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PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 4:00 pm
uryu ishida
1.5 inch bore....Isn't that a naval gun? Not to mention, wouldn't something that big around be at the very least a very long rifle, with a very long action? Not ot mention the really thick magazine. At 1.5 inches, 300 rounds comes out to what, about 37 feet? Not counting the size of the case, mind you.

It's actually a matter of defying the law of physics.
30 bullets occupy the same space and the magazine itself is a lot larger on the inside than it is on the outside.
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I think I'll need to inspect that firearm now...

*teleports over with optional matter-to-energy transfer device mounted on a picatinny rail* Be careful now, you don't want to fall in.  
PostPosted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:21 pm
Ok, its fake... but still.. This is why people see firearms in such a horrible light. People who screw around and MAKE it look like their retarded... Or handle weapons in a negative setting....


Crash Maniac

I am an eggplant

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 4:30 pm
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The name has been highlighted to protect the loser's identity... Oh, wait...  
PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 6:01 pm
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The name has been highlighted to protect the loser's identity... Oh, wait...

Oh no not judgement day!

*hums terminator end theme song*  


uryu ishida

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 8:33 am
I see I'm not the only one with Vista. Or else the "Snipping Tool" program.

Yeah, he's a ******** idiot. A well-maintained firearm will last for many, many lifetimes. I wonder if he thought about the part where all swords become brittle or rust away, since they have to take metal off of it to make it sharp againh. That only works so long before it snaps in half.  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:44 am
Don't you just love ED threads that refuse to die?

Here's an oldie that is back on page 1 of Extended Discussions. I saw some familiar faces in there.

Nothing like a lame argument to wake up to.



Quotable Prophet

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:58 am
Be an example to your men,
in your duty and in private life. Never spare yourself,
and let the troops see that you don't in your endurance
of fatigue and privation.

We could make this into a best (or worst) selling book.
Noobs say the darnedest things.

Always be tactful and well-mannered and teach your
subordinates to do the same. Avoid excessive
sharpness or harshness of voice, which usually
indicates the man who has shortcomings of his own to hide.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 2:41 pm
(Sorry for the wall of text)

This is a conversation that is still going on....

I was posting in an thread that was anti-gun and then THIS idiot showed up. I PMed this person because it was bound to be an intense discussion which I wanted to be 1 on 1 with out anybody elses comments.
She posted the following qoute in the thread.

I am an advocate for gun control. Take the second amendment into historical context - times were a LOT different back then. We had just fought a war, and the founders considered the future possibility of the people rising up to overthrow a corrupt government. However, in modern times, I really see no purpose. Most people aren't going to keep their guns loaded, and when someone breaks into your house, they're not going to wait for you to get the bullets, load the gun, and get it all ready to fire. And when it comes down to it, will you anyway? Often people are killed or injured with their own weapon in the first place! Having a gun may also make an intruder panic and, assuming they have their own weapon, kill you before they feel they will be killed.

It's way too easy for gangs and other disreputable organizations to get a hold of guns as well. If they are not to be completely banned, then I think ownership of them should be much more restricted, and the price of bullets should be greatly risen, or only make rubber bullets available to the public. There are shooting ranges for the gun enthusiasts, or they can own non-working guns. As for sport hunting... well, I don't believe in it

My first post in the thread was the following -

"The fact is, If we banned guns then only the criminals would have them. Infact, instead of a criminal buying a gun legally and being able to say, "the records show that (Jon/Jane Doe) bought a pistol/rifle chambered for the round used in the murder" you would have NO records to help you. Add that to the fact that now the THOUSANDS of crimes deterred by law abiding citizens just PRESENTING a firearm to an assailent/robber/rapist... etc are now GOING to happen because your removed that persons protection.

The 2nd amendment states, "A well regulated MILITIA being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms, shall NOT BE INFRINGED" the constitution protects our right to keep (have) bear (carry) armaments (weapons) in its entirety. When the Constitution was formed a militia man was any able bodied male from the ages of 16-45 and you were not allow to fight in the malitia unless you had a firearm of "current military use" (How else would you fend off the military?)

"Do not separate text from historical background. If you do you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government." --- James Madison The need for guns doesn't extend just to hunting. It is present to help the people fend off a corrupt government that wants to have complete control, invading countries, and protect individuals. look at history and the rulers who have used gun control to take advantage of their people: Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin. The UK banned guns and their violent crime rate grew by 30%, after the DC handgun ban the crime rate shot up by 40%. Several states legalized concealed carry and the national average crime rates fell by 25%.

Everyone in the U.S. should be encouraged to own, master and care for their privately owned firearms. Bad guys would think twice about victimizing law abiding citizens. People would learn to accept some responsibility for their own safety, and feel a sense of liberty from knowing that they are truly free.

Benjamin Franklin said that any person who is willing to sacrifice liberty for security is entitled to neither. Let's remember the lessons of our Founding Fathers."

If protection is gone about the right way, it will be extremely difficult to get them underground enough so that the "casual" criminal will not be able to. That is, some random guy breaking into your house to take some jewelry probably isn't going to have a gun. Guns aren't the only weapons in the world either, and not the only means of deterring someone. And what about domestic issues, in which someone's gun that they bought for protection ends up being used by the buyer for less legal things?

The Constitution was formed a LONG time ago. Most of it is not specific so that it can change to fit the times, only that particular amendment has not. I hardly consider it necessary for every man to own a gun. That's also not how the militia works these days.
Also, take a country like Japan. Civilians are not allowed guns and their crime rate is drastically lower than our own.

There is a gun in my house. My dad has pointed it at MY face and asked if he should kill me. Do I feel safer that there is a gun in my house? No. I wish to god that it was gone. Maybe because of what I have known, I am biased. But I completely believe in gun control.

"Inorder to import guns illegally all you have to have is a beach house, and a sea faring ship. Ohh, thats hard.

Japan is not even close to a comparison, Japans gun restrictions have been in place for centuries. Besides, it has a very nationalist culture as well.

Your reasoning for hating guns is strictly emotional. You should report your dad to the propper autorities. You dad is clearly not a sane man and shouldn't be aloud to have a gun to begin with. Don't remove everyones right to protection to make YOU feel better.

As for your post in the thread. Rubber bullets? That will do nothing but make people disrespect the use of guns. I can MAKE the bullets all I have to do is buy a mold, some lead and some copper, all people need to reload their old ammuntion is the spent casing."

And most people who own a gun now do not have access to one or both of those things, and even if they did, there ought to be some restriction in regards to imports from outside the country.

Japan's gun restrictions have been in place for a long time, and they are effective. Why not start protecting people now? My distaste for firearms began far before that event, it only strengthened my convictions. But it also proves that insane people can EASILY have access to weapons that take lives. There are MANY instances of accidental shootings and unintentional deaths, even of children. It's not an uncommon thing.

Rubber bullets are currently in use, they do stun, and rarely kill. A human life is so precious, why would anyone want to take it. Most people aren't going to make their own bullets in the case of restriction.

"learn the facts then speak. There are MANY restrictions on the import of firearms, most weapons are imported by only a few companies. The BATFE requires import stamps on all of these weapons. however the BATFE doesn't know about the weapons that were ILLEAGALLY IMPORTED!!!

Japans restrictions work ONLY because they have been inplace sence the advent of the gun. The restrictions were in place to keep the Fuedal System in charge. A Shogun wouldn't want his peasants rising up against him with guns now would he? Of course this goes back to my original post in which i explained the purpose of the 2nd amendment: "TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE FROM A CORRUPT GOVERNMENT"

"Rubber bullets are currently in use, they do stun, and rarely kill."
So what happens when a criminal buy lead rounds off of his black market dealer? sure those little rubber rounds are going to save you now!!!

A robber/mugger is a leach of society, they steal the fruits of your hard work and honest living. A RAPIST would steal you dignity for his own lust, why allow these parasites of society to live and ruin someones life. who says your the first or the last they will steal from?.

They chose to take the wrong path in life, while you chose to make an honest living, now the have stolen in minutes what took you a lifetime to achive. And a rapist stole you dignity, something that you could never get back"

Be that as it may, there is no reason why restrictions on imports can be tightened, as I'm sure they have been in recent times. And also in recent times, the people have pretty significant say in government. We have moved past the point where every single citizen should have a gun, just in case. They're unnecessary.

Those rounds will save you, assuming you aim properly. A person can be brought down by rubber propelled at those speeds. Criminals are parasites of society, but death is hardly a fitting sentence for someone who broke in to steal some jewelry. Personally, I do not believe in the death sentence at all - the family of the guilty party is punished for than the party, who are then dead and cannot learn anything.

"Just to clarify, what kind of restrictions are you reffering to / sugesting?

The rubber rounds only work in smooth bore weapons such as shotguns. when fired in a regular gun the rubber will get gunked up in the riffling, lead and copper are hard enough to clean up as it is.
Now you have a gun that needs to be popperly cleaned, but can't be because of the melted rubber, add this up over time and then you have an extremely fouled barrel that could easily cause a bullet to get stuck in the barrel. Then in a high stress situation when you need your gun the most, your gun blows up in your face because a bullet was logged in the barrel...

As far as the criminals death, thats really a moot point due to sheer opinion so there is no point trying to argue it.

a while back you brought up the fact that many kids die because of firearm related accidents. This has nothing to do with the fact that there is a firearm in someones house, you don't ban scissors because a kid tripped and stabbed himself. The kid didn't follow the rules, and he paid the price, it is a sad but true fact.

The fault lays with the parents, it is a parents duty to teach their kids the 5 basic rules of firearms and make sure that they obay them. The FIRST RULE alone is the only reason the kids get killed. The first thing anybody in the gun comunity does with a firearm as soon as they pick it up is pull the bolt back and inspect the chamber for a round, even after you have verified the chamber is empty, you STILL treat it as if it were loaded. My friends sister was forced to memorize the rules at the age of 5 because they had guns, and you know what? she knows that guns ARE NOT a toy, and she treats them as such.

1. Treat every firearm as if it were loaded.
2. Never allow the muzzle to point at anything you are not willing to see destroyed.
3. Be sure of your target and know what lies behind it.
4. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are aligned on target.
5. Be sure your guns are never accessible to unauthorized or untrained individuals.

Did you know that more people under the age of 21 die due to: Drowning, Space heaters, car accidents, and lighting alone? Of course we don't go around banning space heaters, pools, and brush gaurds do we? NO, people need to learn to take some responsiblility for their actions AND their safety."

Well I'm not 100% sure exactly what ships coming into port are subjected to as far as restrictions and searching, but a thorough search by security, not unlike airports.

Anyway, how often is someone going to shoot this gun before the rubber melts to the point that it causes a problem? I mean... a gun isn't really something you whip out, fire a few rounds at nothing, and put away... At least not around where I live.

Many, MANY people are irresponsible gun owners. Scissors are a tool, and yes, accidents can occur with scissors, but there are safety scissors and they are used to cut things that aren't flesh. A gun is a weapon, it is made to kill. It's more than just following the rules. A loaded gun is on a hair trigger. Accidental deaths happen every single day. I've never heard those five rules. I don't live in a community that is big on guns, and nobody I know has ever either. It's the culture of certain areas, but not everyone.

"Who exactly do you think would have the man power, and time to do this? America has boats docking and leaving ports non-stop, you start even doing modest searches of the ships and the trade routes would be backed up for days, not to mention if you patted the ship down.

What is the point of owning a gun if you don't know how to use it? Reading the owners manual doesn't teach you how to shoot a a gun accuratetly, accuracy can only be perfected by training with the gunans shooting it regularly. My friend and I go to the range to shoot semi-regularly and shoot at LEAST 100 rounds each. Have you ever tried to clean up melted rubber? there is practicly no removing it....

A gun is a tool, it is meerly a divice that launches a projectile out of a barrel. A Steak knife is a tool used to cut up meat, until someone takes it and stabs people. A pillow is just a bag of cuddly pluff, untill somebody takes it and smothers another with it. Steel-toed boots are a construction workers saftey equipment untill they kick the s**t out of someone. A car is just a mode of transportation, untill you use it to run over pedestrians..... the list goes on... You say a gun is a weapon, but it is no more a weapon than an airsoft toy. Just because one CAN kill doesn't mean that everyone uses it too and that applies to the whole list up there. Once again, just because the kid didn't follow the rules when he ran with scissors, we don't ban them. The Owners manuals of any firearm will have disclaimers that says something to the effect of the five rules."

Yes, i know there are alot of points I didn't adress in my responses... The conversation is still going on and I will update when possible.  



PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 3:20 pm
You're doing a good job, Freak. Remember, everyone you set straight and make understand this stuff will pass on your information to other misinformed persons. By helping one you can help many. If we all do this the ignorance will slowly die out, the criminals will fear the armed populace, and gun owners will be praised rather than denounced.

Still, there are some people you have to give up on. Some people are so brainwashed and out of touch with reality that they can't be reasoned with.  
PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 3:46 pm
You're doing a good job, Freak. Remember, everyone you set straight and make understand this stuff will pass on your information to other misinformed persons. By helping one you can help many. If we all do this the ignorance will slowly die out, the criminals will fear the armed populace, and gun owners will be praised rather than denounced.

Still, there are some people you have to give up on. Some people are so brainwashed and out of touch with reality that they can't be reasoned with.

Yeah, but this isn't one of those people. they have been resonable and havn't been prasing the same bullshit the whole way.... I have hope for this one.  




PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:29 pm
1792: Nevar forget. That's the act that made it a crime to not own a gun... for 120 years.  
PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:42 pm

Use it well, Freak.  

uryu ishida


PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 8:35 pm
uryu ishida

Use it well, Freak.

but... but.... I HATE PDFs!!!!!!  
PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 8:36 pm
1792: Nevar forget. That's the act that made it a crime to not own a gun... for 120 years.

Why do these types of things have to expire???  



PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:26 pm
1792: Nevar forget. That's the act that made it a crime to not own a gun... for 120 years.

Why do these types of things have to expire???

I'm not sure, but it should have a shelf life of 'eternity'.

I hate PDFs as well. They always crash my firefox.  
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