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Tags: soquili services, soquili, horse, fantasy breedables, native america 

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:23 am

Mementos of my Friends

Username: -Nessus-Euenos-
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted

User Image Uncert

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Soft snow. Red and gold.

Likes: Long fetlocks, delicate/elegant hairstyles (for males and females,) simple accessories.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:14 pm

Mementos of my Friends

Username: Hyperthymesia
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted

Plushie is Elrohir Tiwele Goldenleaf (stallion).
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert
Concept! heart

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted



Tipsy Fairy

19,575 Points
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  • Invisibility 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 9:35 am

Mementos of my Friends

Username: Natitsuri
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted

User Image Uncert

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Rainbow, Black/White

Likes: Light colors, rainbows, accessories

Dislikes: Gore, bland colors
PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 11:31 am

Mementos of my Friends

Username: Heavenly Snow
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted

N/A No Preference

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image Uncert

User Image Uncert

User Image Uncerted

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Natural Horse Breed Color, red, black, white, this color combo

Likes: Jewelry, wings, horns, feathers, Alicorn, Winds, hippogryph, fluffy hooves, draft, roman nose, LoTR, Hobbit, World of Warcraft, Zelda, fantasy, D&D, Pride & Prejudice, Lindsey Stirling (I might just be listing things, but they might provide some inpiration)

Dislikes: Skinwalkers, mutants, yellow, gold jewelry, tails & manes dragging on ground


Link to Quests

Wishing star: What my soquili are looking for

N/A Mock breeding listed is due to fact Spitfire isn't Canon yet.


User Image - Angeni of Charity linked above


Lonely Browser


Devoted Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 11:39 am

Mementos of my Friends

Username: dolphingurl
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
User Image uncert, on black
Preferred gender is female (a mother to Aiyana/Lynae)

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert

So people don't have to ask me constantly Color preferences/Fave Color Combos:
Blue/green, white, silver
Peacocks, flowers, lots of hair
Kalona, skinwalker, gore


Link to Quests

Wishing star: What my soquili are looking for
Family (Aiyana/Lynae family)

LINKS TO PLUSHIES FROM PREVIOUS EVENTS I want More of these (With these changes
PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 12:31 pm

Rolled by Troll!

Mementos of my Friends

Username: ChibiNature
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image Uncert

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos:
Pinks, Purples, Golds
Small braids and litte beads inter-woven in the hair, a bandana around the neck, delicate designs, feathering of hoof hair
Kalona, skinwalker, gore, bold designs


Anxious Bunny

10,575 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Battle: Mage 100
  • Cat Fancier 100

Heavenly Snow

Dangerous Shapeshifter

8,200 Points
  • Team Jacob 100
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  • Dressed Up 200
PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 10:47 pm

Mementos of my Friends

Username: Heavenly Snow
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image Uncert

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Natural colors, and natural colors with unnatural colored markings, colors taken from nature (favor an element, season, etc), and sometimes I just like being surprised. Taking several different shades of one color and using tribal like markings.

Likes: Hair that's flowy, long, braided, elegant styles. Colors that compliment, natural colors. Blood, bones, evil, gothic, dragons, feathers, tribal or fancy markings, weird/supernatural looking eyes, wings, horns/antlers, earthy, plants, harvest themes, bio-luminescence, drafts

Dislikes: Zombies, clowns, eye rape colors (most of the time), spiders, tentacles


Link to Quests none right now

Wishing star: What my soquili are looking for Looking for a mate, Looking for a sibling.

LINKS TO PLUSHIES FROM PREVIOUS EVENTS I want More of these (With these changes)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 11:07 pm

CC'd by Slimy
Mementos of my Friends

Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image Uncert
User Image

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos:

Likes: Pink, feathers, pastel rainbows, cats, naturals

Dislikes: Brown/Yellow/Black combos, tribal


Wishing star: What my soquili are looking for

User Image - a twin brother, kalona




Sparkly Gekko

PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 12:19 am

Mementos of my Friends

Username: Tamiko_kitten
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
User Image Uncert

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User ImageUncert

User Image Uncert

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos:

Likes: harpy, peacock, kalona, natural-ish soquili

Dislikes: drafts, bald ponies, human clothing, pastel colours, neon
PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 12:52 pm

Mementos of my Friends

Username: The Dawn of Twilight
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image Uncert
User ImageUncert
User ImageUncert

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Red and black, Winter hues (whites, grays, pale blues), Reindeer.

Likes: Bleached-bone accessories, feathers...

The Dawn of Twilight


Wheezing Hoarder

11,150 Points
  • Friendly 100
  • Generous 100
  • Tycoon 200
PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 3:11 pm

Mementos of my Friends

Username: Juliette06
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image Uncert

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y26/Malikztiah/Plushes/wint/spacejulie.png

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos:
Color pref: not the biggest fan of pink, but in small doses; blue's my favorite color, closely followed by green
Color combos: Black and any shade of blue
white and any shade of blue
black and green
orange and red/pink
purple and white
rainbow 8D

Uni, wind/flutter, Cerynei, kirin

minis (yes sorry), mer, kalona, kelpi
too simple of desigs
all black/one color
but seriously not a whole lot, i love everything


Link to Quests Here <3

Wishing star: What my soquili are looking for

LINKS TO PLUSHIES FROM PREVIOUS EVENTS I want More of these (With these changes
PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 8:50 pm

Mementos of my Friends

Username: lucystar
Proof of Plush: http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y272/mariad21/lucysoqcert_zps9631c504.png

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y272/mariad21/lucysoq_zps9adae25a.png

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y272/mariad21/lucystar-12_zps2d779d94.png

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: blue green, blue, blizzar blue; cerise, carnation pink, cotton candy; plum, violet, vivid violet and black

Likes: roses or any flowers, stars and moons, wings, snow, rain/water

Dislikes: blood, gore


Link to Quests

Wishing star: What my soquili are looking for

LINKS TO PLUSHIES FROM PREVIOUS EVENTS I want More of these (With these changes


10,825 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Signature Look 250
  • Person of Interest 200


Skilled Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 9:46 pm

Mementos of my Friends

Username: cyhorse
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image Uncert

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image Uncert based on: [X]

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos:
Love purple and any color with purple.
Natural color combos
Black and another color or rainbow
White and rainbow

Edited mane/tails
Expression changes
Winter Themed
Unikalona, uni, kalona, angeni
Accessories: Bones, feathers, skulls, bandanas, leather bracelets, chains, bow
Natural markings
Tribal markings

Guts hanging out
Clashing colors
Bird claws/talons
Feathers as hair/tail


Link to Quests

Wishing star: What my soquili are looking for
User Image

User Image

User Image x User Image

User Image x User Image

LINKS TO PLUSHIES FROM PREVIOUS EVENTS I want More of these (With these changes
User Image
User Image
PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 2:52 pm

I already won an December Freebie
Link to win:

Deck the Halls (Shesha Sama gifted me the other pair from her win. heart )

Mementos of my Friends

Username: Huroggmeten
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
User Image Uncert


User Image Uncert
Sibling to Elen; Falcon-style Hippogryph wings if possible, please? heart

Likes: Simple, soft, elegant.


Shesha Sama

Protected Aura

PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 3:49 pm

I already won an December Freebie
Link to win: Deck the Halls Free Raffle

Mementos of my Friends

Username: Shesha Sama
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted

User Image Uncert

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Dark purple and pale blue, shades of green, grey.

Likes: Coal. ( xd )

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