to ever continue. gonk
Name: Mandragora Spectre Autumnalis Owner: Saint Vis Date Received: October 24th, 2018 Temper: Calculative Sex: Male Method of Obtainment: Mindsend's SC Sumi-e Familiars Colourist: Mindsend
Date Received: July 20, 2018 Method of Obtainment:July 2018 Wishing Star Colorist: Ovarian Paint Parents: Solstice x Faolon “Dragonflower” Boneblossom x